Healthcare is the most complex and fast moving industry that exists. New digital technologies are constantly being developed, all with the potential to support clinical practice by bringing many advantages into the healthcare sector (Barlow, 2017). Nevertheless, the healthcare industry has lagged behind in comparison with other sectors in the adoption of information technology in the workplace (Rudin et al., 2016). Some studies have analyzed both individual and institutional factors that affect the acceptance and implementation of information technology (Oliveira and Martins, 2011; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) but they have generated mixed results (Holden and Karsh, 2010). Indeed, the mechanisms driving the adoption and implementation of information technology in hospitals remain unclear. Organizational Studies conceive organizations as strongly institutionalized settings in which individual behaviours are influenced by regulations, social norms and cultural systems (Scott and Davis, 2008; Gastaldi et al., 2019). In contrast, Information Science has mostly adopted user acceptance models, which emphasise individuals’ rational and volitional assessment of the costs and benefits they would obtain from a new digital technology (Gastaldi et al., 2019). Only a few studies have tested both explanations (institutional and individual) in an integrative framework (Lewis et al., 2003; Gastaldi et al., 2019) to explain the behaviour of hospital professionals (Mignerat and Rivard, 2009; Messerschmidt and Hinz, 2013) and comparing different types of digital technology. Following these considerations, this doctoral dissertation aimed to integrate these theories even more. Given the strength of the institutional forces in healthcare and the uniqueness of the hospital setting, the study viewed acceptance of technology as an effect of both individual and institutional forces, and it aimed to investigated the interplay between the institutional and the individual factors through experimentation with a new theoretical model, which combine different determinants coming from User Acceptance Models and from Institutional Theory. Another important aim was to evaluate whether and how to belonging to different professions (e.g. nurses and physicians) and the use of different types of digital technology - in particular management-led types and those introduced by hospital professionals - explain the behaviours of hospital professionals and their acceptance of technology. Two theoretical frameworks have been realized, one for each digital technology considered: Electronic Medical Record, as an example of technology management-led, and WhatsApp, considered as a type of technology introduced by professionals. A quantitative study was designed and performed in a medium-size Italian University Hospital, including surveys and interviews. Hospital professionals (nurses and physicians), IT staff and hospital executives were selected as participants in the project. Furthermore, two systematic literature reviews have been carried out. The research project is detailed and described in the five appended papers. Paper I summarizes the results of a systematic literature review focused on the determinants of Electronic Medical Record acceptance in hospitals. Paper II explores the state-of-the-art, the key determinants and the strength of recommendations of WhatsApp usage in hospitals. Paper III studies the interplay between individual and institutional determinants of the intention to use Electronic Medical Record, which is an example of digital technology management-led, using an original theoretical framework that combines Technology Acceptance Model and Institutional Theory. Paper IV studies the interplay between individual and institutional determinants using a similar theoretical framework, but applied to the use of WhatsApp to support clinical processes, considering WhatsApp an example of digital technology introduced by professionals. Paper V is the psychometric evaluation of an original questionnaire about the determinants of WhatsApp acceptance and usage by hospital professionals. From an academic viewpoint, the study offers an original perspective with a new theoretical framework, and it provides academics with at least three main contributions. First, the results confirm the importance of individual determinants, not only as directly related to the acceptance of digital technology, but also as important mediators between institutional determinants and acceptance of technology. Second, even if the data are preliminary, the study is one of the first to compare the professionals' behaviours towards two different types of technologies, those who are management-led - and that require at least a careful process of adoption, design and implementation -, and those who are introduced by hospital professionals without any planning or prevision of impact on processes, quality and safety of care. Third, the findings show significant correlations, which are worthy to be better explored, between being nurse or physician and the perceived ease of use and intention to use different types of digital technology in hospitals. From a managerial perspective, the research offers a novel insight for hospital executives, middle managers and hospital professionals since it provides several important insights into which levers can be used to improve the acceptance of digital technology, both in the case of technology management-led or introduced by professionals. For hospital executives, the results shed a new light on the role of normative factors (e.g. peer influence) in promoting the acceptance of new technology. More specifically, mimetic forces influence the perceived usefulness of the two different types of digital technology. One of the main limitations of the study relates to the generalizability of results, as the research design is based on a single case study. Further research should consider a multi-centre design, to increase the generalizability of results.
L’ambito sanitario è uno tra i settori più complessi e in rapida evoluzione. Costantemente vengono realizzate nuove tecnologie digitali che possono apportare molti vantaggi nella pratica clinica (Barlow, 2017). Tuttavia, l'industria sanitaria è rimasta indietro rispetto ad altri settori nell'adozione di strumenti e tecnologie digitali (Rudin et al., 2016). Numerosi studi hanno analizzato quali sono i fattori individuali e istituzionali che influenzano l'accettazione e l'implementazione di alcune tecnologie digitali (Oliveira e Martins, 2011; Venkatesh e Davis, 2000) ma con risultati contrastanti (Holden e Karsh, 2010). Infatti, i meccanismi che guidano l'adozione di tecnologie digitali nell’ambito ospedaliero rimangono poco chiari. Gli studi organizzativi concepiscono le organizzazioni come ambienti fortemente istituzionalizzati in cui i comportamenti individuali sono influenzati da regolamenti, norme sociali e sistemi culturali (Scott e Davis, 2008; Gastaldi et al., 2019). Al contrario, l’Information Science adotta principalmente modelli di accettazione da parte degli utenti, che enfatizzano la valutazione razionale e volontaria delle persone rispetto ai costi e benefici che potrebbero otterrebbero da una nuova tecnologia digitale (Gastaldi et al., 2019). Solo pochi studi hanno testato entrambe le prospettive in un quadro integrativo (Lewis et al., 2003; Gastaldi et al., 2019) per spiegare il comportamento dei professionisti sanitari (Mignerat e Rivard, 2009; Messerschmidt e Hinz, 2013) e confrontando diversi tipi di tecnologie digitali. L’obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è stato integrare ulteriormente queste due prospettive teoriche. Data la forza delle pressioni istituzionali nel settore sanitario e l'unicità del contesto ospedaliero, l'accettazione di una nuova tecnologia è stata considerata in questo studio come un effetto di entrambe le forze, individuali e istituzionali, con l’obiettivo di esplorare se esiste un'interazione tra le diverse determinanti attraverso la sperimentazione di un nuovo modello teorico, che combina fattori provenienti da entrambi i modelli. Un ulteriore importante obiettivo è stato valutare se e come una diversa professione (ad es. essere infermiere o medico) e l'uso di diversi tipi di tecnologia digitale - in particolare quelli strategicamente pianificati e implementati e quelli introdotti dai professionisti sanitari – può spiegare alcuni comportamenti dei professionisti rispetto all’accettazione di una nuova tecnologia. Sono stati realizzati due modelli teorici, uno per ogni tecnologia considerata: la cartella clinica elettronica, come esempio di tecnologica introdotta dal Management, e WhatsApp, considerata un tipo di tecnologia introdotta dai professionisti. È stato progettato e realizzato uno studio quantitativo, attraverso surveys e interviste presso un Policlinico universitario italiano di medie dimensioni. I professionisti sanitari dell’Ospedale (infermieri e medici), alcuni middle manager e alcuni dirigenti ospedalieri sono stati selezionati per partecipare al progetto. Inoltre, sono state realizzate due revisioni sistematiche della letteratura. Il progetto di ricerca è dettagliato e descritto nei cinque documenti allegati. L'articolo I sintetizza i risultati di una revisione sistematica della letteratura incentrata sulle determinanti dell'accettazione della cartella clinica elettronica in ambito ospedaliero. L’articolo II esplora lo stato dell'arte, le determinanti d’uso e la forza delle raccomandazioni rispetto all’uso di WhatsApp negli ospedali. L’articolo III studia se e come una interazione tra determinanti individuali e istituzionali influisce sull’intenzione di utilizzare la cartella clinica elettronica, utilizzando un quadro teorico originale che combina il Technology Acceptance Model e la teoria istituzionale. L’articolo IV esplora l'interazione tra determinanti individuali e istituzionali utilizzando un quadro teorico simile, ma applicato all'utilizzo di WhatsApp a supporto dei processi clinici. L’articolo V descrive la valutazione psicometrica di un originale questionario realizzato per esplorare le determinanti di accettazione ed uso di WhatsApp in ospedale. Da un punto di vista accademico, lo studio offre una prospettiva originale e un nuovo quadro teorico, e fornisce agli accademici almeno tre principali contributi. Primo, i risultati confermano l'importanza delle determinanti individuali, non solo come direttamente correlate all'accettazione della tecnologia, ma anche come importanti mediatori tra determinanti istituzionali e accettazione della tecnologia. In secondo luogo, anche se i dati sono preliminari, lo studio è uno dei primi a confrontare i comportamenti dei professionisti rispetto a due diversi tipi di tecnologie, quelle che sono guidati dal management - e che richiedono almeno un attento processo di adozione, progettazione e implementazione - e quelle che vengono introdotte da professionisti senza alcuna pianificazione o previsione di impatto su processi, qualità e sicurezza delle cure. In terzo luogo, i risultati mostrano una correlazione significativa, che merita di essere ulteriormente approfondita, tra l'essere infermiere o medico e la facilità d'uso percepita e l'intenzione di utilizzare diversi tipi di tecnologia digitale. Da un punto di vista manageriale, la ricerca offre importanti elementi per i dirigenti, i middle manager e i professionisti ospedalieri, poiché fornisce informazioni importanti rispetto a quali leve possono essere utilizzate per migliorare l'accettazione di nuove tecnologie digitali. In particolare, i risultati evidenziano un ruolo chiave dei fattori normativi (tra i quali ad esempio l'influenza tra pari) nel promuovere l'accettazione delle nuove tecnologie. Una delle principali limitazioni dello studio riguarda la generalizzabilità dei risultati, in quanto il disegno della ricerca si basa sullo studio di un singolo caso. Ulteriori ricerche dovrebbero prendere in considerazione un disegno multicentrico, per aumentare la generalizzabilità dei risultati.
Digital innovation in hospitals: individual and institutional determinants of acceptance
Healthcare is the most complex and fast moving industry that exists. New digital technologies are constantly being developed, all with the potential to support clinical practice by bringing many advantages into the healthcare sector (Barlow, 2017). Nevertheless, the healthcare industry has lagged behind in comparison with other sectors in the adoption of information technology in the workplace (Rudin et al., 2016). Some studies have analyzed both individual and institutional factors that affect the acceptance and implementation of information technology (Oliveira and Martins, 2011; Venkatesh and Davis, 2000) but they have generated mixed results (Holden and Karsh, 2010). Indeed, the mechanisms driving the adoption and implementation of information technology in hospitals remain unclear. Organizational Studies conceive organizations as strongly institutionalized settings in which individual behaviours are influenced by regulations, social norms and cultural systems (Scott and Davis, 2008; Gastaldi et al., 2019). In contrast, Information Science has mostly adopted user acceptance models, which emphasise individuals’ rational and volitional assessment of the costs and benefits they would obtain from a new digital technology (Gastaldi et al., 2019). Only a few studies have tested both explanations (institutional and individual) in an integrative framework (Lewis et al., 2003; Gastaldi et al., 2019) to explain the behaviour of hospital professionals (Mignerat and Rivard, 2009; Messerschmidt and Hinz, 2013) and comparing different types of digital technology. Following these considerations, this doctoral dissertation aimed to integrate these theories even more. Given the strength of the institutional forces in healthcare and the uniqueness of the hospital setting, the study viewed acceptance of technology as an effect of both individual and institutional forces, and it aimed to investigated the interplay between the institutional and the individual factors through experimentation with a new theoretical model, which combine different determinants coming from User Acceptance Models and from Institutional Theory. Another important aim was to evaluate whether and how to belonging to different professions (e.g. nurses and physicians) and the use of different types of digital technology - in particular management-led types and those introduced by hospital professionals - explain the behaviours of hospital professionals and their acceptance of technology. Two theoretical frameworks have been realized, one for each digital technology considered: Electronic Medical Record, as an example of technology management-led, and WhatsApp, considered as a type of technology introduced by professionals. A quantitative study was designed and performed in a medium-size Italian University Hospital, including surveys and interviews. Hospital professionals (nurses and physicians), IT staff and hospital executives were selected as participants in the project. Furthermore, two systematic literature reviews have been carried out. The research project is detailed and described in the five appended papers. Paper I summarizes the results of a systematic literature review focused on the determinants of Electronic Medical Record acceptance in hospitals. Paper II explores the state-of-the-art, the key determinants and the strength of recommendations of WhatsApp usage in hospitals. Paper III studies the interplay between individual and institutional determinants of the intention to use Electronic Medical Record, which is an example of digital technology management-led, using an original theoretical framework that combines Technology Acceptance Model and Institutional Theory. Paper IV studies the interplay between individual and institutional determinants using a similar theoretical framework, but applied to the use of WhatsApp to support clinical processes, considering WhatsApp an example of digital technology introduced by professionals. Paper V is the psychometric evaluation of an original questionnaire about the determinants of WhatsApp acceptance and usage by hospital professionals. From an academic viewpoint, the study offers an original perspective with a new theoretical framework, and it provides academics with at least three main contributions. First, the results confirm the importance of individual determinants, not only as directly related to the acceptance of digital technology, but also as important mediators between institutional determinants and acceptance of technology. Second, even if the data are preliminary, the study is one of the first to compare the professionals' behaviours towards two different types of technologies, those who are management-led - and that require at least a careful process of adoption, design and implementation -, and those who are introduced by hospital professionals without any planning or prevision of impact on processes, quality and safety of care. Third, the findings show significant correlations, which are worthy to be better explored, between being nurse or physician and the perceived ease of use and intention to use different types of digital technology in hospitals. From a managerial perspective, the research offers a novel insight for hospital executives, middle managers and hospital professionals since it provides several important insights into which levers can be used to improve the acceptance of digital technology, both in the case of technology management-led or introduced by professionals. For hospital executives, the results shed a new light on the role of normative factors (e.g. peer influence) in promoting the acceptance of new technology. More specifically, mimetic forces influence the perceived usefulness of the two different types of digital technology. One of the main limitations of the study relates to the generalizability of results, as the research design is based on a single case study. Further research should consider a multi-centre design, to increase the generalizability of results.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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