Hydroelectric production was until quite recently, considered as relatively C-neutral with close to zero-emission. To date, this assumption is increasingly being challenged, as recent findings show that a large amount of methane (CH4),carbon dioxide (CO2) and other GHGs could be emitted during the creation and the life of a reservoir-based hydropower plant. However, in state-of-the-art strategic planning, such impact has never been considered in conjunction with other environmental objectives. In this study a three-objective optimization framework is presented, aiming to minimize GHGs emissions while maximising sediment load reaching the delta and annual energy production. The results shown derive from its application on the Mekong River Basin, one ofthe hot-spots of hydropower development in the world. Carbon intensity values of Mekong basin dams have proven to be much higher than expected, in particular, 15% of them exceed the one of fossil fuel based plants, in many cases even of an order of magnitude. It was found that, despite in general to high values of sediment trapped correspond high values of GHG emitted, in many cases the emissions can vary a lot depending on the chosen portfolio, even if at equal amount of sediment transported towards the river delta. Results from the present strategic planning analysis show that, to allow a low carbon-intensive development of hydropower in the basin, the construction of Upper Mekong planned dams has to be preferred, avoiding instead some more carbon intensive planned dams located on the Lower Mekong. Although many further analyses can be carried out in this regard, this work of thesis constitutes an important first step in the strategic planning field, because it proves that considering GHG emissions in combination with sediment connectivity is decisive for a sustainable hydropower development and must become practice, given the global context of serious environmental crisis.
L’idroelettrico è stato sempre considerato una fonte di energia rinnovabile con emissioni prossime allo zero. Tuttavia, recenti studi mettono sempre più in discussione questa ipotesi, dimostrando che dagli impianti per produzione di energia idroelettrica, in particolare da quelli comprendenti un bacino di raccolta artificiale, vengono emesse grandi quantità di metano (CH4), anidride carbonica (CO2) e altri gas serra. Tuttavia, ad oggi, tale impatto non è mai stato considerato insieme ad altri obiettivi ambientali nella pianificazione strategica delle dighe. In questo studio viene presentato un quadro di ottimizzazione a tre obiettivi, che mira a minimizzare le emissioni di gas serra e a massimizzare il carico di sedimenti che raggiunge il delta e la produzione annuale di energia. I risultati mostrati derivano dalla sua applicazione al bacino del fiume Mekong, uno dei maggiori hot-spots dello sviluppo idroelettrico al mondo. I valori di intensità di carbonio delle dighe del bacino del Mekong si sono rivelati molto più alti del previsto, il 15% di essi supera quello degli impianti alimentati a combustibili fossili, in molti casi anche di un ordine di grandezza. Si è scoperto che, nonostante in generale ad alti valori di sedimenti intrappolati corrispondano alti valori di gas serra emessi, in molti casi le emissioni possono variare molto a seconda del portfolio di dighe scelto, anche se a pari quantità di sedimenti trasportati verso il delta del fiume. I risultati della presente analisi di pianificazione strategica mostrano che, per permettere uno sviluppo a bassa intensità di carbonio dell’energia idroelettrica nel bacino, è preferibile concentrare le dighe nell’Alto Mekong, evitando invece la costruzione di alcune dighe pianificate nel basso Mekong, caratterizzate da una più alta intensità di carbonio. Questo lavoro di tesi costituisce un primo passo importante nell' ambito della pianificazione strategica, perché dimostra come considerare le emissioni di gas serra in combinazione con la connettività dei sedimenti sia decisivo per uno sviluppo idroelettrico sostenibile e deve perciò diventare prassi, dato il contesto globale di grave crisi ambientale.
Strategic dam planning accounting for greenhouse gases emissions and river sediment connectivity
Hydroelectric production was until quite recently, considered as relatively C-neutral with close to zero-emission. To date, this assumption is increasingly being challenged, as recent findings show that a large amount of methane (CH4),carbon dioxide (CO2) and other GHGs could be emitted during the creation and the life of a reservoir-based hydropower plant. However, in state-of-the-art strategic planning, such impact has never been considered in conjunction with other environmental objectives. In this study a three-objective optimization framework is presented, aiming to minimize GHGs emissions while maximising sediment load reaching the delta and annual energy production. The results shown derive from its application on the Mekong River Basin, one ofthe hot-spots of hydropower development in the world. Carbon intensity values of Mekong basin dams have proven to be much higher than expected, in particular, 15% of them exceed the one of fossil fuel based plants, in many cases even of an order of magnitude. It was found that, despite in general to high values of sediment trapped correspond high values of GHG emitted, in many cases the emissions can vary a lot depending on the chosen portfolio, even if at equal amount of sediment transported towards the river delta. Results from the present strategic planning analysis show that, to allow a low carbon-intensive development of hydropower in the basin, the construction of Upper Mekong planned dams has to be preferred, avoiding instead some more carbon intensive planned dams located on the Lower Mekong. Although many further analyses can be carried out in this regard, this work of thesis constitutes an important first step in the strategic planning field, because it proves that considering GHG emissions in combination with sediment connectivity is decisive for a sustainable hydropower development and must become practice, given the global context of serious environmental crisis.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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