In the last decades, composites have been employed to develop innovative solutions in order to increase performances and reduce environmental footprint. The researches about TRC (textile reinforced concrete technology) has shown promising results. Because the steel reinforcement is replaced by textile nets, TRC solutions are not subjected to oxidation phenomena and qualities as lightness transportability durability and sustainability are enhanced. Under the hypothesis that composite materials and composite solutions are widely diffused and accessible on the market, this project investigates the potentiality of this technology in a low-income context where issues as transportability, constructability and durability are extremely important. Solutions as ferrocemento developed by Pier Luigi Nervi or Argamassa armada developed by Joao Filgueiras Lima in Brazil have proved that lightweight reinforcement concrete technology is able to provide cost effective structures with impressive architectural output. Through prefabrication it has been possible to involve low class unskilled labour in the construction process. Aware of the main technology assets the favela of Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro has been studied and analysed to develop a constructions system where TRC technology is employed to address sociological, technological, economical, construction and architectural necessities of this peculiar settlement. TRC technology fits the basic know how about concrete technology and could be eventually employed to provide, thank to prefabrication, a more suitable solution easy to deployed and transported on the worksite. This project is not only focused on develop a technology but also design a possible intervention inside the community with the aim to boost the adoption of this solution and to provide a robust know-how about construction techniques inside the community. For this purpose, the project has been integrated with the urban vision of PolimiParaRocinha project. Ongoing project promoted by local actors and supported by the Univerisidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro it is carried out by a multidisciplinary team leaded by the IMMdesign laboratory. The IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) have been employed to analyse the favela and pitch the impact of possible local and global actions implemented in the community. Finally, the PolimiPara- Rocinha project integrates the argamassa armada purpose providing a robust and consistent frame about urban context and urban strategic actions to implement locally.
Negli ultimi anni i materiali compositi sono stati oggetto di ricerche al fine di sviluppare soluzioni con migliori prestazioni e con un minore impatto ambientale. Fra queste, gli sviluppi riguardanti il TRC (textile reinforced concrete) hanno portato a risultati promettenti per un possibile futuro impiego in ambito edile. Questa tecnologia permette la realizzazione di elementi in calcestruzzo estremamente fini, leggeri e resistenti. Ciò è possibile grazie a reti in materiali compositi che garantiscono alte prestazioni meccaniche e di durabilità. Partendo dall’ipotesi progettuale che le soluzioni composite siano diffuse e accessibili sul mercato, questo progetto vuole investigare le potenzialità di tale tecnologia in contesti economicamente poveri dove aspetti tecnici quali trasportabilità, approvvigionamento, resistenza e durabilità sono estremamente importanti. La favela di Rocinha a Rio de Janeiro è stata oggetto di studio per sviluppare un sistema costruttivo che impieghi il TRC per rispondere a problemi sociali, tecnologici, costruttivi e architettonici propri di un contesto così complesso e particolare. Rocinha è situata in prossimità del centro commerciale della città essa ha accesso a un mercato dei materiali costruttivi vasto e aperto, tuttavia i lavoratori locali non hanno alcuna formazione tecnica. Il TRC, attraverso l’impiego della prefabbricazione, ha le potenzialità per fornire un sistema costruttivo che possa supplire alla mancanza di conoscenze proprie di questi contesti informali. Questo progetto non si focalizza unicamente sullo sviluppo di una tecnologia ma anche sulla progettazione di un intervento su scala locale cha abbia l’obbiettivo di promuovere la soluzione e di dotare la comunità di un’adeguata educazione sui temi basilari riguardanti la costruzione. Ne consegue che il progetto è stato integrato alla visione progettuale su scala urbana del progetto PolimiParaRocinha. Promosso da attori locali e sostenuto dall’Univerisidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro, il progetto vede la collaborazione di un team multidisciplinare ed è gestito dal laboratorio IMMdesign del Politecnico di Milano. L’approccio dell’ IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) è stato impiegato per analizzare la favela e comprendere e valutare l’impatto di possibili azioni implementate a livello globale e locale. Questo ha permesso un solido inquadramento del progetto in un contesto già studiato e sufficientemente sviluppato. Sono state perciò introdotte solide strategie multidisciplinari di intervento su scala urbana al fine di introdurre efficacemente un progetto che ne sviluppa in dettaglio un singolo aspetto.
Argamassa armada. Textile reinforced concrete, social inclusion through technology and design
In the last decades, composites have been employed to develop innovative solutions in order to increase performances and reduce environmental footprint. The researches about TRC (textile reinforced concrete technology) has shown promising results. Because the steel reinforcement is replaced by textile nets, TRC solutions are not subjected to oxidation phenomena and qualities as lightness transportability durability and sustainability are enhanced. Under the hypothesis that composite materials and composite solutions are widely diffused and accessible on the market, this project investigates the potentiality of this technology in a low-income context where issues as transportability, constructability and durability are extremely important. Solutions as ferrocemento developed by Pier Luigi Nervi or Argamassa armada developed by Joao Filgueiras Lima in Brazil have proved that lightweight reinforcement concrete technology is able to provide cost effective structures with impressive architectural output. Through prefabrication it has been possible to involve low class unskilled labour in the construction process. Aware of the main technology assets the favela of Rocinha, in Rio de Janeiro has been studied and analysed to develop a constructions system where TRC technology is employed to address sociological, technological, economical, construction and architectural necessities of this peculiar settlement. TRC technology fits the basic know how about concrete technology and could be eventually employed to provide, thank to prefabrication, a more suitable solution easy to deployed and transported on the worksite. This project is not only focused on develop a technology but also design a possible intervention inside the community with the aim to boost the adoption of this solution and to provide a robust know-how about construction techniques inside the community. For this purpose, the project has been integrated with the urban vision of PolimiParaRocinha project. Ongoing project promoted by local actors and supported by the Univerisidade Federale do Rio de Janeiro it is carried out by a multidisciplinary team leaded by the IMMdesign laboratory. The IMM (Integrated Modification Methodology) have been employed to analyse the favela and pitch the impact of possible local and global actions implemented in the community. Finally, the PolimiPara- Rocinha project integrates the argamassa armada purpose providing a robust and consistent frame about urban context and urban strategic actions to implement locally.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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