Different approaches have been proposed in order to determine the material behaviour of ductile materials. Since, the mechanical properties of an industrial component are modified during manufacturing process due to plastic deformation, heat treatment and etc, an alternative approach for standard experimental procedure addressed to predict the elastic-plastic properties of material after manufacturing process is of interest. Indentation testing, where a diamond indenter of specific geometry is impressed into the surface of the test specimen, provides array of information about the material which can be can analysed to understand better the material behaviour. This is especially true for small size components where it is also complex to extract specimens to test on standard test system. There are numerous studies regarding determination of mechanical properties of bulk material by means of indentation in the literature, however, more research is needed to achieve a robust and efficient procedure. This work is aimed to investigate in exploitation of indentation technique for the acquisition of several mechanical properties. Capability of the technique to acquire elastoplastic behaviour and fracture is investigated with relevant applications. Moreover, the capability of the method to deal with multilayer structure has been investigated. Several researchers have studied different approaches based on dimensional analysis and the concept of a representative strain. In this work, a well-defined optimization procedure is proposed to characterize the plasticity of bulk material where the optimization strategy is sequential and domain reduction. As an application for the proposed strategy, the Johnson-Cook (JC) constitutive model of the aluminium alloy Al6061-T6 is characterized based on micro-indentation testing and high fidelity finite element models (inverse method). This methodology allows determining a set of JC constants for Al6061-T6. The obtained results have good agreement with parameters calibrated by means of a consolidated approach based on standard specimens. Furthermore, after understanding of indentation mechanics for bulk material, studying indentation for multi-layer structures is very stimulating. It is a more challenging scenario, in comparison to bulk material, because experimental results, obtained during indentation on the external layer, are affected by mutual interaction of the layers (internal layers work as a non rigid basement). In this work, effectiveness of a well-known analytical model to evaluate elasticity (in the case of multi-layer structures) is studied. Regarding plasticity, there are several researches in literature to evaluate the effect of substrate based on dimensional analysis however a well-described inverse method is proposed in this thesis and behaviour of two industrial multi-layer structures are investigated: Lithium-ion battery and Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE). In particular, extensive experiments are performed in which indentation technique has been exploited to investigate the mechanical properties of the components of lithium-ion battery with the aim of better understanding their mechanical integrity. Indentation tests are performed on each individual component with a Berkovich indenter. In order to perform the tests, fused silica substrate (which has well-known mechanical properties) has been used to constrain the samples. From the unloading curve of the measured indentation load-displacement data, the elasticity of the anode and current collectors are obtained. Also, the individual stress-strain curves are calculated through inverse engineering method of the loading curve. Micro-tensile tests are also carried out on the aluminium and copper foils to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Also, micro-structure analysis has been performed to give an insight into the structure of the battery components which is necessary for small scale mechanical characterization. Moreover, Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE) is studied as a well-known multi-layer structure in aerospace industry. The main purpose of the work has been to study the mechanical behaviour of the Al2024-T3 layer. In this study, indentation tests with different applied load are carried out to study the effect of glass fibre/epoxy prepreg substrate. Regarding to the plastic behaviour, an optimization procedure has been followed to obtain stress-strain curve. The effectiveness of the inverse analysis method, which is obtained from an extensive procedure involving numerical analysis and indentation experiments, is verified by comparing to literature values. Fracture analysis using indentation technique has been of interest for the present work. At present researchers focus more on the estimation (by means of microndentation technique) of fracture toughness of brittle materials. However in order to evaluate fracture toughness of ductile materials which exhibit a more complex behaviour, more research is needed to have a robust approach for this type of material. Therefore, a novel approach is proposed to estimate the fracture toughness of ductile materials. The Berkovich indenter is adopted to generate a crack-like indent and the experimental data have been elaborated on the base of the principal concept of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) and a model of indentation energy to fracture. Considering the stress intensity approach and the Griffith theory, energy per unit area value is used to calculate the fracture toughness of the ductile material. As an application, the fracture toughness of the aluminium alloy Al6061-T6 is evaluated by this approach. Traditional compact tension (CT) tests have been performed to attest the accuracy of the proposed approach and a numerical analysis is adopted to investigate the stress state in the indentation test.
Attualmente esistono numerosi approcci volti alla caratterizzazione del comportamento meccanico dei materiali, soprattutto di tipo duttile, che tengano anche conto delle modifiche dovute ai processi di fabbricazione. Poiché le proprietà meccaniche di un componente vengono modificate durante il processo di fabbricazione, a causa per esempio di deformazioni plastiche, trattamenti termici e ecc, risulta di particolare interesse un approccio alternativo alle procedure di verifica standard del componente. Prove di indentazione (oggetto di questa stesi), con i quali si studia l’effetto di una indentazione operata da un penetratore in diamante sulla superficie del provino, possono fornire una serie di importanti informazioni sulle caratteristiche del materiale senza dover effettuare ulteriori test sperimentali. Ciò è particolarmente vero per i componenti di piccole dimensioni, dai quali è particolarmente complesso estrarre campioni utili per effettuare prove di laboratorio attraverso altre metodologie. In letteratura ci sono numerosi studi riguardanti le tecniche di indentazione, tuttavia, sono necessarie ulteriori ricerche per ottenere delle procedure robuste ed efficienti. Questo lavoro si propone di investigare le effettive potenzialità di questo approccio sia nella caratterizzazione del comportamento elastoplastico del materiale che in quello della resistenza a frattura, anche attraverso esempi applicativi. Inoltre viene studiata la possibilità di estendere l’utilizzo di questo metodo anche alla verifica di strutture multistrato. Diversi ricercatori hanno studiato vari approcci basati sia sull’analisi dimensionale che su quella denominata ’representative strain’. In questo lavoro, ci si propone di utilizzare un ulteriore metodo per caratterizzare la plasticità del materiale attraverso una procedura di ottimizzazione (attraverso anche l’uso di modelli numerici) basata su di un approccio sequenziale a riduzione di dominio. Per la validazione della procedura, viene caratterizzato la legge costitutiva della lega di alluminio AL6061-T6, attraverso il modello di Johnson-Cook (JC), sulla base di test di micro-indentazione coadiuvati dall’utilizzo di raffinati modelli ad elementi finiti (inverse method). Questa metodologia ha consentito di determinare le costanti caratteristiche della legge JC (per la lega di alluminio AL6061-T6) in buon accordo con i parametri ottenuti mediante la calibrazione attraverso un approccio consolidato basato su provini standard (tensile test). Inoltre, completata la fase di studio e ottimizzazione del metodo di indentazione applicato ai materiali omogenei, il metodo proposto è stato investigato anche per la caratterizzazione di un materiale multistrato. Questo è infatti uno scenario più impegnativo, rispetto al precedente, perché i risultati sperimentali ottenuti attraverso l’indentazione dello strato esterno, sono influenzati dagli strati sottostanti (che risultano avere rigidezza/cedevolezza diverse). In questo lavoro viene studiata e verificata l'efficacia di un noto modello analitico capace di valutare l’effettiva elasticità del materiale nel caso di strutture multistrato. Per quanto riguarda la plasticità, ci sono diversi studi in letteratura volti a valutare l'effetto dei substrati in base all'analisi dimensionale. In questa tesi viene descritto in maniera dettagliata un approccio del tipo “inverse method” (ottimizzazione attraverso l’uso di analisi numeriche) e viene indagato il comportamento di due strutture multistrato di prodizione industriali: batterie agli ioni di litio e struttura laminata di tipo ‘Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE)’. Molta attività sperimentale viene dedicata all’applicazione del metodo dell’indentazione per studiare le proprietà meccaniche dei componenti di una batteria agli ioni di litio con lo scopo di comprendere meglio la loro integrità meccanica. I test di indentazione vengono eseguiti su ogni singolo componente con un penetratore Berkovich. Per effettuare le prove è stato utilizzato un substrato in silicio fuso sul quale sono stati vincolare i campioni. Dalla curva di scarico, ottenute in termini di forza-spostamento attraverso i test di indentazione effettuati, è stata valutata l’effettiva l'elasticità del materiale dell'anodo e dei collettori di corrente. Inoltre, sono state calcolate le singole curve sforzo-deformazione attraverso l’approccio inverse method applicato alle curve di carico. Micro-test di trazione sono eseguiti su alluminio e rame per verificare l'efficacia del metodo proposto. Inoltre, è stata effettuata l'analisi micro-strutturale dei materiali dei componenti della batteria. Per quanto concerne il laminato di tipo Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE), questo materiale materiale è molto utilizzato in ambito aerospaziale. Lo scopo principale del lavoro è stato quello di studiare il comportamento meccanico dello strato in Al2024-T3 presente nel laminato. In questo studio, sono stati effettuate indentazioni a carico variabile al fine di studiare l’effetto di del ‘glass fibre/epoxy prepreg‘ sullo strato di alluminio. Relativamente al comportamento plastico, è stata seguita una procedura di ottimizzazione per ottenere la curva sforzo-deformazione. L'efficacia del metodo è stata verificata confrontando i risultati con i valori ottenuti dalle ricerche bibliografiche. Inoltre nel presente lavoro viene anche studiata la tecnica di indentazione associata alla fracture analysis. In letteratura esistono molti studi riguardanti lo studio della frattura di materiali fragili attraverso la micro-indentazione. Tuttavia, al fine di valutare la resistenza anche dei materiali duttili è necessario un approccio di ricerca specifico al fine di ottenere una robusta caratterizzazione. Pertanto, viene proposto un nuovo approccio per stimare la resistenza alla frattura di materiali duttili. Il penetratore Berkovich viene utilizzato per generare un’indentazione/difetto simile ad una cricca e i dati sperimentali vengono elaborati sulla base della ‘continuum damage mechanics’ (CDM) e modelli energetici associati alla meccanica della frattura. Utilizzando la teoria dello “Stress Intensity Factor” e il lavoro di Griffith viene valutata la ‘fracture toughness’ della lega di alluminio AL6061-T6: sono stati inoltre eseguiti tradizionali test di meccanica della frattura su provini di trazione (CT) per verificare l'accuratezza del metodo proposto.
Indentation: mechanics and applications
Different approaches have been proposed in order to determine the material behaviour of ductile materials. Since, the mechanical properties of an industrial component are modified during manufacturing process due to plastic deformation, heat treatment and etc, an alternative approach for standard experimental procedure addressed to predict the elastic-plastic properties of material after manufacturing process is of interest. Indentation testing, where a diamond indenter of specific geometry is impressed into the surface of the test specimen, provides array of information about the material which can be can analysed to understand better the material behaviour. This is especially true for small size components where it is also complex to extract specimens to test on standard test system. There are numerous studies regarding determination of mechanical properties of bulk material by means of indentation in the literature, however, more research is needed to achieve a robust and efficient procedure. This work is aimed to investigate in exploitation of indentation technique for the acquisition of several mechanical properties. Capability of the technique to acquire elastoplastic behaviour and fracture is investigated with relevant applications. Moreover, the capability of the method to deal with multilayer structure has been investigated. Several researchers have studied different approaches based on dimensional analysis and the concept of a representative strain. In this work, a well-defined optimization procedure is proposed to characterize the plasticity of bulk material where the optimization strategy is sequential and domain reduction. As an application for the proposed strategy, the Johnson-Cook (JC) constitutive model of the aluminium alloy Al6061-T6 is characterized based on micro-indentation testing and high fidelity finite element models (inverse method). This methodology allows determining a set of JC constants for Al6061-T6. The obtained results have good agreement with parameters calibrated by means of a consolidated approach based on standard specimens. Furthermore, after understanding of indentation mechanics for bulk material, studying indentation for multi-layer structures is very stimulating. It is a more challenging scenario, in comparison to bulk material, because experimental results, obtained during indentation on the external layer, are affected by mutual interaction of the layers (internal layers work as a non rigid basement). In this work, effectiveness of a well-known analytical model to evaluate elasticity (in the case of multi-layer structures) is studied. Regarding plasticity, there are several researches in literature to evaluate the effect of substrate based on dimensional analysis however a well-described inverse method is proposed in this thesis and behaviour of two industrial multi-layer structures are investigated: Lithium-ion battery and Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE). In particular, extensive experiments are performed in which indentation technique has been exploited to investigate the mechanical properties of the components of lithium-ion battery with the aim of better understanding their mechanical integrity. Indentation tests are performed on each individual component with a Berkovich indenter. In order to perform the tests, fused silica substrate (which has well-known mechanical properties) has been used to constrain the samples. From the unloading curve of the measured indentation load-displacement data, the elasticity of the anode and current collectors are obtained. Also, the individual stress-strain curves are calculated through inverse engineering method of the loading curve. Micro-tensile tests are also carried out on the aluminium and copper foils to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Also, micro-structure analysis has been performed to give an insight into the structure of the battery components which is necessary for small scale mechanical characterization. Moreover, Glass Laminate Aluminium Reinforced Epoxy (GLARE) is studied as a well-known multi-layer structure in aerospace industry. The main purpose of the work has been to study the mechanical behaviour of the Al2024-T3 layer. In this study, indentation tests with different applied load are carried out to study the effect of glass fibre/epoxy prepreg substrate. Regarding to the plastic behaviour, an optimization procedure has been followed to obtain stress-strain curve. The effectiveness of the inverse analysis method, which is obtained from an extensive procedure involving numerical analysis and indentation experiments, is verified by comparing to literature values. Fracture analysis using indentation technique has been of interest for the present work. At present researchers focus more on the estimation (by means of microndentation technique) of fracture toughness of brittle materials. However in order to evaluate fracture toughness of ductile materials which exhibit a more complex behaviour, more research is needed to have a robust approach for this type of material. Therefore, a novel approach is proposed to estimate the fracture toughness of ductile materials. The Berkovich indenter is adopted to generate a crack-like indent and the experimental data have been elaborated on the base of the principal concept of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) and a model of indentation energy to fracture. Considering the stress intensity approach and the Griffith theory, energy per unit area value is used to calculate the fracture toughness of the ductile material. As an application, the fracture toughness of the aluminium alloy Al6061-T6 is evaluated by this approach. Traditional compact tension (CT) tests have been performed to attest the accuracy of the proposed approach and a numerical analysis is adopted to investigate the stress state in the indentation test.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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