Bioproducts are evermore present in our daily life. They are part of everyday foods, objects and contribute to our health in the form of biopharmaceuticals and even vaccines. Currently, the bioprocessing industry is transitioning from discontinuous processes, based in batch or fed-batch bioreactors to integrated continuous production platforms. At the center of this change, continuous perfusion bioreactors have the potential to decrease capital and operating costs and increase process flexibility and productivity. As a side-effect, these changes also bring added complexity. Hence the use of machine learning algorithm and soft sensors based on spectroscopic analyzers have the potential to decrease time to market, increase process understanding and support process monitoring and optimization. Chapter 1 describes the changes that are occurring in the bioprocessing industry. Starting from the birth of biotechnology and briefly introducing cell line selection, the 3 basic bioreactor types are analyzed: batch, fed-batch and chemostat. Furthermore, perfusion-based bioreactors are introduced as a way for achieving higher cell densities and hence increase productivities. The use of scale-down models for use in process development of perfusion processes is approached as manner for decreasing experimental burden, costs and reduce time-to-process. The chapter ends with two case studies, the extracellular production of monoclonal antibodies, an ever more expanding class of biopharmaceuticals and the intracellular production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), one of the most promising biodegradable biopolymers. The remainder of this work is divided into two distinct, however interconnected, bodies of research. The first part is dedicated to the development of a process for the production of a biodegradable bioplastic: PHA. As is common knowledge, the global pollution caused by the production and disposal of fossil fuel-based plastics needs to be remediated. Hence, there has been a strong scientific effort in the research of more environmentally friendly materials, while maintaining the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the currently used plastics. Amongst several alternatives, PHA have been brought forward as a possible solution due to their biodegradable nature and tunable mechanical properties. Chapter 2 details and compares the currently used processes for their production, grouping them in three main classes: microbiological, enzymatic and chemical. These processes were critically analyzed based on defined factors (achievable molecular structures, raw-material and production costs and availability of large-scale production technologies). Chapter 3 shows how PHA production via the microbiological route can be intensified through the use of high-density perfusion bioreactors. Firstly, an intensified fed-batch perfusion process was developed, which when compared with a normal fed-batch process (the current standard in industrial production) has the potential to increase cell densities by more than 200% and productivity by more than 100%. Furthermore, a perfusion continuous bioreactor was developed, showing that PHA can be produced at high-cell densities and in continuous, without decreasing polymer quality. Lastly, a proof-of-concept 2-stage cascade perfusion bioreactor was implemented, allowing the separation of the nutritional requirements of Cupravidius necator for growth (first stage) and PHA accumulation (second stage). This last reactor was maintained in operation for more than 300 hours. In chapter 4 a soft sensor based on the combination of a multivariate data analysis pipeline and spectra acquired from a Raman spectroscopy unit was developed. This tool allows the monitoring of the usual fermentation metabolites, such as carbon and nitrogen sources and cell dry weight with relative root mean squared errors in testing (RMSE) below 50%. Furthermore, for the first time, it allows the online monitoring of intracellular PHA concentration (86% RMSE) as well as its molecular weight distribution with RMSE below 80%. This tool hence can be used for biomonitoring of intracellular PHA production, useful both in manufacturing to enable a quick response to process deviations and potentiate a better performing control structure and in process development to enable process optimization, help reduce costs and increase process understanding. Part two of this work deals with the application of perfusion bioreactors to intensify biopharmaceutical production and the use of machine learning algorithms to speed up biopharma process development. In chapter 5 the current trends in the synthesis, characterization, and purification of oligonucleotides (ON) are laid out. This class of biopharmaceuticals has been expanding rapidly in the last years, with multiple FDA and EMA approvals. Furthermore, ON have played a huge role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, in the way of RNA-based Sars-CoV2 vaccinations. In this chapter the usual process for ON production via solid-state synthesis is detailed. However, new avenues for production are brought forward, specifically through fermentation using innovative microbial strains. The application of these new strains to produce ON via fermentation is further developed in chapter 6. Specifically, a high-density perfusion-based process was developed using Rhodovulum sulfidophilum for the biomanufacturing of oligonucleotides. The development of this process was done in two stages. Firstly, the media composition was optimized using a fractional factorial design of experiments in batch and further refined in scale-down perfusion using 50 mL spin-tubes. This led to an increase in achievable cell density of 44 %, when compared with a reference media formulation. Then, a series of experiments at different shaking speeds were carried out in order to determine the minimum cell-specific perfusion rate (CSPRmin) which allows the sustenance of the cell culture. Here, the concept of CSPRmax was unveiled, above which the cell culture is inhibited by too high nutrients levels. Finally, this strategy allowed the ON titer to be greatly increased when compared to a previously established fed-batch process. In chapter 7 a machine learning algorithm which could support the automatic media optimization in biopharmaceutical process development was implemented. A Bayesian optimization (BO) approach was developed for the media optimization for a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, producing a monoclonal antibody-derived protein. Several concurrent options for the machine learning algorithm, such as the acquisition function and initialization method for the BO were tested first in an in-silico model and their performance evaluated. With the best combination selected, the algorithm was used to optimize a fed-batch media protocol for the CHO cell line in 50 mL spin-tubes. An overall increase of 27% in titer was registered and verified in benchtop bioreactors. Concluding, the implementation of perfusion bioreactors for diverse bioproducts have the potential to increase productivities and reduce costs, essential in bioprocessing. Furthermore, the strategies the developed based on machine learning models and online monitoring tools can aid process development, reducing the time-to-market and increasing process understanding. This is essential for a successful manufacturing approach, which can be monitored online using soft sensors, such as the one developed in this work based on Raman spectroscopy.
I bioprodotti sono sempre più presenti nella nostra vita quotidiana. Fanno parte degli alimenti quotidiani, degli oggetti e contribuiscono alla nostra salute sotto forma di biofarmaci e persino di vaccini. Attualmente, l'industria dei bioprocessi sta passando da processi discontinui, basati su bioreattori batch o fed-batch, a piattaforme di produzione continua integrate. Al centro di questo cambiamento, i bioreattori a perfusione continua hanno il potenziale per diminuire i costi di capitale e operativi e aumentare la flessibilità e la produttività del processo. Inoltre, questi cambiamenti portano anche una maggiore complessità. Quindi l'uso di algoritmi di apprendimento automatico e di sensori morbidi basati su analizzatori spettroscopici hanno il potenziale per diminuire il time to market, aumentare la comprensione del processo e sostenere il monitoraggio e l'ottimizzazione del processo. Il capitolo 1 descrive i cambiamenti che stanno avvenendo nell'industria dei bioprocessi. Partendo dalla nascita della biotecnologia e introducendo brevemente la selezione delle linee cellulari, vengono analizzati i 3 tipi fondamentali di bioreattore: batch, fed-batch e chemostat. Inoltre, i bioreattori basati sulla perfusione sono introdotti come un modo per raggiungere densità cellulari più alte e quindi aumentare la produttività. L'uso di modelli in scala ridotta per lo sviluppo di processi di perfusione viene affrontato come modo per diminuire il carico sperimentale, i costi e ridurre il time-to-process. Il capitolo termina con due casi di studio, la produzione extracellulare di anticorpi monoclonali, una classe di biofarmaci sempre più in espansione e la produzione intracellulare di poliidrossialcanoati (PHA), uno dei più promettenti biopolimeri biodegradabili. Il resto di questo lavoro è diviso in due corpi di ricerca distinti, ma interconnessi. La prima parte è dedicata allo sviluppo di un processo per la produzione di una bioplastica biodegradabile: PHA. Come è noto, l'inquinamento globale causato dalla produzione e dallo smaltimento delle plastiche a base di combustibili fossili deve essere rimediato. Quindi, c'è stato un forte sforzo scientifico nella ricerca di materiali più ecologici, pur mantenendo le proprietà meccaniche, fisiche e chimiche delle plastiche attualmente utilizzate. Tra le varie alternative, i PHA sono stati proposti come una possibile soluzione grazie alla loro natura biodegradabile e alle loro proprietà meccaniche regolabili. Il capitolo 2 dettaglia e confronta i processi attualmente usati per la loro produzione, raggruppandoli in tre classi principali: microbiologici, enzimatici e chimici. Questi processi sono stati analizzati criticamente sulla base di fattori definiti (strutture molecolari ottenibili, costi delle materie prime e della produzione e disponibilità di tecnologie di produzione su larga scala). Il capitolo 3 mostra come la produzione di PHA attraverso la via microbiologica può essere intensificata attraverso l'uso di bioreattori a perfusione ad alta densità. In primo luogo, è stato sviluppato un processo intensificato di perfusione fed-batch, che se confrontato con un normale processo fed-batch (lo standard attuale nella produzione industriale) ha il potenziale di aumentare la densità delle cellule di oltre il 200% e la produttività di oltre il 100%. Inoltre, è stato sviluppato un bioreattore continuo a perfusione, dimostrando che PHA può essere prodotto ad alte densità cellulari e in continuo, senza diminuire la qualità del polimero. Infine, è stato implementato un bioreattore di perfusione a cascata a 2 stadi, permettendo la separazione dei requisiti nutrizionali di Cupravidius necator per la crescita (prima fase) e l'accumulo di PHA (seconda fase). Quest'ultimo reattore è stato mantenuto in funzione per più di 300 ore. Nel capitolo 4 è stato sviluppato un sensore morbido basato sulla combinazione di una pipeline di analisi dei dati multivariata e degli spettri acquisiti da un'unità di spettroscopia Raman. Questo strumento permette il monitoraggio dei metaboliti abituali della fermentazione, come le fonti di carbonio e azoto e il peso secco delle cellule con errori quadrati medi relativi nei test (RMSE) inferiori al 50%. Inoltre, per la prima volta, permette il monitoraggio online della concentrazione intracellulare di PHA (86% RMSE) così come la sua distribuzione del peso molecolare con RMSE inferiore all'80%. Questo strumento può quindi essere utilizzato per il biomonitoraggio della produzione intracellulare di PHA, utile sia nella produzione per consentire una risposta rapida alle deviazioni del processo e potenziare una struttura di controllo più performante e nello sviluppo del processo per consentire l'ottimizzazione del processo, aiutare a ridurre i costi e aumentare la comprensione del processo. La seconda parte di questo lavoro riguarda l'applicazione del bioreattore a perfusione per intensificare la produzione biofarmaceutica e l'uso di algoritmi di apprendimento automatico per accelerare lo sviluppo del processo biofarmaceutico. Nel capitolo 5 sono esposte le tendenze attuali nella sintesi, caratterizzazione e purificazione degli oligonucleotidi (ON). Questa classe di biofarmaci si è espansa rapidamente negli ultimi anni, con molteplici approvazioni FDA ed EMA. Inoltre, gli ON hanno giocato un ruolo enorme nella lotta contro la pandemia COVID-19, nel modo delle vaccinazioni Sars-CoV2 basate sull'RNA. Qui il processo usuale per la produzione di ON tramite sintesi allo stato solido è dettagliato. Tuttavia, nuove strade per la produzione sono portate avanti, in particolare attraverso la fermentazione utilizzando ceppi microbici innovativi. L'applicazione di questi nuovi ceppi per produrre ON tramite fermentazione è ulteriormente sviluppata nel capitolo 6. In particolare, è stato sviluppato un processo basato sulla perfusione ad alta densità utilizzando il Rhodovulum sulfidophilum per la bioproduzione di oligonucleotidi. Lo sviluppo di questo processo è stato fatto in due fasi. In primo luogo, la composizione dei media è stata ottimizzata utilizzando un disegno fattoriale frazionato di esperimenti in batch e ulteriormente raffinato in perfusione in scala ridotta utilizzando spin-tube da 50 mL. Questo ha portato a un aumento della densità cellulare ottenibile del 44%, rispetto a una formulazione di media di riferimento. Poi, una serie di esperimenti a diverse velocità di agitazione sono stati eseguiti al fine di determinare la velocità minima di perfusione specifica delle cellule (CSPRmin) che permette il sostentamento della coltura cellulare. Qui, è stato svelato il concetto di CSPRmax, oltre il quale la coltura cellulare è inibita da livelli di nutrienti troppo alti. Infine, questa strategia ha permesso di aumentare notevolmente il titolo ON rispetto a un processo fed-batch precedentemente stabilito. Nel capitolo 7 è stato implementato un machine learning che potrebbe supportare l'ottimizzazione automatica dei media nello sviluppo del processo biofarmaceutico. È stato sviluppato un approccio di ottimizzazione bayesiana (BO) per l'ottimizzazione dei media per una linea cellulare di criceto cinese (CHO) che produce una proteina derivata da anticorpi monoclonali. Diverse opzioni concomitanti per l'algoritmo di apprendimento automatico, come la funzione di acquisizione e il metodo di inizializzazione per il BO sono stati testati prima in un modello in-silico e le loro prestazioni valutate. Con la migliore combinazione selezionata, l'algoritmo è stato utilizzato per ottimizzare un protocollo di media fed-batch per la linea cellulare CHO in provette da 50 mL. Un aumento complessivo del 27 % del titolo è stato registrato e verificato in bioreattori da banco. Concludendo, l'implementazione di bioreattori a perfusione per diversi bioprodotti ha il potenziale per aumentare la produttività e ridurre i costi, essenziali nel bioprocessing. Inoltre, le strategie sviluppate basate su modelli di apprendimento automatico e strumenti di monitoraggio online possono aiutare lo sviluppo del processo, riducendo il time-to-market e aumentando la comprensione del processo. Questo è essenziale per un approccio produttivo di successo, che può essere monitorato online usando sensori morbidi, come quello sviluppato in questo lavoro basato sulla spettroscopia Raman.
Design, development and modelling of perfusion bioprocesses using machine learning and process analytical technology
Medeiros Garcia Alcãntara, João
Bioproducts are evermore present in our daily life. They are part of everyday foods, objects and contribute to our health in the form of biopharmaceuticals and even vaccines. Currently, the bioprocessing industry is transitioning from discontinuous processes, based in batch or fed-batch bioreactors to integrated continuous production platforms. At the center of this change, continuous perfusion bioreactors have the potential to decrease capital and operating costs and increase process flexibility and productivity. As a side-effect, these changes also bring added complexity. Hence the use of machine learning algorithm and soft sensors based on spectroscopic analyzers have the potential to decrease time to market, increase process understanding and support process monitoring and optimization. Chapter 1 describes the changes that are occurring in the bioprocessing industry. Starting from the birth of biotechnology and briefly introducing cell line selection, the 3 basic bioreactor types are analyzed: batch, fed-batch and chemostat. Furthermore, perfusion-based bioreactors are introduced as a way for achieving higher cell densities and hence increase productivities. The use of scale-down models for use in process development of perfusion processes is approached as manner for decreasing experimental burden, costs and reduce time-to-process. The chapter ends with two case studies, the extracellular production of monoclonal antibodies, an ever more expanding class of biopharmaceuticals and the intracellular production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), one of the most promising biodegradable biopolymers. The remainder of this work is divided into two distinct, however interconnected, bodies of research. The first part is dedicated to the development of a process for the production of a biodegradable bioplastic: PHA. As is common knowledge, the global pollution caused by the production and disposal of fossil fuel-based plastics needs to be remediated. Hence, there has been a strong scientific effort in the research of more environmentally friendly materials, while maintaining the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the currently used plastics. Amongst several alternatives, PHA have been brought forward as a possible solution due to their biodegradable nature and tunable mechanical properties. Chapter 2 details and compares the currently used processes for their production, grouping them in three main classes: microbiological, enzymatic and chemical. These processes were critically analyzed based on defined factors (achievable molecular structures, raw-material and production costs and availability of large-scale production technologies). Chapter 3 shows how PHA production via the microbiological route can be intensified through the use of high-density perfusion bioreactors. Firstly, an intensified fed-batch perfusion process was developed, which when compared with a normal fed-batch process (the current standard in industrial production) has the potential to increase cell densities by more than 200% and productivity by more than 100%. Furthermore, a perfusion continuous bioreactor was developed, showing that PHA can be produced at high-cell densities and in continuous, without decreasing polymer quality. Lastly, a proof-of-concept 2-stage cascade perfusion bioreactor was implemented, allowing the separation of the nutritional requirements of Cupravidius necator for growth (first stage) and PHA accumulation (second stage). This last reactor was maintained in operation for more than 300 hours. In chapter 4 a soft sensor based on the combination of a multivariate data analysis pipeline and spectra acquired from a Raman spectroscopy unit was developed. This tool allows the monitoring of the usual fermentation metabolites, such as carbon and nitrogen sources and cell dry weight with relative root mean squared errors in testing (RMSE) below 50%. Furthermore, for the first time, it allows the online monitoring of intracellular PHA concentration (86% RMSE) as well as its molecular weight distribution with RMSE below 80%. This tool hence can be used for biomonitoring of intracellular PHA production, useful both in manufacturing to enable a quick response to process deviations and potentiate a better performing control structure and in process development to enable process optimization, help reduce costs and increase process understanding. Part two of this work deals with the application of perfusion bioreactors to intensify biopharmaceutical production and the use of machine learning algorithms to speed up biopharma process development. In chapter 5 the current trends in the synthesis, characterization, and purification of oligonucleotides (ON) are laid out. This class of biopharmaceuticals has been expanding rapidly in the last years, with multiple FDA and EMA approvals. Furthermore, ON have played a huge role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, in the way of RNA-based Sars-CoV2 vaccinations. In this chapter the usual process for ON production via solid-state synthesis is detailed. However, new avenues for production are brought forward, specifically through fermentation using innovative microbial strains. The application of these new strains to produce ON via fermentation is further developed in chapter 6. Specifically, a high-density perfusion-based process was developed using Rhodovulum sulfidophilum for the biomanufacturing of oligonucleotides. The development of this process was done in two stages. Firstly, the media composition was optimized using a fractional factorial design of experiments in batch and further refined in scale-down perfusion using 50 mL spin-tubes. This led to an increase in achievable cell density of 44 %, when compared with a reference media formulation. Then, a series of experiments at different shaking speeds were carried out in order to determine the minimum cell-specific perfusion rate (CSPRmin) which allows the sustenance of the cell culture. Here, the concept of CSPRmax was unveiled, above which the cell culture is inhibited by too high nutrients levels. Finally, this strategy allowed the ON titer to be greatly increased when compared to a previously established fed-batch process. In chapter 7 a machine learning algorithm which could support the automatic media optimization in biopharmaceutical process development was implemented. A Bayesian optimization (BO) approach was developed for the media optimization for a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, producing a monoclonal antibody-derived protein. Several concurrent options for the machine learning algorithm, such as the acquisition function and initialization method for the BO were tested first in an in-silico model and their performance evaluated. With the best combination selected, the algorithm was used to optimize a fed-batch media protocol for the CHO cell line in 50 mL spin-tubes. An overall increase of 27% in titer was registered and verified in benchtop bioreactors. Concluding, the implementation of perfusion bioreactors for diverse bioproducts have the potential to increase productivities and reduce costs, essential in bioprocessing. Furthermore, the strategies the developed based on machine learning models and online monitoring tools can aid process development, reducing the time-to-market and increasing process understanding. This is essential for a successful manufacturing approach, which can be monitored online using soft sensors, such as the one developed in this work based on Raman spectroscopy.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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