The idea of a living space, precisely able to “breath”, refers to its capability to work like a system of diaframs if combined with kinetic and management technologies for the built environment. The project purpose itself as a, experimentation, in keeping with the latest developments of technology, with the goal to develope new strategies for approaching to the built environment. Following the growing necessity to develope environments able to change with a progressive speed and the extreme densification that both our cities along with our society experiences, urges the necessity to find new practices so projects can become more “light” and cost a smaller effort. If from one side environments must be able to offer growing possibilities of use, on the other hand technological and materials quantities must be reduced. The idea of an “half-sleeping” architecture, generator of commuter areas, is the worst enemy of today’s research in the field of architecture. Specialization is today seen againts personalization and versatility. To solutions made to properly fit to one specific use, we prefer dynamic spaces, in accordance with the program but made to adapt to the increasingly rapid changes of human activities. The desire to have elements that express the local heritage but still account to all the possibilities with the goal to purpose environments able to adapt to different uses and functions trough its daily routine. If in the past decades, single objects have been much relevant than their contexts, in the current architectural practice, the need for an infrastructure stronger than the elements that compose it has become a priority. The development of ideas like smart-grids will allow us to configurate our cities as living environments, with their own systems of regulation and monitoring. The same its for buildings. With the powerful development of techonology, buildings can today benefit of multiple solutions related to consumptions optimization and improvement of internal comfort. Enormous evolutions in terms of technologies for the management of built invironment have opened new opportunities for the application of the most various fields of research. Mechatronic above all is the most powerful instrument for designers, to solve the hardest issues of program and logistic. From the first figurations of mechanized architectures of the seventies we asssit today to the growing number of intelligent buildings, able to adapt in some parts to different situations. With the use of two tools: the adoption of responsive technologies and smart building developments, we aim to purpose new modalities to approach the built environment, less rigids and more adapt to our society, in a constant sweeping change. Users, control and management systems, are invited to collaborate, with the final objective to optimize the unfolded resources, during the life cycle of buildings. How to make flexible the spaces of the past, built with technologies and materials really not adequate to the scale and speed of changes? How to make the built environments become part of a sustainable process of reuse that is also part of its life process? Untill what point should technology help or even substitute man’s action? These are the main questions emerged during the design process, to which we aim to give a possible solution.
L’idea di spazio vivo o appunto capace di “respirare”, fa riferimento alla sua capacità di comportarsi come un sistema di diaframmi se affiancato a tecnologie cinetiche e di gestione per il costruito. Il progetto si propone come una sperimentazione, in linea con le più attuali tecnologie, atta a identificare nuove modalità di approccio al patrimonio costruito. Con la necessità crescente di progettare ambienti in grado di mutare sempre più rapidamente e la forte densificazione cui sia le nostre città che la nostra società sono soggetti, sempre più pressante si fa l’esigenza di trovare nuove pratiche, perchè i progetti diventino sempre più versatili e di poco sforzo. Se da una parte gli ambienti devono essere in grado di offrire possibilità di utilizzi sempre più ampie, le soluzioni tecnologiche devono essere ridotte al fine di ottimizzare le risorse. L’idea dell’architettura “mezza-dormiente” generatrice di quartieri dormitorio è oggi il più grande antagonista della ricerca architettonica. La specializzazione è oggi combattuta dalla personalizzazione e dalla versatilità. A soluzioni progettate su misura per calzare a singole funzioni si tende a preferire spazi versatili, adatti si allo scopo ma predisposti per adattarsi ai repentini cambiamenti richiesti dalla dinamicità delle attività umane. La volontà di avere ambienti che esprimano le condizioni locali con qualità vernacolari ma che tengano in conto quante più opportunità possibili al fine di proporre ambienti in grado di adattarsi a diversi usi e funzioni nel loro uso quotidiano. Se nei decenni scorsi gli oggetti sono stati di gran lunga più importanti del contesto, nella pratica architettonica, negli ultimi anni si è fatta strada la necessità di avere un’infrastruttura che sia più forte dei suoi singoli elementi. Lo sviluppo di temi come quello di smart-grid permettono di configurare le città come organismi viventi, con propri sistemi di regolazione e monitoraggio. Lo stesso vale per gli edifici. Con il forte sviluppo della tecnologia, gli edifici possono godere oggi di grandi vantaggi, legati all’ottimizzazione dei consumi e al miglioramento dei comfort interni. Grandi avanzamenti in fatto di tecnologie per la gestione ed il monitoraggio del costruito hanno aperto nuovi scenari per l’applicazione dei campi di ricerca più disparati. La meccatronica prima tra tutte è uno degli strumenti più potenti oggi al servizio dei progettisti, per la soluzione dei più complicati problemi logistici e programmatici. Dalle prime figurazioni di architetture meccanicizzate negli anni ‘70, si assiste oggi ad un numero sempre crescente di architetture intelligenti ed in grado di adattarsi in certe modalità a situazioni diverse. Attraverso l’uso di due strumenti: l’adozione di tecnologie responsive ed i concetti di smart building, si vogliono proporre nuove modalità di intervento sul costruito, meno rigide e più adatte alla nostra società, in costante e radicale cambiamento. Utenti e strumenti di gestione e controllo sono chiamati a cooperare al fine di ottimizzare le risorse messe in campo, durante il ciclo di vita degli edifici. Come rendere flessibili gli spazi del passato, costruiti con materiali e concezioni inadeguate? Come far entrare il costruito in un ciclo del riuso sempre più virtuoso, che sia parte costituente del suo processo di vita? Fino a che punto vale la pena che le tecnologie sostituiscano l’uomo o lo aiutino nella sua azione? Queste sono le principali domande emerse nel corso del progetto e alle quali si vuole cercare di offrire una possibile soluzione.
Breathing Space. Nuova centrale operativa della polizia locale di Milano
Pescarossa, Francesco
The idea of a living space, precisely able to “breath”, refers to its capability to work like a system of diaframs if combined with kinetic and management technologies for the built environment. The project purpose itself as a, experimentation, in keeping with the latest developments of technology, with the goal to develope new strategies for approaching to the built environment. Following the growing necessity to develope environments able to change with a progressive speed and the extreme densification that both our cities along with our society experiences, urges the necessity to find new practices so projects can become more “light” and cost a smaller effort. If from one side environments must be able to offer growing possibilities of use, on the other hand technological and materials quantities must be reduced. The idea of an “half-sleeping” architecture, generator of commuter areas, is the worst enemy of today’s research in the field of architecture. Specialization is today seen againts personalization and versatility. To solutions made to properly fit to one specific use, we prefer dynamic spaces, in accordance with the program but made to adapt to the increasingly rapid changes of human activities. The desire to have elements that express the local heritage but still account to all the possibilities with the goal to purpose environments able to adapt to different uses and functions trough its daily routine. If in the past decades, single objects have been much relevant than their contexts, in the current architectural practice, the need for an infrastructure stronger than the elements that compose it has become a priority. The development of ideas like smart-grids will allow us to configurate our cities as living environments, with their own systems of regulation and monitoring. The same its for buildings. With the powerful development of techonology, buildings can today benefit of multiple solutions related to consumptions optimization and improvement of internal comfort. Enormous evolutions in terms of technologies for the management of built invironment have opened new opportunities for the application of the most various fields of research. Mechatronic above all is the most powerful instrument for designers, to solve the hardest issues of program and logistic. From the first figurations of mechanized architectures of the seventies we asssit today to the growing number of intelligent buildings, able to adapt in some parts to different situations. With the use of two tools: the adoption of responsive technologies and smart building developments, we aim to purpose new modalities to approach the built environment, less rigids and more adapt to our society, in a constant sweeping change. Users, control and management systems, are invited to collaborate, with the final objective to optimize the unfolded resources, during the life cycle of buildings. How to make flexible the spaces of the past, built with technologies and materials really not adequate to the scale and speed of changes? How to make the built environments become part of a sustainable process of reuse that is also part of its life process? Untill what point should technology help or even substitute man’s action? These are the main questions emerged during the design process, to which we aim to give a possible solution.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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