2020 is increasingly closer to us and the due date to achieve the Zero Energy Building target with it. A Zero Energy Building is a low-carbon and very high energy-efficient type of building. With this goal to look to, in the last ten years, many studies have been carried out, studies that had allowed the development of many solutions in order to solve, or at least contain, the very one problem of energy losses, caused both from the building’s systems or the envelope. And that’s for the latter that many innovative techniques and technologies have been discovered and developed, with major results in the energy savings and, consequently, lowering the maintenance costs of the structures. This document’s aim is to analyze a slats Shading Device (SD), in order to have some guide lines to easily design this kind of systems, related to the application site, the intended use of the structure, the climate conditions and finally to the boundary conditions in general. The first chapter will present the founded articles that lead us to the object of this study. The articles covered a ten years period, from the early ’00 to these days and their results had been collected and described in the Literature Review drafted specifically. The Topic of the research was the many types of SDs existing or in-the-making nowadays, all of them, with nearly no exceptions. Among the many documents founded, the Review will describe 81 articles and reports, the ones who show, besides the systems per se, a qualitative description of the devices with proper results in daylighting or energy savings. In the second chapter, there will be a focus on the slats SDs; they are in fact the most common and used systems, the ones that successfully can balance a great daylight performance with substantial energy savings. These devices are easy to use and they could be controlled both manually or by sensors and they always allow the users to have some level of interaction with the external environment, crucial for the users’ satisfaction. Thanks to the slats setting, various configurations of the systems would be proposed, to achieve the perfect combination between daylighting and energy performances, in the summer and winter too. The third chapter will see the description of the law controlling the lighting design of indoor spaces, specifically for work environments, UNI EN 12464-1:2011, and its parameters. We’ll address finally the glare problem, what is it and which are its features, indexes and parameters: how to fix it will be the question that lead this research. Finally, in the last chapter, a reference office will be designed and more than one simulation will be run. The test room will be 3 m wide and 5 m long, with a height of 3,3 m; one of the wall will be completely transparent with a window to wall ratio of 100% (80% is glass). In front of this curtain wall we’ll installed the SD. We will run some simulation in order to obtain significant results of DGP and Daylight Illuminance, letting us know the system’s behavior and its effectiveness towards natural lighting, when it really shade the interior space and when it doesn’t, actually worsening the situation. We eventually will compare the results and hopefully come up with strategies to face the high glare level. We will try not to work with very specific and special systems, so to have general results than could be suitable in every situation and really helpful when designing a SD.
Il 2020 è sempre più vicino e con esso anche la data di scadenza per raggiungere il target degli Zero Energy Building, edifici energeticamente efficienti con emissioni di carbonio prossime allo zero. Con questo target in mente, negli ultimi dieci anni, sono stati portati avanti numerosi studi, che hanno permesso la realizzazione di diverse soluzioni in grado di risolvere, o quantomeno arginare, il principale problema delle dispersioni energetiche, date sia dagli impianti, sia dall’involucro edilizio; ed è proprio per quest’ultimo che sono state sviluppate le tecnologie e le soluzioni più importanti, che hanno portato a risultati molto significativi, in termini di risparmio energetico e, quindi, a costi di mantenimento minori. Questo lavoro di tesi, nello specifico analizzerà il comportamento dei sistemi a lamelle, cercando di trovare dei parametri guida, che aiutino nello sviluppo di tali dispositivi, in relazione al luogo di applicazione, alla destinazione d’uso, alle variabili climatiche e alle condizioni al contorno in generale. Il primo capitolo presenterà la documentazione ricercata per l’individuazione dell’oggetto del nostro studio. Sono stati raccolti tutti gli articoli scritti dai primi anni 2000 a oggi e i risultati sono stati riassunti e descritti nella Literature Review redatta appositamente. L’argomento della ricerca sono stati i sistemi di schermatura esistenti o sviluppati negli ultimi dieci anni nella loro totalità, senza esclusioni. Tra i tantissimi documenti trovati, la Review presenta 81 tra articoli e report di conferenze, ovvero i soli che non solo presentano il prodotto, ma ne danno anche una descrizione qualitativa con risultati veri e propri dati dalle sperimentazioni fatte, che siano essi relativi al daylighting o alla prestazione energetica. Il secondo capitolo presenta un focus sui sistemi a lamelle, essendo questi risultati essere il sistema di schermatura più in uso e più efficace, ai fini dell’equilibrio tra le prestazioni energetica e di daylighting: questi sistemi infatti sono facili da usare e per lo più regolabili, permettono di mantenere in qualsiasi momento un certo grado di interazione con l’ambiente esterno e garantiscono un buon controllo della luce naturale; grazie alla possibilità di regolazione delle lamelle il sistema può assumere varie configurazioni che permettono anche un buon risparmio energetico, sia nella stagione invernale, che in quella estiva. Il terzo capitolo, invece, prevede la descrizione della norma regolante l’illuminazione degli ambienti, la UNI EN 12464-1:2011- “Luce e illuminazione – illuminazione dei posti di lavoro – Parte 1: posti di lavoro in interni”. Qui, sarà presentato l’aggiornamento della norma, che ha visto la sua prima data di pubblicazione nel 2004; le novità e le variabili da tenere in considerazione per la progettazione illuminotecnica di un ambiente saranno dettagliatamente descritte. Ci concentreremo, poi, in particolare sull’abbagliamento e sugli indici che lo caratterizzano; il glare e DGP saranno infatti i protagonisti della nostra ricerca. Nel quarto e ultimo capitolo, verrà modellato un ambiente di riferimento ad uso uffici, avente una chiusura verticale trasparente, tipo Curtain Wall, a cui verrà applicato un sistema di schermatura a lamelle orizzontali regolabili esterno. Tale modello sarà oggetto di varie simulazioni di Glare e Daylight Illuminance che ci permetteranno di capire il comportamento e l’efficacia del sistema nei confronti della luce naturale, dove effettivamente esso svolge la sua funzione schermando, senza bloccare del tutto, la luce naturale, e quando invece peggiora soltanto la situazione ed eventualmente quali sono le possibili soluzioni da adottare. Per quanto possibile, l’analisi sarà fatta in termini generali cercando di stilare una serie di “regole” di comportamento quasi parametriche che possano aiutare nella progettazione di un sistema di schermatura.
Comfort luminoso e strategie di mitigazione dell'abbagliamento. Analisi e simulazione del comportamento di un sistema di schermature tradizionale
2020 is increasingly closer to us and the due date to achieve the Zero Energy Building target with it. A Zero Energy Building is a low-carbon and very high energy-efficient type of building. With this goal to look to, in the last ten years, many studies have been carried out, studies that had allowed the development of many solutions in order to solve, or at least contain, the very one problem of energy losses, caused both from the building’s systems or the envelope. And that’s for the latter that many innovative techniques and technologies have been discovered and developed, with major results in the energy savings and, consequently, lowering the maintenance costs of the structures. This document’s aim is to analyze a slats Shading Device (SD), in order to have some guide lines to easily design this kind of systems, related to the application site, the intended use of the structure, the climate conditions and finally to the boundary conditions in general. The first chapter will present the founded articles that lead us to the object of this study. The articles covered a ten years period, from the early ’00 to these days and their results had been collected and described in the Literature Review drafted specifically. The Topic of the research was the many types of SDs existing or in-the-making nowadays, all of them, with nearly no exceptions. Among the many documents founded, the Review will describe 81 articles and reports, the ones who show, besides the systems per se, a qualitative description of the devices with proper results in daylighting or energy savings. In the second chapter, there will be a focus on the slats SDs; they are in fact the most common and used systems, the ones that successfully can balance a great daylight performance with substantial energy savings. These devices are easy to use and they could be controlled both manually or by sensors and they always allow the users to have some level of interaction with the external environment, crucial for the users’ satisfaction. Thanks to the slats setting, various configurations of the systems would be proposed, to achieve the perfect combination between daylighting and energy performances, in the summer and winter too. The third chapter will see the description of the law controlling the lighting design of indoor spaces, specifically for work environments, UNI EN 12464-1:2011, and its parameters. We’ll address finally the glare problem, what is it and which are its features, indexes and parameters: how to fix it will be the question that lead this research. Finally, in the last chapter, a reference office will be designed and more than one simulation will be run. The test room will be 3 m wide and 5 m long, with a height of 3,3 m; one of the wall will be completely transparent with a window to wall ratio of 100% (80% is glass). In front of this curtain wall we’ll installed the SD. We will run some simulation in order to obtain significant results of DGP and Daylight Illuminance, letting us know the system’s behavior and its effectiveness towards natural lighting, when it really shade the interior space and when it doesn’t, actually worsening the situation. We eventually will compare the results and hopefully come up with strategies to face the high glare level. We will try not to work with very specific and special systems, so to have general results than could be suitable in every situation and really helpful when designing a SD.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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