The opportunity to work full time in a design management consultancy had been proved to be my great luck. The 14-month-long experience was and will always be valuable for my personal development. The company PARK offered me a rare platform to learn how to manage design in the business world, to get exposed to the best practices of design in business and to develop my design thinking, innovation capabilities. During my time there, I realized how different the outcome would be if design management is well taken care of and how badly it is acknowledged and done by a lot of companies. Something can be done to change this situation. PARK have been aware of this opportunity since long and been hosting a small-sized annual event called Raymond, gathering design leaders together to discuss a different topic in design management every year, for over a decade. However, although the discussions were fruitful and the attendees were content, Raymond could not sustain itself financially and serve more design leaders. By combining my interest and the company's frustration, my thesis topic was born: knowledge sharing along design leaders. Through desktop, literature researches and reading, I studied and concluded some popular existing theories of design management and the status quo of design management in business world. After that, through interviewing the internal team and some former attendees and reading into archives of former Raymond events, I analysed the old Raymond thoroughly and got inspiration, just as I searched the market for similar services. Based on all these, I developed Raymond into a three-step annual program, with slightly different target customers and audiences each yet a same goal: foster and nourish knowledge sharing among design leaders. The new Raymond not only is a self-sustainable service, but also brings greater value to the design leaders and even them to their companies.
L’opportunità di lavorare full-time per una società di consulenza in design management si è rivelata una grande fortuna. Questi quattordici mesi sono stati e sempre saranno di inestimabile valore per la mia crescita professionale. La compagnia PARK mi ha offerto una piattaforma unica per imparare la gestione del design all’interno del mondo business, apprendere le sue best practice e sviluppare le mie competenze di design thinking e innovazione. Durante questi mesi ho realizzato quanto il risultato di un progetto possa variare se il design management fosse tenuto seriamente in considerazione e quante compagnie ancora oggi fatichino a farlo. C’è un ampio margine di manovra per poter cambiare questa situazione e PARK ha vouto cogliere questa ooportunità sin da subito, cominciando ad ospitare Raymond, un piccolo evento annuale in cui molteplici design leaders si incontrano e discutono un tema relativo al design management, diverso per ogni edizione. Nonostante le discussioni fossero produttive e I partecipanti entusiasti delle tematiche trattate, Raymond non ha potuto auto-sostenersi finanziariamente e invitare ulteriori design leaders. Dall’intersezione tra il mio interesse e la frustrazione della compagnia in merito a questa difficoltà è nata la mia tesi: Knowledge sharing along design leaders. Attraverso una corposa ricerca scientifica, ho studiato alcune tra le più affermate teorie di design management e il suo stato attuale nel mondo business. Dopodichè ho analizzato la storia di Raymond per trarne ispirazione, attraverso interviste al team interno e ai primi partecipanti, di pari passo con la consultazione dell’archivio di tutti gli eventi passati. Questa immersione, unita ad un benchmarking di enti promuoventi lo stesso tipo di offerta, mi ha permesso di sviluppare un programma annuale suddiviso in tre macro-step, con un’unico obiettivo cucito su clienti e audience differenti: favorire e nutrire il knowledge sharing tra design leaders. Il nuovo Raymond non solamente è un servizio auto-sostenibile, ma è in grado di offrire loro un valore ancora più grande.
Knowledge sharing among design leaders
The opportunity to work full time in a design management consultancy had been proved to be my great luck. The 14-month-long experience was and will always be valuable for my personal development. The company PARK offered me a rare platform to learn how to manage design in the business world, to get exposed to the best practices of design in business and to develop my design thinking, innovation capabilities. During my time there, I realized how different the outcome would be if design management is well taken care of and how badly it is acknowledged and done by a lot of companies. Something can be done to change this situation. PARK have been aware of this opportunity since long and been hosting a small-sized annual event called Raymond, gathering design leaders together to discuss a different topic in design management every year, for over a decade. However, although the discussions were fruitful and the attendees were content, Raymond could not sustain itself financially and serve more design leaders. By combining my interest and the company's frustration, my thesis topic was born: knowledge sharing along design leaders. Through desktop, literature researches and reading, I studied and concluded some popular existing theories of design management and the status quo of design management in business world. After that, through interviewing the internal team and some former attendees and reading into archives of former Raymond events, I analysed the old Raymond thoroughly and got inspiration, just as I searched the market for similar services. Based on all these, I developed Raymond into a three-step annual program, with slightly different target customers and audiences each yet a same goal: foster and nourish knowledge sharing among design leaders. The new Raymond not only is a self-sustainable service, but also brings greater value to the design leaders and even them to their companies.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: Thesis
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1_Customer Journey.pdf
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Descrizione: Raymond Customer Journey
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Descrizione: Raymond Personas
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3.0_All Templates.pdf
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Descrizione: Raymond Interchange Templates
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Descrizione: Raymond Websites
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Descrizione: Raymond Exchange Booklet
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4_Raymond Exchange Ticket.pdf
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Descrizione: Raymond Exchange Ticket
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5_Raymond Showroom Ticket.pdf
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Descrizione: Raymond Showroom Ticket
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