The global financial crisis destabilized the financial services industry, especially the banking one. “Si entra in banca con due lire, si esce nudi” could be the acutal slogan to identify the general opinion about banks and the finance world. These themes of fidelity and loyalty are increasingly polarizing the attention of those who define strategies in the banking sector. The vibrant competitive environment and the generalized difficulties in maintaining relationships with “junior customers”, pushing banks to offer a solid image and range of products and services with the aim to gain and keep the trust of who relies on them. Differentiating on price and product innovation is becoming increasingly difficult, and firms face the complications of changing customer preferences. Furthemore, the unprecedented events during the crisis period triggered more stringent regulations, demanding for greater transparency, and a significant increment of trust. To actually improve the banking loyalty, the best thing to do is to work on customer satisfaction, the only thing that, without coercion, ensure a sort of continuity of the relationship. Delivering a positive customer experience is one of the few levers banks can use to stand out in today’s market because, more than any other factor, customers care about the quality of service they receive from their banks. That means: understanding customers is the first step, not only in improving their experiences, but in building an effective business plan and growth strategy; understanding customer channel preference for communication and interaction is an important element of delivering highly positive customer experiences. That is the frame in which my project, HANDS ON, is positioned. HANDS ON - your money for your life - is a product service system that reframe the banking experience of young adults. It’s a project tought for a range of banking clients between 16 and 32 years old, the young adults. The app is available for not-yet Deutsche Bank clients too, who can take advantages of some services and they can comfortably approach the bank, having the chance to know it better. Deutsche Bank wants to exploit this method to acquire new clients, seducing them with unique services, useful to fulfill target’s specific needs. The purpose of the project is to educate and support customers to gain a deep banking and financial knowledge, for them to be more competent, self-confident and indipendent. The HANDS ON application for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) has certain options that can guarantee a fluent learning process tailored for the client, depending on his/her personal level of knowledge about banking issues or finanacial topics, on his/her status, lifestyle, what he/she owns or likes, his/her hobbies. Another purpose of the project is to communicate that “money doesn’t serve to generate other money”, but they are one of our basilar tools we can use to fulfill our needs and for our dreams to come true. It is important to have objectives in our life, and money, if well managed, is that thing that may help us to achieve our goals. The idea of focusing more on young adults clients, even if they don’t have that much money or requirements, in this moment of their life, comes from the demographic research, whose results clearly say that population will get older and that banks will loose a big slice of their “best clients” target group (32-45 years). It is important, now, to invest on 22-24 years old clients, becuase they will be 40-42 in 2030: the early you create a fidelity bond, the more chances the bank has for this client to stay with the company, to create a good and strong relationship with the personal advisor, instilling trust and confidence in the banking industry.
La crisi finanziaria globale ha destabilizzato il settore dei servizi finanziari, in particolare quello bancario. “Si entra in banca con due lire, si esce nudi” potrebbe essere lo slogan attuale per identificare l’opinione generale sulle banche e il mondo della finanza. Queste tematiche di fedeltà e lealtà stanno sempre più polarizzando l’attenzione di coloro che definiscono le strategie nel settore bancario. Il vibrante ambiente competitivo e le difficoltà generalizzate nel mantenere rapporti con i “clienti giovani”, spingono le banche a offrire una solida immagine e una migliore gamma di prodotti e servizi, con l’obiettivo di conquistare e mantenere questa fiducia. Differenziarsi sui costi e puntare sull’innovazione dei prodotti è sempre più difficile. In più, gli eventi senza precedenti verificatesi durante questo periodo di crisi, hanno innescatato norme molto più severe, chiedendo una maggiore trasparenza e un incremento significativo di chiarezza da parte delle banche. Per migliorare effettivamente la “lealtà” nei confronti degli istituti bancari, la cosa migliore da fare è quella di lavorare sulla “soddisfazione del cliente”, l’unica cosa che, senza coercizione, garantisce una sorta di continuità del rapporto banca-cliente. Far vivere una customer experience positiva ai propri clienti è una delle poche leve che le banche possono utilizzare per distinguersi nel mercato di oggi, perché, più di ogni altro fattore, i clienti hanno a cuore la qualità del servizio che ricevono dalle loro banche. Ciò significa che la conoscenza dei propri clienti è il primo passo, non solo per migliorare le loro esperienze, ma nella costruzione di un efficace piano di business e un’efficace strategia di crescita. Questa è la cornice in cui è posizionato il mio progetto per Deutsche Bank, HANDS ON. HANDS ON - your moeny for your life - è un product service system utile a riformulare l’esperienza bancaria dei giovani adulti. E’ un progetto pensato per una vasta gamma di clienti del settore bancario tra i 16 ei 32 anni, i giovani adulti. L’applicazione è disponibile anche per chi ancora non è cliente di Deutsche Bank, il quale può usufruire dei vantaggi di alcuni servizi e può comodamente avvicinarsi alla banca, avendo la possibilità di conoscerla meglio. Deutsche Bank vuole sfruttare questo metodo per acquisire nuovi potenziali clienti, sedurli con servizi unici, utili per soddisfare le specifiche esigenze di questa clientela. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di educare e supportare i clienti al fine di acquisire una profonda conoscenza in ambito bancario e finanziario, affinchè possano essere più competenti, sicuri di sé nelle loro scelte e indipendenti. Tutte le opzioni dell’applicazione HANDS ON per mobile devices (smartphone e tablet) sono in grado di garantire un processo di apprendimento fluido e su misura del cliente, a seconda del suo livello di conoscenza personale riguardo tematiche bancarie o argomenti finanziari, del suo status, del suo stile di vita, dei suoi suoi hobby e le sue passioni. Un altro scopo del progetto è quello di comunicare che “il denaro non serve a generare altro denaro”, ma è solo uno dei tanti strumenti che possiamo utilizzare per soddisfare le nostre esigenze e affinchè i nostri sogni si avverino. E’ importante avere obiettivi nella nostra vita, e il denaro, se ben gestito ed amministrato, è quella cosa che ci può aiutare a raggiungere questi obiettivi. L’idea di concentrarsi maggiormente sui giovani, anche se non dispongono di molto denaro in questo momento della loro vita, viene dalla ricerca demografica, i cui risultati dicono chiaramente che la popolazione italiana sta invecchiando e che le banche perderanno una grande fetta della loro “migliori clienti” (32-45 anni). E’ importante, ora, investire su clienti tra i 22 e i 24 anni, perchè saranno 40enni-42enni nel 2030: prima si “fidelizza” un cliente, anche se non è facile, più probabilità ci sono che questo cliente rimanga “fedele” anche in futuro, quando avrà esigenze più importanti.
Hands on. Your money for your life. A product service system that reframe the banking experience of young adults
The global financial crisis destabilized the financial services industry, especially the banking one. “Si entra in banca con due lire, si esce nudi” could be the acutal slogan to identify the general opinion about banks and the finance world. These themes of fidelity and loyalty are increasingly polarizing the attention of those who define strategies in the banking sector. The vibrant competitive environment and the generalized difficulties in maintaining relationships with “junior customers”, pushing banks to offer a solid image and range of products and services with the aim to gain and keep the trust of who relies on them. Differentiating on price and product innovation is becoming increasingly difficult, and firms face the complications of changing customer preferences. Furthemore, the unprecedented events during the crisis period triggered more stringent regulations, demanding for greater transparency, and a significant increment of trust. To actually improve the banking loyalty, the best thing to do is to work on customer satisfaction, the only thing that, without coercion, ensure a sort of continuity of the relationship. Delivering a positive customer experience is one of the few levers banks can use to stand out in today’s market because, more than any other factor, customers care about the quality of service they receive from their banks. That means: understanding customers is the first step, not only in improving their experiences, but in building an effective business plan and growth strategy; understanding customer channel preference for communication and interaction is an important element of delivering highly positive customer experiences. That is the frame in which my project, HANDS ON, is positioned. HANDS ON - your money for your life - is a product service system that reframe the banking experience of young adults. It’s a project tought for a range of banking clients between 16 and 32 years old, the young adults. The app is available for not-yet Deutsche Bank clients too, who can take advantages of some services and they can comfortably approach the bank, having the chance to know it better. Deutsche Bank wants to exploit this method to acquire new clients, seducing them with unique services, useful to fulfill target’s specific needs. The purpose of the project is to educate and support customers to gain a deep banking and financial knowledge, for them to be more competent, self-confident and indipendent. The HANDS ON application for mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) has certain options that can guarantee a fluent learning process tailored for the client, depending on his/her personal level of knowledge about banking issues or finanacial topics, on his/her status, lifestyle, what he/she owns or likes, his/her hobbies. Another purpose of the project is to communicate that “money doesn’t serve to generate other money”, but they are one of our basilar tools we can use to fulfill our needs and for our dreams to come true. It is important to have objectives in our life, and money, if well managed, is that thing that may help us to achieve our goals. The idea of focusing more on young adults clients, even if they don’t have that much money or requirements, in this moment of their life, comes from the demographic research, whose results clearly say that population will get older and that banks will loose a big slice of their “best clients” target group (32-45 years). It is important, now, to invest on 22-24 years old clients, becuase they will be 40-42 in 2030: the early you create a fidelity bond, the more chances the bank has for this client to stay with the company, to create a good and strong relationship with the personal advisor, instilling trust and confidence in the banking industry.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
solo utenti autorizzati dal 04/12/2013
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