Subject: Shelter, training and employment placement for Congolese women in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. The thesis originated from the participation to an international cooperation program called Build Our Nation, in which participated four universities from different European countries. The common goal was to design a multipurpose center for Congolese women in the town of Bukavu. The first phase of the research provides an overview on the context in which the project will be placed. The project began with an historical, political, economical and cultural analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo, focusing then on the city of Bukavu. Afterwards, it is proposed a synthesis that describes the existent condition of women and the twofold role they play in society: as a weak element (often victims of violence and subjugation) and as cornerstones of every household. Finally, the local construction reality was observed, especially underlining the dichotomy between traditional and modern buildings. The design guidelines followed in the project were bioclimatic design and sustainability. Bioclimatic represented a fundamental tool due to the peculiarities of the site, poverty and development conditions that doesn’t allow the use of technological solutions that would ensure adequate room comfort. After studying the design criteria adopted by countries in hot humid climates, the project began to materialize. The choice of bamboo as the main building material is related to the perspective of environmental sustainability. After the analysis of its properties, the decision to used it in both structural and technological system was taken. The latter, in particular, has been studied in such a way as to involve the women in the process of realization of the different constructive elements. At the end, we tackled the subject of technological services. The design process still has an inductive approach: the study of already tested solutions has led to the formulation of a series of proposals to ensure the satisfaction of needs such as drinkable water, sanitation, electricity , among others.
Oggetto: Centro di accoglienza e formazione per le donne a Bukavu, nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo. Il lavoro di tesi nasce dalla partecipazione al programma di collaborazione internazionale Build Our Nation, a cui hanno preso parte quattro università europee con l’obiettivo comune di progettare nelle immediate vicinanze di Bukavu un centro polifunzionale dedicato alle sue donne. Una prima fase di ricerca vuole offrire un quadro generale sul contesto in cui il progetto andrà ad inserirsi. Partendo dall’analisi degli aspetti storico-politici, economici e culturali della DRC, è stata poi focalizzata l’attenzione sulla città di Bukavu. Si propone quindi una sintesi della condizione delle sue donne e del duplice ruolo che esse rivestono all’interno della società: da un lato elemento debole, soggiogate e vittime di violenze, dall’altro caposaldo di ogni nucleo familiare. In ultima analisi si osserva la realtà costruttiva locale, sottolineando la dicotomia esistente tra le costruzioni tradizionali e quelle moderne. I criteri guida della progettazione sono stati quelli della bioclimatica e della sostenibilità. La bioclimatica ha rappresentato uno strumento fondamentale viste la particolarità del sito d’intervento, la povertà e le condizioni di sviluppo che non permettono di accedere a quelle soluzioni impiantistiche che garantirebbero il comfort adeguato negli ambienti. Dopo aver approfondito lo studio sui criteri progettuali adottati nei paesi dai climi caldo umidi si è passati alla loro concretizzazione nel progetto. Nell’ottica della sostenibilità ambientale si colloca invece la scelta del bambù come principale materiale da costruzione. Dall’analisi delle proprietà si è passati al suo utilizzo nel sistema strutturale e in quello tecnologico. Quest’ultimo, in particolare, è stato studiato in modo da poter coinvolgere le stesse donne nel processo di realizzazione degli elementi costruttivi. Infine è stato affrontato il tema dei servizi. L’iter progettuale ha avuto ancora un approccio di tipo induttivo: dallo studio di soluzioni compravate si è giunti alla formulazione di una serie di proposte atte a garantire il soddisfacimento dei bisogni degli utenti.
Centro di accoglienza e formazione per le donne congolesi a Bukavu. La progettazione bioclimatica e l’utilizzo del bambù come materiale da costruzione
Subject: Shelter, training and employment placement for Congolese women in Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo. The thesis originated from the participation to an international cooperation program called Build Our Nation, in which participated four universities from different European countries. The common goal was to design a multipurpose center for Congolese women in the town of Bukavu. The first phase of the research provides an overview on the context in which the project will be placed. The project began with an historical, political, economical and cultural analysis of the Democratic Republic of Congo, focusing then on the city of Bukavu. Afterwards, it is proposed a synthesis that describes the existent condition of women and the twofold role they play in society: as a weak element (often victims of violence and subjugation) and as cornerstones of every household. Finally, the local construction reality was observed, especially underlining the dichotomy between traditional and modern buildings. The design guidelines followed in the project were bioclimatic design and sustainability. Bioclimatic represented a fundamental tool due to the peculiarities of the site, poverty and development conditions that doesn’t allow the use of technological solutions that would ensure adequate room comfort. After studying the design criteria adopted by countries in hot humid climates, the project began to materialize. The choice of bamboo as the main building material is related to the perspective of environmental sustainability. After the analysis of its properties, the decision to used it in both structural and technological system was taken. The latter, in particular, has been studied in such a way as to involve the women in the process of realization of the different constructive elements. At the end, we tackled the subject of technological services. The design process still has an inductive approach: the study of already tested solutions has led to the formulation of a series of proposals to ensure the satisfaction of needs such as drinkable water, sanitation, electricity , among others.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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