The city walls that surrounding old medina represent a very strong sign within the urban landscape of Marrakech, they are an iconic and recognizable element. It is a trackable and continuous limit that encloses the original part of the city. The walls with their gates, or Bab, stand as an element of interaction and, together, separation, clearly marking the boundary between two worlds: the medina by dense and compact fabric and Ville Nouvelle by western origin, consequence of the period of French protectorate in Morocco. The walls that separate the original core from the modern expansion reveal, in fact, the presence in many points of passages and urban gates, some majestic and monumental, some other simple that allow access by pedestrian to the medina and through which the streets of connection pass between the two realities. The points of connection between the two road systems, so different in the morphology, are key nodes on the figurative level and on the way of use the: near the city walls and the openings in them, the strong imbalance between the narrow and intricate road system, and the wide streets of the Ville Nouvelle, which often open up into open spaces and squares near the gates of the ancient city. And it is precisely in these points that the profound synergy that animates the interactions between the two realities and the image, complex and fascinating, of the Moroccan city takes shape. The area of Bab Doukkala, near the ancient gate, and a directly neighbouring interstitial block, a large urban void within the new city, represent the occasion to rethink a portion of the city outside the walls where the present project it is an alternative to the official proposal, result of a recent international competition of ideas. Moreover, the proximity to the Majorelle garden with a strong tourist turnout is proof of the attractive potentiality and centrality as a convergence of itineraries in this area, for which the present work seeks an urban response. The redevelopment of the area integrates a conservative approach for some pre-existing elements, such as the large palm grove as an image of sacred landscape for Muslims, along with an adaptation and reorganization of current uses of space with new urban landscape interventions aiming to solve urban and social problems. On the edge the scale of the building is compared to the height of the adjacent buildings, creating at the same time an enclosure to protect the internal landscape where the scale becomes that of the medium-small city, smaller and more “human”, where small open spaces and the proximity of the buildings guarantee a comfortable internal microclimate suitable for Morocco. The project deals with various themes: the relationship between the medina and Ville Nouvelle, the reappropriation by citizens of portions of the city, the relationship with the landscape, the relationship with the monument of the walls and the elimination of social differences.
Le mura che circondano l’antica medina rappresentano un segno molto forte all’interno del paesaggio urbano di Marrakech, ne costituiscono un elemento iconico e riconoscibile. La loro presenza costituisce un limite tacciabile e continuo che racchiude il nucleo originaria della città. Le mura con le loro porte, o Bab, si pongono come elemento di interazione e, insieme, separazione, marcando chiaramente il confine tra due mondi: la medina dal tessuto denso e compatto e la Ville Nouvelle di matrice occidentale, esito del periodo di protettorato francese in Marocco. La cinta muraria che separa il nucleo originario dall’espansione moderna vede, infatti, la presenza in molti punti di varchi e porte urbane, alcune imponenti e monumentali, altre semplici passaggi che permettono l’accesso dei passanti alla medina e attraverso cui passano le strade di connessione tra le due realtà. I punti di collegamento tra i due sistemi viari, con caratteristiche così diverse tra loro, rappresentano dei nodi nevralgici sul piano figurativo e sul piano dei modelli d’uso: a ridosso delle mura cittadine, presso i varchi aperti nella cinta muraria, si rivelano i forti squilibri tra il tessuto viario stretto e labirintico, e le ampie strade della Ville Nouvelle, che spesso si aprono in slarghi e piazze presso le porte della città antica. Ed è proprio in questi punti che è percepibile la profonda sinergia che anima le interazioni tra le due realtà e si delinea l’immagine della città marocchina, complessa e affascinante. L’area di Bab Doukkala, nei pressi dell’antica porta, e un isolato interstiziale direttamente adiacente, un grande vuoto urbano all’interno della nuova città, rappresentano l’ occasione di ripensamento di una porzione di città esterna alle mura laddove il presente progetto si pone come alternativa alla proposta in via di realizzazione quale esito di un recente concorso internazionale di idee. Inoltre, la vicinanza con il giardino delle Majorelle di forte affluenza turistica, è prova della potenzialità attrattiva e della centralità come convergenza di itinerari di quest’area, per cui il presente lavoro cerca una risposta a livello urbano. La riqualificazione dell’area integra un approccio conservativo per alcuni elementi preesistenti, come il grande palmeto quale immagine di paesaggio sacro per i musulmani, insieme ad un adattamento ed una riorganizzazione di usi attuali dello spazio con nuovi interventi di paesaggio urbano che mirano a risolvere problematiche urbane e sociali. Sul bordo la scala dell’edificato si confronta con l’altezza degli edifici adiacenti, creando allo stesso tempo un recinto a protezione del paesaggio interno dove la scala a cui si fa riferimento è quella della medio-piccola città, più minuta e più “umana”, dove piccoli spazi aperti e la vicinanza tra gli edifici garantiscono un microclima interno confortevole adatto al clima del Marocco. Il progetto affronta vari temi: la relazione tra la medina e la Ville Nouvelle , la riappropriazione da parte dei cittadini di porzioni di città, il rapporto con il paesaggio, il rapporto con il monumento delle mura, l’abbattimento delle differenze sociali.
A ovest delle mura, a sud delle Majorelle. Progetto per l'area di Bab Doukkala a Marrakech
The city walls that surrounding old medina represent a very strong sign within the urban landscape of Marrakech, they are an iconic and recognizable element. It is a trackable and continuous limit that encloses the original part of the city. The walls with their gates, or Bab, stand as an element of interaction and, together, separation, clearly marking the boundary between two worlds: the medina by dense and compact fabric and Ville Nouvelle by western origin, consequence of the period of French protectorate in Morocco. The walls that separate the original core from the modern expansion reveal, in fact, the presence in many points of passages and urban gates, some majestic and monumental, some other simple that allow access by pedestrian to the medina and through which the streets of connection pass between the two realities. The points of connection between the two road systems, so different in the morphology, are key nodes on the figurative level and on the way of use the: near the city walls and the openings in them, the strong imbalance between the narrow and intricate road system, and the wide streets of the Ville Nouvelle, which often open up into open spaces and squares near the gates of the ancient city. And it is precisely in these points that the profound synergy that animates the interactions between the two realities and the image, complex and fascinating, of the Moroccan city takes shape. The area of Bab Doukkala, near the ancient gate, and a directly neighbouring interstitial block, a large urban void within the new city, represent the occasion to rethink a portion of the city outside the walls where the present project it is an alternative to the official proposal, result of a recent international competition of ideas. Moreover, the proximity to the Majorelle garden with a strong tourist turnout is proof of the attractive potentiality and centrality as a convergence of itineraries in this area, for which the present work seeks an urban response. The redevelopment of the area integrates a conservative approach for some pre-existing elements, such as the large palm grove as an image of sacred landscape for Muslims, along with an adaptation and reorganization of current uses of space with new urban landscape interventions aiming to solve urban and social problems. On the edge the scale of the building is compared to the height of the adjacent buildings, creating at the same time an enclosure to protect the internal landscape where the scale becomes that of the medium-small city, smaller and more “human”, where small open spaces and the proximity of the buildings guarantee a comfortable internal microclimate suitable for Morocco. The project deals with various themes: the relationship between the medina and Ville Nouvelle, the reappropriation by citizens of portions of the city, the relationship with the landscape, the relationship with the monument of the walls and the elimination of social differences.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: TAV. 1_Le mura di Marrakech e sviluppo urbano
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Descrizione: TAV 2_Città storiche e sviluppo
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Descrizione: TAV. 3_ Analisi delle mura
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Descrizione: TAV. 4_Stato di fatto e strategico
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Descrizione: TAV. 5_ Banner istruzione
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Descrizione: TAV 6_Planivolumetrico
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Descrizione: TAV. 7_Paesaggio
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Descrizione: TAV. 8_Assonometria generale
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Descrizione: TAV. 9_ Concept isolato
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Descrizione: TAV. 10_Pianta piani terra e sezione urbana
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Descrizione: TAV. 11_Funzioni isolato
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Descrizione: TAV. 12_ Assonometria 1:1000
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