More than any other material, concrete is connected to manual work and human activity and there’s no other material whose role is so well defined by collective imaginary. However, many of the beliefs about concrete can be ascribed to lack of knowledge and are not really linked to its features. Concrete production is preferred in the current economic context as it is one of the possible production models with low cost investments. Despite this, regardless of a history of relevant concrete design products, we are dealing with a material that is strictly bonded to the world of constructions and this is also the footprint that is given by almost every single book and manual. Moved by the wish of filling this gap, through a critic investigation about innovations and less known technologies (different ways to lighten concrete, different processes that make concrete translucent, photocatalysis used for his practical and aesthetic behaviour, advantages of fabric formworks and others), the thesis wants to verify which are the leeways and the pro- cesses that allow a product designer to treat profitably concrete in 2012. Finally, three projects are proposed in order to point out benefits and disadvantages of techniques and moulds strictly dedicated to the world of small scale products and therefore just marginally treated by traditional manuals.
Il calcestruzzo è legato, più di ogni altro materiale, all’attività umana e nessun altro materiale ha un ruolo così ben definito nell’immaginario collettivo. Tuttavia, molte delle convinzioni riguardanti il calcestruzzo che sono andate consolidan- dosi nel tempo sono frutto di scarsa conoscenza più che realmente imposte dalle caratteristiche del materiale. In un contesto economico come quello attuale si ricercano modelli produttivi a basso investimento e quello del calcestruzzo è uno di questi. Ciononostante, a dispetto una storia di prodotti anche rilevanti in ambito di design del prodotto, si tratta ancora di un materiale fortemente legato al mondo della costruzione ed è questa l’impronta che viene data a quasi la totalità dei libri di testo che trattano l’argomento. Mossa dalla volontà di colmare questa lacuna, la tesi, attraverso una panoramica critica che indaga su innovazioni e tecnologie meno note (diverse metodologie di alleggerimento, processi per l’ottenimento di calcestruzzo traslucido a confronto, sistemi di sfruttamento della fotocatalisi per fini pratici ed estetici, vantaggi degli stampi in tessuto-non-tessuto ed altri), vuole verificare quali siano i margini d’azione e le modalità di processo che possano permettere nel 2012 ad un designer di prodotto di trattare in maniera vantaggiosa questo materiale. Verranno infine proposti tre piccoli progetti in cui saranno impiegati tecniche e stampi strettamente legati alla produzione su piccola scala e quindi solo marginalmente trattati da manuali tecnici tradizionali, indicandone parametri tecnici, vantaggi e difetti.
Progettare con il calcestruzzo : innovazioni, potenzialità e limiti dei materiali cementizi applicati al prodotto su piccola scala
More than any other material, concrete is connected to manual work and human activity and there’s no other material whose role is so well defined by collective imaginary. However, many of the beliefs about concrete can be ascribed to lack of knowledge and are not really linked to its features. Concrete production is preferred in the current economic context as it is one of the possible production models with low cost investments. Despite this, regardless of a history of relevant concrete design products, we are dealing with a material that is strictly bonded to the world of constructions and this is also the footprint that is given by almost every single book and manual. Moved by the wish of filling this gap, through a critic investigation about innovations and less known technologies (different ways to lighten concrete, different processes that make concrete translucent, photocatalysis used for his practical and aesthetic behaviour, advantages of fabric formworks and others), the thesis wants to verify which are the leeways and the pro- cesses that allow a product designer to treat profitably concrete in 2012. Finally, three projects are proposed in order to point out benefits and disadvantages of techniques and moulds strictly dedicated to the world of small scale products and therefore just marginally treated by traditional manuals.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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