Multiple exogenous and endogenous triggered factors can be the cause of an imbalance in the levels of free radicals and reactive carbonyl and oxygen species in humans. Carbonyl and oxidative stress, which corresponds to high level of, respectively, carbonyl and oxygen reactive species, may lead to damage of significative biological molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids, which in turn cause cell death and tissue injury. These conditions contribute to various disorders like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. An assay for stress related biomarkers can therefore assist in the early diagnosis of the disease and guide the clinical practice of T2D patients. The major methods today available are not always suitable due to sophisticated and bulky laboratory instruments and trained personnel they require; so, a point of care assay for these biomarkers can be conclusive considering its advantages such as low cost, fast response, high sensitivity and selectivity. The major aim of this project is the development of a colorimetric biosensor for monitoring carbonyl/oxidative stress biomarkers associated to T2D (i.e. advanced glycation end-products), that takes the advantages of the superior properties of cationic polythiophenes and the high selectivity and specificity of aptamers. These conjugated polymers are used as the luminescent reporters for the optical detection of the biomarkers (target molecule) and aptamers are employed as recognition elements. The sensing strategy is based on the monitoring of changes in optical properties of the polymer and its associated conformational change when interacting with the aptamer in presence or absence of the target biomolecule. The colorimetric assay is developed employing five different types of carbonyl/oxidative stress biomarkers, four different cytosine-rich aptamers and four different cationic polythiophenes, without requiring tedious sample pre-treatment. The responses are obtained at clinically relevant concentrations and can find application in practical management of the disease either at clinical settings and at patient’s home, thus being an affordable and simple healthcare solution.
Molteplici fattori possono essere la causa di uno squilibrio nei livelli di radicali liberi e specie reattive nell'uomo. Stress carbonilici e ossidativi, che corrispondono a un livello elevato, rispettivamente, di specie reattive carboniliche e ossidative, possono danneggiare alcune molecole biologiche come proteine, carboidrati e acidi nucleici, che a loro volta causano disfunzione cellulare e lesioni ai tessuti. Queste condizioni contribuiscono alla nascita di vari disturbi come il diabete di tipo 2 o malattie cardiovascolari. Un test per identificare i biomarcatori può quindi aiutare nella diagnosi precoce della malattia e guidare la pratica clinica dei pazienti. I principali metodi oggi disponibili non sono adatti a causa di strumenti di laboratorio sofisticati, ingombranti e personale addestrato di cui hanno bisogno; quindi, un test point of care per questi biomarcatori può essere conclusivo considerando i suoi vantaggi come basso costo, risposta rapida, sensibilità e selettività. L'obiettivo principale di questo progetto è lo sviluppo di un biosensore colorimetrico per il monitoraggio dei biomarcatori associati a stress carbonilico / ossidativo legati al diabete di tipo 2 (ovvero prodotti finali di glicazione avanzata), che sfrutta i vantaggi delle proprietà dei politiofeni cationici e l'elevata selettività e specificità degli aptameri. Questi polimeri coniugati sono usati come reporter luminescenti per il rilevamento ottico dei biomarcatori, mentre gli aptameri sono impiegati come elementi di riconoscimento. La strategia di sensing si basa sul monitoraggio dei cambiamenti nelle proprietà ottiche del polimero e dei cambiamenti conformazionali ad esso associati quando interagisce con l'aptamero in presenza o in assenza del biomarcatore. Il progetto è stato sviluppato impiegando cinque diversi tipi di biomarcatori, quattro aptameri e quattro politiofeni cationici, senza necessità di pretrattamento del campione. Le risposte sono ottenute a concentrazioni clinicamente rilevanti e possono trovare applicazione nella gestione pratica del disturbo sia in ambito clinico che a casa del paziente, costituendo quindi una soluzione sanitaria semplice e conveniente.
Colorimetric assay for advanced glycation end-products
Multiple exogenous and endogenous triggered factors can be the cause of an imbalance in the levels of free radicals and reactive carbonyl and oxygen species in humans. Carbonyl and oxidative stress, which corresponds to high level of, respectively, carbonyl and oxygen reactive species, may lead to damage of significative biological molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids, which in turn cause cell death and tissue injury. These conditions contribute to various disorders like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. An assay for stress related biomarkers can therefore assist in the early diagnosis of the disease and guide the clinical practice of T2D patients. The major methods today available are not always suitable due to sophisticated and bulky laboratory instruments and trained personnel they require; so, a point of care assay for these biomarkers can be conclusive considering its advantages such as low cost, fast response, high sensitivity and selectivity. The major aim of this project is the development of a colorimetric biosensor for monitoring carbonyl/oxidative stress biomarkers associated to T2D (i.e. advanced glycation end-products), that takes the advantages of the superior properties of cationic polythiophenes and the high selectivity and specificity of aptamers. These conjugated polymers are used as the luminescent reporters for the optical detection of the biomarkers (target molecule) and aptamers are employed as recognition elements. The sensing strategy is based on the monitoring of changes in optical properties of the polymer and its associated conformational change when interacting with the aptamer in presence or absence of the target biomolecule. The colorimetric assay is developed employing five different types of carbonyl/oxidative stress biomarkers, four different cytosine-rich aptamers and four different cationic polythiophenes, without requiring tedious sample pre-treatment. The responses are obtained at clinically relevant concentrations and can find application in practical management of the disease either at clinical settings and at patient’s home, thus being an affordable and simple healthcare solution.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 09/07/2023
Descrizione: Testo della Tesi
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