Construction detailing is the art of transforming thoughts and calculations into real objects. Experience allows the realization that poor structural details may implicate a rise in construction costs and even lead to the collapse of civil facilities. With this in mind, the importance of fastening technology is obvious. The structural engineer should be familiar with this technology in order to design safe and sustainable structures. Everyday, thousands of anchorages are used to fasten structural and non-structural components to concrete structures. Depending on the use and on the design loads, both post-installed or cast-in-place fasteners are a suitable and safe solution in construction practice. The need for the re-use and rehabilitation of existing buildings is accelerating the development and the use of post-installed systems. There are, nevertheless, several applications in which cast-in-place fasteners are still preferred. A typical example is represented by hold-down bolts for steel framed structures or for industrial machinery. The use of fastening to concrete is growing faster than that of the improvement of methods for design and verifications. In particular, for concrete related failure modes, current approaches result from a protracted debate regarding the relation of the peak load to the failure surface. Therefore, the methods were derived consistently with simplified assumptions on the influence of other parameters. Within this context, this Thesis aims to provide a further insight on the behaviour of cast-in-place fasteners under tensile loading. Through a combination of literature review, experiments and numerical simulations, two key topics are investigated: (i) influence of bearing pressure on concrete cone breakout and (ii) the structural interaction with the concrete member. Four experimental campaigns are presented, in which cast-in-place fasteners of various sizes were tested in very different boundary conditions. The investigations encompass (i) pull-out tests with different fastener heads, pull-out tests with varying depths and with varying member thickness (ii) in presence of a confining pressure and (ii) in presence of cracks, (iii) pull-out of fastener groups and (iv) pull-out tests in presence of supplementary reinforcement. Numerical modelling is introduced as a completion for those conditions which were not experimentally tested. As a result, a new refined approach is proposed for the pull-out capacity of the single fastener, as well as design recommendations for cast-in-place fasteners. The new approach aims to combine concrete cone breakout and pull-out failure in a single equation, the two mechanisms being connected through the bearing pressure. Design recommendations are suggested differentiating between two levels of approximation: I level approach, which is a more classic "force-controlled" design method and II level approach, which is a more innovative "displacement-controlled" design method. Although with the inherent limitations of a single research study, the author believes that this Thesis may make a contribution in addressing open issues regarding the behaviour of cast-in-place fasteners and the relation to the structural response of the concrete member.
La corretta progettazione dei particolari costruttivi è il mezzo che consente il trasferimento delle idee e dei calcoli dalla carta al cantiere. È ben noto l'incremento dei costi conseguente ad una errata progettazione dei particolari costruttivi. Inoltre, particolari costruttivi non idonei potrebbero condurre al crollo dell'intera struttura. Sono questi i motivi principali per cui l'ingegnere strutturista dovrebbe avere confidenza con la tecnologia del fissaggio. Migliaia di ancoranti vengono utilizzati ogni giorno per connettere elementi strutturali e non strutturali alle strutture di calcestruzzo. La scelta di un sistema post-installato, o di uno pre-inserito, dipende essenzialmente dalla natura dei carichi e dall'utilizzo previsto. Negli ultimi anni, le necessita di riuso e di riabilitazione strutturale delle costruzioni esistenti hanno promosso un impiego diffuso di ancoranti post-installati. Esistono tuttavia applicazioni in cui gli inserti pre-inseriti sono tutt'oggi preferiti. Esempi tipici sono i tirafondi per strutture in carpenteria metallica e per macchinari industriali. La diffusione di sistemi di ancoraggio in calcestruzzo sembra essere più rapida dello sviluppo dei metodi di progettazione e verifica degli stessi. I metodi esistenti, per valutare la resistenza sotto carichi di trazione, sono stati formalizzati dopo un lungo dibattito scientifico sulla relazione tra il carico di picco e la superficie di frattura. Da ciò derivano alcune delle ipotesi semplificative che caratterizzano tali approcci. Il presente lavoro di Tesi ha come obiettivo lo studio della risposta strutturale di ancoraggi pre-inseriti soggetti ad azione assiale. La metodologia di ricerca adottata consta di una combinazione di revisione della letteratura esistente, di test sperimentali e di simulazioni numeriche. Due sono i temi principali affrontati: (i) l'influenza delle pressioni di contatto sotto testa sullo sviluppo del cono di calcestruzzo, (ii) l'influenza della risposta strutturale dell'elemento. A tale scopo, si presentano quattro differenti campagne sperimentali: (i) test di pull-out al variare delle dimensioni della testa di ancoraggio, test di pull-out al variare dell'affondamento e dello spessore dell'elemento strutturale (ii) in presenza di tensioni di compressione nel calcestruzzo e (ii) in presenza di fessure, (iii) test di pull-out per gruppi di ancoraggi e (iv) test di pull-out in presenza di armatura aggiuntiva. Le simulazioni numeriche sono utilizzate quale complemento di quegli aspetti non studiati sperimentalmente. Il presente lavoro di ricerca si conclude con la proposta di un nuovo metodo per la valutazione della capacità del singolo ancorante e con delle raccomandazioni progettuali. Il nuovo metodo, in particolare, fonde in un'unica equazione predittiva i meccanismi di estrazione del cono di calcestruzzo e di sfilamento, in quanto entrambi sono correlati all'intensità delle pressioni sotto testa. Le raccomandazioni progettuali, invece, si articolano su due livelli di approfondimento successivi: Approccio di I livello, il quale corrisponde ad un classico metodo di progetto "alle forze" e Approccio di II livello, più innovativo in quanto fornisce un metodo di progetto "agli spostamenti".
Pull-out of cast-in-place fasteners. Influence of the bearing pressure and structural interaction with the concrete member
Construction detailing is the art of transforming thoughts and calculations into real objects. Experience allows the realization that poor structural details may implicate a rise in construction costs and even lead to the collapse of civil facilities. With this in mind, the importance of fastening technology is obvious. The structural engineer should be familiar with this technology in order to design safe and sustainable structures. Everyday, thousands of anchorages are used to fasten structural and non-structural components to concrete structures. Depending on the use and on the design loads, both post-installed or cast-in-place fasteners are a suitable and safe solution in construction practice. The need for the re-use and rehabilitation of existing buildings is accelerating the development and the use of post-installed systems. There are, nevertheless, several applications in which cast-in-place fasteners are still preferred. A typical example is represented by hold-down bolts for steel framed structures or for industrial machinery. The use of fastening to concrete is growing faster than that of the improvement of methods for design and verifications. In particular, for concrete related failure modes, current approaches result from a protracted debate regarding the relation of the peak load to the failure surface. Therefore, the methods were derived consistently with simplified assumptions on the influence of other parameters. Within this context, this Thesis aims to provide a further insight on the behaviour of cast-in-place fasteners under tensile loading. Through a combination of literature review, experiments and numerical simulations, two key topics are investigated: (i) influence of bearing pressure on concrete cone breakout and (ii) the structural interaction with the concrete member. Four experimental campaigns are presented, in which cast-in-place fasteners of various sizes were tested in very different boundary conditions. The investigations encompass (i) pull-out tests with different fastener heads, pull-out tests with varying depths and with varying member thickness (ii) in presence of a confining pressure and (ii) in presence of cracks, (iii) pull-out of fastener groups and (iv) pull-out tests in presence of supplementary reinforcement. Numerical modelling is introduced as a completion for those conditions which were not experimentally tested. As a result, a new refined approach is proposed for the pull-out capacity of the single fastener, as well as design recommendations for cast-in-place fasteners. The new approach aims to combine concrete cone breakout and pull-out failure in a single equation, the two mechanisms being connected through the bearing pressure. Design recommendations are suggested differentiating between two levels of approximation: I level approach, which is a more classic "force-controlled" design method and II level approach, which is a more innovative "displacement-controlled" design method. Although with the inherent limitations of a single research study, the author believes that this Thesis may make a contribution in addressing open issues regarding the behaviour of cast-in-place fasteners and the relation to the structural response of the concrete member.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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