In the last two decades, nanotechnologies have gained lot of importance in the medical field. In particular, drug delivery systems are being studied to achieve ad hoc therapies without heavy side effects, e.g. in chemotherapy. Dealing with cancer, it is possible to distinguish between passive delivery systems, that exploit enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect of solid tumors, and active targeting delivery systems, which are antibody-mediated. On tumor cells surface, exposed receptors are the same of physiological cells but it is different the pattern of expression (over-expression) thus allowing a targeted delivery mediated by monoclonal antibody in order to have a generic payload, e.g. a drug molecule or DNA, internalized by the cells. Therefore, the cytotoxic effect of the toxic molecule is exerted in a very focused manner. A payload that is gaining increasing importance is small interfering RNA (siRNA), involved in RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism. Synthetic double-stranded siRNA activates RNAi pathway and drives the cleavage of target messenger RNA (mRNA) present in the cytoplasm by the RNA-induced silencing complex: the result is the reduction of the encoded protein. Linking the underlying mechanism of a disease with a gene is one of the biggest challenge of genomics-driven drug discovery research. The design of siRNA with a very high specificity may bring to the selective suppression of the disease-linked gene: silencing an oncogene expression in tumors may promote apoptosis or enhance sensitivity to chemotherapy thus improving clinical outcomes and patient survival. The demonstration of RNAi-mediated mechanism of target mRNA disruption in human tumors from patients treated in phase I clinical trials provides good expectation for a clinical use of siRNA but the major obstacle is the lack of an efficient delivery system. siRNA is not stable in physiological conditions and since it is a high molecular weight polyanion (13kDa), it is not able to cross cell's membrane. Viral vectors have been studied but nowadays, a biocompatible non-viral nanocarrier is being investigated in order to avoid viral system-related immune reactions. In this work, our ambition is to synthesize an efficient non-viral delivery vector for siRNA and our goal is to achieve antibody-mediated cellular uptake. The monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that were used are Rituximab and Ofatumumab, anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies approved by FDA. The polymer conjugation strategy is a novel one, based on N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) chemistry. A succinimidyl-ester functional group attached to our polymers increases the specificity toward primary amines exposed on antibody surface due to the presence of Lysine aminoacidic residues in the Fc region. The conjugation approach should be efficient, applicable to all mAbs, cost-effective and the produced conjugate is required to maintain epitope-specificity. Our goal is to find a conjugation strategy that facilitates all the previous mentioned characteristics. In order to perform cellular uptake analysis, Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) flow cytometry is required and it is carried out in collaboration with the group of Dr. Paolo Macor in University of Trieste. The polymerization techniques that were exploited are Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain-Transfer (RAFT) polymerization and Ring Opening Polymerization (ROP). In order to be able to trace biological behaviour of our systems we used a fluorescent dye, Rhodamine B, and to insert it inside our polymers, (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-Rhodamine B complex was adopted as a substance that plays the role of monomer in the polymerization. The first RAFT polymers that were synthesized use hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate as a monomer and, to have NHS groups exposed in its surface, RAFT agent 4-Cyano-4-(phenylcarbonothioylthio)pentanoic acid (CPA) was previously functionalized with NHS in order to obtain CPA-NHS. The goal of this step was to study whether mAbs conjugation strategy via NHS is successful or not. Once the antibodies were functionalized with obtained polymers under slightly basic conditions, samples were analyzed by FACS on HEK-293T cells and the result shows that a good cellular uptake was achieved, meaning that conjugation strategy is effective. Second step involves the synthesis of RAFT polymers based on hydrophilic 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate as a monomer and CPA-NHS as RAFT agent, or CPA and further functionalization with NHS follows, in order to bind siRNA through electrostatic interaction. In fact, amino group of 2-Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate is expected to be protonated at physiological pH thus binding siRNA, which is a polyanion. Also 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate copolymers and terpolymers were obtained adding macromonomers as poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate and hydrophobic (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-co-polycaprolactone, which is obtained via ROP. The core idea is to obtain polymers and nanoparticles able to bind siRNA and which can be attached to mAbs via NHS chemistry. After cellular uptake, siRNA is expected to be delivered through polymer degradation and endosomes disruption. A conjugation test using Bovine Serum Albumin was carried out and after its positive outcome, mAbs functionalization was performed. Cellular internalization and epitope specificity were tested with FACS flow cytometry by detecting green fluorescence produced by Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) on CHO cells first and later on MEC-1 cells, which are considered harder to be transfected: results show that a mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) signal was present thus our system is able to transfect cells and release biological active siRNA inside them as demonstrated by target gene inhibition. Of course better tuning and refinements of polymers are required in order to increase MFI and augmenting the percentage of successfully transfected cells. Gold standard used as a reference in this in vitro testing phase is lipofectamine. Besides these, also a brief study on nanoparticles of 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate and (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-co-polycaprolactone was performed to check both the amount of positive charge present by measuring their Zeta-potential and their sizes. Nanoparticles functionalization trial requires the thinking up of an amino-dye in order to mimic mAbs conjugation strategy because the resulting complex cannot be separated from non-bounded nanoparticles by ultracentrifugation as when dealing with polymers. Amino derivative of fluorescein isothiocyanate was synthesized and binding test is going in for dialysis: a positive outcome is recorded. All the produced materials were characterized by different analytical techniques, such as H-NMR, GPC, DLS, in order to verify their properties and their purity. Polymers solubility both in water and slightly basic conditions is tested before conjugation steps.
Nel corso dell'ultimo ventennio, il mondo delle nanotecnologie ha acquisito molta importanza nel campo della medicina grazie alle numerose potenzialità offerte. Nel dettaglio, i sistemi a rilascio mirato di farmaco sono tutt'ora sotto studio con il fine di poter arrivare ad avere terapie ad hoc per molte malattie senza dover però fare i conti con gli importanti indesiderati effetti sistemici causati da molti farmaci. Un caso molto riportato infatti è quello delle cure contro il cancro: la chemioterapia convenzionale porta con sé numerosi effetti collaterali in quanto non solo vengono avvelenate le cellule tumorali ma anche tutte quelle sane; la conseguenza di ciò è che le dosi di farmaco vanno molto ben calibrate e limitate quando invece una quantità superiore sarebbe richiesta per poter eliminare tutte le cellule malate. Parlando di cancro, si possono distinguere due diversi sistemi di drug delivery: uno passivo, che sfrutta l'alterazione della permeabilità dell'endotelio tumorale (effetto EPR), ed uno attivo, che _e mediato da anticorpi. Infatti le cellule tumorali espongono sulla propria superficie gli stessi antigeni delle cellule fisiologiche ma in diversa percentuale rispetto a queste e, in particolare, tendono ad essere sovraespressi alcuni recettori e questa caratteristica viene sfruttata per mediare con anticorpi monoclonali l'internalizzazione di molecole terapeutiche, come farmaci o DNA. In questo modo, l'effetto citotossico si verifica solo in situ e gli effetti collaterali potrebbero essere di molto ridotti o addirittura eliminati. Un tipo di molecola che sta acquistando notevole interesse è lo small interfering RNA (siRNA), ovvero un RNA sintetico a doppio filamento, lungo tra i 19 ed i 21 nucleotidi. Esso è coinvolto nel meccanismo di interferenza dell'RNA (RNAi) in quanto è in grado di guidare la degradazione di un certo tipo di RNA messaggero (mRNA) presente nel citoplasma: il risultato è la diminuzione della codifica della proteina ad esso associata. Riuscire a collegare il principale meccanismo patologico di una malattia con il gene che lo causa è una delle principali sfide che la ricerca genomica sta affrontando e la sintesi di un siRNA altamente specifico potrebbe portare all'inibizione selettiva di questo gene. Silenziare un oncogene sarebbe la chiave per indurre l'apoptosi nelle cellule tumorali o comunque aumentarne la sensitività verso i farmaci chemioterapici con la conseguenza di migliorare nettamente le prospettive di guarigione dei pazienti. Basandosi sui risultati che si stanno osservando nello studio di tumori umani circa la soppressione di un certo mRNA attraverso il meccanismo dell'RNAi, ora in fase clinica I, sono state evidenziate buone premesse e grandi aspettative per il siRNA ma la principale limitazione ad esso legata è la mancanza di un efficiente vettore che lo trasporti intatto e funzionale all'interno delle cellule sia perché esso non è stabile in condizioni fisiologiche sia in quanto, essendo un polianione ad alto peso molecolare (13 kDa), non è in grado di attraversare da solo la membrana cellulare e giungere nel citoplasma. A riguardo, per risolvere il problema, sono stati studiati i vettori virali ma, al giorno d'oggi, la ricerca si sta orientando verso la sintesi di materiali polimerici nel ruolo di trasportatori in modo da non suscitare reazioni immunitarie nell'organismo ospite, che contrariamente si scatenano con i virus. Questo lavoro di tesi si pone l'obiettivo di realizzare un efficiente vettore non virale che, guidato da un anticorpo monoclonale, permetta l'internalizzazione del siRNA. Rituximab e Ofatumumab, approvati dalla FDA, sono gli anticorpi anti-CD20 che usiamo e per ottenerne la complessazione di questi con i polimeri sfrutteremo un nuovo metodo di coniugazione, basato sulla chimica dell'N-idrossisuccinimmide (NHS). Un gruppo funzionale succinimidil-estereo attaccato al polimero infatti ne aumenterebbe l'affinità verso le ammine primarie esposte sugli anticorpi per via della presenza dei residui di lisina presenti nella regione Fc. Ovviamente, una qualsiasi strategia di complessazione polimero-anticorpo deve essere efficace, realizzabile con tutti gli anticorpi monoclonali, dal costo accessibile e il complesso risultante deve mantenere la specificità per l'epitopo dell'anticorpo e la nostra vorrebbe soddisfare tutte queste richieste. Le analisi riguardanti l'internalizzazione cellulare dei materiali prodotti viene effettuata in collaborazione con il gruppo del dottor Paolo Macor presso l'Università di Trieste per mezzo della tecnica della citometria a flusso e, in particolare, della tecnica FACS (Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting). Le tecniche di polimerizzazione che usiamo sono la RAFT (Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain-Transfer) e la ROP (Ring Opening Polymerization). Con il fine di essere in grado di seguire il comportamento biologico dei materiali sintetizzati, la Rodamina B è usata come colorante istologico fluorescente e viene inserita nei polimeri nel ruolo di monomero complessandola con il 2-idrossietile metacrilato. I primi polimeri RAFT realizzati usano il polietilenglicole metil etere metacrilato come monomero idrofilo e l'agente RAFT introdotto deriva dalla funzionalizzazione dell'acido ciano-pentanoico con l'NHS (CPA-NHS) in modo tale da avere i gruppi NHS esposti dal polimero. Lo scopo di questa prima fase è capire se la strategia di funzionalizzazione dell'anticorpo così realizzata funziona e quindi, una volta complessati gli anticorpi con i polimeri in ambiente leggermente basico, i campioni vengono analizzati tramite citometria a flusso sulle cellule HEK-293T. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che l'internalizzazione del complesso polimero-anticorpo ha avuto luogo e questo significa che la nostra strategia basata sull'NHS funziona. La seconda fase viene di conseguenza concentrata sulla sintesi di polimeri RAFT partendo dal monomero dimetilamino-etilmetacrilato, idrofilo, poiché il gruppo amminico su di esso presente è protonato a pH fisiologico e, di conseguenza, è in grado di legare elettrostaticamente il siRNA; l'agente RAFT utilizzato è sempre il CPA-NHS oppure, con il fine di osservare se una qualsiasi modifica nella cinetica di funzionalizzazione dell'anticorpo sia presente, il solo CPA per poi attuare di seguito l'attacco dell'NHS. Aggiungendo in fase di sintesi anche macromonomeri quali del polietilenglicole metil etere metacrilato e del 2-idrossietile metacrilato-co-policaprolattone, composto lipofilo ottenuto via ROP, vengono sintetizzati anche copolimeri a partire dal dimetilamino-etilmetacrilato. L'idea è infatti di legare il siRNA al polimero, trasfettare le cellule grazie al complesso polimero-anticorpo, legati via NHS, e ottenere del siRNA biologicamente attivo all'interno della cellula stessa a seguito del catabolismo del polimero e della degradazione dell'endosoma di trasporto. Prima di realizzare i test direttamente usando gli anticorpi monoclonali, una prova di funzionalizzazione è fatta usando l'albumina bovina e, forti del suo esito positivo, il complesso polimero-anticorpo è stato creato. La citometria a flusso è usata per verificare sia l'internalizzazione cellulare sia che la specificità per l'epitopo venga mantenuta mediante test effettuati su cellule CHO e MEC-1, queste ultime considerate difficili da trasfettare; la quantità misurata è quella relativa alla fluorescenza riconducibile alla Proteina Fluorescente Verde (GFP) espressa: l'esito ha mostrato sia che dei segnali di trasfezione sono presenti sia che c'è competizione con l'anticorpo non funzionalizzato. Il metro di paragone utilizzato è relativo ai valori raggiunti dalla lipofectamina. I risultati sperimentali ottenuti si sono dimostrati incoraggianti ma senza dubbio un raffinamento e miglioramento delle proprietà dei polimeri sono richiesti per poterli migliorare ulteriormente, aumentando la percentuale di cellule trasfettate e il livello di fluorescenza registrato. Accanto a tutte le prove sopra citate, è anche stato svolto un breve studio sulle nanoparticelle derivanti da copolimeri a blocchi di dimetilamino-etilmetacrilato con 2-idrossietile metacrilato-co-policaprolattone con lo scopo di verificarne la dimensione ed il potenziale Zeta. Il processo di funzionalizzazione degli anticorpi richiede sempre un passaggio di ultracentrifugazione per poter separare il polimero non legato dai complessi formati ma, non essendo praticabile in questo caso, si è reso necessario sviluppare un colorante fluorescente che esponesse dei gruppi amminici per mimare la presenza dei residui di lisina degli anticorpi ed essere in grado di eliminare il colorante non legato per mezzo di dialisi. Tutti i materiali prodotti sono stati chimicamente caratterizzati per mezzo di differenti tecniche analitiche quali H-NMR, GPC e DLS con il fine verificarne proprietà e purezza. Inoltre, prima della fase di coniugazione, è stata testata la solubilità dei polimeri in acqua e in condizioni leggermente basiche.
RAFT polymers conjugated to monoclonal antibodies for siRNA delivery
In the last two decades, nanotechnologies have gained lot of importance in the medical field. In particular, drug delivery systems are being studied to achieve ad hoc therapies without heavy side effects, e.g. in chemotherapy. Dealing with cancer, it is possible to distinguish between passive delivery systems, that exploit enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) effect of solid tumors, and active targeting delivery systems, which are antibody-mediated. On tumor cells surface, exposed receptors are the same of physiological cells but it is different the pattern of expression (over-expression) thus allowing a targeted delivery mediated by monoclonal antibody in order to have a generic payload, e.g. a drug molecule or DNA, internalized by the cells. Therefore, the cytotoxic effect of the toxic molecule is exerted in a very focused manner. A payload that is gaining increasing importance is small interfering RNA (siRNA), involved in RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism. Synthetic double-stranded siRNA activates RNAi pathway and drives the cleavage of target messenger RNA (mRNA) present in the cytoplasm by the RNA-induced silencing complex: the result is the reduction of the encoded protein. Linking the underlying mechanism of a disease with a gene is one of the biggest challenge of genomics-driven drug discovery research. The design of siRNA with a very high specificity may bring to the selective suppression of the disease-linked gene: silencing an oncogene expression in tumors may promote apoptosis or enhance sensitivity to chemotherapy thus improving clinical outcomes and patient survival. The demonstration of RNAi-mediated mechanism of target mRNA disruption in human tumors from patients treated in phase I clinical trials provides good expectation for a clinical use of siRNA but the major obstacle is the lack of an efficient delivery system. siRNA is not stable in physiological conditions and since it is a high molecular weight polyanion (13kDa), it is not able to cross cell's membrane. Viral vectors have been studied but nowadays, a biocompatible non-viral nanocarrier is being investigated in order to avoid viral system-related immune reactions. In this work, our ambition is to synthesize an efficient non-viral delivery vector for siRNA and our goal is to achieve antibody-mediated cellular uptake. The monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that were used are Rituximab and Ofatumumab, anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies approved by FDA. The polymer conjugation strategy is a novel one, based on N-Hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) chemistry. A succinimidyl-ester functional group attached to our polymers increases the specificity toward primary amines exposed on antibody surface due to the presence of Lysine aminoacidic residues in the Fc region. The conjugation approach should be efficient, applicable to all mAbs, cost-effective and the produced conjugate is required to maintain epitope-specificity. Our goal is to find a conjugation strategy that facilitates all the previous mentioned characteristics. In order to perform cellular uptake analysis, Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) flow cytometry is required and it is carried out in collaboration with the group of Dr. Paolo Macor in University of Trieste. The polymerization techniques that were exploited are Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain-Transfer (RAFT) polymerization and Ring Opening Polymerization (ROP). In order to be able to trace biological behaviour of our systems we used a fluorescent dye, Rhodamine B, and to insert it inside our polymers, (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-Rhodamine B complex was adopted as a substance that plays the role of monomer in the polymerization. The first RAFT polymers that were synthesized use hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate as a monomer and, to have NHS groups exposed in its surface, RAFT agent 4-Cyano-4-(phenylcarbonothioylthio)pentanoic acid (CPA) was previously functionalized with NHS in order to obtain CPA-NHS. The goal of this step was to study whether mAbs conjugation strategy via NHS is successful or not. Once the antibodies were functionalized with obtained polymers under slightly basic conditions, samples were analyzed by FACS on HEK-293T cells and the result shows that a good cellular uptake was achieved, meaning that conjugation strategy is effective. Second step involves the synthesis of RAFT polymers based on hydrophilic 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate as a monomer and CPA-NHS as RAFT agent, or CPA and further functionalization with NHS follows, in order to bind siRNA through electrostatic interaction. In fact, amino group of 2-Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate is expected to be protonated at physiological pH thus binding siRNA, which is a polyanion. Also 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate copolymers and terpolymers were obtained adding macromonomers as poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate and hydrophobic (2- hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-co-polycaprolactone, which is obtained via ROP. The core idea is to obtain polymers and nanoparticles able to bind siRNA and which can be attached to mAbs via NHS chemistry. After cellular uptake, siRNA is expected to be delivered through polymer degradation and endosomes disruption. A conjugation test using Bovine Serum Albumin was carried out and after its positive outcome, mAbs functionalization was performed. Cellular internalization and epitope specificity were tested with FACS flow cytometry by detecting green fluorescence produced by Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) on CHO cells first and later on MEC-1 cells, which are considered harder to be transfected: results show that a mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) signal was present thus our system is able to transfect cells and release biological active siRNA inside them as demonstrated by target gene inhibition. Of course better tuning and refinements of polymers are required in order to increase MFI and augmenting the percentage of successfully transfected cells. Gold standard used as a reference in this in vitro testing phase is lipofectamine. Besides these, also a brief study on nanoparticles of 2-(Dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate and (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-co-polycaprolactone was performed to check both the amount of positive charge present by measuring their Zeta-potential and their sizes. Nanoparticles functionalization trial requires the thinking up of an amino-dye in order to mimic mAbs conjugation strategy because the resulting complex cannot be separated from non-bounded nanoparticles by ultracentrifugation as when dealing with polymers. Amino derivative of fluorescein isothiocyanate was synthesized and binding test is going in for dialysis: a positive outcome is recorded. All the produced materials were characterized by different analytical techniques, such as H-NMR, GPC, DLS, in order to verify their properties and their purity. Polymers solubility both in water and slightly basic conditions is tested before conjugation steps.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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