A growing development of small portable and wearable electronic devices and the development of the fifth generation of telecommunication systems (5G) will make possible the further digitisation of our society and economy with the technology of the so called Internet of things (IoT). In the next future, data coming from interconnected sensors will be analysed by “artificial intelligence” which will take autonomous decisions in real time. Healthcare, mobility, environment, industry and society will experience concrete improvements from this technology. By 2025 we expect 27 billion devices installed in the framework of IoT1. In order to satisfy such a large demand of energy for small devices, the European project Harvestore (https://harvestore.eu/) aims to develop so called “µ-harvestorers”, a new-generation of energy devices. They will be able to “harvest” and “store” energy from renewable sources such as heat and light. Eleven academic institutions and industrial centers coming from six different European countries strongly cooperate each other to achieve this goal. The Harvestore project (https://harvestore.eu/) focuses on the emerging field of Nanoionics and advanced ceramic conductors. Within this project, I worked under the supervision of Mónica Burriel, Odette Chaix and Alexander Stangl in the “Nanoionics” group at LMGP (Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, Grenoble) and collaborated with Michel Mermoux from LEPMI (Laboratoire d’électrochimie et de physicochimie des matériaux et des interfaces, Grenoble). I investigated promising lithium ionic and oxygen mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) oxide materials. The first materials were Li-conducting garnet electrolytes used in Li solid state batteries. This kind of compounds have generated a great interest due to their high ionic conductivity at room temperature (10-3 - 10-4 S cm-1) and electrochemical stability against lithium metal anodes2,3. Undoped tetragonal LLZO (Li7La3Zr2O12) and Ga-doped cubic LGLZO (Li6.55Ga0.15La3Zr2O12) pellets with different isotopic Li concentrations (6Li rich and 7Li rich) have been characterized in detail by Raman spectroscopy. The samples were provided by Aguadero Research Group (Imperial College London), which is also a partner in the Harvestore project. Raman characterization was performed avoiding contact with air, due to the high sensitivity of the sample to humidity 4. After identification of the Li modes, the final goal will be to design an in situ Raman isotopic exchange experiment. At an adequate temperature, 6Li rich and 7Li rich pellets put in contact are expected to exchange 6Li and 7Li respectively. With Raman spectroscopy, a progressive shift of the Li modes during the exchange is expected. In this work, a strong influence of uncontrolled synthesis and sintering procedures was observed on Li modes; therefore, it was not possible to design and perform in situ Raman isotope exchanges. This work will be continued by other members of the team in the future. The second family of materials under study was LSMC (La0.8Sr0.2Mn1-xCoxO3, x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) in the form of thin films. LSMC perovskite is a mixed ionic-electronic conductor employed as cathode material in micro solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Similar cathode perovskite materials such as LSM (La0.8Sr0.2MnO3) and LSC (La0.8Sr0.2CoO3) showed, respectively, impressive oxygen mass transport properties along grain boundaries5 and interesting oxygen dissociation ability6. The investigation of intermediate chemical compositions aims to find mixed properties of LSM and LSC. In this thesis, LSMC thin films were deposited by Albert Tarancon’s group of the “Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC)”, which is involved in the Harvestore project as well. The isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP) technique was used on LSMC samples annealed in 16O2 and 18O2 to estimate the surface exchange coefficient. The LSMC75 sample previously annealed in 18O2 atmosphere at 450°C was successfully back-exchanged during an in situ Raman isotope exchange experiment at 450°C. The observed kinetics was much faster than expected. Sr and Si superficial segregation are proposed as possible explanation, but a more detailed analysis will be needed to go further in the understanding of this fast kinetics. This work showed the feasibility of in situ Raman isotope exchanges and the complementary and innovative information achievable by this technique, with respect to the conventional isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP) – secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) technique.
Il crescente sviluppo di dispositivi elettronici portatili e indossabili e l’implementazione della tecnologia 5G permetterà un’ulteriore spinta verso la digitalizzazione della società e dell’economia grazie all’Internet of things (IoT). Nel prossimo futuro, i dati prodotti da sensori interconnessi potranno essere analizzati da piattaforme di Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) in grado di prendere decisioni autonome in tempo reale. Salute, mobilità, ambiente, industria e società potranno sperimentare importanti vantaggi resi possibili da questa tecnologia. Entro il 2025 è prevista l’installazione di 27 miliardi di dispositivi1 nell’ambito dell’IoT. Per soddisfare il conseguente enorme fabbisogno energetico di questi dispositivi elettronici, il progetto europeo Harvestore (https://harvestore.eu/) punta a sviluppare micro-dispositivi chiamati “µ-harvestorers” che saranno in grado di assorbire e immagazzinare energia dalla luce e dal calore. Harvestore coinvolge 11 centri di ricerca accademici e del mondo dell’industria provenienti da 6 paesi europei e focalizza la ricerca scientifica nell’emergente ambito della nanoionica e dei conduttori ceramici avanzati. Nell’ambito del progetto europeo ho lavorato sotto la supervisione di Mónica Burriel, Odette Chaix and Alexander Stangl nel gruppo “Nanoionics” del laboratorio LMGP (Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, Grenoble) e ho collaborato con Michel Mermoux del laboratorio LEPMI (Laboratoire d’électrochimie et de physicochimie des matériaux et des interfaces, Grenoble). Ho studiato in particolare un ossido in grado di condurre ioni di litio e un ossido conduttore misto ioni-elettroni. Il primo materiale preso in considerazione è stato un elettrolita con struttura a garnet utilizzato nelle batterie a litio a stato solido. Questo tipo di materiale ha generato grande interesse per la sua elevata conducibilità ionica a temperatura ambiente (10-3 - 10-4 S cm-1) e stabilità elettrochimica verso anodi metallici di litio2,3. Con la spettroscopia Raman sono stati caratterizzati in dettaglio pellet di LLZO (Li7La3Zr2O12) non dopato con struttura tetragonale e di LGLZO (Li6.55Ga0.15La3Zr2O12) dopato con il gallio con struttura cubica, aventi diversa concentrazione isotopica di litio (pellet ricchi di 6Li e pellet ricchi di 7Li). I campioni sono stati forniti dal Aguadero Research Group dell’Imperial College di Londra, anch’esso partner del progetto Harvestore. A causa dell’elevata sensibilità all’umidità4, i campioni sono stati caratterizzati evitando il contatto con l’aria. Dopo aver identificato i modi del Li, l’obiettivo finale era di progettare un esperimento di scambio isotopico in situ con il Raman. Mettendo in contatto un pellet con un elevata concentrazione di 6Li e un pellet con un’elevata concentrazione di 7Li ad un’adeguata temperatura, il 6Li avrebbe dovuto diffondere nel pellet ricco di 7Li e un processo analogo sarebbe accaduto per il 7Li verso il pellet ricco di 6Li. Durante il processo di interdiffusione, la spettroscopia Raman avrebbe permesso di osservare un progressivo shift dei modi del litio. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo constatato che il processo di sintesi e di sinterizzazione influenzano fortemente ed in maniera incontrollata i modi di vibrazione del litio. A causa di questo è stato impossibile progettare ed eseguire l’esperimento di scambio isotopico in situ. Il lavoro in questo ambito verrà proseguito in futuro dai membri del “Nanoionics” team del LMGP. Il secondo materiale oggetto di studio è stato un ossido conduttore misto ioni-elettroni, LSMC (La0.8Sr0.2Mn1-xCoxO3, x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1), nella forma di film sottile. LSMC è una pervoskite utilizzata come catodo nelle micro celle a combustibile ad ossidi solidi (SOFC). Simili perovskiti utilizzate come catodi sono LSM (La0.8Sr0.2MnO3) and LSC (La0.8Sr0.2CoO3), che mostrano rispettivamente significative proprietà di trasporto di ossigeno lungo i bordi grano5 e interessanti abilità di dissociazione dell’ossigeno6. Lo studio di composizioni chimiche intermedie ha come obbiettivo quello di trovare proprietà miste tra LSC e LSM. In questo lavoro di tesi, i film sottili di LSMC sono stati depositati da un altro gruppo di ricerca impegnato nel progetto Harvestore: Albert Tarancon’s group dell’“Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC)”. Nei campioni di LSMC sottoposti ad annealing in 16O2 e 18O2, è stata utilizzata la tecnica dell’“isotope exchange depth profile” (IEDP) per calcolare il coefficiente di scambio superficiale. Il campione LSMC75 precedentemente sottoposto ad annealing in un’atmosfera di 18O2 a 450°C è stato sottoposto con successo ad un processo di annealing inverso alla stessa temperatura durante un esperimento di scambio isotopico in situ con il Raman. La cinetica osservata durante l’esperimento è stata molto più veloce di quanto atteso. Una segregazione superficiale di Si e Sr è stata proposta come possibile spiegazione, tuttavia maggiori analisi sono necessarie per una migliore comprensione del fenomeno. Questo lavoro di tesi ha mostrato non soltanto la realizzabilità di un esperimento di scambio isotopico in situ con il Raman ma anche la possibilità di ottenere informazioni complementari ed innovative rispetto alla tradizionale tecnica “isotope exchange depth profile” (IEDP) – spettrometria di massa di ioni secondari (SIMS).
In situ Raman isotope exchange in oxides with ionic conductivity
Ambrosio, Stefano
A growing development of small portable and wearable electronic devices and the development of the fifth generation of telecommunication systems (5G) will make possible the further digitisation of our society and economy with the technology of the so called Internet of things (IoT). In the next future, data coming from interconnected sensors will be analysed by “artificial intelligence” which will take autonomous decisions in real time. Healthcare, mobility, environment, industry and society will experience concrete improvements from this technology. By 2025 we expect 27 billion devices installed in the framework of IoT1. In order to satisfy such a large demand of energy for small devices, the European project Harvestore (https://harvestore.eu/) aims to develop so called “µ-harvestorers”, a new-generation of energy devices. They will be able to “harvest” and “store” energy from renewable sources such as heat and light. Eleven academic institutions and industrial centers coming from six different European countries strongly cooperate each other to achieve this goal. The Harvestore project (https://harvestore.eu/) focuses on the emerging field of Nanoionics and advanced ceramic conductors. Within this project, I worked under the supervision of Mónica Burriel, Odette Chaix and Alexander Stangl in the “Nanoionics” group at LMGP (Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, Grenoble) and collaborated with Michel Mermoux from LEPMI (Laboratoire d’électrochimie et de physicochimie des matériaux et des interfaces, Grenoble). I investigated promising lithium ionic and oxygen mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) oxide materials. The first materials were Li-conducting garnet electrolytes used in Li solid state batteries. This kind of compounds have generated a great interest due to their high ionic conductivity at room temperature (10-3 - 10-4 S cm-1) and electrochemical stability against lithium metal anodes2,3. Undoped tetragonal LLZO (Li7La3Zr2O12) and Ga-doped cubic LGLZO (Li6.55Ga0.15La3Zr2O12) pellets with different isotopic Li concentrations (6Li rich and 7Li rich) have been characterized in detail by Raman spectroscopy. The samples were provided by Aguadero Research Group (Imperial College London), which is also a partner in the Harvestore project. Raman characterization was performed avoiding contact with air, due to the high sensitivity of the sample to humidity 4. After identification of the Li modes, the final goal will be to design an in situ Raman isotopic exchange experiment. At an adequate temperature, 6Li rich and 7Li rich pellets put in contact are expected to exchange 6Li and 7Li respectively. With Raman spectroscopy, a progressive shift of the Li modes during the exchange is expected. In this work, a strong influence of uncontrolled synthesis and sintering procedures was observed on Li modes; therefore, it was not possible to design and perform in situ Raman isotope exchanges. This work will be continued by other members of the team in the future. The second family of materials under study was LSMC (La0.8Sr0.2Mn1-xCoxO3, x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) in the form of thin films. LSMC perovskite is a mixed ionic-electronic conductor employed as cathode material in micro solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). Similar cathode perovskite materials such as LSM (La0.8Sr0.2MnO3) and LSC (La0.8Sr0.2CoO3) showed, respectively, impressive oxygen mass transport properties along grain boundaries5 and interesting oxygen dissociation ability6. The investigation of intermediate chemical compositions aims to find mixed properties of LSM and LSC. In this thesis, LSMC thin films were deposited by Albert Tarancon’s group of the “Institut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC)”, which is involved in the Harvestore project as well. The isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP) technique was used on LSMC samples annealed in 16O2 and 18O2 to estimate the surface exchange coefficient. The LSMC75 sample previously annealed in 18O2 atmosphere at 450°C was successfully back-exchanged during an in situ Raman isotope exchange experiment at 450°C. The observed kinetics was much faster than expected. Sr and Si superficial segregation are proposed as possible explanation, but a more detailed analysis will be needed to go further in the understanding of this fast kinetics. This work showed the feasibility of in situ Raman isotope exchanges and the complementary and innovative information achievable by this technique, with respect to the conventional isotope exchange depth profile (IEDP) – secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) technique.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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