Since the beginning of the 21st century, Marrakech has become a leading city in the national development program focused on tourism. Today it is considered one of the capitals of worldliness and a tourist destination not only at European level, but worldwide. To understand this process it is necessary to trace the origin of the current building of Marrakech in terms of perception of the city with colonial time, when the privileged destination of French tourism and the symbol of Moroccan identity is structured. It is a city dominated by contrasts. By day it is chaotic and impetuous, at night it is silent and insecure; the city itself, contrasts two different ways of conceiving the city; the Medina, a historical and traditional part in which the culture and history of the country predominates, and the Ville Nouvelle in which modernity and western influence form the backdrop to a new reality; elegance and sumptuousness, social differences and culture, make Marrakech unique in its kind and strong attraction for tourism in Morocco. Tourism becomes a fundamental element in this research process as a protagonist of a strong acceleration of the contemporary nature of places; the thesis project is concentrated in a context outside the walls of the Medina in a context where tourism is the undisputed protagonist. Giving an identity and creating relationships not only on an urban level, but above all on a social level to urban voids located in the close vicinity of the Majorelle gardens (currently decreed the most visited site in the whole of Morocco) and the recent Yves Saint Laurent Museum is one of the primary objectives of this research. The proximity with these attractive elements implies the presence of already existing spatial and social flows, but aimed at a specific function and without a context rich in places for social relations and service for the users. The main purpose of the Project is to respond to a process of accelerated growth and transformation, of maximum tourist attractiveness of the city, through a socio-spatial analysis of the context, the interpretation of the already existing potentialities and the transformation of them into generating elements of new landmarks for the city. The urban design in the project is the answer to this growth process, through a redesign of the landscape that takes into account the existing but at the same time creates new relationships between the spaces, the birth of new services to support the users and the hierarchization of paths driveways and pedestrians. Fundamental in the totality of the process is the understanding of the union between the strong development and westernization and the maintenance of some elements of the cultural, social and religious tradition of the country. The choice to undertake a thesis path in a city completely different from the context in which we live (and design) every day, involves the need to know and relate the different images of Marrakech, from a privileged destination for tourism, to symbolize the Moroccan identity. The proximity of the "red city" with Europe means that the traveler can enjoy the authenticity of the "Exotic" with a brief shift, but at the same time a model of a globalized and contemporary city in which there is an ongoing very strong evolution. Moreover, among the characteristic elements of Marrakech and able to influence and increase this process, there is the climatic factor. It is a factor that, supported by a favorable geographical context, is among the main components of attraction towards the city. Personal experience is born through an intensive week of "Abitare a Marrakech" Workshop promoted and coordinated by Prof. L. Montedoro. The direct contact with the city, the possibility to carry out an inspection of the area, to enter into relations with the people who live in the area and to perceive their shortcomings and needs, has led to the choice of starting a design path that could deepen the relationships and going to fill existing urban areas in order to regain urban and social quality, but at the same time understand how the city itself is experiencing a rapid transformation largely supported by transport policies. It is possible to recognize a process of Urban Regeneration that expands outside the context of the Medina, of some spaces considered significant for the image of the city, but which are currently unrelated to the existing context.
Dall’inizio del XXI secolo Marrakech diventa città protagonista del programma di sviluppo nazionale incentrato sul turismo. E’ oggi considerata una delle capitali della mondanità e meta turistica non solo a livello europeo, ma mondiale. Per comprendere questo processo è necessario rintracciare l’origine della costruzione dell’immagine attuale di Marrakech e di mettere in relazione la percezione contemporanea della città con il periodo coloniale, quando venne costruita come la meta privilegiata del turismo francese e il simbolo dell’identità marocchina. Si tratta di una città predominata da contrasti. Di giorno è caotica e irruente , di notte è silenziosa e insicura; la città stessa, caratterizzata dalla presenza delle mura storiche, contrappone due diversi modi di concepire la città; la Medina, parte storica e tradizionale in cui predomina la cultura e la storia del Paese, e la Ville Nouvelle in cui la modernità e l’influenza Occidentale fanno da sfondo ad una realtà nuova; l’eleganza e la sontuosità, le differenze sociali e le culture , rendono Marrakech unica nel suo genere e forte attrazione per il turismo in Marocco. Il turismo, diventa elemento fondamentale in questo processo di ricerca in quanto protagonista di una forte accelerazione della natura contemporanea dei luoghi; il progetto di tesi si concentra in un’area situata al di fuori dalle mura della Medina in un contesto dove il turismo è protagonista indiscusso. Dare un’ identità e creare delle relazioni non solo a livello urbanistico, ma soprattutto a livello sociale a dei vuoti urbani situati nelle strette vicinanze dei giardini delle Majorelle (attualmente decretato sito più visitato dell’intero Marocco) e del recente Museo di Yves Saint Laurent è uno degli obiettivi primari di questa ricerca. La prossimità con questi elementi attrattivi comporta la presenza di flussi spaziali e sociali già esistenti, ma mirati ad una funzione specifica e privi di un contesto ricco di luoghi per la socialità e di servizio per i fruitori. Lo scopo principale del Progetto è quello di rispondere ad un processo di crescita e trasformazione accelerato e di massima attrattività turistica della città, attraverso un’analisi socio-spaziale del contesto, l’ interpretazione delle potenzialità già esistenti e la trasformazione di essi in elementi generatori di nuovi punti di riferimento per la città. Il disegno urbano nel progetto è la risposta a questo processo di crescita, attraverso un ridisegno del paesaggio che tiene conto dell’esistente ma allo stesso tempo crea nuove relazioni tra gli spazi, la nascita di nuovi servizi a supporto dei fruitori e la gerarchizzazione di percorsi carrabili e pedonali. Fondamentale nella totalità del processo è la comprensione dell’unione tra il forte sviluppo e occidentalizzazione e il mantenimento di alcuni elementi della tradizione culturale, sociale e religiosa del Paese. La scelta di intraprendere un percorso di tesi in una città completamente diversa dal contesto in cui viviamo (e progettiamo) quotidianamente, comporta la necessità di conoscere e mettere in relazione le diverse immagini di Marrakech, da meta privilegiata del turismo appunto, a simbolo dell’identità marocchina. La vicinanza della “città rossa” con l’Europa fa si che il viaggiatore possa assaporare con un breve spostamento l’autenticità “dell’ Esotico”, ma allo stesso tempo un modello di città globalizzata e contemporanea in cui vi è in atto un’ evoluzione molto forte. Inoltre, tra gli elementi caratterizzanti di Marrakech e in grado di influenzare e incrementare questo processo, vi è il fattore climatico. Si tratta di un fattore che, sostenuto da un contesto geografico favorevole, è tra le componenti principali di attrazione verso la città. L’esperienza personale nasce attraverso una settimana intensiva di Workshop “Abitare a Marrakech” promosso e coordinato dalla Prof.ssa L. Montedoro. Il contatto diretto con la città, la possibilità di effettuare il sopralluogo sull’area, di entrare in relazione con la gente che vive il luogo e percepirne mancanze ed esigenze , ha portato alla scelta di iniziare un percorso progettuale che fosse in grado di approfondire le relazioni e di andare a colmare delle aree urbane esistenti al fine di far riacquistare qualità urbana e sociale, ma allo stesso tempo comprendere come la città stessa stia vivendo una rapida trasformazione sostenuta in gran parte dalle politiche di trasporto. Si può riconoscere un processo di Rigenerazione Urbana che si espande al di fuori del contesto della Medina, di alcuni spazi considerati significativi per l’immagine della città, ma attualmente privi di relazione con il contesto esistente.
Flaner. Un nuovo sistema di relazioni per il Jardin Majorelle a Marrakech
Since the beginning of the 21st century, Marrakech has become a leading city in the national development program focused on tourism. Today it is considered one of the capitals of worldliness and a tourist destination not only at European level, but worldwide. To understand this process it is necessary to trace the origin of the current building of Marrakech in terms of perception of the city with colonial time, when the privileged destination of French tourism and the symbol of Moroccan identity is structured. It is a city dominated by contrasts. By day it is chaotic and impetuous, at night it is silent and insecure; the city itself, contrasts two different ways of conceiving the city; the Medina, a historical and traditional part in which the culture and history of the country predominates, and the Ville Nouvelle in which modernity and western influence form the backdrop to a new reality; elegance and sumptuousness, social differences and culture, make Marrakech unique in its kind and strong attraction for tourism in Morocco. Tourism becomes a fundamental element in this research process as a protagonist of a strong acceleration of the contemporary nature of places; the thesis project is concentrated in a context outside the walls of the Medina in a context where tourism is the undisputed protagonist. Giving an identity and creating relationships not only on an urban level, but above all on a social level to urban voids located in the close vicinity of the Majorelle gardens (currently decreed the most visited site in the whole of Morocco) and the recent Yves Saint Laurent Museum is one of the primary objectives of this research. The proximity with these attractive elements implies the presence of already existing spatial and social flows, but aimed at a specific function and without a context rich in places for social relations and service for the users. The main purpose of the Project is to respond to a process of accelerated growth and transformation, of maximum tourist attractiveness of the city, through a socio-spatial analysis of the context, the interpretation of the already existing potentialities and the transformation of them into generating elements of new landmarks for the city. The urban design in the project is the answer to this growth process, through a redesign of the landscape that takes into account the existing but at the same time creates new relationships between the spaces, the birth of new services to support the users and the hierarchization of paths driveways and pedestrians. Fundamental in the totality of the process is the understanding of the union between the strong development and westernization and the maintenance of some elements of the cultural, social and religious tradition of the country. The choice to undertake a thesis path in a city completely different from the context in which we live (and design) every day, involves the need to know and relate the different images of Marrakech, from a privileged destination for tourism, to symbolize the Moroccan identity. The proximity of the "red city" with Europe means that the traveler can enjoy the authenticity of the "Exotic" with a brief shift, but at the same time a model of a globalized and contemporary city in which there is an ongoing very strong evolution. Moreover, among the characteristic elements of Marrakech and able to influence and increase this process, there is the climatic factor. It is a factor that, supported by a favorable geographical context, is among the main components of attraction towards the city. Personal experience is born through an intensive week of "Abitare a Marrakech" Workshop promoted and coordinated by Prof. L. Montedoro. The direct contact with the city, the possibility to carry out an inspection of the area, to enter into relations with the people who live in the area and to perceive their shortcomings and needs, has led to the choice of starting a design path that could deepen the relationships and going to fill existing urban areas in order to regain urban and social quality, but at the same time understand how the city itself is experiencing a rapid transformation largely supported by transport policies. It is possible to recognize a process of Urban Regeneration that expands outside the context of the Medina, of some spaces considered significant for the image of the city, but which are currently unrelated to the existing context.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
1. BANNER Inquadramento .pdf
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2.banner TURISMO .pdf
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3. banner MAJORELLE .pdf
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Descrizione: Jardin Majorelle e Museo YSL
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4. TAVOLA 1000 piante .pdf
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Descrizione: Tavola di progetto 1:1000 masterplan
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