Many advancements have been made in the last 25 years in the field of the inner-shell spectroscopies. These spectroscopies are element and site specific and for this reason they are used to probe the chemical structure of matter. The inner-shell spectroscopies involve an incoming X-ray photon which interacts with a given analyte and creates a core-hole, leaving the system in an excited state. At this point the system can decay emitting a photon. The kind of spectroscopy that records the intensity of these emitted X-ray photons as a function of the emitted energy is called X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and is chemically sensitive. In particular Kα (2p→1s) and Kβ (3p→1s) emission lines have a shape that depends on the analyte’s oxidation(+2, +3, +4 and mixed-valence), spin state (high spin/low spin and mixed-spin),local coordination (octahedral, tetrahedral) and ligands. K-emission spectroscopy is useful to study compounds containing 3d transition metals since it is strongly sensitive to the metal 3d states. Both Kα and Kβ emission lines are sensitive to the spin state of the transition metal since these lines are shaped respectively by the2p-3d and 3p-3d exchange interactions, which confer them an indirect sensitivity to the net 3d shell spin. Since the 3p-3d interaction is stronger than the 2p-3d, usually it is preferable to measure the Kβ emission lines (and not the Kα ones) for spin-state determination studies. In order to recognize the differences between analytes in different chemical states it is usually recorded the whole X-ray emission spectra of the compound under study. In this work, it will be studied and analyzed a new method to distinguish between different compounds using X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES). This technique should allow to quickly identify and discern different chemical species because it does not require the acquisition of the full XES spectrum. In particular, it consists in measuring the emitted intensity from a compound at only two specific emission energies and then in computing the ratio of these two values (this quantity will be called intensity ratio). It is then possible to associate to each compound an intensity ratio that, at those given energies, is characteristic to that specific compound. The fundamental idea is to find the two emission energies at which the spectra must be sampled in order to obtain, for different compounds, intensity ratios that are distinguishable. In principle, if the correct two emission energies are considered, it should be possible to recognize in which chemical environment (electronic structure, spin state, oxidation state and local coordination) is a certain analyte just by looking at its intensity ratio. In particular in this work different iron bearing compounds have been analyzed in order to verify the validity and limits of this method.
Negli ultimi 25 anni ci sono stati molti progressi nell’ambito delle spettroscopie di elettroni interni. Queste spettroscopie sono usate per sondare la struttura chimica della materia poichè sono specifiche dell’elemento e del sito. Le spettroscopie di elettroni interni coinvolgono un raggio X che interagisce con un certo analita creando una lacuna, il sistema viene lasciato in uno stato eccitato. A questo punto il sistema può decadere emettendo un fotone. La spettroscopia che analizza l’intensità di questi fotoni emessi in funzione dell’energia è chiamata spettroscopia a emissione di raggi X (XES) ed è sensibile chimicamente. In particolare le linee di emission Kα (2p→1s) e Kβ (3p→1s) hanno una forma che dipende dall’ossidazione dell’analita (+2, +3, +4 e valenza mista), dal suo stato di spin (high/ low o spin misto), dalla sua coordinazione locale (ottaedrica,tetraedrica) e dai suoi ligandi. Le linee di emissione K sono utili per studiare composti che contengono metalli di transizione 3d poichè sono molto sensibili agli stati 3d. Sia le linee di emission Kα che quelle Kβ sono sensibili allo stato di spin dei metalli di transizione poichè la loro forma è dovuta rispettivamente all’interazione di scambio tra gli elettroni 2p-3d e 3p-3d,questo permette di avere una sensibilità indiretta allo spin degli elttroni 3d. Dato che l’interazione 3p-3d è più forte di quella 2p-3d, di solito è meglio misurare le line di emission Kβ (e non quelle Kα) per determinare lo stato di spin. In genere per riconoscere le differenze di un analita in stati chimici diversi è necessario registrar lo spettro completo di emissione del composto in analisi.In questo lavoro verrà studiato e analizzato un nuovo metodo per distinguere diversi composti usando la spectroscopia di emissione di raggi X (XES). Questo metodo permette di identificare e distinguere diverse specie chimiche molto velocemente perchè non c’è bisogno di acquisire lo spettro di emissione di raggi X (XES) completo. In particolare consiste nel misurare l’intensità emessa da un composto a solamente due energie di emissione e nel ricavare il rapporto tra questi due valori (questa quantità verrà chiamata intensity ratio). E’ poi possibile associare a ogni composto un intensity ratio che, a quelle energie, è caratteristico di un certo composto. L’idea fondamentale è quella di trovare due energie di emissione a cui gli spettri possano essere campionati in modo da ottenere, per composti diversi, intensity ratio distinguibili. In teoria, se le due giuste energie di emissione fossero considerate, dovrebbe essere possibile riconoscere in quale ambiente chimico (struttura elettronica, statodi spin, stato di ossidazione e coordinazione locale) è un certo analita solamente guardando il suo intensity ratio.In particolare in questo lavoro sono stati analizzati diversi composti contenenti ferro in modo da verificare la validità e i limiti di questo metodo.
X-ray emission intensity ratios detection for fast chemical characterization
Many advancements have been made in the last 25 years in the field of the inner-shell spectroscopies. These spectroscopies are element and site specific and for this reason they are used to probe the chemical structure of matter. The inner-shell spectroscopies involve an incoming X-ray photon which interacts with a given analyte and creates a core-hole, leaving the system in an excited state. At this point the system can decay emitting a photon. The kind of spectroscopy that records the intensity of these emitted X-ray photons as a function of the emitted energy is called X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) and is chemically sensitive. In particular Kα (2p→1s) and Kβ (3p→1s) emission lines have a shape that depends on the analyte’s oxidation(+2, +3, +4 and mixed-valence), spin state (high spin/low spin and mixed-spin),local coordination (octahedral, tetrahedral) and ligands. K-emission spectroscopy is useful to study compounds containing 3d transition metals since it is strongly sensitive to the metal 3d states. Both Kα and Kβ emission lines are sensitive to the spin state of the transition metal since these lines are shaped respectively by the2p-3d and 3p-3d exchange interactions, which confer them an indirect sensitivity to the net 3d shell spin. Since the 3p-3d interaction is stronger than the 2p-3d, usually it is preferable to measure the Kβ emission lines (and not the Kα ones) for spin-state determination studies. In order to recognize the differences between analytes in different chemical states it is usually recorded the whole X-ray emission spectra of the compound under study. In this work, it will be studied and analyzed a new method to distinguish between different compounds using X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES). This technique should allow to quickly identify and discern different chemical species because it does not require the acquisition of the full XES spectrum. In particular, it consists in measuring the emitted intensity from a compound at only two specific emission energies and then in computing the ratio of these two values (this quantity will be called intensity ratio). It is then possible to associate to each compound an intensity ratio that, at those given energies, is characteristic to that specific compound. The fundamental idea is to find the two emission energies at which the spectra must be sampled in order to obtain, for different compounds, intensity ratios that are distinguishable. In principle, if the correct two emission energies are considered, it should be possible to recognize in which chemical environment (electronic structure, spin state, oxidation state and local coordination) is a certain analyte just by looking at its intensity ratio. In particular in this work different iron bearing compounds have been analyzed in order to verify the validity and limits of this method.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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