Climate change, demographic growth in developing countries, and improving life conditions expected during the 21st century will significant impact on the availability and the management of fresh water resources. New dams construc- tion could be a mean for reducing negative effects for economy, society, and environment, especially in developing countries, which might be less resilient to extreme events. Current water system analysis literature focuses mostly on strategic sizing and siting of dams, often neglecting the initial transient phase of reservoir filling. However, this phase may have substantial environmental and economic implications, as precaution towards downstream impacts requires transiting high percentages of inflow, resulting in multi-years, even decadal, filling transients. Conversely, upstream interests (e.g., hydropower produc- tion) favor fast impoundment of water, albeit generating critical periods of minimal streamflow downstream. This thesis aims at studying different filling policies for multi-objective water systems. In order to find the optimal filling policy, we propose to first design the optimal operations over the regime period to explore the tradeoffs across the interests of the stakeholders after the filling and select a compromise so- lution that will represent the regime situation to be tracked during the filling optimization. Specifically, this second optimization generates Pareto optimal filling policies across the same objectives of the regime optimization, along with a tracking objective of the reservoir level under the selected compromise solu- tion and the minimization of the filling duration. Finally, the performance of both the regime and the filling solutions, which are designed over historical inflow records, are evaluated against an ensemble of stochastic hydrological conditions. We apply this methodology to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Ethiopia, taking into account the main involved stakeholders, namely Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt with their conflicting objectives. Results show that the regime operations can generate conflicts between Ethiopia and Egypt and between Sudan and Egypt, while Ethiopia and Sudan can both benefit from the construction and optimal operations of the GERD. During the filling the tradeoffs are instead amplified, with the best solution for Ethiopia that would fill the reservoir in about 10 years. Conversely, the best filling strat- egy for Sudan would take around 40 years and the best solution for Egypt will not complete the filling in the considered 53 years horizon. Finally, the anal- ysis over stochastic hydrology suggests that the optimal policies for regime operations are less vulnerable than the ones for the filling periods, which are particularly exposed to drought conditions. It is important to highlight that all these analysis are conservative with respect to the ability of Egypt to adapt to the GERD by re-optimizing the High Aswan dam.
Il cambiamento climatico, la crescita demografica nei paesi in via di sviluppo e un miglioramento delle condizioni di vita che ci si aspetta avverranno durante il XXI secolo produrranno impatti significativi sulla disponibilitá e la gestione delle risorse d’acqua dolce. La costruzione di nuove dighe potrebbe essere un mezzo per mitigare gli effetti negativi su economia, societá e ambiente, spe- cialmente nei paesi in via di sviluppo i quali potrebbero essere meno resili- enti rispetto agli eventi estremi. La letteratura esistente sullánalisi dei sistemi idrici si concentra principalmente sulla dimensione e l’insediamento strategico delle dighe, spesso trascurando la fase iniziale di riempimento del serbatoio. Tuttavia, questa fase puó avere implicazioni economiche ed ambientali signi- ficative e, come precauzione rispetto agli impatti sui portatori di interesse a valle, si richiedono alte percentuali di afflusso nella fase di riempimento, che si traducono in periodi di riempimento pluriennali, se non decennali. Al con- trario, gli interessi dei portatori di interesse di monte (come per esempio la produzione idroelettrica) favoriscono veloci accumuli d’acqua nel serbatoio, sebbene generino periodi critici caratterizzati da minimi afflussi a valle. Questa tesi si propone di studiare differenti politiche di riempimento per un sistema idrico multi-obiettivo, in particolare esplorando lo spazio degli obi- ettivi usando la procedura Evolutionary Multi-Objective Direct Policy Search (EMODPS). Abbiamo applicato questa procedura alla Grand Ethiopian Renais- sance Dam (GERD) situata in Etiopia, tenendo in considerazione i principali portatori di interesse coinvolti, precisamente Etiopia, Sudan e Egitto, con i rispettivi obiettivi conflittuali. Al fine di identificare la politica di riempimento ottima, il nostro studio propone di identificare inizialmente le operazioni ot- time rispetto al periodo di regime, al fine di esplorare il tradeoff tra gli inter- essi dei tre stati dopo la fase di riempimento, e selezionare una alternativa che rappresenti il target per l’ottimizzazione delle politiche di riempimento. Nello specifico, questa seconda ottimizzazione genera politiche di riempimento ot- time Paretiane rispetto agli stessi tre obiettivi dell’ottimizzazione del regime, accompagnate anche da un obiettivo di tracciamento del livello del serbatoio rispetto alla soluzione di compromesso e alla minimizzazione della durata del periodo di riempimento. Infine, le prestazioni delle soluzioni a regime e in riempimento, che sono state identificate rispetto a dati di afflusso storici, sono valutate rispetto a un insieme di condizioni idrologiche stocastiche. I risultati mostrano che le operazioni a regime possono generare conflitti tra Etiopia e Egitto e tra Egitto e Sudan, mentre sia Etiopia che Sudan possono beneficiare dalla costruzione e dalle operazioni ottime della GERD. Durante la fase di riempimento i tradeoffs sono amplificati, con la miglior soluzione per l’Etiopia che riempie il serbatoio in 10 anni. Al contrario, la miglior strate- gia per il Sudan richiederebbe circa 40 anni per la fase di riempimento mentre la miglior alternativa per l’Egitto non completa il riempimento considerando l’orizzonte temporale di 53 anni. Infine, l’analisi svolta rispetto all’idrologia statistica suggerisce che le politiche ottime a regime sono meno vulnerabili che quelle relative al periodo di riempimento, le quali sono maggiormente esposte a periodi particolarmente secchi. Bisogna comunque sottolineare che tutte queste analisi sono conservative rispetto alla capacitá dell’Egitto di adat- tarsi alla GERD ri-ottimizzando la gestione della High Aswan dam.
Multiobjective optimal design of dam filling strategies : the Grand Ethiopian renaissance dam
Climate change, demographic growth in developing countries, and improving life conditions expected during the 21st century will significant impact on the availability and the management of fresh water resources. New dams construc- tion could be a mean for reducing negative effects for economy, society, and environment, especially in developing countries, which might be less resilient to extreme events. Current water system analysis literature focuses mostly on strategic sizing and siting of dams, often neglecting the initial transient phase of reservoir filling. However, this phase may have substantial environmental and economic implications, as precaution towards downstream impacts requires transiting high percentages of inflow, resulting in multi-years, even decadal, filling transients. Conversely, upstream interests (e.g., hydropower produc- tion) favor fast impoundment of water, albeit generating critical periods of minimal streamflow downstream. This thesis aims at studying different filling policies for multi-objective water systems. In order to find the optimal filling policy, we propose to first design the optimal operations over the regime period to explore the tradeoffs across the interests of the stakeholders after the filling and select a compromise so- lution that will represent the regime situation to be tracked during the filling optimization. Specifically, this second optimization generates Pareto optimal filling policies across the same objectives of the regime optimization, along with a tracking objective of the reservoir level under the selected compromise solu- tion and the minimization of the filling duration. Finally, the performance of both the regime and the filling solutions, which are designed over historical inflow records, are evaluated against an ensemble of stochastic hydrological conditions. We apply this methodology to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Ethiopia, taking into account the main involved stakeholders, namely Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt with their conflicting objectives. Results show that the regime operations can generate conflicts between Ethiopia and Egypt and between Sudan and Egypt, while Ethiopia and Sudan can both benefit from the construction and optimal operations of the GERD. During the filling the tradeoffs are instead amplified, with the best solution for Ethiopia that would fill the reservoir in about 10 years. Conversely, the best filling strat- egy for Sudan would take around 40 years and the best solution for Egypt will not complete the filling in the considered 53 years horizon. Finally, the anal- ysis over stochastic hydrology suggests that the optimal policies for regime operations are less vulnerable than the ones for the filling periods, which are particularly exposed to drought conditions. It is important to highlight that all these analysis are conservative with respect to the ability of Egypt to adapt to the GERD by re-optimizing the High Aswan dam.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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