Before the advent of digital technologies, multisensory perception enriched the way we interacted with objects. Nowadays, with the adoption of screen-based devices, people can access information and perform the majority of their actions through finely crafted graphical user interfaces which mainly rely on visual and auditory prompts, leaving behind precious tactile data we used to perceive in the past. As of now, just a few are the devices that integrate haptics as a primary communication channel, and the experience of using these is considered by users as different and somehow magical. If so, why then haptic applications are limited?, and given the visual and auditory overload of current interfaces, how can haptic technology be used to improve Human Computer Interaction? This thesis explores the field of haptics in his entirety in order to understand the limitations and gaps that prevent companies and designers from leveraging such communication channel in their digital products and interfaces. Starting from these insights, it develops a design solution aimed at bringing designers closer to haptics. The following study starts with a general investigation on human haptic perception from a physiological and psychological perspective. Then it traces back the history of haptic human-machine interaction, and, through a systematic literature review and an analysis of case studies, it explores the benefits of this sensory channel within HCI. The second part of the research focuses on dynamic vibrotactile interactions for sensory augmentation, by exploring vibration’s properties and the current state-of-the-art in the design discipline through desk and field research. What has been discovered throughout the research will be then exploited to create a design toolkit aimed at providing designers with the basic knowledge about haptics and supporting them during their entire design process to include haptic interactions in their products and interfaces. The effectiveness of the toolkit has then been evaluated through user testings. The knowledge produced in this work can be considered as a foundation for designers looking into designing novel and unique tactile rich interactions.
Prima dell’avvento delle tecnologie digitali, la percezione multisensoriale arricchiva il nostro modo di interagire con gli oggetti. Oggi, con l’adozione dei dispositivi basati su schermi, le persone possono accedere alle informazioni e svolgere la maggior parte delle loro azioni attraverso interfacce GUI attentamente progettate basate principalmente su segnali visivi e uditivi, lasciando indietro preziose informazioni tattili. Al momento, sono pochi i dispositivi che integrano l’aspetto tattile come canale primario di comunicazione, e l’esperienza di utilizzo di questi dispositivi è considerata dagli utenti come diversa e in qualche modo “magica”. Se è così, perché le applicazioni di dispositivi tattili sono limitate? E, dato il sovraccarico visivo e uditivo delle attuali interfacce, come possono tali tecnologie essere utilizzate per migliorare l’interazione uomo-computer? Questa tesi esplora l’intero campo della comunicazione aptica al fine di comprendere le limitazioni e le lacune che impediscono alle aziende e ai designer di sfruttare tale canale di comunicazione nei loro prodotti digitali e nelle interfacce. Partendo da queste considerazioni, si sviluppa una soluzione di progettazione mirata a avvicinare i progettisti alle tecnologie aptiche. Lo studio inizia con un’indagine generale sulla percezione tattile umana da una prospettiva fisiologica e psicologica. Successivamente, ripercorre la storia dell’interazione tattile uomo-macchina e, attraverso una revisione sistematica della letteratura e un’analisi di casi studio, esplora i vantaggi di questo senso nell e interazioni uomo- computer. La seconda parte della ricerca si concentra sulle interazioni vibrotattili dinamiche per un arricchimento sensoriale, esplorando le proprietà delle vibrazioni e lo stato dell’arte attuale nella disciplina del design attraverso una ricerca teorica e sul campo. Ciò che è emerso dalla ricerca sarà poi sfruttato per creare un toolkit volto a fornire ai progettisti le conoscenze di base sull’haptic design e a sostenerli durante l’intero processo di progettazione al fine di includere interazioni aptiche nei loro prodotti e interfacce. L’efficacia del toolkit è stata quindi valutata attraverso test condotti sugli utenti. Le conoscenze prodotte in questo lavoro possono essere considerate come una base per i designer coinvolti nella creazione di nuovi tipi di interazioni tattili.
Haptikós : a design toolkit for dynamic vibrotactile interfaces
Raineri, Elio
Before the advent of digital technologies, multisensory perception enriched the way we interacted with objects. Nowadays, with the adoption of screen-based devices, people can access information and perform the majority of their actions through finely crafted graphical user interfaces which mainly rely on visual and auditory prompts, leaving behind precious tactile data we used to perceive in the past. As of now, just a few are the devices that integrate haptics as a primary communication channel, and the experience of using these is considered by users as different and somehow magical. If so, why then haptic applications are limited?, and given the visual and auditory overload of current interfaces, how can haptic technology be used to improve Human Computer Interaction? This thesis explores the field of haptics in his entirety in order to understand the limitations and gaps that prevent companies and designers from leveraging such communication channel in their digital products and interfaces. Starting from these insights, it develops a design solution aimed at bringing designers closer to haptics. The following study starts with a general investigation on human haptic perception from a physiological and psychological perspective. Then it traces back the history of haptic human-machine interaction, and, through a systematic literature review and an analysis of case studies, it explores the benefits of this sensory channel within HCI. The second part of the research focuses on dynamic vibrotactile interactions for sensory augmentation, by exploring vibration’s properties and the current state-of-the-art in the design discipline through desk and field research. What has been discovered throughout the research will be then exploited to create a design toolkit aimed at providing designers with the basic knowledge about haptics and supporting them during their entire design process to include haptic interactions in their products and interfaces. The effectiveness of the toolkit has then been evaluated through user testings. The knowledge produced in this work can be considered as a foundation for designers looking into designing novel and unique tactile rich interactions.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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