In today’s world, the built environment plays a key role in socio-economic relations and the environment is being affected most dominantly by urban life. Cities are growing fast, and faster are growing the numbers of urban inhabitants. At present, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities and it is estimated that this ratio will increase to 70 percent by 2050. It means that if they are not managed now, the urban-related issues we are facing today will be taken to much more intensity tomorrow and even more severe environmental risks and socio-economic conflicts are yet to arise. Currently, about 80 percent of the global primary energy is being consumed in urban areas, cities are being guilty of emitting more than 60 percent of the total world’s greenhouse gases, and the list of social issues in urban arrangements are endless. On the other hand, cities are the economic engine of the world, and by being on average responsible for more than 75 percent of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) their further expansion is an inevitable perspective. In this situation, and as sustainability becomes the main development framework for all parts of economic communities, adopting innovative approaches towards development in the built environment is becoming urgent. In the recent decades, there have been many attempts to define all-inclusive strategies and act globally for sustainable development. Currently, the main universal framework for approaching sustainability is the UN Agenda 2030 which defines the Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030 and offers a comprehensive set of indicators for measuring the improvement. Since the socio-economic and environmental relations form a highly complex integrated matrix, all the Sustainable Development Goals are fundamentally linked together. Thus, the only possible approach to the UN Program would be through a profound systemic interpretation that highlights the linkage between the goals. This demands an elevated level of interdisciplinarity in all the attempts directed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is conventional for the first methodological steps to be taken in monodisciplinary research laboratories working only one goal or even few targets within the SDGs. Therefore, it is crucial for institutional and research bodies to consider the entire perspective when they develop methodological platforms to approach sustainability in their field. Such consideration requires a deep holistic understanding of the field of study and the overall obstacles of sustainability involving systemic synthesis with the usual scientific methods. In other words, any methodology defined to approach each one of the UN SDGs should be defined in a robust structure able to scientifically communicate to other fields involved. For this, the methods cannot be limited to analytical thinking but must adopt a clear system-thinking approach in their theoretical formation. The built environment is composed of various morphological, typological, and technological subsystems from which the performing manner of the entire system is originated. Claiming sustainability in urban establishments demands a comprehensive understanding of cities as complex systems and clear identification of the role player subsystems within them. The majority of current trends and design methods adopt simplified analytical approaches and practically deal with the subsystems as independent entities; hence neglect the importance of phenomena resulting from their interconnections in different scales. With the aim of developing a better understanding of the built environment’s systemic structure, the intention of this Ph.D. research is to offer a holistic methodology for studying the behavior of the built environment and investigate the methods for measuring the effect of urban structure to the performance. This goal will be pursued through an inquiry into the morphological components of the urban systems and the complex relationships between them. Particularly, this research focuses on the morphological patterns that might influence the non-motorized traffic. The measurable morphological values will be investigated and an automatizing calculating methodology will be developed. Then, a theoretical platform for studying the pattern of relationship between the mentioned values and performance indicators will be argued. All the findings and applied methods in this thesis will be applied on the following case study: As it is predicted by UN that by 2050 around 70 percent of the urban population would live in informal settlements, it seems appropriate that the men-tioned methodology will be tested in such a context. Therefore, PolomiParaRo-cinha which is a 2016 Polisocial award-winning project is selected as the case study. PolimiparaRocinha is a project with a theme of environmental performance and social inclusion for Rocinha, the biggest Favela of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil of which the author of this thesis is the coordinator of the operative team. For the case study adaptation, the non-motorized traffic patterns and parameters induced within the local morphological is being studied and their effects in terms envi-ronmental performance is being investigated both in the local and city scales. The core value of this research is demonstrating that the direct relationship between action and behavior can be scientifically measured. This highlights the necessity of similar approaches for studying the built environment leading to developing decision support tools able to predict the behavior of the urban arrangement after certain modification scenarios from a sustainable point of view. Keywords Built Environment, Sustainability, Ecology, Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems, Sustainable Indicators, Urban Morphology, Key Categories, Morphological Attributes, Structural Tools, Evaluation Tools, Operational Facet, Modelling Methodology
Nel mondo odierno, l'ambiente costruito gioca un ruolo chiave nelle relazioni socio-economiche e l'ambiente è influenzato maggiormente dalla vita urbana. Le città stanno crescendo rapidamente, e più velocemente stanno aumentando il numero di abitanti delle città. Al momento, oltre la metà della popolazione mondiale vive nelle città e si stima che questo rapporto aumenterà al 70 percento entro il 2050. Ciò significa che se non sono gestite ora, le questioni relative alle città che stiamo affrontando oggi saranno prese . a molta più intensità domani e devono ancora sorgere rischi ambientali e conflitti socioeconomici ancora più gravi. Attualmente, circa l'80 percento dell'energia primaria globale viene consumato nelle aree urbane, le città sono colpevoli di emettere più del 60 percento dei gas serra globali e l'elenco delle questioni sociali negli assetti urbani è infinito. D'altra parte, le città sono il motore economico del mondo e, essendo mediamente responsabili di oltre il 75% del prodotto interno lordo (PIL) di un paese, la loro ulteriore espansione è una prospettiva inevitabile. In questa situazione, e poiché la sostenibilità diventa il principale quadro di sviluppo per tutte le parti delle comunità economiche, sta diventando urgente l'adozione di approcci innovativi allo sviluppo nell'ambiente edificato. Negli ultimi decenni, ci sono stati molti tentativi di definire strategie all-inclusive e agire a livello globale per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Attualmente, il principale quadro universale per l'approccio alla sostenibilità è l'agenda delle Nazioni Unite 2030 che definisce gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile per l'anno 2030 e offre una serie completa di indicatori per misurare il miglioramento. Poiché le relazioni socio-economiche e ambientali formano una matrice integrata altamente complessa, tutti gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile sono fondamentalmente collegati tra loro. Pertanto, l'unico approccio possibile al programma delle Nazioni Unite sarebbe attraverso una profonda interpretazione sistemica che evidenzi il legame tra gli obiettivi. Ciò richiede un elevato livello di interdisciplinarietà in tutti i tentativi diretti a raggiungere gli obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile. Tuttavia, è convenzionale che i primi passi metodologici siano adottati nei laboratori di ricerca monodisciplinare che lavorano solo un obiettivo o anche pochi obiettivi all'interno degli OSS. Pertanto, è cruciale che gli enti istituzionali e di ricerca prendano in considerazione l'intera prospettiva quando sviluppano piattaforme metodologiche per affrontare la sostenibilità nel loro campo. Questa considerazione richiede una profonda comprensione olistica del campo di studio e degli ostacoli generali della sostenibilità che coinvolgono la sintesi sistemica con i soliti metodi scientifici. In altre parole, qualsiasi metodologia definita per avvicinarsi a ciascuno degli OSS delle Nazioni Unite dovrebbe essere definita in una solida struttura in grado di comunicare scientificamente con altri settori coinvolti. Per questo, i metodi non possono essere limitati al pensiero analitico ma devono adottare un chiaro approccio di pensiero sistemico nella loro formazione teorica. L'ambiente costruito è composto da vari sottosistemi morfologici, tipologici e tecnologici da cui provengono le modalità di esecuzione dell'intero sistema. La rivendicazione della sostenibilità negli stabilimenti urbani richiede una comprensione globale delle città come sistemi complessi e una chiara identificazione dei sottosistemi dei giocatori di ruolo al loro interno. La maggior parte delle tendenze e dei metodi di progettazione attuali adottano approcci analitici semplificati e praticamente trattano i sottosistemi come entità indipendenti; trascurare quindi l'importanza dei fenomeni derivanti dalle loro interconnessioni su scale diverse. Con l'obiettivo di sviluppare una migliore comprensione della struttura sistemica dell'ambiente costruito, l'intenzione di questo dottorato di ricerca. la ricerca consiste nell'offrire una metodologia olistica per studiare il comportamento dell'ambiente costruito e studiare i metodi per misurare l'effetto della struttura urbana sulle prestazioni. Questo obiettivo sarà perseguito attraverso un'indagine sulle componenti morfologiche dei sistemi urbani e le complesse relazioni tra di loro. In particolare, questa ricerca si concentra sugli schemi morfologici che potrebbero influenzare il traffico non motorizzato. Saranno studiati i valori morfologici misurabili e verrà sviluppata una metodologia di calcolo automatizzata. Quindi, verrà discussa una piattaforma teorica per lo studio del modello di relazione tra i valori citati e gli indicatori di prestazione. Tutti i risultati e i metodi applicati in questa tesi saranno applicati al seguente caso di studio: Come previsto dalle Nazioni Unite che da Nel 2050 circa il 70 percento della popolazione urbana vivrebbe in insediamenti informali, sembra appropriato che la metodologia menzionata sia messa alla prova in tale contesto. Pertanto, PolomiParaRo-cinha, che è un progetto vincitore del premio Polisocial 2016, viene selezionato come caso di studio. Polimipara Rocinha è un progetto con un tema di performance ambientale e inclusione sociale per Rocinha, la più grande Favela di Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, di cui l'autore
A systemic modeling methodology for evaluating built environment performance: measuring Urban proximity
In today’s world, the built environment plays a key role in socio-economic relations and the environment is being affected most dominantly by urban life. Cities are growing fast, and faster are growing the numbers of urban inhabitants. At present, more than half of the world’s population lives in cities and it is estimated that this ratio will increase to 70 percent by 2050. It means that if they are not managed now, the urban-related issues we are facing today will be taken to much more intensity tomorrow and even more severe environmental risks and socio-economic conflicts are yet to arise. Currently, about 80 percent of the global primary energy is being consumed in urban areas, cities are being guilty of emitting more than 60 percent of the total world’s greenhouse gases, and the list of social issues in urban arrangements are endless. On the other hand, cities are the economic engine of the world, and by being on average responsible for more than 75 percent of a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) their further expansion is an inevitable perspective. In this situation, and as sustainability becomes the main development framework for all parts of economic communities, adopting innovative approaches towards development in the built environment is becoming urgent. In the recent decades, there have been many attempts to define all-inclusive strategies and act globally for sustainable development. Currently, the main universal framework for approaching sustainability is the UN Agenda 2030 which defines the Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030 and offers a comprehensive set of indicators for measuring the improvement. Since the socio-economic and environmental relations form a highly complex integrated matrix, all the Sustainable Development Goals are fundamentally linked together. Thus, the only possible approach to the UN Program would be through a profound systemic interpretation that highlights the linkage between the goals. This demands an elevated level of interdisciplinarity in all the attempts directed to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. However, it is conventional for the first methodological steps to be taken in monodisciplinary research laboratories working only one goal or even few targets within the SDGs. Therefore, it is crucial for institutional and research bodies to consider the entire perspective when they develop methodological platforms to approach sustainability in their field. Such consideration requires a deep holistic understanding of the field of study and the overall obstacles of sustainability involving systemic synthesis with the usual scientific methods. In other words, any methodology defined to approach each one of the UN SDGs should be defined in a robust structure able to scientifically communicate to other fields involved. For this, the methods cannot be limited to analytical thinking but must adopt a clear system-thinking approach in their theoretical formation. The built environment is composed of various morphological, typological, and technological subsystems from which the performing manner of the entire system is originated. Claiming sustainability in urban establishments demands a comprehensive understanding of cities as complex systems and clear identification of the role player subsystems within them. The majority of current trends and design methods adopt simplified analytical approaches and practically deal with the subsystems as independent entities; hence neglect the importance of phenomena resulting from their interconnections in different scales. With the aim of developing a better understanding of the built environment’s systemic structure, the intention of this Ph.D. research is to offer a holistic methodology for studying the behavior of the built environment and investigate the methods for measuring the effect of urban structure to the performance. This goal will be pursued through an inquiry into the morphological components of the urban systems and the complex relationships between them. Particularly, this research focuses on the morphological patterns that might influence the non-motorized traffic. The measurable morphological values will be investigated and an automatizing calculating methodology will be developed. Then, a theoretical platform for studying the pattern of relationship between the mentioned values and performance indicators will be argued. All the findings and applied methods in this thesis will be applied on the following case study: As it is predicted by UN that by 2050 around 70 percent of the urban population would live in informal settlements, it seems appropriate that the men-tioned methodology will be tested in such a context. Therefore, PolomiParaRo-cinha which is a 2016 Polisocial award-winning project is selected as the case study. PolimiparaRocinha is a project with a theme of environmental performance and social inclusion for Rocinha, the biggest Favela of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil of which the author of this thesis is the coordinator of the operative team. For the case study adaptation, the non-motorized traffic patterns and parameters induced within the local morphological is being studied and their effects in terms envi-ronmental performance is being investigated both in the local and city scales. The core value of this research is demonstrating that the direct relationship between action and behavior can be scientifically measured. This highlights the necessity of similar approaches for studying the built environment leading to developing decision support tools able to predict the behavior of the urban arrangement after certain modification scenarios from a sustainable point of view. Keywords Built Environment, Sustainability, Ecology, Systems, Complex Adaptive Systems, Sustainable Indicators, Urban Morphology, Key Categories, Morphological Attributes, Structural Tools, Evaluation Tools, Operational Facet, Modelling MethodologyFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 03/03/2021
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