Drought is a complex phenomenon and, hence, difficult to monitor and define. Over the years a number of definitions were proposed but, despite all the efforts, a univocal definition is still missing, making complicated the investigation of this phenomenon and its impacts across all the sectors affected. Although drought management is largely studied in the literature, traditional drought indexes often fail in detecting critical events in highly regulated systems. Furthermore, those traditional drought indexes not always are coherent among them and this limitation is widely debated. In this context, the purpose of this thesis is to exploit advanced Machine Learning techniques to develop an automatic data-driven procedure for the identification of an impact-based, site-specific drought index. Specifically, the thesis will improve the consolidated FRIDA (FRamework for Index-based Drought Analysis) framework which identifies the main drought drivers by means of a feature extraction algorithm and then combines the relevant available informations to design an index representing a proxy of the drought condition and associated impacts for the considered area. In past applications of this framework, the variable chosen as target was the output of complex models; here, instead, this target is a remote sensing derived quantity, namely the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Introducing this new element, we are broadening the applicability of the approach, freeing it from the availability of complex models and using a data-driven procedure instead. This allows a generalization potentially all over the world, even where the building of a physically based model is challenging since remote sensed data are globally usable with good resolution and in near realtime. To test this approach, a case study in Apulia Region is considered. Being Apulia drought prone, highly regulated and mostly covered by agricultural crops, it represents a suitable and challenging application. Results show that the FRIDA index outpeforms the traditional indexes in reproducing the NDVI target variable. The same procedure is applied both at the regional scale and focusing on six less vast and heterogeneous sub-regions, namely Reclamation Consortia. Even in this case, numerical results show that the framework succeeds in constructing a drought index that reproduces the proxy of the drought state of the area. Furthermore, FRIDA represents a valuable tool to support the analysis of drought conditions for each Consortium since it identifies the main drivers of drought state, highlighting similarities and differences among the considered areas.
Gli eventi di magra sono fenomeni complessi e, in quanto tali, difficili da definire e monitorare. Nel corso degli anni molte definizioni sono state proposte ma, nonostante gli sforzi profusi, non ne é stata trovata una univoca, rendendo difficile il loro studio e gli impatti sui settori coinvolti. Nonostante la gestione delle magre sia stata largamente trattata in letteratura, gli indici tradizionali non sempre riescono ad individuare in modo univoco e concorde gli eventi critici in bacini altamente regolati; questa limitazione é tuttora ampiamente dibattuta. In questo contesto, l’obiettivo di questa tesi é quello di utilizzare tecniche avanzate di Machine Learning per sviluppare una procedura automatica e basata sui dati per creare un indice rappresentativo degli impatti in uno specifico sito. In particolare, questa tesi potenzia FRIDA (Framework for Index-based Drought Analysis), un framework consolidato che identifica le principali variabili che portano a condizioni di magra, operazione che avviene tramite un algoritmo di estrazione delle caratteristiche, e successivamente combina le informazioni disponibili rilevanti al fine di creare un indice che sia un surrogato rappresentativo degli impatti della magra all’interno dell’area considerata. Nelle precedenti applicazioni di questo framework, la variabile scelta come target era l’output di modelli complessi; qui, invece, viene utilizzata una quantitá telerilevata chiamata Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Con l’introduzione di questo elemento di novitá stiamo ampliando il dominio di applicazione dell’approccio, utilizzando una procedura data-driven ed eliminando la dipendenza da modelli complessi. Questo consente di estendere l’utilizzo di questo strumento potenzialmente a ogni parte del mondo coperta da dati satellitari, in quanto disponibili con buona risoluzione spaziale e quasi in tempo reale, anche dove l’implementazione di modelli fisicamente basati risulta difficoltosa. Per testare questo approccio é stato considerato un caso di studio in Puglia. La Puglia risulta essere un banco di prova appropriato in quanto é una regione sitibonda, altamente regolata e perlopiù agricola. I risultati mostrano che l’indice cosí costruito é migliore rispetto agli indici tradizionali nel riprodurre l’NDVI. La stessa procedura é stata applicata sia a scala regionale che a sei sotto-aree meno estese ed eterogenee, i Consorzi di Bonifica. Anche in questo caso, il framework in esame consente di costruire un indice di magra in grado di replicare lo stato siccitoso dell’area, ottenendo risultati migliori rispetto agli indici tradizionali. Inoltre, FRIDA rappresenta uno strumento utile a supporto dell’analisi delle condizioni di magra per ogni Consorzio poiché in grado di mettere in evidenza similitudini e differenze in termini di driver della siccità tra le aree considerate.
Improving drought monitoring via machine learning : a new impact-based drought index
Cananzi, Davide
Drought is a complex phenomenon and, hence, difficult to monitor and define. Over the years a number of definitions were proposed but, despite all the efforts, a univocal definition is still missing, making complicated the investigation of this phenomenon and its impacts across all the sectors affected. Although drought management is largely studied in the literature, traditional drought indexes often fail in detecting critical events in highly regulated systems. Furthermore, those traditional drought indexes not always are coherent among them and this limitation is widely debated. In this context, the purpose of this thesis is to exploit advanced Machine Learning techniques to develop an automatic data-driven procedure for the identification of an impact-based, site-specific drought index. Specifically, the thesis will improve the consolidated FRIDA (FRamework for Index-based Drought Analysis) framework which identifies the main drought drivers by means of a feature extraction algorithm and then combines the relevant available informations to design an index representing a proxy of the drought condition and associated impacts for the considered area. In past applications of this framework, the variable chosen as target was the output of complex models; here, instead, this target is a remote sensing derived quantity, namely the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. Introducing this new element, we are broadening the applicability of the approach, freeing it from the availability of complex models and using a data-driven procedure instead. This allows a generalization potentially all over the world, even where the building of a physically based model is challenging since remote sensed data are globally usable with good resolution and in near realtime. To test this approach, a case study in Apulia Region is considered. Being Apulia drought prone, highly regulated and mostly covered by agricultural crops, it represents a suitable and challenging application. Results show that the FRIDA index outpeforms the traditional indexes in reproducing the NDVI target variable. The same procedure is applied both at the regional scale and focusing on six less vast and heterogeneous sub-regions, namely Reclamation Consortia. Even in this case, numerical results show that the framework succeeds in constructing a drought index that reproduces the proxy of the drought state of the area. Furthermore, FRIDA represents a valuable tool to support the analysis of drought conditions for each Consortium since it identifies the main drivers of drought state, highlighting similarities and differences among the considered areas.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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