The outstanding potential that Halogen Bond (HaB) offered in the past years to supramolecular chemists and crystal engineers, prompted the mindset to the understanding of other non-covalent interactions, which share the same origin and some features with HaB, paving the avenue for a theoretical understanding and an experimental exploitation in several fields, e.g., catalysis, functional materials, biomolecular chemistry, etc In this Ph.D. work, the focus will be on interactions involving group 14 - 16 elements as electrophilic sites. A combination of computational studies and experimental results will enable for: - paving the interpretation of this set of interactions, - extracting information and building the rationale for the comprehension of their electronic and geometrical features, - assessing them as novel robust tools for most chemists. In particular, in this Ph.D. thesis three main topics will be explored: • Chalcogen bond (ChB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 16 as electrophilic sites, has been investigated through theoretical and experimental approaches, both in solid and solutionphase. Firstly, some prototype diselenide derivatives have been investigated to assess the propensity of selenium atoms of diselenides moiety to work as electrophilic sites. Nurtured by the comparison with HaB in crystalline and ionic λ3-iodane derivatives, these close contacts were rationalized as charge-assisted ChBs. Secondly, once again in analogy to ionic λ3-iodane derivatives, benzothiazolium salts have been proven as robust and reliable ChB donor through synergistic endeavours of theoretical investigations and experimental studies in the solid via X-ray analyses. Finally, a solution-phase study of a Secontaining drug by mean of 1H and 77Se NMR titrations proved the ability of this drug to function as ChB donor in solution. ii • Pnictogen bond (PnB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 15 as electrophilic sites, has been the object of investigation due to the specific importance of antimony trifluoride and the effectiveness of the fluorination of pnictogen atoms in promoting their electrophilic behaviour. Computational analyses offered insight into the magnitude and geometrical features of PnB. The directionalities and separations of observed pnictogen bonds are convincing experimental evidence that linking fluorine to a pnictogen atom increases its electrophilicity to the point that pnictogen bonding formation becomes a determinant of the lattice structures in crystalline solids. Importantly, we proved the ability of PnB to prevail over HaB and HB in driving self-assembly processes. • Tetrel bond (TtB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 14 as electrophilic sites, has been studied by synthesizing a library of halogenated barbituric derivatives and, subsequently, investigating in the solid-state their crystal structure to assess the presence of short contacts between carbon atoms and electron-rich groups. Computational studies aided to understand the role of π-holes and σ- holes at carbon in the peculiar situation of barbituric acid, where the two sets of holes merge in a common positive potential.
L'eccezionale potenziale offerto dal legame ad alogeno (HaB) negli ultimi anni a chimici supramolecolari e crystal engineers, ha spinto un approccio sistematico alla comprensione di altre interazioni non covalenti che condividono la stessa origine e alcune caratteristiche in comune con esso, aprendone la strada ad una comprensione teorica e alla loro implementazione sperimentale in diversi campi, ad es. catalisi, materiali funzionali, chimica biomolecolare, ecc In questa tesi di dottorato, l'attenzione sarà focalizzata sulle interazioni che coinvolgono il gruppo degli elementi dei gruppi 14-16 come siti elettrofili. Una combinazione di studi computazionali e di risultati sperimentali consentiranno di: - migliorare l'interpretazione di questo insieme di nuove interazioni; - carpire informazioni e costruire una logica definita per la comprensione delle loro caratteristiche elettroniche e geometriche; - valutare la fattibilità di queste interazione come nuovi strumenti affidabili per la maggior parte dei chimici. In particolare, in questo tesi di dottorato tre argomenti principali saranno esplorati: • Chalcogen bond (ChB), ovvero l'interazione che coinvolge gli elementi del gruppo 16 come siti elettrofili. Esso è stato studiato attraverso metodologie teoriche e sperimentali, sia in fase solida che in soluzione. In primo luogo, alcuni prototipi di derivati di sali di diseleniuro sono stati studiati per valutare la propensione degli atomi di selenio nei diseleniuri a funzionare come siti elettrofili. In particolare il confronto con HaB nei derivati cristallini e ionici λ3-iodani ha permesso di razionalizzare queste interazioni come charge-assisted ChB. In secondo luogo, sono stati i sali di benzotiazolio oggetto di studio, ancora una volta analogamente ai derivati ionici λ3-iodano, dimostrando la loro natura come donatori di ChB robusti e affidabili attraverso lo studio sinergico tra analisi computazionali e sperimentali in fase solida. Infine, uno studio in soluzione di un farmaco per mezzo di titolazioni NMR 1H e 77Se ha dimostrato la capacità di questo farmaco di funzionare come donatore di ChB in soluzione. • Pnictogen Bond (PnB), ovvero l'interazione che coinvolge gli elementi del gruppo 15 come siti elettrofili è stato oggetto di indagine dovuta all'importanza specifica del trifluoruro di antimonio e dell'efficacia della fluorurazione degli atomi di pnicogeno nel promuovere il loro carattere elettrofilo. Le analisi computazionali hanno offerto uno spaccato della grandezza dell’interazione e delle caratteristiche geometriche del PnB. Direzionalità e lunghezza dei legami pnicogeno osservati sono prove sperimentali convincenti che il fluoro legato ad un atomo di pnicogeno aumenta la sua elettrofilia al punto tale che la formazione del legame PnB diventa determinante nel veicolare la formazione di solidi cristallini. È importante sottolineare che è stata dimostrata la capacità del PnB di prevalere su sui legami ad alogeno e idrogeno nei processi di self-assembly. • Tetrel bond (TtB), ovvero l'interazione che coinvolge elementi del gruppo 14 come siti elettrofili, è stato studiato sintetizzando una libreria di derivati barbiturici alogenati e, successivamente, investigandone la struttura in fase solido tramite diffrazione a raggi X per valutare la presenza di interazione tra atomi di carbonio e gruppi elettron ricchi. Gli studi computazionali hanno supportato a comprendere il ruolo dei π e σ-hole presenti sugli atomi di carbonio nei derivati dell’acido barbiturico, dove il due π e σ-hole si fondono in un potenziale positivo unico.
Interactions involving group 14 - 16 elements as electrophilic sites: a world parallel to halogen bond
The outstanding potential that Halogen Bond (HaB) offered in the past years to supramolecular chemists and crystal engineers, prompted the mindset to the understanding of other non-covalent interactions, which share the same origin and some features with HaB, paving the avenue for a theoretical understanding and an experimental exploitation in several fields, e.g., catalysis, functional materials, biomolecular chemistry, etc In this Ph.D. work, the focus will be on interactions involving group 14 - 16 elements as electrophilic sites. A combination of computational studies and experimental results will enable for: - paving the interpretation of this set of interactions, - extracting information and building the rationale for the comprehension of their electronic and geometrical features, - assessing them as novel robust tools for most chemists. In particular, in this Ph.D. thesis three main topics will be explored: • Chalcogen bond (ChB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 16 as electrophilic sites, has been investigated through theoretical and experimental approaches, both in solid and solutionphase. Firstly, some prototype diselenide derivatives have been investigated to assess the propensity of selenium atoms of diselenides moiety to work as electrophilic sites. Nurtured by the comparison with HaB in crystalline and ionic λ3-iodane derivatives, these close contacts were rationalized as charge-assisted ChBs. Secondly, once again in analogy to ionic λ3-iodane derivatives, benzothiazolium salts have been proven as robust and reliable ChB donor through synergistic endeavours of theoretical investigations and experimental studies in the solid via X-ray analyses. Finally, a solution-phase study of a Secontaining drug by mean of 1H and 77Se NMR titrations proved the ability of this drug to function as ChB donor in solution. ii • Pnictogen bond (PnB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 15 as electrophilic sites, has been the object of investigation due to the specific importance of antimony trifluoride and the effectiveness of the fluorination of pnictogen atoms in promoting their electrophilic behaviour. Computational analyses offered insight into the magnitude and geometrical features of PnB. The directionalities and separations of observed pnictogen bonds are convincing experimental evidence that linking fluorine to a pnictogen atom increases its electrophilicity to the point that pnictogen bonding formation becomes a determinant of the lattice structures in crystalline solids. Importantly, we proved the ability of PnB to prevail over HaB and HB in driving self-assembly processes. • Tetrel bond (TtB), namely the interaction involving elements of group 14 as electrophilic sites, has been studied by synthesizing a library of halogenated barbituric derivatives and, subsequently, investigating in the solid-state their crystal structure to assess the presence of short contacts between carbon atoms and electron-rich groups. Computational studies aided to understand the role of π-holes and σ- holes at carbon in the peculiar situation of barbituric acid, where the two sets of holes merge in a common positive potential.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
solo utenti autorizzati dal 23/03/2021
Descrizione: PhD thesis
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