The theme of ubiquitous technologies and their connection with humans and environments has been a subject of research since the introduction of mobile phones and the Internet. Devices and portable technologies enabling information processing anywhere and anytime began permeating households, city streets, and pockets. This proliferation sparked inquiry among human-computer interaction theorists and forward-thinking researchers, prompting them to contemplate the future of human engagement with the world. With technology's rapid advancement, we find ourselves currently immersed in smart technology, which has become an integral part of our everyday lives, even extending to being worn on our bodies. This trend marks a transition from an Internet of Things to an Internet of Bodies era, blurring the distinction between physical and digital realms, allowing individuals to seamlessly disconnect from their physical surroundings and immerse themselves in digital worlds, effortlessly returning to reality with just a tap. This phenomenon enables us to be present anywhere and anytime, challenging traditional concepts of place and time, therefore becoming Ubiquitous Humans. How can we discover beauty in this hyperconnected world? How do we create an awareness on the feeling of interconnection? How can we foster this new sensation using emerging technologies like Augmented Reality, while preserving the values and identities of humans and places? This thesis adopts a Research through Design (RtD) approach. The framework employed for this RtD consists of two main phases: a data collection phase and a conceptual design phase. Focusing on the Arco della Pace in Milan, this thesis investigates the potential of AR Visual Positioning System (VPS), an emerging ubiquitous technology capable of re-enchanting a city environment. By Researching through Design, I aim to generate new knowledge on how VPS and mobile augmented reality could effectively reimagine interactions and community life within Arco della Pace square, fostering feelings of interconnectedness between humans and places. This involves the development of an exploratory AR prototype structured across three experiential stages. The document starts with an extensive exploration of the relationship between humans and places, drawing from humanistic geography and proxemics. It then delves into studying the relations between humans and ubiquitous technology and its implications for modern cities and societies. The history of augmented reality is further examined, accompanied by relevant case studies. The document progresses by detailing the applied research methodology, incorporating Ciolfi's place-centric design framework and a personal research lens focused on an Interaction-Interconnection axis. The final chapters cover data collection and place analysis of the Arco della Pace urban area, as well as the concept design and testing of the exploratory prototype, ending with conclusions drawn from the new insights generated.
Il tema delle ubiquitous technologies e del loro legame con gli esseri umani e l'ambiente è stato oggetto di ricerca fin dall'introduzione dei telefoni cellulari e di Internet. Dispositivi e tecnologie portatili che consentono l'elaborazione delle informazioni ovunque e in qualsiasi momento hanno iniziato a diffondersi nelle case, tra le strade cittadine e nelle nostre tasche. Questa proliferazione ha suscitato interrogativi tra teorici dell'interazione uomo-computer e ricercatori visionari, spingendoli a contemplare il futuro dell’esperienza umana del mondo. Con il rapido avanzamento della tecnologia, ci troviamo attualmente immersi nelle smart technologies, diventate parte integrante della nostra vita quotidiana, arrivando persino a essere indossate sul nostro corpo, portando ad una transizione da un'era dell'Internet of Things a un'era dell'Internet of Bodies, sfumando la distinzione tra mondi fisici e digitali, permettendo alle persone di staccarsi senza sforzo dal loro ambiente fisico e immergersi in mondi digitali, ritornando alla realtà con un semplice tocco. Queste abilità ci consentono di essere presenti ovunque e in qualsiasi momento, sfidando i concetti tradizionali di luogo e tempo, diventando quindi Esseri Umani Onnipresenti. Come possiamo trovare la bellezza in questo mondo iper-connesso? Come creare consapevolezza intorno al senso di interconnessione? Come possiamo stimolare questa nuova sensazione utilizzando tecnologie emergenti come la Realtà Aumentata, preservando nel contempo i valori e le identità degli esseri umani e dei luoghi? Questa tesi adotta un approccio di Research through Design (RtD). Il framework utilizzato per questa RtD consiste in due fasi principali: una fase di raccolta dati e una fase di progettazione concettuale. Concentrandosi sull'Arco della Pace a Milano, questa tesi indaga il potenziale del Visual Positioning System (VPS) in Realtà Aumentata, una tecnologia in grado di re-incantare l'ambiente di una città. Attraverso il Research through Design, ho come obiettivo quello di generare nuove conoscenze e spunti su come il VPS e la realtà aumentata mobile potrebbero reinterpretare efficacemente le interazioni e la vita cittadina nella piazza dell’Arco della Pace, alimentando sensazioni di interconnesione tra umani e luoghi. Ciò comporta lo sviluppo di un prototipo esplorativo di AR strutturato in tre fasi esperienziali. Il documento inizia con un'ampia esplorazione della relazione tra esseri umani e luoghi, attingendo dalla geografia umanistica e dalla prossemica. Si approfondisce poi lo studio dei rapporti tra esseri umani e le ubiquitous technologies e le loro implicazioni per le città e le società moderne. Viene inoltre esaminata la storia della realtà aumentata, insieme a casi studio rilevanti per la ricerca. Il documento continua affrontando la metodologia di ricerca applicata, incorporando il framework luogo-centrico di Ciolfi e una lente di ricerca personale incentrata su un asse di Interazione-Interconnessione. Gli ultimi capitoli coprono la raccolta dati e l'analisi del luogo dell'area urbana dell'Arco della Pace, nonché la progettazione e il testing del prototipo esplorativo, arrivando alle conclusioni tratte dai nuovi insights generati.
Ubiquitous Humans: A Three-Step Journey to Foster Humans-Place Interconnection in Augmented Urban Environments
Simeone, Andrea
The theme of ubiquitous technologies and their connection with humans and environments has been a subject of research since the introduction of mobile phones and the Internet. Devices and portable technologies enabling information processing anywhere and anytime began permeating households, city streets, and pockets. This proliferation sparked inquiry among human-computer interaction theorists and forward-thinking researchers, prompting them to contemplate the future of human engagement with the world. With technology's rapid advancement, we find ourselves currently immersed in smart technology, which has become an integral part of our everyday lives, even extending to being worn on our bodies. This trend marks a transition from an Internet of Things to an Internet of Bodies era, blurring the distinction between physical and digital realms, allowing individuals to seamlessly disconnect from their physical surroundings and immerse themselves in digital worlds, effortlessly returning to reality with just a tap. This phenomenon enables us to be present anywhere and anytime, challenging traditional concepts of place and time, therefore becoming Ubiquitous Humans. How can we discover beauty in this hyperconnected world? How do we create an awareness on the feeling of interconnection? How can we foster this new sensation using emerging technologies like Augmented Reality, while preserving the values and identities of humans and places? This thesis adopts a Research through Design (RtD) approach. The framework employed for this RtD consists of two main phases: a data collection phase and a conceptual design phase. Focusing on the Arco della Pace in Milan, this thesis investigates the potential of AR Visual Positioning System (VPS), an emerging ubiquitous technology capable of re-enchanting a city environment. By Researching through Design, I aim to generate new knowledge on how VPS and mobile augmented reality could effectively reimagine interactions and community life within Arco della Pace square, fostering feelings of interconnectedness between humans and places. This involves the development of an exploratory AR prototype structured across three experiential stages. The document starts with an extensive exploration of the relationship between humans and places, drawing from humanistic geography and proxemics. It then delves into studying the relations between humans and ubiquitous technology and its implications for modern cities and societies. The history of augmented reality is further examined, accompanied by relevant case studies. The document progresses by detailing the applied research methodology, incorporating Ciolfi's place-centric design framework and a personal research lens focused on an Interaction-Interconnection axis. The final chapters cover data collection and place analysis of the Arco della Pace urban area, as well as the concept design and testing of the exploratory prototype, ending with conclusions drawn from the new insights generated.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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