New-normal is an overused term, but it is a fact that the world we find ourselves living in today is not the same one we used to live in three years ago. Companies have had to face new challenges, introduce new technologies in order not to remain aloof and get closer to the public. Alongside relational involvement, to show their more "human" side, companies are required to participate more in public and social life. In this constantly evolving context, all companies are called to pursue a goal not only of profit, but also social, ethical and sustainable. This need arises both from a change in the choice factors of suppliers and customers, and from the attention that social, environmental and climate issues hold on the agenda of governments and organizations. We often hear about the 2030 Agenda and the Development Goals, but how many small and medium-sized enterprises are really aware of these issues? How many and which entrepreneurs are able to see the practical benefits of a necessary transition and how to apply them to their business? To answer these and other questions, I analyzed the issue of sustainability and how it impacts organizations; I investigated the media habits of entrepreneurs and I approached their world, analyzing their critical issues, needs and inserting myself into their information routine. With this thesis we want to propose a communication model capable of generating corporate culture and at the same time developing in a strategic way to make SMEs understand the advantages deriving from sustainability as a communication asset. The project engages in the knowledge process for the ecological transition of small businesses, stimulating new competitive businesses in the field of sustainability. Studied around A.P.I. - Small and Medium Industries Association -, aims to create culture, promoting the development of sustainable business methods, through the creation of an experimental communication campaign, with the intention of positioning A.P.I. as an authoritative institution on the subject, creating awareness and lead generation.
New-normal è un termine abusato, ma è un dato di fatto che il mondo in cui ci troviamo a vivere oggi non è lo stesso in cui eravamo abituati a vivere fino a tre anni fa. Le imprese hanno dovuto affrontare nuove sfide, introdurre nuove tecnologie per non rimanere in disparte e avvicinarsi al pubblico. Accanto al coinvolgimento relazionale, per mostrare il loro lato più “umano”, alle imprese è richiesta una maggiore partecipazione alla vita pubblica e sociale. In questo contesto, in continua evoluzione, tutte le aziende sono chiamate a perseguire un obiettivo non solamente di profitto, ma anche sociale, etico e sostenibile. Tale necessità nasce sia da un mutamento nei fattori di scelta di fornitori e clienti, sia dall’attenzione che le tematiche sociali, ambientali e climatiche, ricoprono nell’agenda di Governi e organizzazioni. Si sente spesso parlare di Agenda 2030, di Obiettivi di Sviluppo ma, quante piccole e medie imprese sono veramente a conoscenza di questi temi? Quanti e quali imprenditori sono in grado di vedere i vantaggi pratici di una transizione necessaria e come applicarli al loro business? Per rispondere a queste e altre domande ho analizzato il tema della sostenibilità e di come impatta nelle organizzazioni; ho indagato le abitudini mediatiche degli imprenditori e mi sono avvicinata al loro mondo, analizzandone le criticità, i bisogni e inserendomi nella loro routine d’informazione. Con questa tesi si vuole proporre un modello comunicativo in grado di generare cultura aziendale e al tempo stesso svilupparsi in modo strategico per far comprendere alle PMI i vantaggi derivati dalla sostenibilità in quanto asset comunicativo. Il progetto si impegna nel processo di conoscenza per la transizione ecologica delle piccole imprese, stimolando nuove imprese competitive nell’ambito della sostenibilità. Studiato attorno ad A.P.I. - Associazione Piccole e medie Industrie -, si propone di fare cultura, promuovendo lo sviluppo di metodi imprenditoriali sostenibili, attraverso la realizzazione di una campagna di comunicazione a carattere sperimentale, con l’intento di posizionare A.P.I. come un’istituzione autorevole in materia, creando awareness e lead generation.
Comunicare la sostenibilità : una guida per aiutare le piccole e medie imprese a comprendere i vantaggi derivati dalla sostenibilità applicata come asset strategico e valoriale
Picozzi, Chiara
New-normal is an overused term, but it is a fact that the world we find ourselves living in today is not the same one we used to live in three years ago. Companies have had to face new challenges, introduce new technologies in order not to remain aloof and get closer to the public. Alongside relational involvement, to show their more "human" side, companies are required to participate more in public and social life. In this constantly evolving context, all companies are called to pursue a goal not only of profit, but also social, ethical and sustainable. This need arises both from a change in the choice factors of suppliers and customers, and from the attention that social, environmental and climate issues hold on the agenda of governments and organizations. We often hear about the 2030 Agenda and the Development Goals, but how many small and medium-sized enterprises are really aware of these issues? How many and which entrepreneurs are able to see the practical benefits of a necessary transition and how to apply them to their business? To answer these and other questions, I analyzed the issue of sustainability and how it impacts organizations; I investigated the media habits of entrepreneurs and I approached their world, analyzing their critical issues, needs and inserting myself into their information routine. With this thesis we want to propose a communication model capable of generating corporate culture and at the same time developing in a strategic way to make SMEs understand the advantages deriving from sustainability as a communication asset. The project engages in the knowledge process for the ecological transition of small businesses, stimulating new competitive businesses in the field of sustainability. Studied around A.P.I. - Small and Medium Industries Association -, aims to create culture, promoting the development of sustainable business methods, through the creation of an experimental communication campaign, with the intention of positioning A.P.I. as an authoritative institution on the subject, creating awareness and lead generation.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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