E-Health and telemedicine, that provide distant health assistance, are widely known as the key solution for future high quality and sustainable worldwide healthcare systems. The widespread adoption of e-health systems, that leverage modern electronic and communication technologies, does not only depend on their functional features, but also on their acceptance by final users. The aim of this work is to investigate user acceptance and willingness to pay for AMICOMED Check, a consumer oriented telemedicine service for remote blood pressure monitoring that is powered by Quasarmed, an Italian start up. The service is currently offered to high blood pressure sufferers only. Nevertheless, blood pressure monitoring is widely known to be important not only for hypertension management , but also to promote the awareness of cardiovascular risks and consequently prevent cardiovascular events among the population. For this reason, this work focuses on finding a new target market, among the not hypertensive population, to whom AMICOMED Check could be offered as an health prevention tool. The aim of the work was pursued by developing an extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM - Davis, 1989) that investigates the consumers' intention to accept the AMICOMED Check system. Besides the TAM constructs Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, the model also includes the variables Subjective Norms, Media Influence, Prevention Awareness, Innovativeness, Technology Promptness and Demographic Characteristics (Age, Gender, Education and Income). Since the considered service requires a payment, willingness to pay for it was also taken into consideration. The research was carried on by interviewing 211 possible target customers to whom a dedicated questionnaire was presented: 150 questionnaires, completed by self-reported not hypertensive people, were selected. The interviews’ results were elaborated using a PLS-SEM data analysis algorithm run by SmartPLS software. The results show how the target customers acceptance depends, according to the literature, on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Subjective Norms: the customers would use and pay for the service only if they believe that it would be useful and easy to use. Moreover, the opinion of relatives and beloved people can also influence the end-users’ attitude towards the service. Perceived Usefulness is explained by Prevention Awareness, meaning that the service is perceived as useful only by users that are aware of the importance of prevention in healthcare, but additional factors, not identified by this study, surely concur. Perceived Ease of Use is well-explained by Innovativeness and Technology Promptness, meaning that the service is perceived easy to use only by users that are familiar with and willing to use mobile technologies. Surprisingly, among the demographic variables, the only significant relations are those between Age and Instruction and Willingness to Pay.
L’e-health e la telemedicina, che permettono di fornire assistenza sanitaria a distanza, sono considerate a livello internazionale la chiave per lo sviluppo globale di sistemi sanitari sostenibili e di qualità. L’adozione sistematica di sistemi e-health, che sfruttano le moderne tecnologie IT, non dipende solo dalle loro caratteristiche funzionali, ma anche dall’accettazione di tali servizi da parte degli utilizzatori cui sono destinati. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è verificare l’accettazione e disponibilità a pagare per AMICOMED Check, un servizio di telemedicina consumer che costituisce un supporto al monitoraggio domiciliare della pressione arteriosa. Il servizio è stato sviluppato dalla start up italiana Quasarmed ed è attualmente offerto al solo target degli ipertesi. Ciò nonostante, è ampiamente riconosciuto in ambito clinico che il monitoraggio domiciliare della pressione arteriosa è fondamentale non solo per la gestione dell’ipertensione, ma anche per ottenere una diagnosi precoce della patologia, principale fattore di rischio modificabile, e conseguentemente prevenire eventi cardiovascolari. Dati questi presupposti, il presente studio di ricerca si focalizza su un nuovo potenziale target di mercato, ovvero la popolazione non ipertesa, cui il servizio AMICOMED Check potrebbe essere offerto come strumento di prevenzione sanitaria. L’obiettivo del lavoro è stato perseguito sviluppando un’estensione del modello TAM (Technology Acceptance Model – Davis, 1989) che investiga le determinanti dell’accettazione del servizio e, essendo il servizio a pagamento, anche la disponibilità a pagare per esso. Oltre ai costrutti Perceived Usefulness e Perceived Ease of Use, tradizionali componenti del modello TAM, vengono incluse anche le variabili Subjective Norms, Media Influence, Prevention Awareness, Innovativeness, Technology Promptness ed alcuni attributi demografici (Sesso, Età, Reddito, Istruzione). Sono state condotte 211 interviste e sono stati selezionati 150 questionari completati da persone che si sono dichiarate non ipertese. L’analisi dei dati raccolti è stata condotta con il metodo PLS-SEM, utilizzando il software dedicato SmartPLS. I risultati ottenuti sono coerenti con quanto reperito in letteratura e mostrano come l’accettazione e la disponibilità a pagare per il servizio di telemedicina dipendano dall’utilità e dalla facilità d’utilizzo che gli si attribuisce. Inoltre, anche l’opinione di parenti/persone care dell’utilizzatore può influenzare la sua attitudine rispetto al servizio. La variabile Perceived Usefulness è spiegata da Prevention Awareness: questo significa che solo coloro che sono ben informati sul tema della prevenzione in ambito sanitario ritengono che il servizio sia utile; i risultati ottenuti suggeriscono però anche che altri fattori esplicativi, non identificati in questo modello, debbano essere considerati tra le determinanti dell’utilità percepita. La variabile Perceived Ease of Use è invece spiegata in modo esaustivo da Innovativeness e Technology Promptness: solo chi ha buona familiarità e disponibilità di tecnologie mobile ritiene che il servizio sia semplice da usare. Sorprendentemente, tra le variabili demografiche considerate le sole Età ed Istruzione sono risultate avere un legame significativo con la disponibilità a pagare per il servizio.
Accettazione e disponibilità a pagare per il servizio di telemedicina AMICOMED Check : analisi delle determinanti nel caso della prevenzione dell'ipertensione arteriosa
E-Health and telemedicine, that provide distant health assistance, are widely known as the key solution for future high quality and sustainable worldwide healthcare systems. The widespread adoption of e-health systems, that leverage modern electronic and communication technologies, does not only depend on their functional features, but also on their acceptance by final users. The aim of this work is to investigate user acceptance and willingness to pay for AMICOMED Check, a consumer oriented telemedicine service for remote blood pressure monitoring that is powered by Quasarmed, an Italian start up. The service is currently offered to high blood pressure sufferers only. Nevertheless, blood pressure monitoring is widely known to be important not only for hypertension management , but also to promote the awareness of cardiovascular risks and consequently prevent cardiovascular events among the population. For this reason, this work focuses on finding a new target market, among the not hypertensive population, to whom AMICOMED Check could be offered as an health prevention tool. The aim of the work was pursued by developing an extension of the technology acceptance model (TAM - Davis, 1989) that investigates the consumers' intention to accept the AMICOMED Check system. Besides the TAM constructs Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use, the model also includes the variables Subjective Norms, Media Influence, Prevention Awareness, Innovativeness, Technology Promptness and Demographic Characteristics (Age, Gender, Education and Income). Since the considered service requires a payment, willingness to pay for it was also taken into consideration. The research was carried on by interviewing 211 possible target customers to whom a dedicated questionnaire was presented: 150 questionnaires, completed by self-reported not hypertensive people, were selected. The interviews’ results were elaborated using a PLS-SEM data analysis algorithm run by SmartPLS software. The results show how the target customers acceptance depends, according to the literature, on Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Subjective Norms: the customers would use and pay for the service only if they believe that it would be useful and easy to use. Moreover, the opinion of relatives and beloved people can also influence the end-users’ attitude towards the service. Perceived Usefulness is explained by Prevention Awareness, meaning that the service is perceived as useful only by users that are aware of the importance of prevention in healthcare, but additional factors, not identified by this study, surely concur. Perceived Ease of Use is well-explained by Innovativeness and Technology Promptness, meaning that the service is perceived easy to use only by users that are familiar with and willing to use mobile technologies. Surprisingly, among the demographic variables, the only significant relations are those between Age and Instruction and Willingness to Pay.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
2014_12_Del Mauro.pdf
solo utenti autorizzati dal 28/11/2015
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