Happ-y Dolls is a therapeutic set designed for proprioceptive sensory rehabilitation and dedicated to people with Multiple Sclerosis. One of the most frequent symptoms caused by neurodegenerative diseases, such as MS, is the loss or alteration of tactile sensitivity. For people with these disorders, it becomes very difficult to recognise very small objects by touch, to understand how much pressure they are applying to them and which fingers are involved in the grip. Most trained physiotherapists perform sensory rehabilitation sessions, but it is a practice that is often put on the back seat after physical rehabilitation. Today, professionals do not have a specially designed tool for practising sensory proprioceptive rehabilitation and use diy built objects. Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis are not curable, so rehabilitation is necessary to teach the patient new behavioural rules to adopt during a relapse in order to better cope with the perceived disturbances. The aim of the project is to provide a tool for the patient to practise sensory rehabilitation in complete autonomy in the first place on comfort and to raise awareness of the importance of rehabilitation. Happ-y Dolls Set consisting of four sensory dolls, each one capable of evoking a different stimulus. Through the technologies adopted, Happ-y Dolls proposes exercises in proprioception, thermoception, texture recognition training and finger pressure. The product is designed to be displayed in the home as a decorative object and, at the same time, to be used daily by the patient, in a moment dedicated to personal wellbeing and relaxation throughout the day. The service, composed of an app dedicated to the patient and a corresponding version for the physiotherapist, aims to provide the former with a support to learn how to use the device and keep track of his or her progress; while the second aims to be able to monitor the patient and at the same time create a database useful for scientific research.
Happ-y Dolls è un set terapeutico progettato per svolgere riabilitazione propriocettivo sensoriale e dedicato a persone affette da Sclerosi Multipla. Uno dei sintomi più frequenti causati dalle malattie neurodegenerative, come può essere la SM, è la perdita o l’alterazione della sensibilità tattile. Per le persone con questi disturbi diventa molto faticoso riconoscere al tatto oggetti di dimensioni molto piccole, capire quanta pressione stanno applicando su di essi e quali dita sono coinvolte nella presa. I fisioterapisti più preparati eseguono sedute di riabilitazione propriocettivo sensoriale ma è una pratica che spesso viene messa in secondo piano dopo la riabilitazione motoria. Ad oggi i professionisti non hanno uno strumento progettato ad hoc per praticare riabilitazione sensoriale e si servono di oggetti costruiti con metodo diy. Malattie come la Sclerosi Multipla non sono curabili, perciò la riabilitazione serve per insegnare al paziente nuove regole comportamentali da adottare durante una recidiva, al fine di affrontare nel modo migliore i disturbi percepiti. L’obiettivo del progetto è quello di fornire al paziente uno strumento per praticare in completa autonomia riabilitazione sensoriale nel primo luogo di confort e, al contempo, sensibilizzare l’utente sull’importanza della riabilitazione. Il set Happ-y Dolls è composto da quattro bambole sensoriali in grado di evocare, ognuna, uno stimolo diverso. Attraverso le tecnologie adottate, Happ-y Dolls propone esercizi di propriocezione, termocezione, allenameneto al riconoscimento di una texture e della pressione esercitata dalle dita. Il prodotto è pensato per essere esposto in casa come oggetto d’arredo e, simultaneamente, per essere usato quotidianamente dal paziente in un momento dedicato al benessere personale e al rilassamento durante la sua giornata. Il servizio, composto da un’app dedicata al paziente e da una corrispondente versione per il fisioterapista, vuole al primo fornirgli un supporto per imparare ad usare lo strumento e tenere traccia dei suoi progressi; mentre al secondo poter mantenere un monitoraggio sul paziente e creare contemporaneamente una banca dati utile per la ricerca scientifica.
Happ-y dolls : make every day a lovely day : set terapeutico per la riabilitazione propriocettivo sensoriale, dedicato a persone affette da sclerosi multipla
Calomeni, Beatrice
Happ-y Dolls is a therapeutic set designed for proprioceptive sensory rehabilitation and dedicated to people with Multiple Sclerosis. One of the most frequent symptoms caused by neurodegenerative diseases, such as MS, is the loss or alteration of tactile sensitivity. For people with these disorders, it becomes very difficult to recognise very small objects by touch, to understand how much pressure they are applying to them and which fingers are involved in the grip. Most trained physiotherapists perform sensory rehabilitation sessions, but it is a practice that is often put on the back seat after physical rehabilitation. Today, professionals do not have a specially designed tool for practising sensory proprioceptive rehabilitation and use diy built objects. Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis are not curable, so rehabilitation is necessary to teach the patient new behavioural rules to adopt during a relapse in order to better cope with the perceived disturbances. The aim of the project is to provide a tool for the patient to practise sensory rehabilitation in complete autonomy in the first place on comfort and to raise awareness of the importance of rehabilitation. Happ-y Dolls Set consisting of four sensory dolls, each one capable of evoking a different stimulus. Through the technologies adopted, Happ-y Dolls proposes exercises in proprioception, thermoception, texture recognition training and finger pressure. The product is designed to be displayed in the home as a decorative object and, at the same time, to be used daily by the patient, in a moment dedicated to personal wellbeing and relaxation throughout the day. The service, composed of an app dedicated to the patient and a corresponding version for the physiotherapist, aims to provide the former with a support to learn how to use the device and keep track of his or her progress; while the second aims to be able to monitor the patient and at the same time create a database useful for scientific research.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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