The valorisation of Cultural Heritage is a relational dimension of safeguarding and conservation. In this vision, it includes each intervention that improves the conservation condition of a building/site/monument, requiring an aware behaviour to access the heritage, also considering the restitution of a utility value contemporary to the society and territory where the building belongs. This scenario requires an interdisciplinary profile: all the actors involved should cooperate in integrating their different methods and information. The quantity of data and digital content is growing exponentially, together with the potential of digital technologies. The range of technologies to capture, represent, and share the Cultural Heritage made huge advances, varying in terms of costs, scales, purposes and outputs: they become more democratised in terms of both economic and practical accessibility of equipment and techniques, and access to models and information with internet portals. The employment of 3D models that describe the tangible parts of the heritage and contain the related information become mainstream, mostly for planning and monitoring the restoration activities. Within a consideration of Cultural Heritage, however, it is necessary not to lose sight of the need to capture and understand the social aspects of the heritage. It always owns an inner meaning, traditions, stories, and cultural resonance, which constitute the kind of information needed for its fruition and valorisation. The question is: how is it possible to use an information model not only as a tool made for expert and oriented to restoration but also for valorisation purposes? In which way is it possible to combine tangible and intangible aspects inside a digital information system to engage people and produce cultural value? In this complex framework, Cultural Heritage definition assumes a holistic view, and the challenges for ensuring its valorisation, management, preservation, and promotion address to these lines: the communication between different actors and different disciplines, the technology that can be the mean to deal with the large amount of data and can connect people, widening the public through participatory processes, and the quest for a “standard” cultural practice that can be shared at national and international levels. So, the research project aims to create an intermediary role between the field of digital technologies and the socio-cultural aspect bonded to the intangible elements of the heritage. In this sense, this professional figure has to be able to plan a valorisation program of a selected case study, having in mind all the multiple aspects of an enhancement process, and being able to manage them. In particular, the main features to consider are: • Recording the tangible aspect of the case study, identifying the most appropriate methodology and technology for surveying the case study and modelling the data, according to the needs and purposes of the work. • Acquiring the intangible aspects of a building/site, considering all the layers of information. • Making an in-depth analysis of the data acquired (tangible and intangible) and combine them to create strategies of interventions and products. • Community interactions with heritage, considering a heritage community as \people who value specific aspects of Cultural Heritage which they wish, within the framework of public action, to sustain and transmit to future generations • Engaging and exploiting with stakeholders and local communities. The effectiveness of this work lays on the way that I use the data at disposal (tangible or intangible) of a selected case study to create value and participatory fruition of Cultural Heritage. The benefit and the difficulty are to conduct an interdisciplinary work, being aware of all the multiple processes contained in each point of the bullet lists for reaching communication goals between different disciplines, connecting digital technologies with humanities, in other words combining the technical advances and skills within a social science context. The responsibility and the future of the Cultural Heritage are not only of the professionals who deal with its study, management, and conservation, but it is a broader matter that includes many subjects as the full citizenship. A research project operated and accessed only by experts is out of date and without future, in as much as its effectiveness is measured in terms of social and cultural impact on society. For this reason, the thesis investigates how to use digital in Cultural Heritage to achieve a valorisation project, looking to 3D models, their outputs, and information systems as a tool to engage people, produce cultural value and development. The thesis applies the theoretical principles listed above in a practical case study, the UNESCO Sacri Monti Circuit, a diffuse heritage made by nine sites located between Lombardy and Piedmont, where each site contains a variable number of chapels, a Sanctuary, and other buildings. The focus of their conservation and management plan are the chapels, which are regularly monitored, inspected, and restored. However, from the UNESCO’s Periodic Reporting activity on this site, it emerges the need of a structured conservation database, and the necessity to increase the relationships with local communities and stakeholders. For these reasons, the research proposed and tested a new method for the daily management, improving the conservation process through an online tool capable of sharing 3D models and handling a structured information database, making all these kinds of information accessible to people with different skills and background. The ad-hoc platform is created following a real multi-disciplinary and co-creation approach, actively involving all the actors included in the conservation of Sacri Monti. The findings of the work individuate the “minimum” and sufficient information for creating a standard management methodology sharable among other case studies, and building a cultural practice for the site’s conservation. Moreover, it opens to a future development scenario, where these same data could involve and engage other types of public (non-expert users), sharing them through other channels and languages of communication.
La valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale è una dimensione relazionale di salvaguardia e conservazione. Questa visione include ogni intervento che migliora le condizioni di conservazione di un edificio / sito / monumento, e richiede un comportamento consapevole per accedere al patrimonio, anche considerando la restituzione di un valore di utilità contemporaneo alla società e al territorio a cui l'edificio appartiene. Questo scenario richiede un profilo interdisciplinare: tutti gli attori coinvolti dovrebbero cooperare per integrare le loro informazioni e metodologie di lavoro, anche perché la quantità di dati e contenuti digitali sta crescendo in modo esponenziale, insieme al potenziale delle tecnologie digitali. La gamma di strumenti per catturare, rappresentare e condividere il patrimonio culturale ha fatto enormi progressi, variando in termini di costi, scale, scopi e risultati: anche l’accesso a modelli digitali e informazioni è agevolato tramite portali internet. Infatti, si sta diffondendo sempre di più l'impiego di modelli 3D che descrivono le parti tangibili del patrimonio e contengono le informazioni correlate, principalmente per la pianificazione e il monitoraggio delle attività di conservazione e restauro. Nel rispetto del patrimonio culturale, tuttavia, è necessario non perdere di vista la necessità di catturare e comprendere anche i suoi aspetti sociali. Il suo significato, le sue tradizioni, storie e la risonanza culturale costituiscono il tipo di informazioni necessarie per la sua fruizione e valorizzazione. La domanda è: come è possibile utilizzare un modello informativo non solo come strumento creato per esperti e orientato alla conservazione programmata, ma anche a fini di valorizzazione? In che modo è possibile combinare aspetti tangibili e intangibili all'interno di un sistema informativo digitale per coinvolgere le persone e produrre valore culturale? In questo quadro complesso, la definizione di Patrimonio culturale assume una visione olistica e le sfide per assicurarne la valorizzazione, la gestione, la conservazione e la promozione si rivolgono a queste linee: la comunicazione tra attori diversi e discipline diverse, la tecnologia che può essere il mezzo che gestisce la grande quantità di dati e in grado di connettere le persone, allargando il pubblico attraverso processi partecipativi, e la ricerca di una pratica culturale “standard” che può essere condivisa a livello nazionale e internazionale. Le principali parole chiave che rappresentano il punto di partenza per rispondere alla mia domanda di ricerca sono patrimonio culturale, modelli informativi, conservazione, valorizzazione e comunicazione. Il mio progetto di ricerca mira a creare un ruolo intermedio tra il campo delle tecnologie digitali e l'aspetto socio-culturale legato agli elementi immateriali del patrimonio. In questo senso, questa figura professionale deve essere in grado di progettare la valorizzazione di un caso di studio selezionato, avendo in mente tutti i molteplici aspetti del processo ed essere in grado di gestirli. In particolare, le caratteristiche principali da considerare sono: • L’acquisizione degli aspetti tangibili del caso studio, identificando la metodologia e la tecnologia più appropriate per rilievo 3D e l’elaborazione dei dati, in base alle esigenze e agli scopi del lavoro. • L’acquisizione degli aspetti immateriali di un edificio / sito, considerando tutti i layer di informazioni. • L’analisi approfondita dei dati acquisiti (tangibili e intangibili): combinarli per creare strategie di valorizzazione, interventi, e prodotti fruibili. • L’interazione della comunità con il patrimonio, ovvero persone che apprezzano aspetti specifici del patrimonio culturale e che desiderano, nell'ambito di un'azione pubblica, sostenerlo e trasmetterlo alle generazioni future (Convenzione sul valore del patrimonio culturale per la società, Faro 2005 )". L'efficacia di questo lavoro si basa sul modo in cui utilizzo i dati a disposizione (tangibili o intangibili) di un caso di studio selezionato per creare valore e fruizione partecipativa del patrimonio culturale. Il vantaggio e la difficoltà sono di condurre un lavoro interdisciplinare, consapevole di tutti i molteplici processi contenuti in ciascun punto della lista per raggiungere gli obiettivi di comunicazione tra diverse discipline, collegando così le tecnologie digitali con le discipline umanistiche. La responsabilità e il futuro del patrimonio culturale non sono solo dei professionisti che si occupano del suo studio, gestione e conservazione, ma è una questione più ampia che include molti soggetti, come l’intera cittadinanza. Un progetto di ricerca gestito e accessibile solo da esperti è obsoleto e senza futuro, in quanto la sua efficacia è misurata in termini di impatto sociale e culturale sulla società. Per questo motivo, la tesi indaga su come utilizzare il digitale nei Beni Culturali per realizzare un progetto di valorizzazione, guardando ai modelli 3D, ai loro risultati e ai sistemi di informazione come uno strumento per coinvolgere le persone, produrre valore culturale e sviluppo. La tesi applica i principi teorici sopra elencati in un caso di studio pratico, il Circuito Sacri Monti dell'UNESCO, un patrimonio diffuso costituito da nove siti situati tra la Lombardia e il Piemonte, dove ognuno contiene un numero variabile di cappelle, un Santuario e altri edifici. Il centro del piano di conservazione e gestione di ogni Sacro Monte sono le cappelle, che vengono regolarmente monitorate, ispezionate e ripristinate. Tuttavia, dall'attività di Periodic Reporting dell'UNESCO su questi complessi, emerge la necessità di un database strutturato orientato alla conservazione e la necessità di aumentare le relazioni con le comunità locali e le parti interessate (stakeholders sul territorio). Per questi motivi, la ricerca ha proposto e testato un nuovo metodo per la gestione quotidiana, migliorando il processo di conservazione attraverso uno strumento online in grado di condividere modelli 3D e gestire un database di informazioni strutturato, rendendo tutti questi tipi di informazioni accessibili a persone con diverse competenze. La piattaforma ad hoc è creata seguendo un vero approccio multidisciplinare e di co-creazione, coinvolgendo attivamente tutti gli attori coinvolti nella conservazione dei Sacri Monti. I risultati del lavoro individuano le informazioni "minime" e sufficienti per la creazione di una metodologia di gestione standard condivisibile tra altri casi studio e la costruzione di una pratica culturale per la conservazione del sito. Inoltre, si apre a un futuro scenario di sviluppo, in cui questi stessi dati potrebbero coinvolgere altri tipi di pubblico (utenti non esperti), includendoli attraverso altri canali e linguaggi di comunicazione.
Interdisciplinary digital processes to support the valorisation of Cultural Heritage. The UNESCO Sacri Monti application field.
The valorisation of Cultural Heritage is a relational dimension of safeguarding and conservation. In this vision, it includes each intervention that improves the conservation condition of a building/site/monument, requiring an aware behaviour to access the heritage, also considering the restitution of a utility value contemporary to the society and territory where the building belongs. This scenario requires an interdisciplinary profile: all the actors involved should cooperate in integrating their different methods and information. The quantity of data and digital content is growing exponentially, together with the potential of digital technologies. The range of technologies to capture, represent, and share the Cultural Heritage made huge advances, varying in terms of costs, scales, purposes and outputs: they become more democratised in terms of both economic and practical accessibility of equipment and techniques, and access to models and information with internet portals. The employment of 3D models that describe the tangible parts of the heritage and contain the related information become mainstream, mostly for planning and monitoring the restoration activities. Within a consideration of Cultural Heritage, however, it is necessary not to lose sight of the need to capture and understand the social aspects of the heritage. It always owns an inner meaning, traditions, stories, and cultural resonance, which constitute the kind of information needed for its fruition and valorisation. The question is: how is it possible to use an information model not only as a tool made for expert and oriented to restoration but also for valorisation purposes? In which way is it possible to combine tangible and intangible aspects inside a digital information system to engage people and produce cultural value? In this complex framework, Cultural Heritage definition assumes a holistic view, and the challenges for ensuring its valorisation, management, preservation, and promotion address to these lines: the communication between different actors and different disciplines, the technology that can be the mean to deal with the large amount of data and can connect people, widening the public through participatory processes, and the quest for a “standard” cultural practice that can be shared at national and international levels. So, the research project aims to create an intermediary role between the field of digital technologies and the socio-cultural aspect bonded to the intangible elements of the heritage. In this sense, this professional figure has to be able to plan a valorisation program of a selected case study, having in mind all the multiple aspects of an enhancement process, and being able to manage them. In particular, the main features to consider are: • Recording the tangible aspect of the case study, identifying the most appropriate methodology and technology for surveying the case study and modelling the data, according to the needs and purposes of the work. • Acquiring the intangible aspects of a building/site, considering all the layers of information. • Making an in-depth analysis of the data acquired (tangible and intangible) and combine them to create strategies of interventions and products. • Community interactions with heritage, considering a heritage community as \people who value specific aspects of Cultural Heritage which they wish, within the framework of public action, to sustain and transmit to future generations • Engaging and exploiting with stakeholders and local communities. The effectiveness of this work lays on the way that I use the data at disposal (tangible or intangible) of a selected case study to create value and participatory fruition of Cultural Heritage. The benefit and the difficulty are to conduct an interdisciplinary work, being aware of all the multiple processes contained in each point of the bullet lists for reaching communication goals between different disciplines, connecting digital technologies with humanities, in other words combining the technical advances and skills within a social science context. The responsibility and the future of the Cultural Heritage are not only of the professionals who deal with its study, management, and conservation, but it is a broader matter that includes many subjects as the full citizenship. A research project operated and accessed only by experts is out of date and without future, in as much as its effectiveness is measured in terms of social and cultural impact on society. For this reason, the thesis investigates how to use digital in Cultural Heritage to achieve a valorisation project, looking to 3D models, their outputs, and information systems as a tool to engage people, produce cultural value and development. The thesis applies the theoretical principles listed above in a practical case study, the UNESCO Sacri Monti Circuit, a diffuse heritage made by nine sites located between Lombardy and Piedmont, where each site contains a variable number of chapels, a Sanctuary, and other buildings. The focus of their conservation and management plan are the chapels, which are regularly monitored, inspected, and restored. However, from the UNESCO’s Periodic Reporting activity on this site, it emerges the need of a structured conservation database, and the necessity to increase the relationships with local communities and stakeholders. For these reasons, the research proposed and tested a new method for the daily management, improving the conservation process through an online tool capable of sharing 3D models and handling a structured information database, making all these kinds of information accessible to people with different skills and background. The ad-hoc platform is created following a real multi-disciplinary and co-creation approach, actively involving all the actors included in the conservation of Sacri Monti. The findings of the work individuate the “minimum” and sufficient information for creating a standard management methodology sharable among other case studies, and building a cultural practice for the site’s conservation. Moreover, it opens to a future development scenario, where these same data could involve and engage other types of public (non-expert users), sharing them through other channels and languages of communication.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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