In order to reduce the CO2 emissions and comply with international agreements, a strong increase in the use of renewable energy and carbon capture technologies is foreseen. Renewables are intrinsically fluctuating sources, and this leads to periods of power overproduction which needs to be effectively stored. A valid solution is provided by the Power to Gas (PtG) technology. This process uses the excess power to split water and produce H2 (and valuable O2), which is then reacted with CO2 to form CH4 and H2O through the Sabatier reaction. Among all the possible products of CO2 hydrogenation, methane has the huge advantage to have an already-existing infrastructure for its transport and use. The methanation process is generally carried out over Ni-based catalysts, but from a process intensification standpoint, also the less investigated Ru-based catalysts are of interest. Indeed, it is known that Ru is the more active metal for the Sabatier reaction, and hence allows the feasibility of such reaction at lower temperatures with respect to Ni-based catalysts, allowing to achieve higher per-pass CO2 conversions and to operate at low pressures. In this context, the first part of this thesis aims at the optimization of the efficiency of the CO2 methanation process at industrially relevant conditions on Ru/Al2O3 catalysts. Initially, the effect of the metal loading and of the size of the catalytic support has been investigated, revealing insights on the optimal Ru loading and on the onset of transport limitations. These findings provide guidance on how to exploit at best the costly active phase. When using low Ru loading (0.5 wt.%), it has been found that eggshell catalysts are obtained via impregnation on large Al2O3 pellets due to the interaction between the Ru precursor and the support. However, this interaction can be modified in order to effectively tune the thickness of the catalytic layer. Nevertheless, at such low metal loading, when varying the dimension of homogeneously impregnated pellets, no significant differences in the catalyst activity were observed, indicating the absence of diffusional limitations even on large pellets. Aiming at increasing the catalyst activity, the effect of Ru loading has been also investigated in the range 0.5 – 5 wt% under kinetically controlled conditions. The adopted preparation method allowed to obtain highly dispersed systems, with Ru average particle diameters below 2.5 nm. No relevant differences in CO2 conversion nor CH4 selectivity have been observed while working at constant flowrate per gram of Ru, despite the decrease in Ru surface area with increasing metal loading. This implies that, in the investigated particle size range, the loss in catalytically active surface is effectively counterbalanced by the increased intrinsic reactivity (turnover frequency) of the remaining Ru sites. This has been explained through the structure sensitivity of the Sabatier reaction on Ru-catalysts. In order to investigate the effect of the catalyst support size, the recipe showing the highest turnover rate per gram of catalyst (5 wt% Ru/Al2O3) has been replicated using supports of 800 and 2300 μm. In these cases, the conversion and selectivity of the process diverge from the result obtained in a kinetically controlled regime. As a result, lower methane yields are obtained with increasing catalyst particle size because of the slow diffusion of CO2 within the catalyst pore system and the slow heat removal at the gas solid interface. This makes highly active Ru-based materials more attractive for compact packed reactors, where pressure drops are less relevant and smaller pellets can be used, or washcoated systems. The feasibility of a CO2 methanation process able to reach CO2 conversion levels in excess of 98% with a complete CH4 selectivity has been also demonstrated exploiting Ru/Al2O3 catalysts. Using a simple process configuration and operating at atmospheric pressure, it is possible to produce a gas stream able to meet, without further purifications other than water removal, the stringent purity thresholds required for the direct injection of the produced synthetic natural gas (SNG) into the gas grid. Furthermore, the stability of the Ru/Al2O3 catalyst has been investigated for nearly 600 h in presence of concentrated H2/CO2 streams and almost complete conversion levels and no relevant deactivation phenomena have been observed. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of doped Ru-based catalysts for the CO2 capture and methanation process. In most applications, CO2 comes from conventional carbon capture technologies, which are energy intensive. A possible solution to the high energy demand is represented by the combined capture and hydrogenation of CO2. The idea is to capture CO2 from a CO2-containing stream (e.g. combustion flue gases) with a catalytic material that acts as a solid adsorbent, and then exposing the CO2-saturated material to a renewable H2-containing stream in order to produce CH4 and regenerate the adsorbent. The typical catalyst formulation consists of an alkaline or alkaline-earth metal as adsorbing agent and Ru as methanation catalyst, both supported on a high surface area carrier. In this context, mechanistic aspects involved in the CO2 storage and reduction to methane have been analyzed by using a model Ru-Ba bifunctional catalyst. In particular, the role of the Ru-Ba interaction in the reaction has been deepened, by comparing the catalytic behavior of a bimetallic Ru-Ba/Al2O3 catalyst and of a Ba/Al2O3 + Ru/Al2O3 mechanical mixture. It has been found that the presence of Ru does not affect the CO2 storage capacity. At variance, the reactivity of the stored CO2 is strongly affected by the presence of Ru, and when both storage and hydrogenation components are present on the same support, the reaction occurs at much lower temperatures. Furthermore, the effects of different representative CO2 adsorption con conditions (H2O, O2, NOx) during the capture phase have been investigated. The stability of these catalytic materials is probed by means of aging cycles at simulated flue gas conditions. It has been found that these materials demonstrate a steady, yet very subtle, loss in the amount of CH4 produced per cycle. The observed deactivation depends on the Ru loading and has been ascribed to an irreversible sintering of Ru particles upon O2 exposure at high temperatures.
Allo scopo di ridurre le emissioni di CO2 e rispettare gli accordi internazionali, è previsto un forte incremento dell’uso di energia proveniente da fonti rinnovabili unito all’utilizzo di tecnologie di Cabon Capture. Le fonti rinnovabile sono intrinsecamente fluttuanti, e questo conduce a periodi di sovraproduzione di energia elettrica, che non può essere immessa nella rete e deve essere efficacemente stoccata. Una valida soluzione a questa problematica è fornita dalla tecnologia Power to Gas (PtG). Questo processo utilizza l’energia elettrica in eccesso per produrre H2, che viene poi utilizzato per convertire CO2 di scarto per formare CH4 mediante la reazione di Sabatier. Contrariamente all’idrogeno, metano ha il grande vantaggio di avere già un’infrastruttura esistente per il suo trasporto e utilizzo. La reazione di Sabatier è generalmente catalizzata utilizzando catalizzatori a base di Nickel, ma da un punto di vista dell’intensificazione di processo anche i meno investigati catalizzatori a base di Rutenio sono di interesse. Infatti, è noto che il Ru sia il metallo più attivo nel catalizzare la reazione di metanazione di CO2, e quindi permette di operare il processo a temperature inferiori rispetto al Ni e di ottenere conversioni per passaggio più alte, anche a pressione atmosferica. In questo contesto, la prima parte di questa tesi è dedicata all’ottimizzazione dell’efficienza del processo di metanazione di CO2 in condizioni di interesse industriale sfruttando reattori a letto impaccato e catalizzatori a base di Ru supportato su Al2O3. Inizialmente è stato investigato l’effetto del carico di fase attiva e delle dimensioni del pellet catalitico, fornendo informazioni sul carico ottimale di Ru e sull’instaurarsi di limitazioni diffusive. Questi risultati sono di importanza fondamentale per l’intensificazione del processo, fornendo linee guida su come sfruttare al meglio la costosa fase attiva. Impregnando pellet di Al2O3 di grandi dimensioni con bassi carichi di Ru (0.5%) si ottengono catalizzatori di tipo eggshell, a causa dell’interazione tra il precursore del Ru e il supporto, pur ottenendo una buona dispersione della fase attiva. Questa interazione può essere modificata per calibrare in maniera efficace lo spessore dello strato catalitico, fino ad ottenere catalizzatori omogeneamente impregnati. Questi ultimi sono stati testati in varie dimensioni, senza mostrare differenze significative in termini di attività catalitica e quindi suggerendo l’assenza di fenomeni di limitazioni diffusive. Un aumento del carico di Ru conduce a catalizzatori più attivi, che permettono di ridurre il volume del reattore senza perdere produttività. Tuttavia, a un aumento di carico potrebbe corrispondere una diminuzione della dispersione, portando così ad uno spreco di fase attiva. Per questa ragione, l’effetto del carico di Ru è stato investigato in regime di controllo cinetico. Nel range 0.5-5% non sono state rilevate differenze significative in resa di CH4 lavorando per portata costante per grammo di Ru. Questo indica che carichi più elevati sono possibili, permettendo la produzione di catalizzatori molto attivi. In presenza di velocità di reazioni molto elevate, permesse da catalizzatori molto attivi, i fenomeni diffusivi potrebbero diventare limitanti, riducendo l’efficienza del processo in presenza di pellet catalitici di dimensioni industrialmente rilevanti. Infatti, è stato verificato come per pellet omogeneamente impregnati con alti carichi di Ru (5%) la resa in metano diminuisca con l’incrementare delle dimensioni del pellet a causa dell’instaurarsi di limitazioni diffusive. Da ultimo, l’operabilità di un processo di metanazione di CO2 in grado di raggiungere livelli di conversione in eccesso di 98% e con selettività totale a CH4 è stata dimostrata utilizzando i materiali sintetizzati. Utilizzando una semplice configurazione di processo e operando a pressione atmosferica è possibile ottenere una portata gassosa uscente in grado di rispettare anche i più stringenti limiti richiesti per l’iniezione diretta del gas naturale sintetico (SNG) prodotto direttamente in rete. Nella seconda parte di questo lavoro, è stata investigato l’utilizzo di catalizzatori a base di Ru per la cattura e metanazione di CO2 in condizioni cicliche. Nelle applicazioni PtG, la CO2 utilizzata deriva da tecniche convenzionali di cattura, a cui è associato un largo dispendio energetico. Una possibile soluzione è fornita dalla cattura e idrogenazione della CO2. L’idea è quella di catturare la CO2 direttamente da fumi di combustione con un materiale catalitico che agisca da adsorbente solido, e successivamente di esporre il materiale saturo di CO2 a una corrente contente H2 rinnovabile in modo da produrre metano e rigenerare l’adsorbente. La formulazione proposta per questi materiali consiste in un metallo alcalino o alcalino-terroso come agente adsorbente e del Ru come catalizzatore di metanazione, entrambi supportati un carrier con alta area superficiale. In questo contesto, questo lavoro approfondisce l’effetto della vicinanza tra la fase di storage e quella di riduzione della CO2 in condizioni rappresentative. È stato dimostrato come la vicinanza tra le due fasi abbia un impatto trascurabile in fase di cattura della CO2, e un impatto positivo in fase di metanazione. Inoltre, è stato valutato l’effetto di differenti specie presenti in fase di cattura per simulare la composizione dei fumi di combustione (H2O, O2, NOx). La stabilità di questi materiali è da ultimo investigata mediante cicli di invecchiamento. Una lenta ma costante disattivazione è stata osservata, possibilmente da ascrivere a fenomeni di sintering durante cicli ripetuti di ossidazione e riduzione.
CO2 hydrogenation to synthetic natural gas: exploiting the potential of Ru-based catalysts
In order to reduce the CO2 emissions and comply with international agreements, a strong increase in the use of renewable energy and carbon capture technologies is foreseen. Renewables are intrinsically fluctuating sources, and this leads to periods of power overproduction which needs to be effectively stored. A valid solution is provided by the Power to Gas (PtG) technology. This process uses the excess power to split water and produce H2 (and valuable O2), which is then reacted with CO2 to form CH4 and H2O through the Sabatier reaction. Among all the possible products of CO2 hydrogenation, methane has the huge advantage to have an already-existing infrastructure for its transport and use. The methanation process is generally carried out over Ni-based catalysts, but from a process intensification standpoint, also the less investigated Ru-based catalysts are of interest. Indeed, it is known that Ru is the more active metal for the Sabatier reaction, and hence allows the feasibility of such reaction at lower temperatures with respect to Ni-based catalysts, allowing to achieve higher per-pass CO2 conversions and to operate at low pressures. In this context, the first part of this thesis aims at the optimization of the efficiency of the CO2 methanation process at industrially relevant conditions on Ru/Al2O3 catalysts. Initially, the effect of the metal loading and of the size of the catalytic support has been investigated, revealing insights on the optimal Ru loading and on the onset of transport limitations. These findings provide guidance on how to exploit at best the costly active phase. When using low Ru loading (0.5 wt.%), it has been found that eggshell catalysts are obtained via impregnation on large Al2O3 pellets due to the interaction between the Ru precursor and the support. However, this interaction can be modified in order to effectively tune the thickness of the catalytic layer. Nevertheless, at such low metal loading, when varying the dimension of homogeneously impregnated pellets, no significant differences in the catalyst activity were observed, indicating the absence of diffusional limitations even on large pellets. Aiming at increasing the catalyst activity, the effect of Ru loading has been also investigated in the range 0.5 – 5 wt% under kinetically controlled conditions. The adopted preparation method allowed to obtain highly dispersed systems, with Ru average particle diameters below 2.5 nm. No relevant differences in CO2 conversion nor CH4 selectivity have been observed while working at constant flowrate per gram of Ru, despite the decrease in Ru surface area with increasing metal loading. This implies that, in the investigated particle size range, the loss in catalytically active surface is effectively counterbalanced by the increased intrinsic reactivity (turnover frequency) of the remaining Ru sites. This has been explained through the structure sensitivity of the Sabatier reaction on Ru-catalysts. In order to investigate the effect of the catalyst support size, the recipe showing the highest turnover rate per gram of catalyst (5 wt% Ru/Al2O3) has been replicated using supports of 800 and 2300 μm. In these cases, the conversion and selectivity of the process diverge from the result obtained in a kinetically controlled regime. As a result, lower methane yields are obtained with increasing catalyst particle size because of the slow diffusion of CO2 within the catalyst pore system and the slow heat removal at the gas solid interface. This makes highly active Ru-based materials more attractive for compact packed reactors, where pressure drops are less relevant and smaller pellets can be used, or washcoated systems. The feasibility of a CO2 methanation process able to reach CO2 conversion levels in excess of 98% with a complete CH4 selectivity has been also demonstrated exploiting Ru/Al2O3 catalysts. Using a simple process configuration and operating at atmospheric pressure, it is possible to produce a gas stream able to meet, without further purifications other than water removal, the stringent purity thresholds required for the direct injection of the produced synthetic natural gas (SNG) into the gas grid. Furthermore, the stability of the Ru/Al2O3 catalyst has been investigated for nearly 600 h in presence of concentrated H2/CO2 streams and almost complete conversion levels and no relevant deactivation phenomena have been observed. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the study of doped Ru-based catalysts for the CO2 capture and methanation process. In most applications, CO2 comes from conventional carbon capture technologies, which are energy intensive. A possible solution to the high energy demand is represented by the combined capture and hydrogenation of CO2. The idea is to capture CO2 from a CO2-containing stream (e.g. combustion flue gases) with a catalytic material that acts as a solid adsorbent, and then exposing the CO2-saturated material to a renewable H2-containing stream in order to produce CH4 and regenerate the adsorbent. The typical catalyst formulation consists of an alkaline or alkaline-earth metal as adsorbing agent and Ru as methanation catalyst, both supported on a high surface area carrier. In this context, mechanistic aspects involved in the CO2 storage and reduction to methane have been analyzed by using a model Ru-Ba bifunctional catalyst. In particular, the role of the Ru-Ba interaction in the reaction has been deepened, by comparing the catalytic behavior of a bimetallic Ru-Ba/Al2O3 catalyst and of a Ba/Al2O3 + Ru/Al2O3 mechanical mixture. It has been found that the presence of Ru does not affect the CO2 storage capacity. At variance, the reactivity of the stored CO2 is strongly affected by the presence of Ru, and when both storage and hydrogenation components are present on the same support, the reaction occurs at much lower temperatures. Furthermore, the effects of different representative CO2 adsorption con conditions (H2O, O2, NOx) during the capture phase have been investigated. The stability of these catalytic materials is probed by means of aging cycles at simulated flue gas conditions. It has been found that these materials demonstrate a steady, yet very subtle, loss in the amount of CH4 produced per cycle. The observed deactivation depends on the Ru loading and has been ascribed to an irreversible sintering of Ru particles upon O2 exposure at high temperatures.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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