We live in a highly urbanized world, where everyone feels only comfortable in his virtual life without noticing that we are overlooking every real entity around us. The human being is attracted by the unreal absence of limits of the connected world, so he explores new behaviours and personalities becoming a multifaceted person. Probably this raising attention to the infinite possibilities provided by the web is an indicator of a never ending research of humans’ self-consciousness. Maybe we can not accomplish to our self-analysis because we don’t have a surrounding context able to reflect our complexity. Contemporary man is complicated, a wanderer who needs to find similar people whose interests are far from sedentary. I am fascinated by the facility that people experience in creating online communities through social networks. Users with similar interests, capacities and even troubles find a way to generate complex systems of web micro-communities. At the same time I am overturned by the difficulties that we must deal with when we try to replicate similar interventions in real life. May it be a matter of lack? Do we need specific spaces or situations to create new relations and communities? The thesis project here developed aims at filling this structural emptiness of contemporary society, providing a tangible input for the enhancement of innovative and replicable social practices. The design process I am going to introduce lays the foundation for the development and realisation of the PAAI-Padiglione Adattabile Autogestito Itinerante, multiform architecture available for the inhabitants of District 9 in Milan. The PAAI is meant to be a flexible and itinerant spatial solution, coherently with the fleeting and intangible character of contemporary men. The pavilion will be permeable and wanderer, detached from the rigidity and rigour proper of long-term architecture. My thesis work started from the intangible architectural design of the pavilion and developed an organic place-service system designed for and with neighbours of District 9 of Milan.
Viviamo in un mondo fortemente urbanizzato, in cui l’individuo si rifugia nel comfort della vita virtuale senza accorgersi del suo costante allontanarsi da tutto ciò che di tangibile lo circonda. L’essere umano, online, percepisce una fittizia assenza di limiti che lo spinge a sperimentare, a cambiare aspetto e personalità, trasformandosi in un’entità dalle molteplici sfaccettature. Probabilmente la progressiva attenzione verso le infinite possibilità del mondo virtuale è sintomo di una ricerca di se stessi che non riesce a compiersi, forse a causa della mancanza di un contesto che rispecchi la complessità dell’uomo contemporaneo. L’individuo odierno è sfuggente, complicato, errante… ed ha bisogno di trovare chi, come lui, non è attratto dalla sedentarietà. Mi affascina la facilità con cui si creano innumerevoli gruppi social virtuali attraverso i social network. Utenti con interessi, abilità, a volte anche problematiche simili, riescono a dare vita ad interi sistemi di micro-comunità online. Allo stesso tempo mi sconvolge la difficoltà con cui ci si interfaccia quando tentiamo di replicare la stessa azione nella vita reale. Forse è solo una questione di mancanze; abbiamo bisogno di spazi, occasioni per dare vita a nuove relazioni e nove comunità? Con il progetto sviluppato ed esaminato in questo lavoro di tesi, si vuole colmare questo vuoto strutturale nella società odierna, fornendo un input tangibile per lo sviluppo di pratiche sociali inedite e replicabili. Il processo che analizzerò pone le basi per l’implementazione e la realizzazione del PAAI-Padiglione Adattabile Autogestito Itinerante, struttura multiforme a disposizione degli abitanti di Zona9, Milano. Il PAAI nasce come una struttura flessibile ed itinerante, coerente con la fuggevolezza ed intangibilità dell’uomo contemporaneo. Sarà una struttura mobile e permeabile, slegata dalla durezza e dal rigore dell’architettura a lungo termine. Il mio lavoro di tesi, partendo dalla intangibilità di un progetto architettonico ancora in fase di implementazione, ha portato allo sviluppo di un sistema spazio-servizio organico progettato con e per gli abitanti di Zona 9.
PAAI. A spatial service solution for local social practices
We live in a highly urbanized world, where everyone feels only comfortable in his virtual life without noticing that we are overlooking every real entity around us. The human being is attracted by the unreal absence of limits of the connected world, so he explores new behaviours and personalities becoming a multifaceted person. Probably this raising attention to the infinite possibilities provided by the web is an indicator of a never ending research of humans’ self-consciousness. Maybe we can not accomplish to our self-analysis because we don’t have a surrounding context able to reflect our complexity. Contemporary man is complicated, a wanderer who needs to find similar people whose interests are far from sedentary. I am fascinated by the facility that people experience in creating online communities through social networks. Users with similar interests, capacities and even troubles find a way to generate complex systems of web micro-communities. At the same time I am overturned by the difficulties that we must deal with when we try to replicate similar interventions in real life. May it be a matter of lack? Do we need specific spaces or situations to create new relations and communities? The thesis project here developed aims at filling this structural emptiness of contemporary society, providing a tangible input for the enhancement of innovative and replicable social practices. The design process I am going to introduce lays the foundation for the development and realisation of the PAAI-Padiglione Adattabile Autogestito Itinerante, multiform architecture available for the inhabitants of District 9 in Milan. The PAAI is meant to be a flexible and itinerant spatial solution, coherently with the fleeting and intangible character of contemporary men. The pavilion will be permeable and wanderer, detached from the rigidity and rigour proper of long-term architecture. My thesis work started from the intangible architectural design of the pavilion and developed an organic place-service system designed for and with neighbours of District 9 of Milan.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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