The proposed thesis aims to define a product system for the phygital toy market. The research is contextualised in today's society starting with the digital phenomenon. This slow process, which began during the second half of the 20th century, has triggered the proliferation of digital tools and machines, which today are largely considered indispensable. The digital scenario has also assumed a prominent role in the context of play and learning. With this in mind, the thesis aims to identify learning and play mechanics, types and processes that can be translated into a product system. The further definition of the design pillars, which have as their founding value the use of corrugated cardboard and digital technology, enabled the rendering of a design perimeter as well as reference scenario, called cardboardification. This neologism is intended to represent the change in meaning of the cardboard material in the eyes of users, moving from packaging to a means of enjoying new experiences, both physical and virtual. In addition to the more classic characteristics of economy, sustainability and recyclability, cardboard acquires characteristics of updatability and customisation that make it the (physical) material suitable for becoming a 'portal for multimedia content'. Alternative versions of technologically advanced products made of cardboard. An oxymoron is created. the encounter between an extremely poor and basic material and the use of advanced technology. The use of technology, be it production technology or functionality, transforms the cardboard, makes it 'advanced' and at the same time the technologies benefit because the cardboard makes them take on other characteristics, makes them accessible and democratic. From the scenario, a product system was developed consisting of an analogue and a digital component in a synchronous and asynchronous relationship. The toy represents a playful and learning tool linked to individual and collective contexts and activities. The intrinsic objective is to enable the child to learn concepts such as biodiversity and discovery, activated through multimedia play processes.
Il percorso di tesi proposto ha l'obiettivo di definire un sistema prodotto destinato al mercato del giocattolo phygital. La ricerca è contestualizzata nella società odierna a partire dal fenomeno del digitale. Questo lento processo iniziato durante la seconda metà del 900 ha innescato la proliferazione di strumenti e macchine digitali, che ad oggi rappresentano elementi ritenuti in larga parte indispensabili. Lo scenario del digitale ha assunto un ruolo di rilievo anche nel contesto del ludico e dell'apprendimento. In quest'ottica la tesi vuole individuare meccaniche, tipologie e processi di apprendimento e di gioco, traducibili in un sistema prodotto. L’ulteriore definizione dei pilastri progettuali, che hanno come valore fondante l’utilizzo del cartone ondulato e della tecnologia digitale, ha permesso la resa di un perimetro progettuale nonché scenario di riferimento, chiamato cardboardification. Questo neologismo vuole rappresentare il cambiamento di significato del materiale cartone agli occhi degli utenti, passando da packaging, a mezzo di fruizione di nuove esperienze, sia fisiche che virtuali. Il cartone acquisisce oltre alle più classiche caratteristiche di economicità, sostenibilità, riciclabilità; caratteristiche di aggiornabilità e customizzazione che lo rendono il materiale (fisico) idoneo a diventare “portale per contenuti multimediali”. Versioni alternative di prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati realizzati in cartone. Si crea un ossimoro. l’incontro tra un materiale estremamente povero e basico e l’utilizzo di tecnologie avanzate. L’impiego della tecnologia, che si tratti di tecnologie di produzione o di funzionalità, fa trasformare il cartone, lo fa diventare “avanzato” e allo stesso tempo le tecnologie ne giovano perchè il cartone fa assumere loro altre caratteristiche, le rende accessibili e democratiche. A partire dallo scenario è stato sviluppato un sistema prodotto costituito da una componente analogica e una digitale in relazione sincrona e asincrona. Il giocattolo rappresenta uno strumento ludico e di apprendimento legato a contesti e attività individuali e collettive. L’obiettivo intrinseco è abilitare il bambino all’apprendimento di concetti come la biodiversità e la scoperta, attivati grazie a processi ludici multimediali.
Kit4Kid, progettazione di un sistema prodotto phygital destinato all'apprendimento ludico infantile
The proposed thesis aims to define a product system for the phygital toy market. The research is contextualised in today's society starting with the digital phenomenon. This slow process, which began during the second half of the 20th century, has triggered the proliferation of digital tools and machines, which today are largely considered indispensable. The digital scenario has also assumed a prominent role in the context of play and learning. With this in mind, the thesis aims to identify learning and play mechanics, types and processes that can be translated into a product system. The further definition of the design pillars, which have as their founding value the use of corrugated cardboard and digital technology, enabled the rendering of a design perimeter as well as reference scenario, called cardboardification. This neologism is intended to represent the change in meaning of the cardboard material in the eyes of users, moving from packaging to a means of enjoying new experiences, both physical and virtual. In addition to the more classic characteristics of economy, sustainability and recyclability, cardboard acquires characteristics of updatability and customisation that make it the (physical) material suitable for becoming a 'portal for multimedia content'. Alternative versions of technologically advanced products made of cardboard. An oxymoron is created. the encounter between an extremely poor and basic material and the use of advanced technology. The use of technology, be it production technology or functionality, transforms the cardboard, makes it 'advanced' and at the same time the technologies benefit because the cardboard makes them take on other characteristics, makes them accessible and democratic. From the scenario, a product system was developed consisting of an analogue and a digital component in a synchronous and asynchronous relationship. The toy represents a playful and learning tool linked to individual and collective contexts and activities. The intrinsic objective is to enable the child to learn concepts such as biodiversity and discovery, activated through multimedia play processes.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Giuseppe Rubino - Kit4Kid, progettazione di un sistema prodotto phygital destinato all'apprendimento ludico infantile.pdf
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