The thesis aims to investigate the use of ultra-lightweight technologies as a promising and effective option for minimal temporary building applications. Even if membrane architecture is taken as a point of departure, the study refers to lighter solutions, i.e. ultra-lightweight structures, with the intent to partially overcome the state of the art of membrane structures – already extensively studied starting from Frei Otto in the middle of the last century – to get to innovative and unexpected aesthetics, using new material combinations, tools and technologies. In particular, the thesis explores the possibility of using ultra-lightweight technologies for buildings with a short (i.e. ephemeral, temporary or seasonal) lifespan. Temporary buildings - characterized by specific constraints and requirements - are very common in the built environment but information and studies that provide a more complete view on the topic are still missing. The analytical part of the thesis (Chapters 1 and 2) explores the literature around temporary and lightweight architecture and presents the good and bad practices in the contemporary panorama to bring out the characteristics, critical issues and knowledge gaps. The critical part of the work (Chapter 3) focuses on two design challenges that arose from the path toward the realization of more efficient buildings, namely adopting a time-based design approach and qualifying the architectural space. A Key Performance Indicators (KPI) matrix was built and used to analyse a series of significant case studies of significant lightweight and ultra-lightweight (Chapter 4). The issues that emerged from the first part of the thesis are at the same time defined and validated with prototypes, applying an experimental approach typical of the architectural technology discipline (Part B). The pilot project “TemporActive” - an ultra-lightweight temporary bending-active structure with a performing translucent envelope - was developed by the author in the role of project manager in collaboration with experts in the field from the conceptual design phase up to the occupancy phase and the predicted multiple cycles of use. In particular, three experimentations were carried out on the pilot project to investigate and test both the design challenges and the aspects related to the construction phase which are generally poorly treated and about which little information is available. The experimental phase of the thesis led to the development of an ultra-lightweight temporary architecture that facilitates transportation and (un)installation and that, at the same time, consistently responds to specific project’s requirements and user’s needs. To find the optimum solution, the criteria taken into account were the feasibility and eco-efficiency aspects, the simultaneous weight minimization and maximization of the structural form efficiency and spatial architectural and comfort aspects. Based on the findings and lessons learned of the pilot project and analysis of the state of the art, generalized design strategies addressed to the designer to create more efficient and coherent ultra-lightweight temporary architectures which are highlighted in the concluding part (Part C).
La tesi intende investigare l’uso tecnologie ultra-leggere come un'opzione promettente ed efficace per applicazioni in edifici temporanei. Anche se l'architettura a membrana è considerata un fondamentale punto di partenza, lo studio fa riferimento a soluzioni più leggere, ovvero le strutture ultraleggere, con l'intento di parzialmente superare lo stato dell'arte delle strutture a membrana - già ampiamente studiato a partire da Frei Otto a partire dalla metà secolo scorso - per arrivare a un'estetica innovativa e inaspettata, facendo uso di nuove combinazioni di materiali, strumenti e tecnologie. In particolare, la tesi esplora la possibilità di utilizzare le tecnologie ultraleggere per edifici di durata breve (effimera, temporanea o stagionale). Gli edifici temporanei - caratterizzati da vincoli e requisiti specifici - sono molto comuni nell'ambiente costruito ma mancano ancora informazioni e studi che forniscano una visione più completa sull'argomento. La parte analitica della tesi (Capitoli 1 e 2) esplora la letteratura scientifica sull'architettura temporanea e leggera e presenta le buone e le cattive pratiche nel panorama contemporaneo per mettere in evidenza le principali caratteristiche, criticità e le lacune di conoscenza sul tema. La parte critica del lavoro (Capitolo 3) si concentra su due sfide progettuali che nascono dal graduale alleggerimento ed efficientamento degli edificio, ovvero l'adozione di un approccio progettuale basato sul tempo e la qualificazione dello spazio architettonico. Una matrice di Key Performance Indicators (KPI) è stata costruita e utilizzata per analizzare una serie di casi studio significativi di edifici leggeri e ultra-leggero a base membranosa (Capitolo 4). I temi emersi dalla prima parte della tesi sono allo stesso tempo definiti e validati con dei prototipi, applicando un approccio sperimentale tipico della disciplina della tecnologia architettonica (Parte B). Il progetto pilota "TemporActive" - una struttura temporanea bending-active ultraleggera con un involucro traslucido performante - è stato sviluppato dall'autore nel ruolo di project manager in collaborazione con esperti del settore dalla fase di progettazione concettuale fino alla fase di occupazione e di previsione di multipli cicli di utilizzo. In particolare, sul progetto pilota sono state condotte tre sperimentazioni per indagare e testare sia le sfide di progettazione emerse in precedenza che gli aspetti relativi alla fase di costruzione che sono generalmente poco trattati e sui quali si hanno poche informazioni disponibili. La fase sperimentale della tesi ha portato allo sviluppo di un'architettura temporanea ultraleggera che facilita il trasporto e (dis)assemblaggio e che, allo stesso tempo, risponde coerentemente ai requisiti specifici del progetto e alle esigenze dell'utente. Per trovare la soluzione ottimale, sono stati considerati gli aspetti di fattibilità ed eco-efficienza, la simultanea riduzione al minimo del peso e la massimizzazione dell'efficienza della forma strutturale e gli aspetti di qualità spaziale e comfort. Sulla base dei risultati e degli insegnamenti tratti dal progetto pilota e dell'analisi dello stato dell'arte, nella parte conclusiva (Parte C) sono sviluppate delle strategie di progettazione indirizzate al progettista per creare architetture temporanee ultra-leggere più efficienti e coerenti.
Ultra-lightweight temporary architecture. Defining new minimal mass and efficiency-oriented design strategies through an experimental approach
The thesis aims to investigate the use of ultra-lightweight technologies as a promising and effective option for minimal temporary building applications. Even if membrane architecture is taken as a point of departure, the study refers to lighter solutions, i.e. ultra-lightweight structures, with the intent to partially overcome the state of the art of membrane structures – already extensively studied starting from Frei Otto in the middle of the last century – to get to innovative and unexpected aesthetics, using new material combinations, tools and technologies. In particular, the thesis explores the possibility of using ultra-lightweight technologies for buildings with a short (i.e. ephemeral, temporary or seasonal) lifespan. Temporary buildings - characterized by specific constraints and requirements - are very common in the built environment but information and studies that provide a more complete view on the topic are still missing. The analytical part of the thesis (Chapters 1 and 2) explores the literature around temporary and lightweight architecture and presents the good and bad practices in the contemporary panorama to bring out the characteristics, critical issues and knowledge gaps. The critical part of the work (Chapter 3) focuses on two design challenges that arose from the path toward the realization of more efficient buildings, namely adopting a time-based design approach and qualifying the architectural space. A Key Performance Indicators (KPI) matrix was built and used to analyse a series of significant case studies of significant lightweight and ultra-lightweight (Chapter 4). The issues that emerged from the first part of the thesis are at the same time defined and validated with prototypes, applying an experimental approach typical of the architectural technology discipline (Part B). The pilot project “TemporActive” - an ultra-lightweight temporary bending-active structure with a performing translucent envelope - was developed by the author in the role of project manager in collaboration with experts in the field from the conceptual design phase up to the occupancy phase and the predicted multiple cycles of use. In particular, three experimentations were carried out on the pilot project to investigate and test both the design challenges and the aspects related to the construction phase which are generally poorly treated and about which little information is available. The experimental phase of the thesis led to the development of an ultra-lightweight temporary architecture that facilitates transportation and (un)installation and that, at the same time, consistently responds to specific project’s requirements and user’s needs. To find the optimum solution, the criteria taken into account were the feasibility and eco-efficiency aspects, the simultaneous weight minimization and maximization of the structural form efficiency and spatial architectural and comfort aspects. Based on the findings and lessons learned of the pilot project and analysis of the state of the art, generalized design strategies addressed to the designer to create more efficient and coherent ultra-lightweight temporary architectures which are highlighted in the concluding part (Part C).File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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