Sfoglia per Relatore
Multi-state physics modeling for the reliability assessment of nuclear power plants piping systems
2013/2014 COLLI, DAVIDE
Passive safety systems in Generation III+ nuclear reactors : sensitivity analysis of the PCCS of the AP1000
Probabilistic analysis of casing string failure in an oil and gas well
2014/2015 BRIVIO, LUCA
Semi-supervised self-organizing maps for post-processing dynamic scenarios of an integrated deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis
Fulltext | Data | Tipo | Titolo | Autore (i) |
2014-10-03 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Multi-state physics modeling for the reliability assessment of nuclear power plants piping systems | COLLI, DAVIDE | |
2013-12-18 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Passive safety systems in Generation III+ nuclear reactors : sensitivity analysis of the PCCS of the AP1000 | NICOLA, GIANCARLO | |
2016-04-27 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Probabilistic analysis of casing string failure in an oil and gas well | BRIVIO, LUCA | |
2015-07-28 | Tesi di laurea Magistrale | Semi-supervised self-organizing maps for post-processing dynamic scenarios of an integrated deterministic and probabilistic safety analysis | ROSSETTI, ROBERTA |
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