Technological progress is increasingly seen as one of the most important driver of dynamic development of the global economic system. Starting from this evidence, a large economic literature has focused on their contribution to economy of a particular type of venture, the New Technology Based Firm (NTBF). NTBF are start-up, operating in high-tech sectors through the marketing of the results of their R&D activities. Several authors has underlined the importance of NTBF as primary engine of occupational growth e as principle vehicle for radical technology innovation. These firms, due to their early age and the R&D activities they need, can suffer from financial and competence constraints. These constraints, if not properly filled up, can not to allow them to pursue growth strategies and even threaten their survival. It is therefore of prime importance the raising of external resources by which filling these gaps that might otherwise inhibit economic growth. The high trouble for external investors to understand the actual quality of the company, however, means that the NTBFs will be more difficult to attract outside capital, than in other businesses. Particularly problematic is the access to debt financing because of the lack of tangible resources as collateral and high asset specificity. So, the easiest way to expand the endowment of resources and skills, is to open the capital to new investors. The aim of this work is to evaluate what is the impact on firm performance of a new investor after its entrance into the capital of the company. It has been identified three types of investors (i.e. insiders, outsiders, venture capitalists) and their impact on performance is evaluated taking into account two opposing factors. On the one hand the positive effect of providing new resources in line with the Resource Based View (RBV), the other negative do to horizontal agency costs that a new investor produces. It also explored the control mechanisms to inhibit the horizontal agency costs, focusing in particular on the moderator role of debt and ownership concentration. The econometric analyzes were performed on a sample of 273 Italian NTBFs extracted from the dataset RITA, whereby two successive skimmings. In the first instance it has been eliminated observations for which weren’t available balance sheet data. It has been then eliminated all observations for which weren’t available information on the current members and transfers of shares each year on the register of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (TELEMACO). The results of empirical tests show a positive impact on the performance of the venture capitalist and a non significant impact of the enlargement of insiders team. As for outsiders, empirical test shows a negative impact on performance, which becomes positive when the firm is higly levered or concentrated confirming the moderator role of bank debt and concentration of ownership structure.
Il progresso tecnologico è sempre più considerato come una delle forze fondamentali, in grado di alimentare le dinamiche di sviluppo del sistema economico globale. Partendo da questa evidenza, un’ampia letteratura economica si è focalizzata sull’apporto dato all’economia da una particolare tipologia di imprese, le New Technology Based Firm (NTBF). Le NTBF sono start-up, operanti in settori high-tech, il cui business consiste nella commercializzazione dei risultati del progresso tecnologico. Molteplici autori hanno evidenziato l’importanza delle NTBF come motore primario della crescita occupazionale e veicolo principale attraverso cui le innovazioni tecnologiche radicali irrompono sul mercato. Queste, però, sono imprese che, per via della giovane età e dell’importante attività di R&S di cui necessitano, si trovano a dover fronteggiare importanti vincoli finanziari e di competenze. Questi vincoli, se non opportunamente colmati, possono pregiudicarne la crescita e in alcuni casi anche la sopravvivenza. Diventa quindi di primaria importanza la raccolta di risorse esterne per mezzo delle quali colmare tali gap che, altrimenti, potrebbero inibire a cascata la crescita economica. L’elevata difficoltà per i finanziatori esterni nel comprendere l’effettiva qualità dell’impresa, però, fa sì che nelle NTBF risulti più problematico attrarre capitali esterni, rispetto che nelle altre imprese. In particolare risulta problematico l’accesso al capitale di debito per via della scarsa dotazione di risorse tangibili da utilizzare come collaterale e dell’elevata specificità degli asset. Il modo più semplice per allargare la dotazione di risorse e competenze, quindi, è quello di ampliare l’azionariato, aprendo il capitale sociale a nuovi investitori. In questo lavoro di tesi si intende valutare qual è l’impatto sulle performance d’impresa di un nuovo socio a fronte del suo ingresso nel capitale sociale dell’impresa. Vengono identificate tre tipologie di investitori (i.e. insider, outsider, venture capitalist) e il relativo impatto sulle performance viene valutato tenendo conto di due fattori contrastanti. Da un lato l’effetto positivo legato all’apporto di nuove risorse in linea con quanto detto dalla Resource Based View (RBV), dall’altro quello negativo dato dai costi di agenzia orizzontali che l’ingresso di un investitore esterno produce. Vengono inoltre esplorati i meccanismi di controllo in grado di inibire i costi di agenzia orizzontali focalizzandosi in particolare modo sul ruolo moderatore del debito e della concentrazione proprietaria. Le analisi econometriche sono state effettuate su un campione di 273 NTBF italiane estratto dal dataset RITA, per mezzo di due scremature successive. In prima istanza sono state eliminate tutte le osservazioni per le quali su RITA non si disponevano di dati di bilancio. Successivamente sono state eliminate tutte le osservazioni per le quali non erano disponibili informazioni sui soci attuali e sui trasferimenti di quote anno per anno sul registro della Camera di Commercio (TELEMACO). I risultati delle verifiche empiriche evidenziano un impatto positivo sulle performance del venture capitalist e un impatto non significativo dei soci operativi. Per quanto riguarda invece gli outsider, emerge un impatto negativo sulle performance che diventa positivo a fronte dell’effetto moderatore dei costi di agenzia prodotto dal capitale di debito e dalla concentrazione della struttura proprietaria.
Impatto della struttura proprietaria sulle performance di una giovane impresa high tech : rilevanza dei costi di agenzia orizzontali
Technological progress is increasingly seen as one of the most important driver of dynamic development of the global economic system. Starting from this evidence, a large economic literature has focused on their contribution to economy of a particular type of venture, the New Technology Based Firm (NTBF). NTBF are start-up, operating in high-tech sectors through the marketing of the results of their R&D activities. Several authors has underlined the importance of NTBF as primary engine of occupational growth e as principle vehicle for radical technology innovation. These firms, due to their early age and the R&D activities they need, can suffer from financial and competence constraints. These constraints, if not properly filled up, can not to allow them to pursue growth strategies and even threaten their survival. It is therefore of prime importance the raising of external resources by which filling these gaps that might otherwise inhibit economic growth. The high trouble for external investors to understand the actual quality of the company, however, means that the NTBFs will be more difficult to attract outside capital, than in other businesses. Particularly problematic is the access to debt financing because of the lack of tangible resources as collateral and high asset specificity. So, the easiest way to expand the endowment of resources and skills, is to open the capital to new investors. The aim of this work is to evaluate what is the impact on firm performance of a new investor after its entrance into the capital of the company. It has been identified three types of investors (i.e. insiders, outsiders, venture capitalists) and their impact on performance is evaluated taking into account two opposing factors. On the one hand the positive effect of providing new resources in line with the Resource Based View (RBV), the other negative do to horizontal agency costs that a new investor produces. It also explored the control mechanisms to inhibit the horizontal agency costs, focusing in particular on the moderator role of debt and ownership concentration. The econometric analyzes were performed on a sample of 273 Italian NTBFs extracted from the dataset RITA, whereby two successive skimmings. In the first instance it has been eliminated observations for which weren’t available balance sheet data. It has been then eliminated all observations for which weren’t available information on the current members and transfers of shares each year on the register of the Italian Chamber of Commerce (TELEMACO). The results of empirical tests show a positive impact on the performance of the venture capitalist and a non significant impact of the enlargement of insiders team. As for outsiders, empirical test shows a negative impact on performance, which becomes positive when the firm is higly levered or concentrated confirming the moderator role of bank debt and concentration of ownership structure.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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