In the context of a globalised and increasingly interconnected society, the coexistence of different cultures often gives rise to tensions and challenges that, in many cases, manifest themselves in attitudes of discrimination and homologation. This thesis therefore aims to answer the question: ‘how can design and play be used to facilitate intercultural exchange?’. One of the central concepts explored is that of ‘cultural resources’ as defined by the philosopher François Jullien: resources that represent the specificities of each culture, whose value lies in their ability to be shared, exchanged and ‘lent’ to other cultures, enabling their enrichment and evolution. The research is developed in two main directions: a theoretical one, in which the phenomena linked to cultural diversity and the importance of language as a cultural resource that influences cognition are analysed, and a design one, focusing on the potential of design and play as tools to promote comparison and exchange between different cultures. Particular emphasis is placed on the Game Jam methodology, collaborative co-design and co-creation events in which the game becomes a fertile ground for intercultural dialogue and for exploring socio-cultural dynamics. Finally, starting from the analysis of case studies of co-design and applied Game Jam, a Game Jam was organised involving participants from different cultural backgrounds and led to the creation of the board game ‘Proverba’, whose objective is to encourage players to explore and use idioms belonging to different cultures, emphasising the concept of exchange and the idea of ‘borrowing’ different cultural resources.
Nel contesto di una società globalizzata e sempre più interconnessa, la convivenza tra culture diverse spesso dà luogo a tensioni e sfide che, in molti casi, si manifestano in atteggiamenti di discriminazione e omologazione. Questa tesi si propone quindi di rispondere alla domanda: “come usare il design e il gioco per facilitare lo scambio interculturale?”. Uno dei concetti centrali esplorati è quello delle "risorse culturali" definite dal filosofo François Jullien, ossia risorse che rappresentano le specificità proprie di ciascuna cultura, il cui valore risiede nella loro capacità di essere condivise, scambiate e "prestate" ad altre culture, permettendone l’arricchimento e l’evoluzione. La ricerca si sviluppa in due direzioni principali: una teorica, in cui vengono analizzati i fenomeni legati alla diversità culturale e l’importanza della lingua in quanto risorsa culturale che influenza la cognizione, e una progettuale, incentrata sul potenziale del design e del gioco come strumenti per promuovere il confronto e lo scambio tra culture differenti. Particolare enfasi viene posta sulla metodologia delle Game Jam, eventi collaborativi di co-progettazione e co-creazione in cui il gioco diventa un terreno fertile per il dialogo interculturale e per esplorare dinamiche socio-culturali. Infine, a partire dall’analisi di casi studio di co-design e Game Jam applicati, è stata organizzata di una Game Jam che ha coinvolto partecipanti di diverse origini culturali e ha portato alla creazione del gioco da tavolo “Proverba”, il cui obiettivo è spingere i giocatori a esplorare e utilizzare modi di dire appartenenti a culture differenti, sottolineando il concetto di scambio e l’idea di "prendere in prestito" risorse culturali diverse.
Game Jam: bridging cultures : come facilitare il dialogo interculturale tramite il gioco e il design
Wu, Zeya
In the context of a globalised and increasingly interconnected society, the coexistence of different cultures often gives rise to tensions and challenges that, in many cases, manifest themselves in attitudes of discrimination and homologation. This thesis therefore aims to answer the question: ‘how can design and play be used to facilitate intercultural exchange?’. One of the central concepts explored is that of ‘cultural resources’ as defined by the philosopher François Jullien: resources that represent the specificities of each culture, whose value lies in their ability to be shared, exchanged and ‘lent’ to other cultures, enabling their enrichment and evolution. The research is developed in two main directions: a theoretical one, in which the phenomena linked to cultural diversity and the importance of language as a cultural resource that influences cognition are analysed, and a design one, focusing on the potential of design and play as tools to promote comparison and exchange between different cultures. Particular emphasis is placed on the Game Jam methodology, collaborative co-design and co-creation events in which the game becomes a fertile ground for intercultural dialogue and for exploring socio-cultural dynamics. Finally, starting from the analysis of case studies of co-design and applied Game Jam, a Game Jam was organised involving participants from different cultural backgrounds and led to the creation of the board game ‘Proverba’, whose objective is to encourage players to explore and use idioms belonging to different cultures, emphasising the concept of exchange and the idea of ‘borrowing’ different cultural resources.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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