The radical transition from “fun ships” to “smart ships” is a recent phenomenon, involving technological, commercial, social, and design aspects that require complex and systemic thinking. In fact, the cruise industry is going through three major changes: the introduction of smart technologies, changing target audiences, and growing awareness of environmental issues. These three major changes are greeted with great enthusiasm and optimism by cruise lines, but they still lack critical and in-depth analysis. In this context, this work investigates the smart phenomenon through a partly theoretical and partly empirical research process, supported by field tools and participatory forms of user involvement. The dissertation thus aims to give due prominence to design research in the field, especially considering this phenomenon that simultaneously affects technologies, environments, and users. Though the market also has a strong influence on design choices, especially on interior design, these seem to be marginal in the design process, thus not reflecting the real condition in the sector. The main reason for this neglect can be attributed to a lack of awareness of its economic value and to design’s concern with the qualitative aspects of innovation, which are more difficult to measure than traditional quantitative indicators. Design today has evolved from a single-craft oriented discipline to a multidisciplinary one, related to social environments, products, services, systems and brands, and has shown that it can play a significant role in business and social innovation, producing positive results in a tangible way. The PhD thesis is placed between the two categories of ‘research for design’ and ‘research through design’. The research methodology is qualitative and based on a design-driven approach, thorough the use of the four stages of the Research Unit innovation process. The setting of this methodological frame is due to the intention of the dissertation research to offer a developmental alternative in the cruise industry to the current technology-driven and a market-pull approaches. The several stages included various forms of collaboration and feedbacks with different actors, who play a specific function, from orientation to co-creation. An innovation process based on design research should be achieved from a clear definition and analysis of the context surrounding the product and then into strategic knowledge that enables product innovation. Despite the extraordinary expansion of the cruise sector, the cruise-related academic literature is relatively recent, fragmented, descriptive and with business and social sciences or engineering inheritance. In the absence of a clear understanding of Cruise Interior Design knowledge as it relates to design research, a systematic literature review has helped research reduce the likelihood of bias and ensure a comprehensive body of knowledge on the chosen topic. The systematic review of the literature was conducted through the grounded theory approach, operating an inductive approach to analysis and allowing theory to emerge from the data. The resulting concepts from theoretical backgrounds, methods, results, and future research revealed five main lines of research: industry, spaces and services, users, technology, and sustainability. Although the number of studies related to Smart Ships in various fields, literature review revealed no relevant contributions about the smart phenomenon in cruise sector, thus leading the research to systematize the concepts into a multidisciplinary investigation, involving other fields in the tourism context. A conceptual review of the literature was conducted through the grounded theory approach, using an inductive approach to analysis and allowing theory to emerge from the data. The resulting concepts from the employed categories of analysis, namely industry, technology, sustainability, spaces and services, and customers, revealed four main trends of development of cruise ships: dynamism, engagement, integration and systemicity. These different trends hold specific approaches based on their orientation to business/social sciences, design or technology. Following the former theoretical phase, this stage sought to further analyse the development of smart ships through a human-centred, collaborative, and field-driven design process. The taxonomy of spaces and services on smart cruise ships was based on the combined use of the following three tools: case studies, interviews to experts and ethnography. Based on categories emerged by the conceptual literature review, these tools aim at offer a qualitative scale of parameters presenting different levels of development. In particular, case studies are an empirical investigation that explores a contemporary phenomenon within its real-world context; expert interviews are suitable for research demanding understanding of deeply rooted phenomena; ethnography is a field study method that allows for personal and physical experience of the context of use of research. In this dissertation, the scenario tool was understood as a real-world narrative based on today’s context, with the aim of exploring potential future developments of spaces and services from a design-oriented perspective. Design-oriented scenarios can be defined as a set of motivated and articulated visions that support the generation of a shared vision among a coherent group of actors, so their production is an extraordinarily effective tool for innovation and promotes participatory forms of design. As in the conceptual review of the literature, other tourism areas may offer interesting solutions for the further development of the cruise industry, rooted in the present time and thus easily applied by cruise lines. All results were sorted in a chain of evidence, from the initial research questions to the discussion of data analysis procedures and the final conclusions. Specifically, the first research question led to a systematic investigation of cruise ship interior design, the second to a multidisciplinary investigation of smart ships, the third to an analysis of the potential and limitations of space and service development on smart ships, and the fourth to a design-oriented scenario of space and service development in the smart ship ecosystem. The last part of this chapter was devoted to the reliability and validation of the research. The evolution of technologies brings opportunities and, at the same time, the emergence of critical factors, such as personal data management. These disruptive market conditions require a new direction for cruise ship development, and design has shown that it can play a significant role in innovation, producing positive results in tangible ways, creating valuable networks between products, services, people and organizations. The main obstacle of cruise industry research was applying public involvement to the research project, due to the private nature and lack of transparency of cruise lines. Finally, the enhancement of the link between ships and territory that emerges from the design-orienting scenario points to possible directions for future research exploitation in the international, European and departmental spheres.
La transizione radicale dalle "navi da divertimento" alle "navi intelligenti" è un fenomeno recente, che coinvolge aspetti tecnologici, commerciali, sociali e progettuali che richiedono un pensiero complesso e sistemico. L'industria crocieristica sta infatti attraversando tre grandi cambiamenti: l'introduzione di tecnologie intelligenti, il cambiamento del pubblico di riferimento e la crescente consapevolezza delle problematiche ambientali. Questi tre grandi cambiamenti sono accolti con grande entusiasmo e ottimismo dalle compagnie di crociera, ma mancano ancora di un'analisi critica e approfondita. In questo contesto, il presente lavoro indaga il fenomeno smart attraverso un processo di ricerca in parte teorico e in parte empirico, supportato da strumenti di campo e forme partecipative di coinvolgimento degli utenti. La tesi si propone quindi di dare il giusto rilievo alla ricerca progettuale nel settore, soprattutto considerando questo fenomeno che interessa contemporaneamente tecnologie, ambienti e utenti. Sebbene il mercato abbia una forte influenza anche sulle scelte progettuali, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'interior design, queste sembrano essere marginali nel processo di progettazione, non riflettendo così la reale condizione del settore. La ragione principale di questa trascuratezza può essere attribuita alla mancanza di consapevolezza del suo valore economico e alla preoccupazione del design per gli aspetti qualitativi dell'innovazione, più difficili da misurare rispetto ai tradizionali indicatori quantitativi. Oggi il design si è evoluto da disciplina mono-artigianale a disciplina multidisciplinare, legata ad ambienti sociali, prodotti, servizi, sistemi e marchi, e ha dimostrato di poter svolgere un ruolo significativo nell'innovazione aziendale e sociale, producendo risultati positivi in modo tangibile. La tesi di dottorato si colloca tra le due categorie di "ricerca per il design" e "ricerca attraverso il design". La metodologia di ricerca è qualitativa e si basa su un approccio design-driven, attraverso l'uso delle quattro fasi del processo di innovazione dell'Unità di Ricerca. L'impostazione di questa cornice metodologica è dovuta all'intenzione della ricerca di tesi di offrire un'alternativa di sviluppo nell'industria crocieristica agli attuali approcci guidati dalla tecnologia e trainati dal mercato. Le varie fasi comprendono varie forme di collaborazione e feedback con diversi attori, che svolgono una funzione specifica, dall'orientamento alla co-creazione. Un processo di innovazione basato sulla ricerca sul design dovrebbe partire da una chiara definizione e analisi del contesto che circonda il prodotto, per poi trasformarsi in una conoscenza strategica che consenta l'innovazione del prodotto. Nonostante la straordinaria espansione del settore crocieristico, la letteratura accademica relativa alle crociere è relativamente recente, frammentata, descrittiva e con un'eredità di scienze economiche e sociali o di ingegneria. In assenza di una chiara comprensione della conoscenza del Cruise Interior Design in relazione alla ricerca sul design, una revisione sistematica della letteratura ha aiutato la ricerca a ridurre la probabilità di pregiudizi e a garantire un corpo completo di conoscenze sull'argomento scelto. La revisione sistematica della letteratura è stata condotta attraverso l'approccio della teoria fondata, utilizzando un approccio induttivo all'analisi e permettendo alla teoria di emergere dai dati. I concetti risultanti da background teorico, metodi, risultati e ricerche future hanno rivelato cinque linee di ricerca principali: industria, spazi e servizi, utenti, tecnologia e sostenibilità. Benché ci sia un numero elevato di studi relativi alle Smart Ships in vari settori, la revisione della letteratura non ha rivelato alcun contributo rilevante sul fenomeno smart nel settore delle crociere, inducendo così la ricerca a sistematizzare i concetti in un'indagine multidisciplinare, coinvolgendo altri campi nel contesto turistico. La revisione concettuale della letteratura è stata condotta attraverso l'approccio della grounded theory, utilizzando un approccio induttivo all'analisi e permettendo alla teoria di emergere dai dati. I concetti risultanti dalle categorie di analisi impiegate, ovvero industria, tecnologia, sostenibilità, spazi e servizi e clienti, hanno rivelato quattro principali tendenze di sviluppo delle navi da crociera: dinamismo, impegno, integrazione e sistematicità. Queste diverse tendenze sono caratterizzate da approcci specifici basati sull'orientamento alle scienze economiche/sociali, al design o alla tecnologia. Dopo la fase teorica precedente, questa fase ha cercato di analizzare ulteriormente lo sviluppo delle navi intelligenti attraverso un processo di progettazione incentrato sull'uomo, collaborativo e guidato dal campo. La tassonomia degli spazi e dei servizi delle navi da crociera intelligenti si è basata sull'uso combinato dei seguenti tre strumenti: studi di caso, interviste a esperti ed etnografia. Basati sulle categorie emerse dalla revisione concettuale della letteratura, questi strumenti mirano a offrire una scala qualitativa di parametri che presentano diversi livelli di sviluppo. In particolare, gli studi di caso sono un'indagine empirica che esplora un fenomeno contemporaneo all'interno del suo contesto reale; le interviste ad esperti sono adatte a ricerche che richiedono la comprensione di fenomeni profondamente radicati; l'etnografia è un metodo di studio sul campo che consente di fare esperienza personale e fisica del contesto di utilizzo della ricerca. In questa tesi, lo strumento dello scenario è stato inteso come una narrazione del mondo reale basata sul contesto odierno, con l'obiettivo di esplorare i potenziali sviluppi futuri di spazi e servizi da una prospettiva orientata al design. Gli scenari orientati al design possono essere definiti come un insieme di visioni motivate e articolate che supportano la generazione di una visione condivisa tra un gruppo coerente di attori, per cui la loro produzione è uno strumento straordinariamente efficace per l'innovazione e promuove forme partecipative di design. Come nella revisione concettuale della letteratura, altre aree turistiche possono offrire soluzioni interessanti per l'ulteriore sviluppo dell'industria crocieristica, radicate nel tempo presente e quindi facilmente applicabili dalle compagnie di crociera. Tutti i risultati sono stati ordinati in una concatenazione di evidenze, dalle domande di ricerca iniziali alla discussione delle procedure di analisi dei dati e alle conclusioni finali. In particolare, la prima domanda di ricerca ha portato a un'indagine sistematica sul design degli interni delle navi da crociera, la seconda a un'indagine multidisciplinare sulle navi intelligenti, la terza a un'analisi delle potenzialità e dei limiti dello sviluppo di spazi e servizi sulle navi intelligenti e la quarta a uno scenario orientato al design dello sviluppo di spazi e servizi nell'ecosistema delle navi intelligenti. L'ultima parte di questo capitolo è stata dedicata all'affidabilità e alla validazione della ricerca. L'evoluzione delle tecnologie porta con sé opportunità e, allo stesso tempo, l'emergere di fattori critici, come la gestione dei dati personali. Queste condizioni di mercato dirompenti richiedono una nuova direzione per lo sviluppo delle navi da crociera e il design ha dimostrato di poter svolgere un ruolo significativo nell'innovazione, producendo risultati positivi in modo tangibile, creando reti di valore tra prodotti, servizi, persone e organizzazioni. L'ostacolo principale della ricerca sull'industria crocieristica è stato il coinvolgimento del pubblico nel progetto di ricerca, a causa della natura privata e della mancanza di trasparenza delle compagnie di crociera. Infine, il rafforzamento del legame tra navi e territorio che emerge dallo scenario orientato alla progettazione indica possibili direzioni per il futuro sfruttamento della ricerca in ambito internazionale, europeo e dipartimentale.
New paradigms of travelling on smart ships : toward a design framework for the development of spaces and services on cruise ships
Carmosino, Giuseppe
The radical transition from “fun ships” to “smart ships” is a recent phenomenon, involving technological, commercial, social, and design aspects that require complex and systemic thinking. In fact, the cruise industry is going through three major changes: the introduction of smart technologies, changing target audiences, and growing awareness of environmental issues. These three major changes are greeted with great enthusiasm and optimism by cruise lines, but they still lack critical and in-depth analysis. In this context, this work investigates the smart phenomenon through a partly theoretical and partly empirical research process, supported by field tools and participatory forms of user involvement. The dissertation thus aims to give due prominence to design research in the field, especially considering this phenomenon that simultaneously affects technologies, environments, and users. Though the market also has a strong influence on design choices, especially on interior design, these seem to be marginal in the design process, thus not reflecting the real condition in the sector. The main reason for this neglect can be attributed to a lack of awareness of its economic value and to design’s concern with the qualitative aspects of innovation, which are more difficult to measure than traditional quantitative indicators. Design today has evolved from a single-craft oriented discipline to a multidisciplinary one, related to social environments, products, services, systems and brands, and has shown that it can play a significant role in business and social innovation, producing positive results in a tangible way. The PhD thesis is placed between the two categories of ‘research for design’ and ‘research through design’. The research methodology is qualitative and based on a design-driven approach, thorough the use of the four stages of the Research Unit innovation process. The setting of this methodological frame is due to the intention of the dissertation research to offer a developmental alternative in the cruise industry to the current technology-driven and a market-pull approaches. The several stages included various forms of collaboration and feedbacks with different actors, who play a specific function, from orientation to co-creation. An innovation process based on design research should be achieved from a clear definition and analysis of the context surrounding the product and then into strategic knowledge that enables product innovation. Despite the extraordinary expansion of the cruise sector, the cruise-related academic literature is relatively recent, fragmented, descriptive and with business and social sciences or engineering inheritance. In the absence of a clear understanding of Cruise Interior Design knowledge as it relates to design research, a systematic literature review has helped research reduce the likelihood of bias and ensure a comprehensive body of knowledge on the chosen topic. The systematic review of the literature was conducted through the grounded theory approach, operating an inductive approach to analysis and allowing theory to emerge from the data. The resulting concepts from theoretical backgrounds, methods, results, and future research revealed five main lines of research: industry, spaces and services, users, technology, and sustainability. Although the number of studies related to Smart Ships in various fields, literature review revealed no relevant contributions about the smart phenomenon in cruise sector, thus leading the research to systematize the concepts into a multidisciplinary investigation, involving other fields in the tourism context. A conceptual review of the literature was conducted through the grounded theory approach, using an inductive approach to analysis and allowing theory to emerge from the data. The resulting concepts from the employed categories of analysis, namely industry, technology, sustainability, spaces and services, and customers, revealed four main trends of development of cruise ships: dynamism, engagement, integration and systemicity. These different trends hold specific approaches based on their orientation to business/social sciences, design or technology. Following the former theoretical phase, this stage sought to further analyse the development of smart ships through a human-centred, collaborative, and field-driven design process. The taxonomy of spaces and services on smart cruise ships was based on the combined use of the following three tools: case studies, interviews to experts and ethnography. Based on categories emerged by the conceptual literature review, these tools aim at offer a qualitative scale of parameters presenting different levels of development. In particular, case studies are an empirical investigation that explores a contemporary phenomenon within its real-world context; expert interviews are suitable for research demanding understanding of deeply rooted phenomena; ethnography is a field study method that allows for personal and physical experience of the context of use of research. In this dissertation, the scenario tool was understood as a real-world narrative based on today’s context, with the aim of exploring potential future developments of spaces and services from a design-oriented perspective. Design-oriented scenarios can be defined as a set of motivated and articulated visions that support the generation of a shared vision among a coherent group of actors, so their production is an extraordinarily effective tool for innovation and promotes participatory forms of design. As in the conceptual review of the literature, other tourism areas may offer interesting solutions for the further development of the cruise industry, rooted in the present time and thus easily applied by cruise lines. All results were sorted in a chain of evidence, from the initial research questions to the discussion of data analysis procedures and the final conclusions. Specifically, the first research question led to a systematic investigation of cruise ship interior design, the second to a multidisciplinary investigation of smart ships, the third to an analysis of the potential and limitations of space and service development on smart ships, and the fourth to a design-oriented scenario of space and service development in the smart ship ecosystem. The last part of this chapter was devoted to the reliability and validation of the research. The evolution of technologies brings opportunities and, at the same time, the emergence of critical factors, such as personal data management. These disruptive market conditions require a new direction for cruise ship development, and design has shown that it can play a significant role in innovation, producing positive results in tangible ways, creating valuable networks between products, services, people and organizations. The main obstacle of cruise industry research was applying public involvement to the research project, due to the private nature and lack of transparency of cruise lines. Finally, the enhancement of the link between ships and territory that emerges from the design-orienting scenario points to possible directions for future research exploitation in the international, European and departmental spheres.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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