There are two ways to measure the light spectrum of an emitting source. The first one is the dispersive technique. The light is divided into its spectral components by means of a grating or a prism and the intensity contribution of each component is measured by a multichannel detector array. The second one is based on the so-called time-domain approach and it employs and interferometer to create two replicas of the incoming light retarded by a variable delay. The interference signal between the two light replicas is measured by a single-pixel detector as a function of the variable delay and the spectrum is retrieved by performing a Fourier Transform (FT) of the measured signal. The dispersive technique is widely used not only in the academic field but also in the industrial one, especially in the visible spectral range, where multichannel detector arrays are not expensive, due to their compactness, and robustness. However, it has some limitations mainly caused by the entrance slit whose width is usually in the order of hundreds of microns. This small entrance affects significantly the light intensity at the detector, dramatically decreasing the sensitivity of the instrument. Moreover, the spectral resolution of the instrument is determined by the entrance slit size and this affect even further the performance of the instrument. The interferometric technique having no entrance slit, is not affected by the problems of the dispersive technique and has advantages in term of throughout and sensitivity. Moreover, the spectral resolution of this device does not affect the light throughput and the spectral accuracy is typically much higher. However, in a common double-beam interferometer the two replicas are created by means of a beam splitter and they travel along different paths. This causes problems because it is difficult to maintain interferometric stability between the two different arms of the interferometer, due to environmental vibrations and perturbations. Indeed, for this approach to work, the path length difference must not fluctuate more than a tenth of the wavelength, and this is the main reason why this technique is de facto restricted to the infrared spectral region and can not be easily used outside laboratory environments. The interferometric stabilization of the interferometer is typically performed by complex and expensive feedback loop system, requiring a reference signal from an He-Ne laser, leading to costly and bulky instruments. The aim of my PhD studies has been to develop a device and several applications in which it was possible to combine the advantages of the two techniques, finally, bringing the advantage of FT-spectroscopy down to the visible and near-infrared spectral regions leading to the development of a compact, robust and cost-effective instrument. The drawbacks of the double-beam interferometers were circumvented by developing and using a Common-Path Interferometer (CPI). In this device, the two replicas are not geometrically divided into two paths, but they travel along the same one. Therefore, the two replicas experience the same perturbations from the environment, keeping constant the relative delay between the two within few attoseconds. In this device, the replicas are divided in polarization rather than spatially and they are delayed by exploiting the birefringence of a uni-axial crystal. Being a CPI, this device does not require any active stabilization and He-Ne laser reference, leading to a compact instrument footprint. The device is unsensitive to environmental vibrations making it an industrial grade device. During my PhD studies I have applied the device to several different applications showing the potential of this kind of interferometer as an enabling technology across several scientific fields. As a first application, the device was used to measure Excitation-Emission-Maps (EEM) of fluorescent samples as a substitute for the widely used wavelength-scanning systems. The CPI was also coupled to a confocal microscope in an international collaboration between Politecnico di Milano, University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Munich. The device was tested down to the ultimate sensitivity limit leading to the measurement of the first ever measured EEM of a single molecule at room temperature. We studied several molecules with the same chemical structure being spreaded in different position of the microscope cover glass, noticing a great variability of their fluorescence behavior. This is because, down to the nanoscopic environment, each single molecule despite being chemically equivalent to the others feels a different nanoscopic environment. Therefore, this work paves the way toward the future use of single molecule as sensor for the nanoscopic environment. The CPI being a high throughput device was applied as a replacement for monochromators in the collection path of a fluorescence spectroscopy setup to measure fluorescence Time-Resolved-Emission-Spectra (TRES). This was done by coupling the interferometer to a Single Photon Detector (SPD) and a Time Correlating Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system. In this way, it was possible to combine in a compact and easy to use system, the spectral resolution given by the interferometer with the time resolution of the TCSPC system down to a nano-molar sample-concentration level. The CPI was used not only for single point spectral measurement but also to measure hyperspectral images, thus, developing a device capable of recording the light spectrum coming from each point of a scene of interest. As an example, this hyperspectral imager was applied in cultural heritage to analyze authentic artworks. Being a polarization sensitive device, the CPI was used to measure the chiro-optical activity of chiral samples, thus their ability to rotate and change the polarization state of the incoming light. Differently from commercial devices, the developed setup does not require the use of a photo-elastic modulator and a lock-in amplification system greatly reducing the cost and size of the instrument. Moreover, it was possible to measure simultaneously the circular dichroism and circular birefringence spectra. Finally, the interferometer was also used to measure the complex vibrational susceptibility using the Stimulated Raman Scattering effect. This extra degree of information was used to disentangle the contributions of the many chemical species in congested samples.
Esistono due tecniche per misurare lo spettro di una sorgente luminosa. La prima è la tecnica dispersiva. La luce viene divisa nelle sue componenti spettrali per mezzo di un reticolo o di un prisma e il contributo di intensità di ciascuna componente viene misurato da un array di rivelatori. La seconda si basa sul cosiddetto approccio temporale e impiega e interferometro per creare due repliche della luce in ingresso ritardate fra loro da una quantità variabile. Il segnale di interferenza tra le due repliche di luce viene misurato da un singolo rivelatore in funzione del ritardo variabile e lo spettro viene ricavato eseguendo una trasformata di Fourier (FT) del segnale misurato. La tecnica dispersiva è ampiamente utilizzata non solo nel campo accademico ma anche in quello industriale grazie alla sua compattezza e robustezza. In particolare, viene utilizzata nella regione spettrale visibile, dove i rivelatori multicanale non sono costosi. Tuttavia, presenta alcune limitazioni principalmente dovute alla presenza di una fessura di ingresso la cui larghezza è generalmente dell'ordine di centinaia di micrometri. Questa piccola entrata influisce in modo significativo sull'intensità della luce misurata dal rivelatore, riducendo drasticamente la sensibilità dello strumento. Inoltre, la risoluzione spettrale in questa tecnica è determinata dalla dimensione della fessura di ingresso e ciò ne influenza ulteriormente le prestazioni. La tecnica interferometrica avendo una maggiore apertura di ingresso, non è influenzata dai problemi della tecnica dispersiva e presenta vantaggi in termini di durata e sensibilità. Inoltre, la risoluzione spettrale di questo dispositivo non influisce sul flusso luminoso e la precisione spettrale è in genere molto più elevata. Tuttavia, in un comune interferometro a doppio cammino, le due repliche sono create per via di un divisore di fascio e percorrono due cammini diversi. Ciò causa diversi problemi in quanto è difficile mantenere la stabilità interferometrica tra i due diversi bracci dell'interferometro, a causa di vibrazioni e perturbazioni ambientali. Affinché questo approccio funzioni, la differenza di lunghezza del percorso non deve fluttuare più di un decimo della lunghezza d'onda, e questo è il motivo principale per cui questa tecnica è di fatto limitata alla regione spettrale infrarossa e non può essere facilmente utilizzata al di fuori degli ambienti di laboratorio. La stabilizzazione interferometrica dell'interferometro viene in genere assicurata dalla presenza di un sistema di controllo a circuito chiuso che richiede un segnale di riferimento da un laser He-Ne risultando in strumenti costosi e ingombranti. Lo scopo dei miei studi di dottorato è stato quello di sviluppare un dispositivo e diverse applicazioni in cui è stato possibile combinare i vantaggi delle due tecniche. Grazie a questa tecnologia è stato possibile sfruttare i vantaggi della spettroscopia a trasformata di Fourier anche nelle regioni spettrali del visibile e del vicino infrarosso mantenendo comunque le qualità di uno strumento compatto, robusto ed economico. Gli svantaggi degli interferometri a doppio raggio sono stati elusi sviluppando e usando un interferometro a percorso comune. In questo dispositivo, le due repliche non sono divise geometricamente in due percorsi, ma viaggiano lungo lo stesso. Pertanto, le due repliche subiscono le stesse perturbazioni dall'ambiente, mantenendo costante il ritardo relativo con fluttuazioni di pochi attosecondi. In questo dispositivo, le repliche sono divise in polarizzazione invece che spazialmente e vengono ritardate sfruttando la birifrangenza di un cristallo uniassiale. Essendo un interferometro a cammino comune, questo dispositivo non richiede alcuna stabilizzazione attiva ne la presenza di un laser He-Ne, rendendo possibile un ingombro ridotto dello strumento. Il dispositivo è quindi intrinsecamente insensibile alle vibrazioni ambientali rendendolo usabile anche al di fuori di un laboratorio scientifico. Durante i miei studi di dottorato ho applicato questa tecnologia a diversi settori mostrando il potenziale di questo tipo di interferometro come tecnologia abilitante in diversi campi scientifici. Come prima applicazione, il dispositivo è stato utilizzato per misurare mappe di emissione e di eccitazione (EEM) di campioni fluorescenti in sostituzione ai sistemi di scansione spettrale comunemente utilizzati. L’interferometro è stato anche abbinato a un microscopio confocale in una collaborazione internazionale tra il Politecnico di Milano, l'Università di Copenaghen e l'Università tecnica di Monaco. Il dispositivo è stato testato fino all'ultimo limite di sensibilità portando alla misurazione della prima mappa EEM mai misurato su una singola molecola a temperatura ambiente. Sono state studiate diverse molecole con la stessa struttura chimica disposte in diverse posizioni del campione, notando una grande variabilità delle loro caratteristiche di fluorescenza. Infatti, nell’ambiente nanoscopico, ogni singola molecola nonostante sia chimicamente equivalente alle altre è sottoposta a condizioni diverse che ne mutano il comportamento. Pertanto, questo lavoro può essere considerato come un avanzamento verso l'uso di singole molecole come sensori per l'ambiente nanoscopico. Questo interferometro è stato anche utilizzato come alternativa ad un monocromatore nel percorso di raccolta di un sistema di spettroscopia di fluorescenza al fine di misurare mappe di fluorescenza risolte in tempo, Time-Resolved-Emission-Spectra (TRES). L'interferometro è stato accoppiato ad un rivelatore di singoli fotoni ad un sistema TCSPC (Time Correlating Single Photon Counting). In questo modo, è stato possibile sviluppare un sistema compatto e facile da usare combinando la risoluzione spettrale data dall'interferometro con la risoluzione temporale del sistema TCSPC. Questa tecnologia è stata utilizzata non solo per la misurazione dello spettro proveniente da sorgenti puntiformi, ma anche per misurare immagini iper-spettrali, sviluppando così un dispositivo in grado di registrare lo spettro luminoso proveniente da ciascun punto di una scena di interesse. Questa tecnologia è stata utilizzata per analizzare spettralmente opere artistiche autentiche come ad esempio un dipinto attribuito a Michelangelo Buonarroti. Essendo un dispositivo sensibile alla polarizzazione, l’interferometro è stato utilizzato anche per misurare l'attività chiro-ottica dei campioni chirali, quindi la loro capacità di ruotare e modificare lo stato di polarizzazione della luce in ingresso. A differenza dei dispositivi commerciali, la configurazione sviluppata non richiede l'uso di un modulatore fotoelastico e di un sistema di amplificazione lock-in riducendo notevolmente i costi e le dimensioni dello strumento. Inoltre, è stato possibile misurare contemporaneamente gli spettri di dicroismo e birifrangenza circolare. Infine, l'interferometro è stato utilizzato anche per misurare la suscettibilità vibrazionale sia reale che immaginaria usando la tecnica del Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS). Questo alto livello informativo è stato utilizzato per discriminare i contributi delle diverse specie chimiche in campioni congestionati.
Visible and near-infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy with a common-path interferometer
There are two ways to measure the light spectrum of an emitting source. The first one is the dispersive technique. The light is divided into its spectral components by means of a grating or a prism and the intensity contribution of each component is measured by a multichannel detector array. The second one is based on the so-called time-domain approach and it employs and interferometer to create two replicas of the incoming light retarded by a variable delay. The interference signal between the two light replicas is measured by a single-pixel detector as a function of the variable delay and the spectrum is retrieved by performing a Fourier Transform (FT) of the measured signal. The dispersive technique is widely used not only in the academic field but also in the industrial one, especially in the visible spectral range, where multichannel detector arrays are not expensive, due to their compactness, and robustness. However, it has some limitations mainly caused by the entrance slit whose width is usually in the order of hundreds of microns. This small entrance affects significantly the light intensity at the detector, dramatically decreasing the sensitivity of the instrument. Moreover, the spectral resolution of the instrument is determined by the entrance slit size and this affect even further the performance of the instrument. The interferometric technique having no entrance slit, is not affected by the problems of the dispersive technique and has advantages in term of throughout and sensitivity. Moreover, the spectral resolution of this device does not affect the light throughput and the spectral accuracy is typically much higher. However, in a common double-beam interferometer the two replicas are created by means of a beam splitter and they travel along different paths. This causes problems because it is difficult to maintain interferometric stability between the two different arms of the interferometer, due to environmental vibrations and perturbations. Indeed, for this approach to work, the path length difference must not fluctuate more than a tenth of the wavelength, and this is the main reason why this technique is de facto restricted to the infrared spectral region and can not be easily used outside laboratory environments. The interferometric stabilization of the interferometer is typically performed by complex and expensive feedback loop system, requiring a reference signal from an He-Ne laser, leading to costly and bulky instruments. The aim of my PhD studies has been to develop a device and several applications in which it was possible to combine the advantages of the two techniques, finally, bringing the advantage of FT-spectroscopy down to the visible and near-infrared spectral regions leading to the development of a compact, robust and cost-effective instrument. The drawbacks of the double-beam interferometers were circumvented by developing and using a Common-Path Interferometer (CPI). In this device, the two replicas are not geometrically divided into two paths, but they travel along the same one. Therefore, the two replicas experience the same perturbations from the environment, keeping constant the relative delay between the two within few attoseconds. In this device, the replicas are divided in polarization rather than spatially and they are delayed by exploiting the birefringence of a uni-axial crystal. Being a CPI, this device does not require any active stabilization and He-Ne laser reference, leading to a compact instrument footprint. The device is unsensitive to environmental vibrations making it an industrial grade device. During my PhD studies I have applied the device to several different applications showing the potential of this kind of interferometer as an enabling technology across several scientific fields. As a first application, the device was used to measure Excitation-Emission-Maps (EEM) of fluorescent samples as a substitute for the widely used wavelength-scanning systems. The CPI was also coupled to a confocal microscope in an international collaboration between Politecnico di Milano, University of Copenhagen and the Technical University of Munich. The device was tested down to the ultimate sensitivity limit leading to the measurement of the first ever measured EEM of a single molecule at room temperature. We studied several molecules with the same chemical structure being spreaded in different position of the microscope cover glass, noticing a great variability of their fluorescence behavior. This is because, down to the nanoscopic environment, each single molecule despite being chemically equivalent to the others feels a different nanoscopic environment. Therefore, this work paves the way toward the future use of single molecule as sensor for the nanoscopic environment. The CPI being a high throughput device was applied as a replacement for monochromators in the collection path of a fluorescence spectroscopy setup to measure fluorescence Time-Resolved-Emission-Spectra (TRES). This was done by coupling the interferometer to a Single Photon Detector (SPD) and a Time Correlating Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system. In this way, it was possible to combine in a compact and easy to use system, the spectral resolution given by the interferometer with the time resolution of the TCSPC system down to a nano-molar sample-concentration level. The CPI was used not only for single point spectral measurement but also to measure hyperspectral images, thus, developing a device capable of recording the light spectrum coming from each point of a scene of interest. As an example, this hyperspectral imager was applied in cultural heritage to analyze authentic artworks. Being a polarization sensitive device, the CPI was used to measure the chiro-optical activity of chiral samples, thus their ability to rotate and change the polarization state of the incoming light. Differently from commercial devices, the developed setup does not require the use of a photo-elastic modulator and a lock-in amplification system greatly reducing the cost and size of the instrument. Moreover, it was possible to measure simultaneously the circular dichroism and circular birefringence spectra. Finally, the interferometer was also used to measure the complex vibrational susceptibility using the Stimulated Raman Scattering effect. This extra degree of information was used to disentangle the contributions of the many chemical species in congested samples.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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