Quality is a key concern for patients and policymakers in health care markets. It is often argued that encouraging competition amongst health care providers will improve quality, especially when prices are fixed as higher quality is then the only way in which hospitals can attract more patients (Gravelle, Santos, & Siciliani, 2014). This study aims at introducing a model to investigate if the hospitals are responsive to quality of hospitals in neighborhood, based on the information provided by administrative database, which is a big sample of data, a record of real events of hospitalization, and over a period of 3 years from 2013 to 2015. The state of arts has been done through a systematic literature review. The research keywords and time interval (from 2000 to 2018) was defined. The result pf exploring three bibliographic databases has been 65 articles and 4 more was added by experts which did not appeared in the searching process of data bases. After screening the gathered pool of articles 14 articles were selected for full text review as the basis of the study. By reviewing the previous researches, the most important variables that could be considered in the research has been clarified. In general researchers have considered three types of variables, first are sociodemographic variables ( sex, age, marital status, occupation ), second are population characteristics ( population density, population growth, population group, place of residence and so on), and the third are organizational variables or hospitals characteristics (ownership, number of admissions, number of beds, hospital wards, bed occupancy number of staff , etc. ) Considering the administrative database available for quantitative analysis which has been a gap in this topic and lack of a similar study in Lombardy region, is another necessity that the research tries to meet. In this study is limited to the case of heart failure since it is a serious disease and both government and people spend a lot of budget to treat the patients affected by the disease. According to this limitation the database was bounded to hospitals with cardiovascular wards. Consequently, the database which is exploited for the analysis is record of 15,528 hospitalization events from 2013 to 2015 in 75 hospitals in Lombardy region. To get a clear vision about the database a brief introduction of Italian healthcare system is presented, and more specifically the healthcare system in Lombardy region. In the next step a multilevel regression model is suggested for statistical analysis of the data. This model is suggested according to the literature review and similar researches done in the past. To apply the model on the dataset researcher suggests Rstudio software, which is an opensource powerful language for statistical analysis. The package suitable for spatial analysis with Rstudio is “spdep” and it is briefly introduced. After presenting the statistical model and the software, the selected variables for analysis are explained. The selection of variables is based on the available variables in database, the literature review and the advice of the expertise. The selected variables for the model are: Number of Admissions, Number of Deaths, Mortality Rate, Type of Hospital, Number of Beds, Length of Stay, Gender, Average of Age, Cardiovascular Entry, Other Wards Entry, Latitude and Longitude of Hospital. The literature on hospital competition and quality has used a very limited set of quality measures, most often researchers using in hospital mortality for admissions (Gravelle et al., 2014), to be in line with the literature it is suggested to select the same measure for the quality. Other than the Administrative dataset, the website espatial (https://www.espatial.com/) is used for spatial analysis. The website is helpful to consider the neighborhood in which hospitals competing. It worth to mention that define the catchment area, it is suggested to consider the neighborhood which is accessible with 30 minutes of car driving. However, in this study the analysis of neighborhood was done considering both the driving time and distance in kilometers. More deep analysis is done about the dispersion of hospitals in the region, which revealed that highest concentration of hospitals is in Milan, 13 hospitals equal to 17.33 percent of total number of hospitals. Then in Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona, Pavia, Lecco, Mantova, and Monza; and in other cities the number of hospitals is the same (only one hospital). After that number of rivals in neighborhood by considering different distance radius or driving time is calculated, as well as the average and standard deviation of driving time and distance from rival hospitals in the neighborhood. The descriptive analysis of the administrative dataset shows that 54.65 percent of hospitals are public and 45.35 are private hospitals. These analysis about patients shows that percent of female patients is 32.87 and percent of male patients is 67.12 percent and average of age for whole patients is 70.74 years. The final part of the analysis is the length of stay and mortality rate for each hospital. Since this study is only an introduction it does not contain empirical analysis. To be able to speak about the result of model it is necessary to run the model and then decide about how hospitals are responsive to the quality of hospitals in neighborhood. This study has paved the way for future studies and all the requirements to implement the model is provided. To conclude it is explained how the model can be helpful for public policy administers in deciding about intervention in healthcare system and offering incentives to hospitals to improve their quality, as well as for hospital managers to decide about the strategic improvement in their own hospitals and how to react to improvements in hospitals in their neighborhood.
La qualità è una preoccupazione fondamentale per i pazienti e i responsabili delle politiche nei mercati dell'assistenza sanitaria. Si sostiene spesso che incoraggiare la concorrenza tra gli operatori sanitari migliorerà la qualità, specialmente quando i prezzi sono fissi in quanto l'alta qualità è l'unico modo in cui gli ospedali possono attirare più pazienti (Gravelle, Santos e Siciliani, 2014). Questo studio mira a introdurre un modello per indagare se gli ospedali rispondono alla qualità degli ospedali nel vicinato, sulla base delle informazioni fornite dal database amministrativo, che è un grande campione di dati, un record di eventi reali di ospedalizzazione e per un periodo di 3 anni dal 2013 al 2015. Lo stato dell'arte è stato fatto attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura. Sono state definite le parole chiave di ricerca e l'intervallo di tempo (dal 2000 al 2018). Il risultato di esplorare tre database bibliografici è stato di 65 articoli e altri 4 sono stati aggiunti da esperti che non sono comparsi nel processo di ricerca delle basi di dati. Dopo aver esaminato il pool di articoli raccolti, 14 articoli sono stati selezionati per la revisione completa del testo come base dello studio. Analizzando le ricerche precedenti, sono state chiarite le variabili più importanti che potrebbero essere considerate nella ricerca. In generale i ricercatori hanno considerato tre tipi di variabili, in primo luogo variabili sociodemografiche (sesso, età, stato civile, occupazione), in secondo luogo le caratteristiche della popolazione (densità di popolazione, crescita della popolazione, gruppo di popolazione, luogo di residenza e così via), e il terzo sono variabili organizzative o caratteristiche degli ospedali (proprietà, numero di ingressi, numero di letti, reparti ospedalieri, numero di occupanti del letto, ecc.) Considerare il database amministrativo disponibile per l'analisi quantitativa che è stata una lacuna in questo argomento e la mancanza di uno studio analogo in Lombardia, è un'altra necessità che la ricerca cerca di soddisfare. In questo studio è limitato al caso di insufficienza cardiaca poiché è una malattia grave e sia il governo che le persone spendono un sacco di budget per curare i pazienti affetti dalla malattia. Secondo questa limitazione, il database era limitato agli ospedali con reparti cardiovascolari. Di conseguenza, il database che viene sfruttato per l'analisi è il record di 15.528 eventi di ospedalizzazione dal 2013 al 2015 in 75 ospedali della regione Lombardia. Per avere una visione chiara del database viene presentata una breve introduzione del sistema sanitario italiano e, più specificamente, il sistema sanitario in Lombardia. Nel passaggio successivo viene proposto un modello di regressione multilivello per l'analisi statistica dei dati. Questo modello è suggerito secondo la revisione della letteratura e ricerche simili fatte in passato. Per applicare il modello sul ricercatore di set di dati si suggerisce il software Rstudio, che è un potente linguaggio opensource per l'analisi statistica. Il pacchetto adatto all'analisi spaziale con Rstudio è "spdep" ed è brevemente introdotto. Dopo aver presentato il modello statistico e il software, vengono spiegate le variabili selezionate per l'analisi. La selezione delle variabili si basa sulle variabili disponibili nel database, sulla revisione della letteratura e sulla consulenza dell'esperienza. Le variabili selezionate per il modello sono: Numero di ammissioni, Numero di morti, Tasso di mortalità, Tipo di ospedale, Numero di letti, Durata del soggiorno, Sesso, Età media, Entrata cardiovascolare, Entrata di altri rioni, Latitudine e Longitudine dell'Ospedale. La letteratura sulla competizione e la qualità dell'ospedale ha utilizzato un insieme molto limitato di misure di qualità, il più delle volte utilizzate dai ricercatori nella mortalità ospedaliera per ricoveri (Gravelle et al., 2014), per essere in linea con la letteratura si suggerisce di selezionare la stessa misura per la qualità. Oltre al set di dati amministrativi, il sito Web espatial (https://www.espatial.com/) viene utilizzato per l'analisi spaziale. Il sito Web è utile per considerare il quartiere in cui gli ospedali competono. Vale la pena menzionare che definire il bacino di utenza, si consiglia di considerare il quartiere che è accessibile con 30 minuti di guida in auto. Tuttavia, in questo studio l'analisi del quartiere è stata fatta considerando sia il tempo di guida che la distanza in chilometri. Un'analisi più approfondita viene fatta sulla dispersione degli ospedali nella regione, che ha rivelato che la più alta concentrazione di ospedali è a Milano, 13 ospedali pari al 17,33% del numero totale di ospedali. Quindi a Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona, Pavia, Lecco, Mantova e Monza; e in altre città il numero di ospedali è lo stesso (un solo ospedale). Dopo che il numero di rivali nel quartiere, considerando il raggio di distanza diverso o il tempo di guida è calcolato, così come la deviazione media e standard del tempo di guida e la distanza da ospedali rivali nel quartiere.L'analisi descrittiva del set di dati amministrativi mostra che il 54,65% degli ospedali è pubblico e 45,35 sono ospedali privati. Queste analisi sui pazienti mostrano che la percentuale di pazienti di sesso femminile è 32,87 e la percentuale di pazienti maschi è 67,12% e la media di età per i pazienti interi è 70,74 anni. La parte finale dell'analisi è la durata del soggiorno e il tasso di mortalità per ciascun ospedale. Poiché questo studio è solo un'introduzione, non contiene analisi empiriche. Per poter parlare del risultato del modello è necessario eseguire il modello e poi decidere come gli ospedali rispondono alla qualità degli ospedali nel vicinato. Questo studio ha spianato la strada a studi futuri e vengono forniti tutti i requisiti per implementare il modello. Per concludere, viene spiegato come il modello può essere utile per gli amministratori delle politiche pubbliche nel decidere sull'intervento nel sistema sanitario e offrire incentivi agli ospedali per migliorare la loro qualità, così come per i dirigenti ospedalieri per decidere sul miglioramento strategico nei loro ospedali e come reagire ai miglioramenti negli ospedali nel loro quartiere.
An introduction to a model to evaluate how hospitals are responsive to neighbors’ quality in Lombardy region
Quality is a key concern for patients and policymakers in health care markets. It is often argued that encouraging competition amongst health care providers will improve quality, especially when prices are fixed as higher quality is then the only way in which hospitals can attract more patients (Gravelle, Santos, & Siciliani, 2014). This study aims at introducing a model to investigate if the hospitals are responsive to quality of hospitals in neighborhood, based on the information provided by administrative database, which is a big sample of data, a record of real events of hospitalization, and over a period of 3 years from 2013 to 2015. The state of arts has been done through a systematic literature review. The research keywords and time interval (from 2000 to 2018) was defined. The result pf exploring three bibliographic databases has been 65 articles and 4 more was added by experts which did not appeared in the searching process of data bases. After screening the gathered pool of articles 14 articles were selected for full text review as the basis of the study. By reviewing the previous researches, the most important variables that could be considered in the research has been clarified. In general researchers have considered three types of variables, first are sociodemographic variables ( sex, age, marital status, occupation ), second are population characteristics ( population density, population growth, population group, place of residence and so on), and the third are organizational variables or hospitals characteristics (ownership, number of admissions, number of beds, hospital wards, bed occupancy number of staff , etc. ) Considering the administrative database available for quantitative analysis which has been a gap in this topic and lack of a similar study in Lombardy region, is another necessity that the research tries to meet. In this study is limited to the case of heart failure since it is a serious disease and both government and people spend a lot of budget to treat the patients affected by the disease. According to this limitation the database was bounded to hospitals with cardiovascular wards. Consequently, the database which is exploited for the analysis is record of 15,528 hospitalization events from 2013 to 2015 in 75 hospitals in Lombardy region. To get a clear vision about the database a brief introduction of Italian healthcare system is presented, and more specifically the healthcare system in Lombardy region. In the next step a multilevel regression model is suggested for statistical analysis of the data. This model is suggested according to the literature review and similar researches done in the past. To apply the model on the dataset researcher suggests Rstudio software, which is an opensource powerful language for statistical analysis. The package suitable for spatial analysis with Rstudio is “spdep” and it is briefly introduced. After presenting the statistical model and the software, the selected variables for analysis are explained. The selection of variables is based on the available variables in database, the literature review and the advice of the expertise. The selected variables for the model are: Number of Admissions, Number of Deaths, Mortality Rate, Type of Hospital, Number of Beds, Length of Stay, Gender, Average of Age, Cardiovascular Entry, Other Wards Entry, Latitude and Longitude of Hospital. The literature on hospital competition and quality has used a very limited set of quality measures, most often researchers using in hospital mortality for admissions (Gravelle et al., 2014), to be in line with the literature it is suggested to select the same measure for the quality. Other than the Administrative dataset, the website espatial (https://www.espatial.com/) is used for spatial analysis. The website is helpful to consider the neighborhood in which hospitals competing. It worth to mention that define the catchment area, it is suggested to consider the neighborhood which is accessible with 30 minutes of car driving. However, in this study the analysis of neighborhood was done considering both the driving time and distance in kilometers. More deep analysis is done about the dispersion of hospitals in the region, which revealed that highest concentration of hospitals is in Milan, 13 hospitals equal to 17.33 percent of total number of hospitals. Then in Brescia, Bergamo, Cremona, Pavia, Lecco, Mantova, and Monza; and in other cities the number of hospitals is the same (only one hospital). After that number of rivals in neighborhood by considering different distance radius or driving time is calculated, as well as the average and standard deviation of driving time and distance from rival hospitals in the neighborhood. The descriptive analysis of the administrative dataset shows that 54.65 percent of hospitals are public and 45.35 are private hospitals. These analysis about patients shows that percent of female patients is 32.87 and percent of male patients is 67.12 percent and average of age for whole patients is 70.74 years. The final part of the analysis is the length of stay and mortality rate for each hospital. Since this study is only an introduction it does not contain empirical analysis. To be able to speak about the result of model it is necessary to run the model and then decide about how hospitals are responsive to the quality of hospitals in neighborhood. This study has paved the way for future studies and all the requirements to implement the model is provided. To conclude it is explained how the model can be helpful for public policy administers in deciding about intervention in healthcare system and offering incentives to hospitals to improve their quality, as well as for hospital managers to decide about the strategic improvement in their own hospitals and how to react to improvements in hospitals in their neighborhood.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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