Strongly correlated electron systems are typically compounds consisting of transition metals or rare earths, with partially filled d or f bands. The electron-electron interaction within the d or f shell is far from being negligible and the one-electron approach fails at grasping the behaviour of these compounds. Hybridization may exist between localized d or f electrons and the electrons of other bands, such as the wide conduction bands in a metal. In cerium based intermetallic compounds the low-temperature physics is driven by the interaction of lattice of f electrons with the itinerant conduction electrons. Such materials show a plethora of different ground-states, ranging from antiferromagnetic to unconventionally superconducting and Fermi liquid behaviour with a huge enhancement of the electrons’ effective mass. This thesis focuses on the prototypical compound CeCu2Si2. It was the first unconventional superconductor to be discovered in 1979 and still arouses interest in the scientific community as theoretical and experimental efforts are trying to unveil the superconducting pairing mechanism. Since the interesting properties of the material ultimately stem from the interaction between the f and conduction electrons, knowledge of the f states is of great interest. Polarization dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool to obtain information about the symmetry of the 4f ground-state. In this work, we investigate the crystal-field ground-state wave-function of CeCu2Si2 looking at the linear dichroism of polarization dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ce M4,5 edge. In particular, this is done in the temperature range from 250mK to 250K, i.e. from well below the superconducting temperature (Tc = 0.6K) to well above the Kondo temperature (TK ≈ 10−20K), in order to probe the ground-state wave-function in the mK regime and assess the impact of hybridization as a function of temperature. The experimental data are supported by full-multiplet calculations based on a single-ion crystal-field approach. The overall temperature trend of the linear dichroism is well explained in terms of thermal occupation of excited crystal-field states. Small deviations are discussed in terms of hybridization of f electrons and conduction bands. We also focus on another compound, YFe2Al10, where Kondo physics originating from the presence of f electrons is absent. The Fe, however, carries a magnetic moment that does not order down to 0.1K. This compound has recently attracted interest since it is naturally poised on the verge of ferromagnetic order happening at 0K and undisguised quantum critical behaviour has been observed. We report an explorative spectroscopical investigation of the role played by the Fe atoms in YFe2Al10. The valence band soft photoemission spectrum is measured and compared with preliminary density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory calculations, performed by P. Hansmann at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI CPfS), in order to evaluate the role played by correlations in the compound. The x-ray absorption spectrum at the Fe L2,3 edge is measured and compared with reference Fe oxide samples in order to assess the valence of Fe in YFe2Al10. The magnetic moments of the Fe atoms and the magnetic susceptibility are measured by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Fe L2,3 edge. The valence band is better fitted by the calculations when including a modest amount of Coulomb interaction strength between the Fe 3d electrons. The difference between the valence of Fe predicted by dynamical mean-field theory and the one suggested by the comparison of the x-ray absorption spectra with oxide references can be interpreted in terms of quite large charge fluctuations. Furthermore, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism data confirm the saturation of the static susceptibility with increasing applied fields and the values of the effective moment of the Fe atoms, in accordance with what has previously been measured with a susceptometer.
I sistemi con elettroni fortemente correlati sono tipicamente composti che consistono in metalli di transizione o terre rare, con bande d o f parzialmente piene. L’interazione elettrone-elettrone è lontana dall’essere trascurabile e l’approccio a singolo elettrone fallisce nel cogliere il comportamento di questi composti. Ibridizzazione può esistere tra elettroni localizzati d o f e gli elettroni di altre bande, come le ampie bande di conduzione in un metallo. Nei composti intermetallici basati sul cerio la fisica a basse temperature è diretta dall’interazione del reticolo di elettroni f con gli elettroni itineranti di conduzione. Questi materiali esibiscono una serie di stati fondamentali diversi, che vanno da antiferromagnetico a superconduttivo non convenzionale e comportamento di liquido di Fermi con un enorme aumento della massa efficace degli elettroni. Questa tesi si concentra sul composto prototipico CeCu2Si2. Fu il primo superconduttore non convenzionale a essere scoperto nel 1979 e suscita ancora interesse nella comunità scientifica in quanto approcci teorici e sperimentali cercano di svelare il meccanismo di accoppiamento superconduttivo. Poichè le proprietà interessanti del materiale discendono fondamentalmente dall’interazione tra gli elettroni f e quelli di conduzione, la conoscenza degli stati f è di grande interesse. La spettroscopia a raggi x soffici dipendente in polarizzazione si è dimostrata uno strumento efficace nell’ottenere informazioni circa la simmetria dello stato fondamentale. In questo lavoro, investighiamo la funzione d’onda dello stato fondamentale di campo cristallino in CeCu2Si2 guardando al dicrosimo lineare della spettroscopia a raggi x soffici dipendente in polarizzazione alla soglia M4,5 del cerio. In particolare, questo è svolto nell’intervallo di temperature da 250mK a 250K, cioè da molto al di sotto della temperatura critica superconduttiva (Tc = 0.6K) a molto al di sopra della temperatura di Kondo (TK ≈ 10−20K), allo scopo di sondare la funzione d’onda di stato fondamentale nel regime dei mK e valutare l’impatto dell’ibridizzazione in funzione della temperatura. I dati sperimentali sono supportati da simulazioni a multipletto completo basati su un approccio a singolo ione. L’andamento complessivo in temperatura del dicroismo lineare è ben spiegato in termini di occupazione termica degli stati eccitati di campo cristallino. Piccole deviazioni sono discusse nei termini di ibridizzazione tra elettroni f e bande di conduzione. Ci concentriamo anche su un altro composto, YFe2Al10, dove la fisica Kondo che origina dalla presenza di elettroni f è assente. Il Fe, tuttavia, presenta un momento magnetico che non porta a ordine per temperature fino a 0.1K. Questo composto ha recentemente attratto interesse dal momento che è naturalmente in procinto di ordinarsi ferromagneticamente a 0K ed è stato manifestamente osservato comportamento critico quantistico. Riportiamo un’indagine spettroscopica esplorativa del ruolo svolto dagli atomi di Fe in YFe2Al10. Lo spettro di fotoemissione con raggi x soffici della banda di valenza è misurato e comparato con calcoli preliminari di teoria del funzionale della densità e di teoria di campo medio dinamico, svolti da P. Hansmann presso l’Istituto Max Planck per la Chimica Fisica del Solidi (MPI CPfS), con lo scopo di valutare il ruolo delle correlazioni in questo composto. Lo spettro di assorbimento di raggi x alla soglia L2,3 del ferro è misurato e comparato con gli spettri di referenze di ossidi di ferro, con lo scopo di valutare la valenza del Fe in YFe2Al10. I momenti magnetici degli atomi di Fe e la suscettività magnetica sono misurati tramite dicroismo magnetico circolare a raggi x alla soglia L2,3 del ferro. La banda di valenza è meglio riprodotta dai calcoli se si include un modesta entità di interazione coulombiana tra gli elettroni 3d del Fe. La differenza tra la valenza del Fe predetta dalla teoria di campo medio dinamico e quella suggerita dal confronto degli spettri di assorbimento di raggi x con ossidi di referenza può essere interpretata in termini di fluttuazioni di carica. Inoltre, i dati di dicroismo magnetico circolare a raggi x confermano la saturazione della suscettività statica con campi crescenti e i valori del momento magnetico effettivo degli atomi di Fe, in accordo con quanto precedentemente misurato tramite un suscettometro.
X-ray spectroscopy based investigations of the electronic states of CeCu2Si2 and YFe2Al10: absorption and photoemission
Strongly correlated electron systems are typically compounds consisting of transition metals or rare earths, with partially filled d or f bands. The electron-electron interaction within the d or f shell is far from being negligible and the one-electron approach fails at grasping the behaviour of these compounds. Hybridization may exist between localized d or f electrons and the electrons of other bands, such as the wide conduction bands in a metal. In cerium based intermetallic compounds the low-temperature physics is driven by the interaction of lattice of f electrons with the itinerant conduction electrons. Such materials show a plethora of different ground-states, ranging from antiferromagnetic to unconventionally superconducting and Fermi liquid behaviour with a huge enhancement of the electrons’ effective mass. This thesis focuses on the prototypical compound CeCu2Si2. It was the first unconventional superconductor to be discovered in 1979 and still arouses interest in the scientific community as theoretical and experimental efforts are trying to unveil the superconducting pairing mechanism. Since the interesting properties of the material ultimately stem from the interaction between the f and conduction electrons, knowledge of the f states is of great interest. Polarization dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful tool to obtain information about the symmetry of the 4f ground-state. In this work, we investigate the crystal-field ground-state wave-function of CeCu2Si2 looking at the linear dichroism of polarization dependent soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ce M4,5 edge. In particular, this is done in the temperature range from 250mK to 250K, i.e. from well below the superconducting temperature (Tc = 0.6K) to well above the Kondo temperature (TK ≈ 10−20K), in order to probe the ground-state wave-function in the mK regime and assess the impact of hybridization as a function of temperature. The experimental data are supported by full-multiplet calculations based on a single-ion crystal-field approach. The overall temperature trend of the linear dichroism is well explained in terms of thermal occupation of excited crystal-field states. Small deviations are discussed in terms of hybridization of f electrons and conduction bands. We also focus on another compound, YFe2Al10, where Kondo physics originating from the presence of f electrons is absent. The Fe, however, carries a magnetic moment that does not order down to 0.1K. This compound has recently attracted interest since it is naturally poised on the verge of ferromagnetic order happening at 0K and undisguised quantum critical behaviour has been observed. We report an explorative spectroscopical investigation of the role played by the Fe atoms in YFe2Al10. The valence band soft photoemission spectrum is measured and compared with preliminary density functional theory and dynamical mean-field theory calculations, performed by P. Hansmann at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids (MPI CPfS), in order to evaluate the role played by correlations in the compound. The x-ray absorption spectrum at the Fe L2,3 edge is measured and compared with reference Fe oxide samples in order to assess the valence of Fe in YFe2Al10. The magnetic moments of the Fe atoms and the magnetic susceptibility are measured by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Fe L2,3 edge. The valence band is better fitted by the calculations when including a modest amount of Coulomb interaction strength between the Fe 3d electrons. The difference between the valence of Fe predicted by dynamical mean-field theory and the one suggested by the comparison of the x-ray absorption spectra with oxide references can be interpreted in terms of quite large charge fluctuations. Furthermore, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism data confirm the saturation of the static susceptibility with increasing applied fields and the values of the effective moment of the Fe atoms, in accordance with what has previously been measured with a susceptometer.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 28/11/2020
Descrizione: Testo della tesi
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