The term "generation" refers to a group of people born and lived in the same time frame. What characterizes a generation is that those who are part of it have the same location in socio-historical space and are exposed to cultural influences of the same kind. In cities where the pattern of segregation by age is increasingly prevalent, there become few opportunities for different generations to come into contact, and this can generate problems. As a relatively new approach, intergenerational practice differs from multigenerational practice in that it is not limited to planning for multiple age groups but aims to promote meaningful relationships between individuals of different generations. Stimulating dialogue between generations is a powerful antidote to isolation, exclusion and social disintegration. It can foster the development of cognitive but also social faculties such as caring, respect, altruism and solidarity. With a focus on generations of children, adolescents and the elderly, this research project aims to stimulate reciprocal interactions and relationships that urge subjects to become co-constructors of knowledge by looking at reality with different eyes. Although intergenerational approaches have been the subject of considerable formal research, on the other hand we find a lag in understanding the role of the physical environment. The purpose of this research is to transform a space in the complex urban context of San Siro into an educational laboratory with opportunities for play, learning and socialization to promote the integration of different social figures, while safeguarding their differences and specificities. A space that, in addition to a library, represents a cozy urban living room in which everything comes down to the design of tables and chairs as social objects because they circumscribe places of meeting and dialogue. Their presence encapsulates the concept of mutual listening, sharing, conviviality, proof of which is the saying "sitting around a table" that is, gathering to calmly discuss a topic by devoting time and attention to it.
Il termine “generazione” si riferisce a un gruppo di persone nate e vissute nello stesso arco di tempo. Ciò che caratterizza una generazione è che coloro che ne fanno parte hanno la stessa collocazione nello spazio storico-sociale e sono esposte a influenze culturali dello stesso tipo. In città dove il modello di segregazione per età è sempre più diffuso diventano poche le occasioni per le diverse generazioni di entrare in contatto e questo può generare effetti dannosi. Come approccio relativamente nuovo, la pratica intergenerazionale si distingue da quella multigenerazionale, perché non si limita alla progettazione per più fasce d’età ma mira alla promozione di relazioni significative tra individui di diverse generazioni. Stimolare il dialogo tra le generazioni è un potente antidoto all’isolamento, all’esclusione e alla disgregazione sociale. Può favorire lo sviluppo di facoltà cognitive ma anche sociali come l’attenzione, il rispetto, l’altruismo e la solidarietà. Con un focus sulle generazioni di bambini, adolescenti e anziani, il progetto di questa ricerca mira a stimolare interazioni e relazioni reciproche che sollecitino i soggetti a diventare co-costruttori di conoscenza guardando la realtà con occhi diversi. Sebbene gli approcci intergenerazionali siano stati oggetto di notevoli ricerche formali, dall’altra parte troviamo un ritardo nella comprensione del ruolo dell’ambiente fisico. Scopo di questa ricerca è trasformare uno spazio del complesso contesto urbano di San Siro in un laboratorio educativo con opportunità di gioco, apprendimento e socializzazione a promozione dell’integrazione delle diverse figure sociali, pur salvaguardandone differenze e specificità. Uno spazio che, oltre che una biblioteca, rappresenti un accogliente salotto urbano in cui tutto si riduce alla progettazione di tavoli e sedie come oggetti sociali perché circoscrivono luoghi di incontro e di dialogo. La loro presenza racchiude il concetto di ascolto reciproco, condivisione, convivialità, ne è una prova il modo di dire “sedersi intorno ad un tavolo” ovvero riunirsi per discutere con calma un argomento dedicandogli tempo e attenzione.
Una biblioteca sociale e intergenerazionale in via Micene a San Siro
Caronni, Federica
The term "generation" refers to a group of people born and lived in the same time frame. What characterizes a generation is that those who are part of it have the same location in socio-historical space and are exposed to cultural influences of the same kind. In cities where the pattern of segregation by age is increasingly prevalent, there become few opportunities for different generations to come into contact, and this can generate problems. As a relatively new approach, intergenerational practice differs from multigenerational practice in that it is not limited to planning for multiple age groups but aims to promote meaningful relationships between individuals of different generations. Stimulating dialogue between generations is a powerful antidote to isolation, exclusion and social disintegration. It can foster the development of cognitive but also social faculties such as caring, respect, altruism and solidarity. With a focus on generations of children, adolescents and the elderly, this research project aims to stimulate reciprocal interactions and relationships that urge subjects to become co-constructors of knowledge by looking at reality with different eyes. Although intergenerational approaches have been the subject of considerable formal research, on the other hand we find a lag in understanding the role of the physical environment. The purpose of this research is to transform a space in the complex urban context of San Siro into an educational laboratory with opportunities for play, learning and socialization to promote the integration of different social figures, while safeguarding their differences and specificities. A space that, in addition to a library, represents a cozy urban living room in which everything comes down to the design of tables and chairs as social objects because they circumscribe places of meeting and dialogue. Their presence encapsulates the concept of mutual listening, sharing, conviviality, proof of which is the saying "sitting around a table" that is, gathering to calmly discuss a topic by devoting time and attention to it.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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