Imagining innovative forms of co-habitation addressed to the elderlies (over 65 autonomous or with small fragilities that don’t need sanitary assistance) for giving qualified response to their necessities and promote an active aging without detaching them from the neighborhood in which for many years they lived: this is the main theme of the proposed work. One of the aims is to reduce the isolation that afflicts many elderlies and at the same time helping them to develop social relations and offer a support for solving physical and psychological problems. Another purpose is to offer a transgenerational living that isn’t designed only for elderlies but is certainly age-friendly. Co-Living (sharing living) could be the answer for old age problems because it promotes social relations by proposing to share activities and spaces: co-habitation can offer perceptual inputs and interaction occasions, these are life aspects that maybe when an elderly lives alone risks to lose; indeed living among other people helps to feel more active and loved by many people. But what is exactly Co-living? It’s the term to call a living arrangement in which two or more biologically unrelated people live inside a common residential structure; this environment is composed by basic private units independent to each other but connected by a common big space with shared facilities. Co-Living residents are willing not only to share their space with others but also favors, this exchange provides a condition of mutual support in which the inhabitants help each other. What emerges from the theoretical research is how the phenomenon of co-living doesn’t regard only the youngers or teens, but people from all ages; indeed this typology of house sharing was categorized in 6 different models according to their users. Since it’s still in development it is quite hard to give a complete definition to the concept because it has not yet reached a proper identification. Therefore to better understand this living approach there is a specific chapter in which is presented a Co-Living Case Studies selection; from these analysis was then possible to define the rules of co-living apartment’s design for ap-plying them during the project phase. Since this proposal develops an intergenerational care-based Co-Living model, while carrying out the project decisions, the specific rules about co-living were integrated with Age-Friendly design strategies, in order to fulfill all different ages people’s needs. In detail my thesis work pointed to generate different hospitality proposals in a Social Housing estate completely owned by Aler where the most part of the inhabitants are elderlies with specific needs. In order to update the existing building are suggested transformation interventions: the aim is to realize a Co-Living environment that promotes an innovative and intergenerational approach for an active aging. Indeed it’s wide demonstrated from Italian and European experiences that the strategies promoting an active aging for elderly population have as a consequence a reduction of the costs for sanitary and welfare services. In the following pages I’ll deal with peoples and not only with Architecture, I’ll investigate innovative cohabitation proposals that involve people over 65, self-sufficient but with small fragilities giving them suitable solutions in order to satisfy their lifestyle requirements.
Immaginare forme di coabitazione innovative che si rivolgano agli anziani (over sessantacinque autosufficienti o con fragilità che non richiedono assistenza sanitaria) e diano risposte qualificate alle loro necessità senza necessariamente sradicarli dal quartiere in cui per anni hanno vissuto. Un obiettivo prioritario è quello di allentare l’isolamento in cui attualmente vivono molti anziani e, al contempo, offrire loro sia un aiuto nello sviluppo di relazioni sociali sia un supporto per la soluzione di problematiche connesse alla fragilità fisica e psicologica. Altro obiettivo è quello di offrire una residenza transgenerazionale che non è pensata solo per gli anziani ma che è sicuramente attenta alle loro esigenze. Il Co-Living (l’abitare condiviso) potrebbe essere la risposta ai problemi della vecchiaia perché proponendo la condivisione di spazi e attività promuove le relazioni sociali: questo co-abitare può offrire quegli stimoli percettivi e di dialogo che una persona anziana, vivendo sola, tende a perdere; infatti vivere circondati da altre persone aiuta a sentirsi più attivi e amati da tante persone. Il termine Co-Living fa riferimento a una situazione abitativa in cui due o più persone non biologicamente legate vivono insieme all’interno di una medesima struttura residenziale; un simile ambiente risulta composto da minime unità private indipendenti connesse tra loro attraverso un ampio spazio destinato ad accogliere le stanze collettive. All’interno di un Co-Living gli abitanti non condividono solo gli spazi, ma anche collaborazioni e questo scambio crea una condizione di supporto mutuale in cui gli abitanti si aiutano reciprocamente. Dalla ricerca teorica emerge come questo innovativo modo di abitare coinvolga persone di tutte le età e non solo i più giovani; in base ai relativi utenti sono stati identificati sei differenti modelli di coabitazione. Risulta però difficile fornire una definizione che spieghi in modo esaustivo cosa sia il Co-Living poiché è un processo ancora in fase di sviluppo. Per meglio comprendere in cosa consista questo nuovo modo di vivere viene presentata una selezione di Casi Studio. Le analisi svolte sono state fondamentali per definire le regole da seguire se si vuole progettare un Co-Living funzionale; queste constatazioni sono state poi applicate nella fase di progetto. La proposta avanzata sviluppa un’idea di Co-Living intergenerazionale identificabile con il modello care-based: per questo motivo le regole specifiche concernenti il Co-Living sono state integrate con le strategie necessarie indirizzate a progettare ambienti attenti alle necessità delle persone più anziane; l’obiettivo perseguito è soddisfare, attraverso le decisioni progettuali, le esigenze delle persone di tutte le età. Nello specifico il mio progetto di tesi consiste nel generare risposte differenti di ospitalità in un contesto di edilizia ERP completamente di proprietà A.L.E.R. ed abitato per una consistente percentuale da anziani con bisogni specifici. Attraverso l’aggiornamento edilizio del patrimonio immobiliare esistente vengono suggeriti interventi di trasformazione finalizzati alla realizzazione del Co-Living con il fine di promuovere nuove forme di abitare intergenerazionale per un invecchiamento attivo. È ampiamente dimostrato, infatti, da esperienze italiane ed europee, che le politiche mirate a garantire un invecchiamento attivo della popolazione anziana si traducono in una notevolissima riduzione della spesa pubblica per servizi sanitari e di welfare. Nelle seguenti pagine mi occupo non solo di Architettura ma di persone, abitanti, indagando forme di coabitazione innovative che, coinvolgendo la categoria anziani over sessantacinque autosufficienti o con leggere fragilità, diano risposte alle esigenze di vita e alle necessità di questo target.
Co-living : proposal for an innovative age-friendly cohabitation, in Aler's estate
Bianchi, Ilaria
Imagining innovative forms of co-habitation addressed to the elderlies (over 65 autonomous or with small fragilities that don’t need sanitary assistance) for giving qualified response to their necessities and promote an active aging without detaching them from the neighborhood in which for many years they lived: this is the main theme of the proposed work. One of the aims is to reduce the isolation that afflicts many elderlies and at the same time helping them to develop social relations and offer a support for solving physical and psychological problems. Another purpose is to offer a transgenerational living that isn’t designed only for elderlies but is certainly age-friendly. Co-Living (sharing living) could be the answer for old age problems because it promotes social relations by proposing to share activities and spaces: co-habitation can offer perceptual inputs and interaction occasions, these are life aspects that maybe when an elderly lives alone risks to lose; indeed living among other people helps to feel more active and loved by many people. But what is exactly Co-living? It’s the term to call a living arrangement in which two or more biologically unrelated people live inside a common residential structure; this environment is composed by basic private units independent to each other but connected by a common big space with shared facilities. Co-Living residents are willing not only to share their space with others but also favors, this exchange provides a condition of mutual support in which the inhabitants help each other. What emerges from the theoretical research is how the phenomenon of co-living doesn’t regard only the youngers or teens, but people from all ages; indeed this typology of house sharing was categorized in 6 different models according to their users. Since it’s still in development it is quite hard to give a complete definition to the concept because it has not yet reached a proper identification. Therefore to better understand this living approach there is a specific chapter in which is presented a Co-Living Case Studies selection; from these analysis was then possible to define the rules of co-living apartment’s design for ap-plying them during the project phase. Since this proposal develops an intergenerational care-based Co-Living model, while carrying out the project decisions, the specific rules about co-living were integrated with Age-Friendly design strategies, in order to fulfill all different ages people’s needs. In detail my thesis work pointed to generate different hospitality proposals in a Social Housing estate completely owned by Aler where the most part of the inhabitants are elderlies with specific needs. In order to update the existing building are suggested transformation interventions: the aim is to realize a Co-Living environment that promotes an innovative and intergenerational approach for an active aging. Indeed it’s wide demonstrated from Italian and European experiences that the strategies promoting an active aging for elderly population have as a consequence a reduction of the costs for sanitary and welfare services. In the following pages I’ll deal with peoples and not only with Architecture, I’ll investigate innovative cohabitation proposals that involve people over 65, self-sufficient but with small fragilities giving them suitable solutions in order to satisfy their lifestyle requirements.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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