The object of study of this thesis is the design of the neighbourhood facilities for the New Town of Bazzano, a residential estate built in L'Aquila as part of the C.A.S.E. Project which followed the devastating earthquake on April 6, 2009. Our will to consider this case study was originated by a substantial need. The evacuated citizens of L'Aquila that live in these new anti-seismic, energy efficient housing live a new discomfort. The neighbourhood does not offer those facilities and meeting places that would make it liveable outside domestic walls. For this reason the project starts considering the sociological and urban dimension, to situate the problem and define a possible solution by following an analytical process. This study has lead to the decision of providing the neighbourhood with two urban poles, one civic and religious, the other commercial, collecting numerous services, including a small library. On the latter pole, the thesis has gone into deeper architectural, technological and structural detail. We named the project concerning this vital nucleus F.O.R.O., referring to the well known Roman square which served as a market and meeting place. The acronym stands for “Focus On Reviving Order”, which was the leitmotiv of the project in focusing on the regeneration and revival of the neighbourhood. We subsequently went in deep with the study of the innovative technological solutions. Starting from the analysis of local climate data, the building energy balance has been calculated to design a highly efficient building envelope to limit energy consumption. The envelope was designed with ecological and environmentally compatible materials, taking into account the embodied energy and the life cycle of the materials used. Particular attention has been paid to the design of a transparent ETFE roofing, requiring complex 3D modelling. Great attention has also been paid to the structural issues in designing the library building and dimensioning the ETFE roofing. This thesis wishes to be a multi-scale project with the aim of promoting a multi-disciplinary design methodology where the role of designers is not that of taking all the decisions, but rather to find the best compromise, by comparing the different specialist counsellings, getting across their ideas without prevailing on the others.
L’oggetto di studio di questa tesi è la progettazione di servizi di vicinato per la New Town di Bazzano, un quartiere residenziale costruito a L’Aquila all’interno del progetto C.A.S.E. a seguito del disastroso sisma del 6 aprile 2009. La volontà di considerare questo caso di studio nasce da una istanza molto concreta. I cittadini Aquilani sfollati abitano queste nuove residenze antisismiche ed energeticamente efficienti, ma ora sono in una nuova e diversa condizione di disagio. Il quartiere non fornisce quei servizi e quelle occasioni di incontro tra le persone che lo rendono un luogo vivibile fuori dalle mura domestiche. Pertanto il progetto inizia da un ambito sociologico e urbanistico al fine di inquadrare il problema e definire una possibile soluzione seguendo un processo . Da questo studio si è deciso di dotare il quartiere di due poli principali: uno civico e religioso, l’altro commerciale e collettore di molti servizi tra cui una piccola biblioteca. Su quest’ultimo si è concentrata la nostra attenzione per i successivi approfondimenti in ambito architettonico, tecnologico e strutturale. Abbiamo battezzato il progetto di questo polo vitale con il nome di F.O.R.O. in memoria della nota piazza romana che era il luogo del commercio e dell’incontro. Successivamente giocando con le parole abbiamo coniato l’acronimo Focus On Reviving Order, un leitmotiv che incarna lo scopo del progetto di concentrare l’attenzione sul rilanciare e rivitalizzare il quartiere. I successivi approfondimenti riguardano lo studio di soluzioni tecnologiche innovative. Al fine di contenere i consumi dell’edificio, partendo da un’analisi dei dati climatici, è stato calcolato il bilancio energetico necessario al progetto di un involucro ad alte prestazioni. L’involucro è stato progettato in materiali ecologici ed ecocompatibili tenendo conto dell’energia grigia e del ciclo di vita dei materiali. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata al progetto di una copertura trasparente in ETFE (etenefluoroetilene) che ha richiesto una complessa modellazione 3d. Ampia attenzione è stata dedicata anche agli aspetti strutturali per la progettazione dell’edificio della biblioteca e il dimensionamento della copertura in ETFE. Questa tesi vuole essere un progetto totalizzante con lo scopo di promuovere la progettazione quale tecnica multidisciplinare in cui il progettista non è chi decide per tutti, ma è colui che, confrontando i pareri di vari specialisti, trova il giusto compromesso, facendo valere le proprie idee senza prevaricare sulle altrui.
Bazzano hold on. Realizzazione di servizi di quartiere a Bazzano nell'ambito del progetto C.A.S.E.
The object of study of this thesis is the design of the neighbourhood facilities for the New Town of Bazzano, a residential estate built in L'Aquila as part of the C.A.S.E. Project which followed the devastating earthquake on April 6, 2009. Our will to consider this case study was originated by a substantial need. The evacuated citizens of L'Aquila that live in these new anti-seismic, energy efficient housing live a new discomfort. The neighbourhood does not offer those facilities and meeting places that would make it liveable outside domestic walls. For this reason the project starts considering the sociological and urban dimension, to situate the problem and define a possible solution by following an analytical process. This study has lead to the decision of providing the neighbourhood with two urban poles, one civic and religious, the other commercial, collecting numerous services, including a small library. On the latter pole, the thesis has gone into deeper architectural, technological and structural detail. We named the project concerning this vital nucleus F.O.R.O., referring to the well known Roman square which served as a market and meeting place. The acronym stands for “Focus On Reviving Order”, which was the leitmotiv of the project in focusing on the regeneration and revival of the neighbourhood. We subsequently went in deep with the study of the innovative technological solutions. Starting from the analysis of local climate data, the building energy balance has been calculated to design a highly efficient building envelope to limit energy consumption. The envelope was designed with ecological and environmentally compatible materials, taking into account the embodied energy and the life cycle of the materials used. Particular attention has been paid to the design of a transparent ETFE roofing, requiring complex 3D modelling. Great attention has also been paid to the structural issues in designing the library building and dimensioning the ETFE roofing. This thesis wishes to be a multi-scale project with the aim of promoting a multi-disciplinary design methodology where the role of designers is not that of taking all the decisions, but rather to find the best compromise, by comparing the different specialist counsellings, getting across their ideas without prevailing on the others.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
solo utenti autorizzati dal 27/03/2013
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