Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) is a field of research and application aiming at detecting the degradation onset of industrial equipment, diagnosing its faults, predicting its failure time and proactively managing its maintenance to avoid shutdown. PHM relies on diverse sources of information collected through sensors placed on the equipment representative of the equipment behaviour and of the operational conditions the equipment is subjected to. This PhD work addresses the challenges that fault detection, fault diagnostics and fault prognostics systems development faces when dealing with industrial equipment working under variable operational conditions. In this work, novel computational methods are proposed to address the detection of incipient faults, the diagnostics of their causes and the prognostics of the available time to undertake effective countermeasures on an equipment working under variable operational conditions. Firstly, a method is proposed for quantifying and controlling the uncertainty affecting the performance of a fault detection system due to the variable operational conditions experienced by an equipment during its life, based on the offline estimation of Prediction Intervals (PIs) with a predefined confidence level by using Order Statistics (OS) theory. PIs are, then, exploited within an online non-parametric, sequential decision strategy to assess whether the equipment is working in normal or abnormal conditions irrespective of the actual operational conditions. This method will be shown to overcome traditional auto-associative approaches when dealing with fault detection under variable operational conditions, for example during transients affected by large process uncertainty. Once an abnormal condition is detected, a fault diagnostics system is generally used to identify the causes of the occurred abnormality. This is traditionally done by partitioning the collected data into dissimilar groups (whose number is generally “a priori” unknown, that makes the problem unsupervised) and, then, among these, identifying the characteristics of the different groups of behavior. To this aim, an unsupervised ensemble clustering method is developed for identifying the characteristics of the equipment behaviour under different operational conditions that can be provided to the diagnosis system as an adjuvant information that may enhance the characterization of the causes of degradation process that leads the equipment towards failure. Finally, the benefit of utilizing the information collected on an heterogeneous fleet of equipment experiencing different operational conditions is shown on the performances of both fault diagnostics and fault prognostics systems. With respect to the former, a framework of analysis is proposed that capitalizes all the available information of the fleet by incrementally learning different equipment behaviours and operational conditions of the fleet, without forgetting the previously learnt knowledge. With respect to the latter, a method based on an Homogeneous Discrete-Time Finite-State Semi-Markov Model is proposed to model the degradation process and, correspondingly, estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an equipment of a fleet, whose operational conditions are fundamental to characterize the states describing the process. The effectiveness of the proposed fault detection approach is demonstrated on real industrial case concerning 27 shut-down transients of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) turbine, whereas the proposed fault diagnostics approaches are applied to a fleet of two NPPs turbines of 149 and 116 shut-down transients. Finally, the applicability of the proposed fault prognostics approach is shown on two case studies regarding an heterogeneous fleet of aluminum electrolytic capacitors used in electrical automotive industry and an heterogeneous fleet of turbofan engines used in aircraft industry. Results show that, in case of industrial equipment working under variable operational conditions, the proposed PHM methods allow obtaining more accurate, robust and precise detection, diagnostics and prognostics results than with traditional PHM approaches.
La Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) è una disciplina che ha come obiettivo la rivelazione dell’inizio del degrado in componenti industriali, la diagnostica delle sue cause e la predizione del loro tempo di rottura, così che si possano evitare spegnimenti inaspettati dell'impianto grazie ad una programmazione proattiva della manutenzione. I metodi di PHM sfruttano le informazioni provenienti da sensori che monitorano le condizioni operative del sistema, essendo montati in zone rappresentative del sistema. In questa tesi di dottorato viene dettagliatamente analizzata, sviluppata e risolta la problematica dello sviluppo di metodi PHM per componenti che lavorano in diverse condizioni operative. Sono pertanto proposti alcuni innovativi metodi computazionali per identificare un degrado incipienti, diagnosticarne le cause e stimare il tempo residuo entro il quale è necessario attuare misure correttive al fine di evitare situazioni di fallimento dell'intero sistema. In primo luogo viene proposto un metodo di rivelazione del guasto utile a quantificare e controllare l'incertezza che, a causa delle diverse condizioni operative a cui è sottoposto il sistema nel corso della sua vita di funzionamento, ne influenza le performance. Questo primo metodo è basato sulla stima offline di intervalli di predizione (Prediction Intervals, PI) garantendo allo stesso tempo la loro confidenza e attendibilità attraverso la consolidata teoria della statistica d’ordine (Order Statistics, OS). Gli intervalli di predizione (PI) sono poi sfruttati on-line, all'interno di una strategia non-parametrica, al fine di rivelare se il componente sta lavorando in condizioni nominali o in condizioni diverse da quelle attese, ovvero in condizioni anomale. Qualora una condizione di funzionamento anomala venga identificata, generalmente un sistema di diagnostica è usato al fine di individuarne la causa. Generalmente questo viene fatto dividendo i dati raccolti dai sensori in gruppi non simili (il cui numero è solitamente non noto a priori, rendendo il problema non supervisionato) ed andando ad analizzare ed identificare le diverse caratteristiche dei vari gruppi, reputando che queste siano caratteristiche di tipologie di guasto differenti. A questo fine, il secondo metodo proposto in questa tesi consiste in un ensemble clustering non supervisionato particolarmente adatto ad identificare sia le cause che le diverse condizioni operative del sistema che hanno portato il sistema a lavorare in condizioni anomale, così che queste nuove ed aggiuntive informazioni possano migliorare l'individuazione delle cause prime del processo di degrado che portano i componenti al fallimento, prima che questi accadano, sfruttando in continuo monitoraggio delle condizioni operative dei componenti. In ultima analisi, in questa tesi viene mostrato l’effettivo beneficio che si può ottenere dall’utilizzo estensivo di tutte le informazioni che possono essere raccolte da un gruppo eterogeneo di componenti sottoposti a diverse condizioni operative (chiamata flotta), ai fini di uno sviluppo di accurati, precisi e robusti sistemi di diagnostica e prognostica dei guasti. Rispetto all’obiettivo di diagnostica, viene qui proposta un metodo che capitalizzi tutte le informazioni disponibili, imparando in maniera incrementale i diversi comportamenti dei componenti e le diverse condizioni operative del gruppo, garantendo un novetole risparmio in termini di onere computazionale, rispetto a metodi di letteratura che prevedano invece il riaddestramento del metodo di clustering non in maniera incrementale. Rispetto all’obiettivo di prognostica, viene qui proposto un metodo basato su un modello semi-markoviano omogeneo, a tempi e stati discreti che rappresentino i diversi stati del processo di degrado, per la stima della vita residua utile (Remaining Useful Life, RUL) del componente, le cui condizioni operative, essendo variabili, sono fondamentali per caratterizzare l’evoluzione del processo attraverso gli stati di degrado. L'efficacia del metodo di rivelazione dei guasti è mostrato su un caso reale industriale che riguarda 27 transitori di spegnimenti di turbine di impianti nucleari. I metodi di ensemble clustering non supervisionato proposti per la diagnostica dei guasti sono applicati a due turbine di impianti nucleari di 149 e 116 transitori di spegnimento. L'applicabilità dei metodi proposti per la prognostica è mostrata su due casi studio, riguardanti una flotta eterogenea di capacitori elettrolitici utilizzati nell'industria dell’automobile e un gruppo eterogeneo di motori utilizzati nell'industria dell’aeromobile. I risultati mostrano che, nel caso di componenti industriale che operano in condizioni variabili, i metodi di PHM proposti consentono di ottenere dei risultati più accurati, più robusti e precisi dei metodi PHM tradizionali.
Development of data-driven methods for prognostics and health management under variable operational conditions in industrial equipment
Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) is a field of research and application aiming at detecting the degradation onset of industrial equipment, diagnosing its faults, predicting its failure time and proactively managing its maintenance to avoid shutdown. PHM relies on diverse sources of information collected through sensors placed on the equipment representative of the equipment behaviour and of the operational conditions the equipment is subjected to. This PhD work addresses the challenges that fault detection, fault diagnostics and fault prognostics systems development faces when dealing with industrial equipment working under variable operational conditions. In this work, novel computational methods are proposed to address the detection of incipient faults, the diagnostics of their causes and the prognostics of the available time to undertake effective countermeasures on an equipment working under variable operational conditions. Firstly, a method is proposed for quantifying and controlling the uncertainty affecting the performance of a fault detection system due to the variable operational conditions experienced by an equipment during its life, based on the offline estimation of Prediction Intervals (PIs) with a predefined confidence level by using Order Statistics (OS) theory. PIs are, then, exploited within an online non-parametric, sequential decision strategy to assess whether the equipment is working in normal or abnormal conditions irrespective of the actual operational conditions. This method will be shown to overcome traditional auto-associative approaches when dealing with fault detection under variable operational conditions, for example during transients affected by large process uncertainty. Once an abnormal condition is detected, a fault diagnostics system is generally used to identify the causes of the occurred abnormality. This is traditionally done by partitioning the collected data into dissimilar groups (whose number is generally “a priori” unknown, that makes the problem unsupervised) and, then, among these, identifying the characteristics of the different groups of behavior. To this aim, an unsupervised ensemble clustering method is developed for identifying the characteristics of the equipment behaviour under different operational conditions that can be provided to the diagnosis system as an adjuvant information that may enhance the characterization of the causes of degradation process that leads the equipment towards failure. Finally, the benefit of utilizing the information collected on an heterogeneous fleet of equipment experiencing different operational conditions is shown on the performances of both fault diagnostics and fault prognostics systems. With respect to the former, a framework of analysis is proposed that capitalizes all the available information of the fleet by incrementally learning different equipment behaviours and operational conditions of the fleet, without forgetting the previously learnt knowledge. With respect to the latter, a method based on an Homogeneous Discrete-Time Finite-State Semi-Markov Model is proposed to model the degradation process and, correspondingly, estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an equipment of a fleet, whose operational conditions are fundamental to characterize the states describing the process. The effectiveness of the proposed fault detection approach is demonstrated on real industrial case concerning 27 shut-down transients of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) turbine, whereas the proposed fault diagnostics approaches are applied to a fleet of two NPPs turbines of 149 and 116 shut-down transients. Finally, the applicability of the proposed fault prognostics approach is shown on two case studies regarding an heterogeneous fleet of aluminum electrolytic capacitors used in electrical automotive industry and an heterogeneous fleet of turbofan engines used in aircraft industry. Results show that, in case of industrial equipment working under variable operational conditions, the proposed PHM methods allow obtaining more accurate, robust and precise detection, diagnostics and prognostics results than with traditional PHM approaches.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
solo utenti autorizzati dal 13/02/2019
Descrizione: PHD THESIS ALL
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