Since their discovery in 1986, cuprates high critical temperature superconductors (HTS) represent one of the most fascinating class of materials in condensed matter physics. Understanding the underlying mechanism behind high-Tc superconductivity is a real challenge, which could result in the possibility to design in the future a room-temperature superconductor, a technological holy grail allowing an energy-efficiency revolution, and the large-scale realization of applications such as magnetically levitated trains and quantum computers. The strong electron-electron correlations in HTS lead to the formation of exotic charge and spin orders such as charge density waves (CDW) and spin density waves (SDW), that are respectively charge and spin density periodic spatial modulations. In La-based cuprates, as La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO), CDW and SDW are characterized, in a well-defined portion of the phase diagram, by a well-defined relation of periodicity, forming the so-called stripe order. The understanding of these local orders is crucial, since they have been recently reported to be responsible for the superconducting and normal state of HTS. Their nature can be effectively investigated in thin films, where the strain induced by the substrate, and the confinement of the HTS at the nanoscale, have been proven to be two powerful knobs to manipulate these orders and understand their mutual interaction. The fabrication of HTS nanostructures is a very challenging task, and up to now relevant results were obtained mainly for YBa2Cu3O7-y. We optimized the growth of 20 nm thick optimally doped LSCO thin films on LaSrAlO4 (001) substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition. The films are smooth, as confirmed by atomic force microscopy and reflection high-energy electron diffraction, and highly crystalline, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Our best films show a Tc ~ 39 K, comparable to the bulk value. Finally, we realize LSCO nanowires down to 50 nm width. We measure their Jc values and study the Jc(T). To prove the high degree of homogeneity of our nanowires, we compare the value of Jc0 , obtained by fitting the Jc(T) with the Bardeen expression, to the Ginzburg-Landau theoretical limit for the depairing current Jv, due to vortex motion. Our results pave the way for the study of LSCO ground state at the nanoscale.
Dalla loro scoperta nel 1986, i cuprati superconduttori ad alta temperatura critica (HTS) rappresentano una delle classi di materiali più affascinanti nella fisica della materia condensata. Scoprire il meccanismo alla base di questi materiali è una sfida onerosa, che potrebbe portare alla realizzazione di un superconduttore a temperatura ambiente, considerato un santo Graal tecnologico, che consentirebbe una rivoluzione in termini di efficienza energetica, e l’applicazione su larga scala di tecnologie quali computer quantistici e treni a levitazione magnetica. Le forti correlazioni elettrone-elettrone nei cuprati portano alla formazione di ordini elettronici esotici come onde di densità di carica (CDW) e onde di densità di spin (SDW), che sono rispettivamente modulazioni periodiche spaziali della densità di carica e spin. La comprensione di questi ordini locali è fondamentale, poiché potrebbero essere alla base dello stato normale e superconduttivo dei HTS. Nei cuprati a base di La, come il La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO), CDW e SDW sono caratterizzati da una ben definita relazione di periodicità, in una regione ben definita del diagramma di fase, formando il cosiddetto stripe order. La natura di questi ordini alla nanoscala può essere efficacemente studiata in film sottili, dove lo strain indotto dal substrato e il confinamento dovuto a nanostrutture si sono dimostrati due potenti strumenti per manipolare questi ordini e studiarne la mutua interazione. La fabbricazione di nanostrutture HTS è un esercizio complicato, e finora risultati rilevanti sono stati ottenuti principalmente per YBa2Cu3O7-y. Abbiamo ottimizzato la crescita di film sottili di LSCO, con spessore di 20 nm, su substrati di LaSrAlO4 (001) via deposizione laser pulsata. I film sono lisci, come confermato con il microscopio a forza atomica e la riflessione di elettroni ad alta energia, e la loro qualità cristallina è elevata, come confermato con diffrazione a raggi X. I nostri film migliori presentano una Tc ~ 39 K, paragonabile a quella del cristallo. Abbiamo poi realizzato nanowires fino a 50 nm di larghezza. Ne abbiamo misurato la Jc e studiato la Jc(T). Per dimostrarne l’elevata omogeneità abbiamo confrontato il valore di Jc0, ottenuto dal fit dei dati di Jc(T) con l’espressione di Bardeen, con il valore teorico previsto dal modello di Ginzburg-Landau dovuto alla dinamica dei vortici. I nostri risultati aprono la strada per lo studio dello stato fondamentale del LSCO su scala nanometrica.
La2-xSrxCuO4 thin films and nanostructures to study local ordering phenomena in a striped superconductor
Since their discovery in 1986, cuprates high critical temperature superconductors (HTS) represent one of the most fascinating class of materials in condensed matter physics. Understanding the underlying mechanism behind high-Tc superconductivity is a real challenge, which could result in the possibility to design in the future a room-temperature superconductor, a technological holy grail allowing an energy-efficiency revolution, and the large-scale realization of applications such as magnetically levitated trains and quantum computers. The strong electron-electron correlations in HTS lead to the formation of exotic charge and spin orders such as charge density waves (CDW) and spin density waves (SDW), that are respectively charge and spin density periodic spatial modulations. In La-based cuprates, as La2-xSrxCuO4 (LSCO), CDW and SDW are characterized, in a well-defined portion of the phase diagram, by a well-defined relation of periodicity, forming the so-called stripe order. The understanding of these local orders is crucial, since they have been recently reported to be responsible for the superconducting and normal state of HTS. Their nature can be effectively investigated in thin films, where the strain induced by the substrate, and the confinement of the HTS at the nanoscale, have been proven to be two powerful knobs to manipulate these orders and understand their mutual interaction. The fabrication of HTS nanostructures is a very challenging task, and up to now relevant results were obtained mainly for YBa2Cu3O7-y. We optimized the growth of 20 nm thick optimally doped LSCO thin films on LaSrAlO4 (001) substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition. The films are smooth, as confirmed by atomic force microscopy and reflection high-energy electron diffraction, and highly crystalline, as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Our best films show a Tc ~ 39 K, comparable to the bulk value. Finally, we realize LSCO nanowires down to 50 nm width. We measure their Jc values and study the Jc(T). To prove the high degree of homogeneity of our nanowires, we compare the value of Jc0 , obtained by fitting the Jc(T) with the Bardeen expression, to the Ginzburg-Landau theoretical limit for the depairing current Jv, due to vortex motion. Our results pave the way for the study of LSCO ground state at the nanoscale.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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