Sfoglia per Relatore
Development of a setup for ultrafast scanning electron microscopy
Impact assestment of open-ended laboratory activities on TOL and TOLC-I engineering entrance test performances
Improving the learning experience in STEM programmes: peer learning as a key factor of an integrated approach in large size classes
2020/2021 BOZZI, MATTEO
Item analysis of a physics multiple choice test designed for an orientation course
2022/2023 PITTINI, SARA
Fulltext | Data | Tipo | Titolo | Autore (i) |
2014-07-25 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Development of a setup for ultrafast scanning electron microscopy | FACCHI, GUGLIELMO | |
2024-07-16 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Impact assestment of open-ended laboratory activities on TOL and TOLC-I engineering entrance test performances | MINNECI, FRANCESCO | |
2021-06-23 | Tesi di Dottorato | Improving the learning experience in STEM programmes: peer learning as a key factor of an integrated approach in large size classes | BOZZI, MATTEO | |
2023-12-19 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Item analysis of a physics multiple choice test designed for an orientation course | PITTINI, SARA |
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