Oasis Foundation offers three primary services to the teaching community. Firstly, it curates a range of experiential workshops with experts, designed to help teachers broaden their horizons both individually and collectively as a community. The second, it provides a democratic platform, in the form of a fair/exhibition, for the stakeholders of the system to experience the practices and outcomes from the classrooms that are shaping future generations. This platform also facilitates communication and collaboration among stakeholders. Lastly, the Community of Practice curates a wealth of online content, including articles, seminars, and podcasts, to connect and impact communities of practice throughout the nation. As educators, it is crucial to have the freedom to express themselves, as this contributes to the development of a dynamic and learner-focused educational system. The Indian education system has long been characterized by a top-down, rote-based, and rigid structure, where teachers play a limited role in imparting knowledge. As a result, teachers often feel demotivated, isolated, and exhausted. However, with the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020, there is a unique opportunity for transformation in the Indian educational landscape. Now is the ideal time to examine the various factors that can enhance the well-being of teachers and empower them to create a more learner-centered, contextualized educational system. This thesis, through a comprehensive examination of literature reviews, interviews, focus groups, and case studies uncovered a pervasive lack of collaboration among key stakeholders. The relentless pursuit of learner-centered transformation has placed an excessive workload on teachers, leading to a misalignment of responsibilities that has gone unacknowledged and normalized. Furthermore, there is a significant misunderstanding of what constitutes a learner-centered approach, and the small, yet impactful, daily practices that foster student engagement and inspiration are often undervalued and not shared. The thesis seeks to address these issues and offer solutions to bring about greater alignment and collaboration among teachers.
La Fondazione Oasis offre tre servizi principali alla comunità degli insegnanti. In primo luogo, cura una serie di workshop esperienziali con esperti, progettati per aiutare gli insegnanti ad ampliare i loro orizzonti sia individualmente che collettivamente come comunità. In secondo luogo, fornisce una piattaforma democratica, sotto forma di fiera/esposizione, per le parti interessate del sistema, con il fine di, tramite i risultati delle sperimentazioni delle classi, plasmare le generazioni future. In particolare la piattaforma facilita la comunicazione e la collaborazione tra le parti interessate. Infine, la Comunità di Pratica crea una vasta gamma di contenuti online, tra cui articoli, seminari e podcast, per connettere e influenzare le comunità di pratica in tutta la nazione. Come educatori, è cruciale avere la libertà di esprimersi, poiché questo contribuisce allo sviluppo di un sistema educativo dinamico e incentrato sullo studente. Il sistema educativo indiano è stato a lungo caratterizzato da una struttura rigida, dall'alto verso il basso e basata sulla ripetizione, in cui gli insegnanti svolgono un ruolo limitato nell'impartire le conoscenze. Di conseguenza, gli insegnanti si sentono spesso demotivati, isolati ed esausti. Tuttavia, con l'attuazione della Politica nazionale sull'istruzione 2020, si è presentata un'opportunità unica di trasformazione nel panorama educativo indiano. È ora il momento ideale per esaminare i vari fattori che possono migliorare il benessere degli insegnanti ed emanciparli nella creazione di un sistema educativo più contestualizzato e incentrato sullo studente. Questa tesi, attraverso un’ampia esplorazione di revisioni della letteratura, interviste, focus group e analisi di casi di studio, ha rivelato una diffusa mancanza di collaborazione tra le principali parti interessate. La continua ricerca della trasformazione centrata sullo studente ha posto un eccessivo carico di lavoro sugli insegnanti, portando ad una mancanza di allineamento delle responsabilità che è rimasta non riconosciuta e normalizzata. Inoltre, c'è una significativa incomprensione di cosa costituisca un approccio centrato sullo studente, e le piccole, ma impattanti, pratiche quotidiane che favoriscono l'impegno e l'ispirazione degli studenti spesso sono sottovalutate e non condivise. La tesi cerca di affrontare questi problemi e di offrire soluzioni per portare un maggiore allineamento e collaborazione tra gli insegnanti.
Oasis Foundation - Mobilizing the community of educators in India through Service Design to shape their community of practice
Mukherjee, Sayori
Oasis Foundation offers three primary services to the teaching community. Firstly, it curates a range of experiential workshops with experts, designed to help teachers broaden their horizons both individually and collectively as a community. The second, it provides a democratic platform, in the form of a fair/exhibition, for the stakeholders of the system to experience the practices and outcomes from the classrooms that are shaping future generations. This platform also facilitates communication and collaboration among stakeholders. Lastly, the Community of Practice curates a wealth of online content, including articles, seminars, and podcasts, to connect and impact communities of practice throughout the nation. As educators, it is crucial to have the freedom to express themselves, as this contributes to the development of a dynamic and learner-focused educational system. The Indian education system has long been characterized by a top-down, rote-based, and rigid structure, where teachers play a limited role in imparting knowledge. As a result, teachers often feel demotivated, isolated, and exhausted. However, with the implementation of the National Education Policy 2020, there is a unique opportunity for transformation in the Indian educational landscape. Now is the ideal time to examine the various factors that can enhance the well-being of teachers and empower them to create a more learner-centered, contextualized educational system. This thesis, through a comprehensive examination of literature reviews, interviews, focus groups, and case studies uncovered a pervasive lack of collaboration among key stakeholders. The relentless pursuit of learner-centered transformation has placed an excessive workload on teachers, leading to a misalignment of responsibilities that has gone unacknowledged and normalized. Furthermore, there is a significant misunderstanding of what constitutes a learner-centered approach, and the small, yet impactful, daily practices that foster student engagement and inspiration are often undervalued and not shared. The thesis seeks to address these issues and offer solutions to bring about greater alignment and collaboration among teachers.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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