Private organizations from various sectors are increasingly adopting methods and approaches to innovation from the Design discipline, in processes that are conventionally named “Design Thinking”. The roots of this debated term are in the soul of the design discipline itself. In the last decade in the business community, it has been spread as a relevant innovation practice that can also contribute to the development of the organizational culture. In this scope, design researchers and practitioners are interpreting Design Thinking as a means to merge design culture into the organizational one. The starting point of this research consists of observing Design Thinking impacts on organizational culture, particularly on employee engagement. Thus, in this research, the relationship between organizational culture and Design Thinking is observed from a perspective that is underestimated in previous studies: the organization’s micro-level, the single employee dynamics and behaviours. Which are the beneficial effects that a single person might have from adopting creative confidence ? How can this model of Design Thinking adoption produce values to be transformed into corporate culture? A qualitative analysis has been run to address these questions: the research implements a mixed methodology combining Case Study research with Participatory Action Research to accomplish the research objectives. The specific phenomenon of interest is studied within and with the HR department of Corporate Investment Banking Division in Intesa Sanpaolo; this organization is adopting Design Thinking through the HR department to empower the employees’ potential. This study has defined a model of interpretation of how Design Thinking impacts individual-specific behavioural constructs (motivations, attitudes/mindsets, capabilities and behaviours). The objective is to recognize specific relationships among these behavioural constructs and the specific DT adoption processes (named DT integrator) characterized by various design principles. The main findings confirm the mutual influence between the individual employee sphere and the DT integrators: in particular, DT integrators activate a series of creative behaviours that affect people’s working life positively. DT in organization can represent a trigger to professional progress but moreover personal engagement. The study explained this phenomenon, presenting a conceptual pattern named inner creative loop, emphasizing DT’s experiential nature as a crucial variable in producing an effective change in individual working life and organizational culture. The process of change activated by DT integrator on an individual level corresponds to a process of contamination of the corporate culture. The dissertation illustrates this bond between micro and macro levels within organizations. The contribution to the field of research is expressed by the exploration and temptative explanation of how Design Thinking impacts non-financial performances in organizations. This research aspires to be meaningful for private organizations that would adopt Design Thinking to culturally evolve and desire to be guided in this process of adoption. The outputs obtained imply the proper consideration of limitations in design thinking’s adoption process, depending on the context and the actual organizational culture.
Negli ultimi anni un numero crescente di organizzazioni private afferenti a diversi settori sta adottando metodi e approcci all'innovazione provenienti dalla disciplina del Design: ciò avviene attraverso processi che vengono convenzionalmente definiti con il termine "Design Thinking". Le radici di questo discusso fenomeno risiedono nella natura stessa del Design come disciplina. Tuttavia, nell'ultimo decennio nella comunità imprenditoriale e manageriale, il Design Thinking si è diffuso come una pratica di innovazione rilevante che può contribuire soprattutto allo sviluppo della cultura organizzativa. Il design è espressione creativa e richiede la creazione e la comprensione di codici e modelli culturali, l’assunzione quindi di una ‘cultura del progetto’; il Design Thinking, in quanto espressione della creatività nell’organizzazione contemporanea, può creare le condizioni per consentire alla cultura del progetto di diventare parte integrante della cultura organizzativa (Zurlo, 2019). Il punto di partenza di questa ricerca consiste nell'osservare gli impatti del Design Thinking sulla cultura organizzativa, con un focus particolare sul coinvolgimento (engagement) delle persone all’interno dell’organizzazione. Questo studio analizza la relazione tra cultura organizzativa e Design Thinking da una prospettiva sottostimata negli studi precedenti: il micro-livello dell'organizzazione, le dinamiche e i comportamenti del singolo dipendente, ambito di ricerca codificato all’interno degli studi del “organizational behaviour”. Quali sono gli effetti benefici che l'adozione del Design Thinking ha sulla singola persona? Come si trasformano questi valori in cultura aziendale? Per rispondere a queste domande è stata condotta un’analisi qualitativa combinando i metodi di ricerca della “Case Study Research” con quelli tipici della “Participatory Action Research” al fine di raggiungere in modo coerente gli obiettivi della ricerca. Le attività principali di ricerca sono state sperimentate ed analizzate all'interno della Divisione Corporate Investment Banking di Intesa Sanpaolo: quest'azienda sta adottando processi di Design Thinking attraverso la funzione HR per potenziare il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e abilitare l’intera organizzazione al pensiero creativo. Questo tesi ha concepito un modello di interpretazione in grado di studiare puntualmente come il Design Thinking impatti su alcuni costrutti comportamentali specifici dell'individuo (motivazioni, attitudini, abilità creative e comportamenti). L'obiettivo è stato quello di riconoscere le relazioni tra questi costrutti comportamentali e specifici processi di adozione del DT (definiti “DT integrator”). I risultati principali evidenziano un'influenza reciproca tra i costrutti comportamentali dei dipendenti (“individual employee sphere”) ed il processo di adozione del DT: in particolare, i DT integrator attivano una serie di comportamenti creativi in grado di influenzare positivamente la vita lavorativa delle persone. La tesi analizza questo fenomeno, presentando un modello concettuale definito “inner creative loop”. L’adozione del Design Thinking nell'organizzazione può rappresentare un vero e proprio innesco per la crescita professionale e personale dei dipendenti. Il contributo alla ricerca di questa tesi consiste nell'illustrare come il Design Thinking possa supportare processi di cambiamento profondi delle organizzazioni a partire dal coinvolgimento dei singoli individui che ne fanno parte. Questa ricerca vuole essere un caso di studio ed approfondimento per quelle organizzazioni interessate ad adottare il Design Thinking come strumento per cambiare ed evolvere culturalmente.
Design thinking for boosting creative confidence in the individual employee. How private organizations adopt design to nurture organizational culture through employee engagement
Private organizations from various sectors are increasingly adopting methods and approaches to innovation from the Design discipline, in processes that are conventionally named “Design Thinking”. The roots of this debated term are in the soul of the design discipline itself. In the last decade in the business community, it has been spread as a relevant innovation practice that can also contribute to the development of the organizational culture. In this scope, design researchers and practitioners are interpreting Design Thinking as a means to merge design culture into the organizational one. The starting point of this research consists of observing Design Thinking impacts on organizational culture, particularly on employee engagement. Thus, in this research, the relationship between organizational culture and Design Thinking is observed from a perspective that is underestimated in previous studies: the organization’s micro-level, the single employee dynamics and behaviours. Which are the beneficial effects that a single person might have from adopting creative confidence ? How can this model of Design Thinking adoption produce values to be transformed into corporate culture? A qualitative analysis has been run to address these questions: the research implements a mixed methodology combining Case Study research with Participatory Action Research to accomplish the research objectives. The specific phenomenon of interest is studied within and with the HR department of Corporate Investment Banking Division in Intesa Sanpaolo; this organization is adopting Design Thinking through the HR department to empower the employees’ potential. This study has defined a model of interpretation of how Design Thinking impacts individual-specific behavioural constructs (motivations, attitudes/mindsets, capabilities and behaviours). The objective is to recognize specific relationships among these behavioural constructs and the specific DT adoption processes (named DT integrator) characterized by various design principles. The main findings confirm the mutual influence between the individual employee sphere and the DT integrators: in particular, DT integrators activate a series of creative behaviours that affect people’s working life positively. DT in organization can represent a trigger to professional progress but moreover personal engagement. The study explained this phenomenon, presenting a conceptual pattern named inner creative loop, emphasizing DT’s experiential nature as a crucial variable in producing an effective change in individual working life and organizational culture. The process of change activated by DT integrator on an individual level corresponds to a process of contamination of the corporate culture. The dissertation illustrates this bond between micro and macro levels within organizations. The contribution to the field of research is expressed by the exploration and temptative explanation of how Design Thinking impacts non-financial performances in organizations. This research aspires to be meaningful for private organizations that would adopt Design Thinking to culturally evolve and desire to be guided in this process of adoption. The outputs obtained imply the proper consideration of limitations in design thinking’s adoption process, depending on the context and the actual organizational culture.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: Melazzini Michele - PhD Dissertation
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