This thesis has been written as final paper of the Master Degree course in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design at Politecnico di Milano, Piacenza Campus, during the academic year 2018/2019. The topic of the study has been chosen starting from the title of the Master Degree course and from a personal interest, grown up during the years of studies, for the concept of Sustainability and for the national and international actual debate connected to this topic and applied to Architecture. The starting point of this thesis is an in-depth study on the fundamentals of Bioclimatic Architecture; on current construction techniques for the energy saving of buildings and the relationship with the local traditional architecture. The purpose of the thesis is the development of a project proposal that establishes a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding area: the aim is to have a final result well integrated with the local context and, in the same time, to face with new functional needs, suggesting new landscapes and new ways of living the space. The selected project site is collocated in the historical centre of Corano Val Tidone, in the municipality of Borgonovo, as part of Tidone Valley in the province of Piacenza. The site is an interesting study case because it is placed in a context of historical and landscape significance. The thesis is structured in three parts: the first part is an overview on the concept of Sustainability and Bioclimatic Architecture, and it gives a theoretical introduction about the national and international legislative framework and the basic principles that have driven the analysis and the following project phases. The second part is focused on an in-depth study of the project site, performed mainly through on-site surveys. The analysis give a detailed description of the area and they have been used as basis for the final project. In particular, the climate and sun light analysis offer important guidelines for the bioclimatic planning; the historical analysis underlines the architectural layers that are still visible in the project area; the visual analysis shows the close connection between the site project and its architectural and landscape context. Finally, the third part exposes the different faces of the design process, starting from bioclimatic architecture’s guidelines and the functional program. The final project wants to put the attention on the architectural renovation and energy improvement of the selected building. The project has also the aim to improve the surrounding of the building with a new design of outdoor spaces, in particular for the adjacent park, and with a careful selection of the used materials, with referments to the local architectural tradition and to the new aesthetic trends and contemporaneous construction techniques.
La presente tesi è stata redatta come elaborato finale al corso di Laurea Magistrale in Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio [Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design] presso il Politecnico di Milano, sede di Piacenza, durante l’anno accademico 2018/2019. L’argomento di studio è stato scelto partendo dal titolo del corso di Laurea frequentato e da un interesse personale maturato nel corso degli anni di studio per il concetto di Sostenibilità e per l’attuale dibattito nazionale ed internazionale ad esso correlato nell’ambito dell’Architettura e delle sue applicazioni. Alla base della Tesi presentata vi è uno studio approfondito sui principi base dell’Architettura bioclimatica; sulle attuali tecniche costruttive per il risparmio energetico degli edifici e il rapporto con l’architettura tradizionale locale. L’obiettivo della Tesi è l’elaborazione di una proposta progettuale che stabilisca un dialogo simbiotico con il territorio circostante così da avere un risultato finale ben integrato nel suo contesto specifico, e, allo stesso tempo, rispondere a nuove esigenze funzionali, suggerendo nuovi paesaggi, modi di abitare e vivere lo spazio. Il sito di progetto scelto si colloca nel centro storico del borgo di Corano, all’interno della proprietà che include l’omonimo Castello, nel comune di Borgonovo, nell’ambito della Val Tidone nella Provincia di Piacenza. Il sito costituisce un interessante caso studio in quanto situato in un contesto di rilevanza storica e paesaggistica La Tesi è articolata in tre parti: la prima parte offre una panoramica sul concetto di Sostenibilità e Architettura Bioclimatica, fornendo una introduzione teorica attraverso il quadro normativo nazionale ed internazionale ed ai principi base che hanno guidato le fasi di analisi e di progettazione successive. La seconda parte si focalizza sull’attenta analisi del sito di progetto scelto, eseguita principalmente in loco attraverso rilievi. Le analisi forniscono una descrizione dettagliata dell’area che è stata usata poi come base per la realizzazione del progetto finale. In particolare, l’analisi climatica e del soleggiamento offrono importanti indicazioni per la progettazione bioclimatica; l’analisi storica sottolinea la stratificazione degli interventi architettonici tuttora visibili nell’area di progetto; l’analisi visiva evidenzia lo stretto rapporto con il contesto circostante sia architettonico che paesaggistico. Infine, la terza parte espone le varie fasi dell’iter progettuale, partendo dalle indicazioni fornite dall’analisi bioclimatica dell’area e dal programma funzionale proposto. Il progetto finale vuole porre l’attenzione non solo nella riqualificazione architettonica ed energetica dell’edificio oggetto di intervento, ma anche del suo contesto più prossimo, proponendo così un nuovo disegno del verde per il parco adiacente e una attenta cura nella scelta dei materiali, con richiami alla tradizione architettonica locale e alle nuove tendenze estetiche e costruttive contemporanee.
Proposta progettuale per la valorizzazione architettonica, funzionale ed energetica di un fabbricato nell'ambito di un contesto di rilevanza storica nella provincia di Piacenza
This thesis has been written as final paper of the Master Degree course in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design at Politecnico di Milano, Piacenza Campus, during the academic year 2018/2019. The topic of the study has been chosen starting from the title of the Master Degree course and from a personal interest, grown up during the years of studies, for the concept of Sustainability and for the national and international actual debate connected to this topic and applied to Architecture. The starting point of this thesis is an in-depth study on the fundamentals of Bioclimatic Architecture; on current construction techniques for the energy saving of buildings and the relationship with the local traditional architecture. The purpose of the thesis is the development of a project proposal that establishes a symbiotic relationship with the surrounding area: the aim is to have a final result well integrated with the local context and, in the same time, to face with new functional needs, suggesting new landscapes and new ways of living the space. The selected project site is collocated in the historical centre of Corano Val Tidone, in the municipality of Borgonovo, as part of Tidone Valley in the province of Piacenza. The site is an interesting study case because it is placed in a context of historical and landscape significance. The thesis is structured in three parts: the first part is an overview on the concept of Sustainability and Bioclimatic Architecture, and it gives a theoretical introduction about the national and international legislative framework and the basic principles that have driven the analysis and the following project phases. The second part is focused on an in-depth study of the project site, performed mainly through on-site surveys. The analysis give a detailed description of the area and they have been used as basis for the final project. In particular, the climate and sun light analysis offer important guidelines for the bioclimatic planning; the historical analysis underlines the architectural layers that are still visible in the project area; the visual analysis shows the close connection between the site project and its architectural and landscape context. Finally, the third part exposes the different faces of the design process, starting from bioclimatic architecture’s guidelines and the functional program. The final project wants to put the attention on the architectural renovation and energy improvement of the selected building. The project has also the aim to improve the surrounding of the building with a new design of outdoor spaces, in particular for the adjacent park, and with a careful selection of the used materials, with referments to the local architectural tradition and to the new aesthetic trends and contemporaneous construction techniques.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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