In recent years, lab-on-chips have become a widespread reality in the scientific world. In this work, an innovative single cell sorter chip will be presented, based on the synergy between optics and fluidics. Exploiting optical forces, it is possible to obtain single particle manipulation to separate a target sample of cells in an inhomogeneous ensamble on the basis of their fluorescent and mechanical properties. Femtosecond laser micromachining of glasses is used both for the fabrication of the microfluidic channels and the optical components, allowing high level of alignment and arbitrary three dimensionalshapes. Allthestepforthecreationandoptimizationofthedevice will be explained. Most of the time, the substrate employed is fused silica, that allows the creation of very high quality microchannels. Nevertheless, the optical waveguides still present high losses that limits the performances. For this reason, in the final part of the work a different glass (borosilicate Eagle XG), where waveguides with very low losses have been laser-written, will be investigated for microchannel formation and therefore for a possible future substitution of the chip substrate.
Negli ultimi anni, i lab-on-chips sono diventati una realtà sempre più diffusa nel panorama scientifico. In questa tesi viene presentato un innovativo chip basato sulla sinergia traottica e fluidica, in grado di manipolare singlecellule tramitel’applicazionediforzeottiche, alfinediriconoscerlesullabasediproprietà meccaniche e di fluorescenza e di separarle da una iniziale popolazione inomogenea. La fabbricazione tramite impusli laser a femtosecondi in vetro è utilizzata per la realizzazione sia del sistema di microcanali fluidici, sia per le componenti ottiche (nello specifico guide d’onda). Essa permette un elevato livello di allineamento dei componenti e la facoltà di realizzare figure tridimensionali con arbitraria geometria. I passagi per la creazione e ottimizzazionedeldispositivovengonospiegati. Ilsubstratocheverràmaggiormente impiegato per la fabbricazione è il fused silica, il quale permette facilmente la creazione di microcanali con elevate qualità. Nonostante ciò, le guide d’onda necessarie per il completamento del dispostivo presentano tutt’ora troppe perdite per permettere di ottenere elevate prestazioni da parte del chip. Per questa ragione, nella parte finale di questo lavoro viene analizzato un diverso vetro (EAGLE XG), in cui sono già state realizzate guide d’onda con elevate prestazioni, al fine di utilizzarlo come possible futuro sostituto.
A new optofluidic sorter fabricated by femtosecond laser micromachining : an assembled structure
In recent years, lab-on-chips have become a widespread reality in the scientific world. In this work, an innovative single cell sorter chip will be presented, based on the synergy between optics and fluidics. Exploiting optical forces, it is possible to obtain single particle manipulation to separate a target sample of cells in an inhomogeneous ensamble on the basis of their fluorescent and mechanical properties. Femtosecond laser micromachining of glasses is used both for the fabrication of the microfluidic channels and the optical components, allowing high level of alignment and arbitrary three dimensionalshapes. Allthestepforthecreationandoptimizationofthedevice will be explained. Most of the time, the substrate employed is fused silica, that allows the creation of very high quality microchannels. Nevertheless, the optical waveguides still present high losses that limits the performances. For this reason, in the final part of the work a different glass (borosilicate Eagle XG), where waveguides with very low losses have been laser-written, will be investigated for microchannel formation and therefore for a possible future substitution of the chip substrate.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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