In the imminent future, due to the increase of penetration of non-dispatchable renewable energy sources, the electricity generation sector is required to undergo significant changes and conventional power plants will have to gradually shift their role from base-load operation to cover peak demand. In this context, supercritical CO2 power cycles represent an interesting solution to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of traditional power plants. This work focuses on the evaluation of the performances of these innovative power systems and the development of ad-hoc numerical codes able to properly investigate different cycle configurations and to model accurately the main components of the system, namely turbomachinery and heat exchangers. Furthermore, to assess the flexibility of these systems, their part-load and off-design behavior is studied by considering different possible operating strategies with the aim of maximizing the performances at reduced load and variable cold sink temperature, also respecting the constraints imposed by the plant components or by the selected dispatch strategy. The work numerically demonstrates that if CO2 inventory variation is coupled to the adoption of IGV and rotational speed control for the compressor/s, it is possible to operate sCO2 power cycles down to very low electrical loads (20%). To account for the variation of the cold sink conditions, which could jeopardize the operability of the main compressor of the cycle, a set of possible corrective actions is proposed and numerically evaluated, which results in a substantial mitigation of this issue. Several power generation applications are investigated by estimating the techno-economic performances of these systems, focusing in particular on innovative small modular coal-fired power plants, the so-called 3rd generation high temperature CSP power plants and waste heat recovery systems from several industrial sectors.
Nei prossimi anni, a causa dell'aumento della penetrazione delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili non programmabili, il settore energetico dovrà subire importanti cambiamenti e le centrali elettriche convenzionali dovranno gradualmente cambiare ruolo, passando dalla produzione del carico di base al coprire i picchi di domanda. In questo contesto, i cicli di potenza a CO2 supercritica rappresentano un’interessante soluzione al fine di migliorare l'efficienza e la flessibilità delle centrali elettriche tradizionali. Questo lavoro di tesi si propone di valutare le prestazioni di questi innovativi sistemi di potenza tramite lo sviluppo di codici numerici in grado di studiare diverse configurazioni di ciclo e di modellizzare accuratamente i componenti principali del sistema, ovvero le turbomacchine e gli scambiatori di calore. Inoltre, al fine di valutarne la flessibilità, un’analisi numerica è condotta sul funzionamento di questi sistemi ai carichi parziali e in condizioni di fuori progetto, considerando diverse possibili strategie operative con l'obiettivo di massimizzare le prestazioni a carico ridotto e a temperatura del pozzo freddo variabile. Il lavoro di tesi dimostra numericamente che tramite una regolazione d’impianto basata sulla variazione della quantità di CO2 contenuta nel sistema, abbinata all’adozione di pale statoriche ad angolo di calettamento variabile e un controllo sulla velocità di rotazione del/i compressore/i, è possibile operare i cicli a CO2 supercritica fino a carichi elettrici molto bassi (20%). Considerando invece la variazione della temperatura del pozzo freddo, condizione che potrebbe compromettere il funzionamento del compressore principale del ciclo di potenza, vengono proposte e valutate numericamente una serie di possibili azioni correttive che consentono una sostanziale mitigazione del problema. Diverse possibili applicazioni nel settore della produzione di potenza sono studiate stimando le prestazioni tecnico-economiche di questi sistemi, concentrandosi in particolare su innovative centrali a carbone modulari e di piccola taglia, su impianti solari a concentrazione ad alta temperatura di nuova generazione e su sistemi di recupero del calore di scarto proveniente da diversi settori industriali.
Supercritical CO2 cycles for flexible power generation : techno-economic optimization and part-load operational strategies
Alfani, Dario
In the imminent future, due to the increase of penetration of non-dispatchable renewable energy sources, the electricity generation sector is required to undergo significant changes and conventional power plants will have to gradually shift their role from base-load operation to cover peak demand. In this context, supercritical CO2 power cycles represent an interesting solution to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of traditional power plants. This work focuses on the evaluation of the performances of these innovative power systems and the development of ad-hoc numerical codes able to properly investigate different cycle configurations and to model accurately the main components of the system, namely turbomachinery and heat exchangers. Furthermore, to assess the flexibility of these systems, their part-load and off-design behavior is studied by considering different possible operating strategies with the aim of maximizing the performances at reduced load and variable cold sink temperature, also respecting the constraints imposed by the plant components or by the selected dispatch strategy. The work numerically demonstrates that if CO2 inventory variation is coupled to the adoption of IGV and rotational speed control for the compressor/s, it is possible to operate sCO2 power cycles down to very low electrical loads (20%). To account for the variation of the cold sink conditions, which could jeopardize the operability of the main compressor of the cycle, a set of possible corrective actions is proposed and numerically evaluated, which results in a substantial mitigation of this issue. Several power generation applications are investigated by estimating the techno-economic performances of these systems, focusing in particular on innovative small modular coal-fired power plants, the so-called 3rd generation high temperature CSP power plants and waste heat recovery systems from several industrial sectors.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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